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I should add that I am twenty-four.

My favorite
cunt smell
is one that I perceive as clean but a little
– which means that
the lass should not have
washed soon before I lick her
and has been engaged in shopping, tennis, or any activity that makes it perspire. I love sniffing a cunt in the dog-bitch position, or failing that, kneeling between her thighs, sniffing and licking at the same time.

In my fantasies, I sometimes imagine what the smell of Liz Taylor, Loren, or Lollobrigida would be.


I am a prominent, successful, respected, middle-aged pillar of the community in a conservative town in middle America.

My wife and I have been married for thirty-five years, and we have grown children and grandchildren. We both came from a background which considered anything other than missionary style intercourse to be perverted, dirty or sinful. My wife still has that attitude, and she will have nothing to do with fellatio, cunnilingus, or any other variation. She even feels uncomfortable having her breasts touched. We dutifully have intercourse two or three times a week; and she enjoys her orgasms regularly.

Nancy Friday


My fantasies involve cunnilingus. I love women’s bodies, and I love to kiss them, fondle them, smell them, taste them, lick them and suck them. Over the years, I have had a number of discreet extramarital affairs, and I have always taken advantage of the situation to perform cunnilingus on the woman. I love the fragrance of a woman’s genitals, the softness of the vulva, the slightly sweet, salty taste of her vaginal secretions; and I get an enormous thrill from feeling her come while I am licking her. I also like to lick a woman’s anus. In fact, there is no part of a woman’s body which I wouldn’t gladly kiss and lick. My favorite fantasy is to have an affair with a woman who enjoys cunnilingus, and who would permit me to serve her in that way while she would come repeatedly until she is sated. Or, better still, to have two or three women who would permit me to go down on them in rota-tion, until they had all come as many times as they wanted to.

Afterward, I would like to lick clean their groins, thighs, the cleft between their buttocks, and their anuses. I adore women’s bodies and I think that all women are beautiful –

stout or thin, young or middle-aged, tall or short, light or dark, or any race. I would perform cunnilingus on any woman who enjoyed it. My only requirement is that she be clean and fresh, not perfumed. I enjoy a woman’s natural fragrance.


I’m almost fifty years old. The magazines of today weren’t published twenty or thirty years ago. I had a well-built body then. I was a wrestler. The girls would admire me, but only straight sex was considered. Everything else was a disgrace according to people of that age (except me). When I was at ringside and waiting to go in, often there was a girl wrestling match going on. Boy how I would imagine me being in there with the girls being naked. I would’ve loved to eat their pussies. Something I’ve always craved, but never had the pleasure Men In Love


of satisfying. If they would’ve had porno movies then, I would’ve starred in them free, just to get to eat pussy. I love it, and have a stiff erection on as I’m writing this.

I was married once to a beautiful girl. But she wasn’t the type to enjoy all the variety of sex, although now and then she would let me eat her, and boy did she have a sweet delicious tasting pussy. We spit up after twelve years of marriage. When I married her she was eighteen. I was thirty-five.

Since our breakup about two years ago, all I do is fantasize. I keep imagining I have a number of girls to eat ‘til I’ve had my fill. I also would like to eat one, while fucking another. I would also like to try anal sex with a willing girl. Since I’m from a small town, and shy, I guess my dreams’ll never come true. If only those girls out there would know how good I can eat pussy they’d be standing at my door now waiting their turn.

I also fantasize sucking my own cock, and often try it. But I just can’t reach it. Hope some day to lose enough weight to do so.

Getting back to wrestling, every time I was in a mixed tag team (and that wasn’t often) I always managed to tangle with the girl on the opposing team. My main idea was to try to get her to put a scissor lock on me (wrapping her legs around my head). Working myself free from this hold, I’d always turn my face so it was right in her crotch. I know some of the girls enjoyed it, but would never say a word about it. But I had an idea when they’d squeeze my head with their legs, they were liking it. Some girls resented this and refused to wrestle with me. Once I saw a chance and slipped my tongue inside the rim of one girl’s wrestling trunks. I touched her pubic hair with my tongue (My, I wish I’d had a longer tongue!). She rolled me once on the mat, and stopped momentarily. I was afraid the spectators would notice so I pulled out, naturally hoping nobody would notice the erection I had.

Nancy Friday



My favorite fantasy these days is of eating cunt. I do it as often as I can and really love it. The first time I ever ate a pussy was when I was in college in the summer of 1947. I had always been afraid to do it before then as I thought that cunts smelled bad. I didn’t know if they did or not, I just thought they did. Then one night, I was trying to fuck my new girl friend out on a bridge over a creek at the edge of the college athletic field; but I was too big for her (not that I am that well endowed – only about seven inches long and two and three-quarters in diameter when erect). Anyhow, I couldn’t get it into her so I just naturally turned around and started licking her cunt and she reciprocated immediately taking my stiff cock into her mouth with no trouble at all. We sixty-nined until we both came and after that we used to do it regularly. I was quite pleasantly surprised to find that she smelled good down there. Since then, I have sucked off every woman I have fucked and there have been quite a few who would not fuck because of fear of pregnancy but would let me suck their cunts. I just adore it. I fantasize licking the clit, very lightly and gently (unless the woman asks for greater pressure) as many women are too sensitive there to stand hard licking, and work my way down her lips and across the perineum to her asshole and back again. There are many variations, of course; but this is a basic pattern. I just cannot be happy unless I can bring complete pleasure to the women too. I can’t understand these guys who just grab a woman, climb on, fuck her, come quickly, and climb off without any thought of whether it is good for her or not. They don’t know what they are missing.


I am twenty-six and single. I dream of sucking off an entire women’s sports team. For instance, the Immaculata Col-Men In Love


lege basketball (former national champions) team. To begin with, I go down on the women who are sitting on the bench during a game. The spectators go wild because this is spur-ring the first team on to greater and greater efforts because they know their turn will come next. Naturally, they win handily and set all kinds of scoring records.

Better yet, I’d like to suck off an entire women’s rowing team. They all seem to have such luscious thighs (and everything else). Winners would be first in line and I hope it would be the “eights.” I can’t bear women who use feminine hygiene sprays and a sweaty, well-worked-out crew of women would guarantee me the essence of their femininity.

My tamer dreams are of sucking off a woman’s bridge club, a bridal shower, or a Tupperware party. I’d love to watch their shocked expressions turn to envy and interest as they see how I am turning on the first, most adventurous and eager of their friends.


I am a twenty-four-year-old male, single, with a B.A. in psychology. Women tell me that I look a lot like Robert Redford. I am heavier built, inclined to overweight if I do not regularly exercise. I was an honor student in high school and am considered athletic by my friends, although not outstand-ingly talented.

Many female fantasies seemed to hinge on large penises and lesbianism and most of mine do, too. People tell me that I am as strong as a bull. Unfortunately, I am not endowed as such. Like the average man, I have had opportunities for sex frequently enough, but have only had intercourse with one girl, my love. I am very romantic, but also very defensive. I hate to disappoint girls who think that I am very handsome and very well built by letting them discover that I am not genitally exceptional. When I am hard as a rock, I am only six inches long and one and seven-eighths inches in diameter.

Nancy Friday


Consequently, I frequently fantasize that I am about nine inches long and two and a half inches wide, which I assume to be a nice size to be deeply intimate with a woman and not hurt her.

I have fantasized making love with hundreds of girls: those I see on TV, in college, in magazines, on the street. I am turned on by well-rounded bosoms and beautiful faces, but I am super turned on by cunts. I am not accustomed to vulgar-ity but I find “cunt” a good word to express the totality of pubic hair, vagina, and vulva. I think it nice that women have such clean organs for I am repelled by anal intercourse. I suppose that I am not sensual enough for some women. I am much more a lover than a stud. Of course I am well endowed in all my fantasies, my ego hoping I feel as good to females as they do to me.

I am very turned on by cunnilingus although my girl friend finds it dirty and impersonal. From a picture in
, I have fantasized a woman with her legs open and a scarlet rose representing the myriad petals of her labia and I lick them all as well as her stamen (clitoris) which doesn’t smell like a rose but tastes bitter like the sexual secretions of clean women but is nevertheless an overwhelming turn-on. Much of the excitement of females is their vaginal odor.

I find fantasies of two gentle women kissing each other an excruciating turn-on. I have also fantasized two women sitting so that their cunts touched and from the recesses of one came gliding out a very slick and appropriately large penis.

The penis was the color of a horse’s and stroked in and out of the recipient woman without the fucking woman making any pelvic motions. I read so often of women dissatisfied with men that lesbian fantasies more appropriately conjure visions of honestly ecstatic women.

High on a woman’s list of sadly learned anxieties is that her odor will put her lover off. She douses herself with vaginal sprays or simply pushes him away when his mouth moves Men In Love


downward from her breasts. She is afraid he will discover what she has always known: She is not clean. Sensing her anxiety, the man responds with an ambivalence of his own.

The woman’s inhibitions are confirmed. No amount of washing has ever gotten it clean enough for her. How can it be dainty enough for him?

Thus do we contrive our own unhappiness.

Women, myself included, listen with barely suspended suspicion as men like Fred (above) describe their “childlike adoration” of the vagina. Page after admiring page of praise for oral pleasures are quickly discounted, devalued by just a few words: “My only requirement,” says Russell (above), “is that she be clean.” How quickly my own back went up. Aha, that is what men really think!

But Russell never said women were dirty.
He merely asked that they be clean. Is that any different from what women ask of men? There is a world of difference between someone in a restaurant who wants his favorite dish appetizingly presented, and someone else who says the food smells bad, but since the cook’s feelings would be hurt if he didn’t eat it, couldn’t the smell and taste somehow be camouflaged?

If you find armpit odor unpleasant, that is because it is not a natural product. It is caused by bacteria. On the other hand, vaginal odor is innate to the body. Positive reaction to it has been genetically built into male biology by millions of years of evolution. Men often mention their dislike of “feminine hygiene” sprays; any woman who thinks the smell of syn-thetic strawberries is “nicer” than her own is tampering with one of the most profound triggers of male sexuality. Even taste is scientifically reckoned to be more smell than anything else. Taste buds merely differentiate four qualities: salt, sweet, sour, and bitter. The look of food enters into the psychology of taste. Odor alters its very physiology. The subtle over- and undertones that make us rhapsodize about this wine or that are added by the sense of smell.

While this is not the place to explore women’s conditioned ambivalence about their vaginas/pussies/cants, the fact is that Nancy Friday


most women give themselves little chance to discover that the scent of the heated female is the most powerful aphrodisiac in the animal kingdom.


I’m twenty-eight, black and an inmate in prison. I have always fantasized about being with two women, preferably white, who would make me eat their pussy until I suck them dry and they pass out from pleasure. I have never eaten any pussy, but I’ve always wanted to and I believe I could be very good at it. The fantasy goes like this: I’m lying down asleep, and I am suddenly awakened by a strong but very sexy odor. When my eyes open I see a thick bush of black hair with pink pouting lips protruding through it. I look up at the body very slowly and see a beautiful woman of about thirty-eight. That age because women seem to be so much more sexy then.

She then tells me, panting very softly, “Suck, lick it good.

I’m going to come all in your mouth. Lick me hard and slow.” As I lick, suck and bite, she grinds her pussy all over my face. Now she’s screaming, “Oh, please suck me harder and faster, it feels so sucking good.” She makes me suck her for hours, screaming, “Suck me dry!” She holds my head and pulls my hair deeper and deeper into her pussy. I suck, kiss, lick and bite her pussy, paying special attention to her clit.

When I think that I’m through she calls her eighteen-year-old daughter in and has me do the same to her. She lays on her back and grinds her pussy in my face furiously. What turns me on is that she’s rubbing it in my face with wild abandon, lust. I love the smell and taste of pussy. It’s not important that I come as long as I totally satisfy my partner. My dick is only seven inches long but very thick, about five and a half inches in diameter. Then they both proceed to lick and suck me as if I’m an ice cream cone that is beginning to melt.

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