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I had this first fantasy when I was nine years old. When going to sleep, I imagined myself standing between two beautiful women and being snugly embraced by their big breasts which extended out of their chests like soft, warm tentacles. This gave me an erection which felt good. End of fantasy. I had no idea what an erection was for and no knowledge of female anatomy below the waist.

My current favorite fantasy to jack off with has evolved from pornographic books I’ve read. Basically, two gorgeous, wealthy black women, mother and teen-age daughter, kidnap a pretty white woman and her virgin teen-age son and daughter. In the basement of a secluded manor house, the white people find themselves shackled to a wall. Black mother and daughter strip them and examine their bodies. Black mother chooses both white teenagers for sex and black daughter chooses white mother. I extend the fantasy in great detail as black mother, with a lush figure, introduces white blond Men In Love


daughter to sex beginning with her first orgasm during cunnilingus and ending with black mother strapping on dildo and fucking the white girl in her cute little ass. Black mother can’t eat enough of the white girl’s blond pussy. Black mother also loves to tangle her fingers in the girl’s blond hair and bring the white girl’s head to her nipples and pussy. The white girl’s resistance changes to enthusiastic partnership.

When black mother leaves the white girl, she goes to another room where she easily seduces the teen-age white boy.

She fucks him a lot. Sonny is put on top and black mother wraps her long legs around his back and squashes his face between her big breasts. When he comes, a fat, naked black maid enters and sucks on his prick until he has another erection. Then he is put on top of black mother for another fuck.

Black mother has him practice screwing the black maid in the ass.

Black daughter has been initiating the white mother into lesbian sex. She starts by tying the white mother down on her back and sitting on her face. After that it’s on to sixty-nine and later, fun-with-dildo-time. White mother continues to protest, but not much. (Boy, do I like lesbian sex!) The white family, now sexually liberated, is sent home. I see incest in their future.

When my wife and I make love, I fantasize as I approach orgasm that I am a big black guy screwing my wife. P.S. You know, it feels strange writing this down.




I had my first orgasm when I was twelve. I was playing with my cock and it kept feeling better and better until that indescribable explosion of passion which I shall never forget, though I’m well past fifty.

Those were the days when premarital fucking was frowned upon and anyway, I was too bashful to ask girls for a date, much less fuck them. But I often wondered what a girl’s sexual organs looked like and how it would feel to put my cock inside a girl. There were no picture magazines then so I could only fantasize. I was in my twenties before I finally got a good look at a girl’s bottom! I lived alone with my hand on my cock for years, not realizing how beautiful the world of sexual experience there was to enjoy outside of myself.

Since we lived on a farm I discovered a unique way of getting my sexual needs satisfied. I began to experiment with cows. First I tried it on the calves about a year old but they were a bit too tight and would not stand still. So I took to fucking older cows, some of which seemed to enjoy it as much as I did. I figured this is what it must be like to fuck a real girl and would fantasize I was doing just that. I did worry, however, that it might be possible for the cows to get babies instead of calves, for then my secret would be discovered.

In my mid-twenties I finally got up enough courage to date girls and eventually became married. Sex has been my greatest pleasure and still is. Every time I fuck my wife I can’t get over the thought that I am actually fucking a real woman and not a cow. I believe in monogamy and marital faithfulness but still find the naked body of a woman is the most beautiful sight on earth. Her genitals especially, surrounded by soft, Men In Love


silken or wiry hairs, and the lips parted showing that little center of pleasure, never cease to amaze me. If only women knew how desirable they are!

The boy who, like Gerald (above), fucks a four-legged friend in the barnyard does not enrage us. In fact, most people to whom I’ve shown his letter say they find it touching.

When Kinsey reported in 1948 on the number of men who had had at least one sexual contact with an animal, nobody called him a pervert or even expressed great astonishment.

Boys will be boys.

But twenty-five years later, when I wrote in one of my books on female sexual fantasies that women often invented scenarios of sex with animals, there were cries of outrage and disgust. And these were only daydreams – though it is my opinion that women have more real sex with animals than can be statistically determined (for obvious reasons).

I feel that erotic reveries about animals are not quite so compelling to men as they are to women. The appeals of these fantasies to the feminine imagination – secrecy, safety, the thrill of the forbidden, release at last from the need ever to combine sex with love – are simply less important to men.

In fact and fantasy, men have a wider variety of alternatives.

When a man does imagine himself having sex with an animal, it is often to experiment with anal feelings and sensations most women will not – or could not – provide. However, in the end, men usually agree the effort isn’t worth it. “I have considered the thought of a man being fucked by a dog, anally – maybe even myself,” says Rick (below), “though something would be obviously lacking.”
It is when the animal is partnered with a woman that these fantasies reach
their fiercest peaks of pleasure.

The usual explanation is that this kind of man gets off on notions of degrading women. Sometimes this is true: In North Africa and the Middle East, for instance, as in other feudally male-dominated cultures, the softest erotic joys are often Nancy Friday


reserved for homosexual love, while pain, torture, and abasement – including sex with animals – are brought into experiences with women. Perhaps we don’t have to go so far from home to find men who get an erotic thrill in women’s humiliation,
but I have not heard from one single man who invented animal pleasures to express cruelty to women.

Nor is it any different in women’s fantasies. Quite the contrary: When a woman invents an animal fantasy her thrill is not in abasement, but in her power and authority; for once, she is in complete control. How, when, where – everything that has to do with yes or no – is completely her choice. The men in this chapter would have it no other way. Their excitement is not that the woman is hurt, but that she is so happily sated. Here is a woman totally outside their experience, so eager for sex she will take it any way she can.

In real life, sex brings with it emotional responsibilities.

Animal fantasies are a vacation from all that. To a woman, they represent the ultimate break from the rule that she may only have sex in a “meaningful relationship.” To the man, the woman-with-an-animal is the dream: someone who wants a nonpersonal, nonintimate, nonentangling fuck. If she is reduced to “the animal level,” well – what’s wrong with that? It is the level on which an important part of himself has always operated (and about which he is secretly proud anyway).

It was the first woman in his life who made him feel ashamed of this aspect of himself, an idea that has been reinforced by every woman he has met since. The woman who seduces her dog declares she is the same as he – wild and out of control, no thought of guilt or delicacy. Just sex, pure sex, animal sex – and let love, tenderness, commitment, and all the other rules come back tomorrow.

In the most primitive dreams of both sexes, we are all seduced by ideas of being stripped down, relieved of the burdens of civilization, operating on an unthinking, biological level at last. Society and our parents made us good girls and boys; these fantasies are a trip away from all that. They get Men In Love


behind the facade and let us enjoy a few safe moments as the uninhibited animals we all were at the beginning of life.


I have always envied dogs and their tremendous, long-lasting climax. I’ve never owned a male dog that I didn’t jack off, or one that didn’t love me for doing it for him. Sometimes just watching a dog’s prick jerk and squirt for fifteen or twenty minutes or longer is enough to turn me on; and other times, all that doggie come puddling up on the floor seems an awful waste; and in my fantasy, it is all going down my throat or up my anus.

Dogs, I have found, are just as orally excitable with a male as with a female. Good old “Rover” gets just as horny licking on my cock as he does licking on my wife’s pussy. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have the same effect on me as it does on my wife (and a lot of other females, apparently). No matter how good it feels when he licks my cock, it is just not the same as having it engulfed inside a mouth, and doesn’t even bring it close to a climax. So when he gets hot and starts hunching, it is time for my hands to go to work – one on him and one on me.

The dog we have now has a big prick, and masturbating him is kind of tricky. As I gently rub my highly excited prick and keep it just on the verge of coming, my fantasy takes over and I am on my hands and knees and that big prick is hung up in my asshole and squirting all that wonderful come up inside me. Or it is in my mouth and I am swallowing all of it, or it is in my wife’s pussy and his come is running out down her legs, or it is in her mouth and she is swallowing it while I eat her pussy, and on and on.

I feel impelled to include here the reason why I doubt if I ever actually will try the dog cock in the ass bit. My friend from the six-year-old “doctor” days actually got this done a few years ago, with quite disastrous results. With careful Nancy Friday


planning, he got his big bird dog in the house when he was absolutely sure his wife was gone for the afternoon. After undressing, he let the dog lick his cock until he was seriously showing interest, then got on his hands and knees and presented the dog with his rear end. The dog thought this was a fine idea and entered into the game wholeheartedly, licking his ass with much gusto, and then mounting him, proceeded to hunch away. With a little guidance, he got his cock right into the anus and forthwith shoved it all the way in, big knob and all, and energetically fucked him. My friend said it was very exciting and fulfilling, all that he had thought it might be; and all went as expected for a while. The dog stepped over his ass, turned around, and settled down for a long come; my friend was almost coming with the excitement of the whole act. Here he was, locked in the bedroom, actually fulfilling a wild fantasy in complete privacy, when he heard the front door open and his wife call his name. Rather than try to explain to his wife what he was doing in the bedroom with the dog, that he couldn’t let her in, for as long as it would take that dog to finish coming, he did the only thing he could do. When he told me about it a week later, his anus was still sore. Of course, in my fantasy, the dog and I both come until we are soft, soft, soft; and his cock slips out of my come-wet anus quite easily; and I can spend hours secretly enjoying his come soothingly oozing as my anus relaxes.


I am fifty-five years old (dirty old man category!), a college graduate, and retired military officer. For the past nine years, I have been teaching eighth graders in a public school.

I am three years into my second marriage, the first having broken up following infidelity on my part which I wasn’t mature enough to keep quiet about. I have three sons by that marriage, all grown and married. Both my marriages I consider as highly satisfactory in matters sexual. I was raised in a Men In Love


relatively sheltered New England atmosphere and in the Episcopal church.

Now as to my sexual fantasies. To start with, I have masturbated since age eight or nine; and I will continue to do so as long as I’m healthy. In my younger years I did it many times while viewing pictures of naked women; and occasionally, I do now, although with my years of experience, I have the capability of forming all the most sensual and erotic pictures I need totally in my mind. More often now, I will use the printed word if external stimulation is needed. Hence, I am never at a loss for fantasy, and it is always present during masturbation and often during actual intercourse. In the latter case, I never tell my wife about it; they usually involve some other woman I’ve had in the past who was particularly good in bed. So, if you haven’t gathered it by now, fantasy plays an almost indispensable part in what I consider my very active sex life.

In recent years, there has been an area in matters sexual that I seem to have gotten hung up on; and I’m not sure why.

That is the area of bestiality. The concept of the body of a human being sexually connected to the body of an animal, I find most intriguing. I think about as many aspects of the phenomenon as possible; but most often, it comes down to the human female welcoming – if not requiring – sexual penetration by a male animal. The idea of horses, donkeys, and bulls is most exotic, of course, due to their great dimensions. However, these matings don’t appear as very practical for regular occurrence: Ultimately, my fantasies boil down to a woman being fucked by a dog, preferably a pet that she has access to on a daily basis, and preferably of the larger species such as the German shepherd or Great Dane. Further, it is a requirement that she take his “all” with his first mighty thrust; and as his “knot” swells to full size inside her, her relatively small vaginal sphincter muscles hold him fast (in other words, they are “hung up”) until he is spent, which in most dogs is from twenty to thirty minutes. The knot at the base of the canine penis will grow up to five inches in diame-Nancy Friday


ter (a fact) in these larger species; and further, the dog does not come like a man but will maintain his erection for up to thirty minutes, pumping his semen all the while.

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