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Hence, we have our lady on her hands and knees, for he has taken her typically dog fashion, writhing in a steady stream of orgasms as her sex is inextricably connected and meshed with his, which may be an interminable length of time by human standards. To date, I have only read about such a phenomenon but feel intrigued with the idea of actually witnessing it sometime.

Further, I have considered the thought of a man being fucked by a dog, anally – maybe even myself, though something would be obviously lacking here. As to why I am intrigued with the idea of an animal sexually possessing a human female, I cannot answer.


This fantasy has been with me for about four or five years; and when I do masturbate, this is always what I use. It goes as follows:

Our children are gone for the evening, and my wife and I are home alone. We get into some very heavy fucking and my wife becomes insatiable. She screws me into an exhausted mass of limp meat, and still wants more cock. She brings in our German shepherd and plays with his cock until he’s as horny as she is. She then proceeds to fuck the German shepherd in every position possible, and loves every minute of it.

In real life, I would give almost anything if this fantasy could be acted out. My wife doesn’t want to, so we have done nothing about it as yet. However, I have not given up on it happening; and I do bring the subject up occasionally. The dog fantasy really turns me on, although I don’t understand why. A couple of facts go along with this fantasy and may very well have a bearing on it. As a boy, on the farm, I had sex on a regular basis with our sows and cows. My wife has Men In Love


confessed that her virginity was lost to a family pet, a large collie dog. I believe that my fantasy began about the same time that she told me about the collie. Neither she, nor I, feel any shame or guilt over our animal contacts as children.


Read a book on sex long ago. It stated that man’s desire was for the deepest possible penetration. As for the woman, her desire is to admit the penis into the very center of her being; and her many attempts to do this bring into play the most exquisite parts of her sexual anatomy. Finally, this brings her to the supreme quiver. I have but to think of some of these passages and I get a hard-on.

Sometimes while I was fucking my first wife, and my cock was in to the hilt, she would say that my cock touched that spot that drove her to ecstasy. She later told me that my cock was not long enough to reach that very sensitive place every time. She even told me that she wondered what a really huge penis would feel like. And if it could reach that spot every time. So size does make a difference at least in some women.

This fantasy of mine is based on a “stag” movie: Scene opens: A young, dark-haired girl is seated on a couch. She is nude except for white, six-inch heels. Her legs are crossed. A large male boxer appears. She pats him for a moment. Then she opens her legs, and the dog sniffs her cunt.

Soon the dog is lapping her cunt. She opens her legs wider and moves her ass to the edge of the sofa. When he tries to mount her leg, she pushes him down; and the dog makes eager, prancing movements as though he can’t wait to fuck her.

The girl pats her cunt, and the boxer licks her cunt again.

Then she stands up. All the while, the boxer is licking the girl frantically. Next she drops to her hands and knees. The dog approaches her rear end and sniffs and starts to lick her again.

Then he tries to mount her, but she teases him by rapidly moving her ass. The dog starts to lick her again which she Nancy Friday


seems to enjoy as she remains motionless. Now he mounts her with more determination and succeeds in grasping her about the waist with his front legs. He starts to make thrusting movements and the tip of his red’ cock can be seen searching for her cunt hole. The girl rotates her hips slightly, and the red tip enters her cunt.

Now he goes to work in earnest as more and more of his cock comes out of the sheath. The camera moves in close, a large red bulge appears at the base of his penis; he is thrusting madly now, at last the bulge goes into her cunt. The camera moves back and NOW appears the most erotic scene that I have ever witnessed in my life. The dog’s feet have left the floor. Clinging to the girl’s waist, he thrusts wildly. Faster and faster he drives his cock deeper into the girl’s cunt. It continues until suddenly all movement stops except for spasms as the dog comes. He then collapses to the floor, panting rapidly. The camera now moves in for a close-up of the girl’s cunt. It moves in so close, her cunt can be seen twitching. Then a thin stream of clear dog “come” pours from her cunt to the floor. She remains on her hands and knees for a few more minutes as she enjoys her orgasm. Next, she gets to her feet, approaches the dog, and lifts him by the front legs so the audience can see his huge penis still dripping....


I have never written anyone on a subject like this before but was so pleased to see so many of your female readers honestly expressing pleasure in expanding their sexual enjoyment, that I’m glad to see you explore the little-known subject of men’s fantasies, and want to contribute my own experience to the search.

Since my wife and I have raised our children and seen them happily married, it has been our custom to take half of our vacation together and the other half separately. She usually goes visiting or shopping with friends or relatives, and I Men In Love


go deer hunting in the north woods. I usually do my hunting from a blind made of balsam boughs and I rarely see another hunter except when I come out of the blind at night to head for camp and pick up my companions on the trail back to camp.

In the blind I am truly alone for hours at a time except for the wild creatures of the forest and I have lots of time to think back and relive past experiences. It is a lonely but restful experience and after a few days of fresh pine-scented air and mild exercise, I find myself missing my mate and getting more and more horny! As I think back, I remember one occasion that I shall never forget. The following is what actually happened to me!

I was a boy of about eleven or twelve, living on a big farm, and as boys do at that restless age, I roamed the fields and the woods far and wide. On a very hot summer day, my faithful companion, a big male collie dog, and I came to a deep pool in a creek that flowed through the valley. We were hot and tired and it was far from other people and farm houses, so I didn’t hesitate to strip to the buff and jump in with the dog joyously joining me. The running water was so cold that I soon became chilled and crawled out on a grassy bank with my dog, Ted, right behind me. I came up on the bank on my hands and knees and before I could even dry myself on my shirt (or in the sun), Ted mounted me like I was a female. I tried to move out from under him but he weighed almost as much as I and was now covering my whole back and gripping me with his forepaws – meanwhile pumping his stiffening weapon closer and closer. Suddenly after several sharp jabs that made me yelp, he found my rectum with his juicy prick and rammed it in full length. It hurt fiercely – yet it felt good! Suddenly he gripped my sides so hard with his forepaws, he drew blood and began spurting into my virgin passage. It was like an electric shock and triggered a new and unfamiliar reaction in me. My boyish penis suddenly began to swell like Ted’s, which was still in me, and I too had an “electric shock” in my own weapon. I began Nancy Friday


to spurt like a pulsating lawn sprinkler for the first time ever, and must have shot semen at least three feet from me for what seemed like two or three of the most glorious moments of my life to date. It was like the Fourth of July. Finally after several minutes in which I began to wonder if he would ever be able to get his gigantic, swollen prick out of me (and didn’t care much at that moment), we collapsed together on the grassy bank, and actually dozed off a while before another swim and the long walk home.

All of this came to me later in my deer hunting blind in northern Michigan, and I got so horny that I began to wonder how it would feel to be a female and get such a royal fucking.

In my fantasy, I got to thinking of myself as a young widow who had lost her husband within the past few months and had as my only relief and comfort a young and virile German shepherd dog. I now set down her thoughts as in my imagination I was reliving her experience:

“I live in a small house on the edge of a little southern town in a sparsely settled suburb. My friends have insisted that I get myself a dog for both company and protection.

Since I am only thirty years old, and don’t want to remain a widow the rest of my life, I decided it would probably be a good idea if I could find the right kind of canine companion in the meantime. So about a month ago, I found a beautiful light-colored German shepherd about one and a half years old, owned by some people who were moving to Atlanta and couldn’t take him with them. They sold him to me and I was delighted to find him gentle, clean and housebroken. In fact, he is cleaner than some people I know, and loves to have me bathe him – especially when I slide his beautiful tool out of its sheath and splash warm water on it! He sleeps in my bedroom at night and has his own shaded yard to run in during the days, but is fenced in (fortunately for me, I found out later!).

“One morning I had just finished my shower and had come into my bedroom to towel off, when I heard the local fire truck pull up across the street at the Browns’. I ran to the Men In Love


window and, not wanting to stand in the window before all those men naked as a jaybird, I dropped down to my hands and knees and was looking out to see where the fire was when I found out! Suddenly Duke padded up behind me and began licking my cunt with his long rough and wet tongue.

No one had touched me there since my husband died five months ago, and it felt so good my nipples stiffened till they stood out like spikes! My pussy began to contract and expand and I began trembling all over!

“But I knew I shouldn’t let him do this so I wheeled around from the window to get up. As I did so, Duke mounted me doggie fashion, holding me down with his ninety pounds of weight, covering my whole back and gripping me around the middle like a drowning man. I tried to get up but my legs felt like rubber, so I tried to crawl over to the bed to lie down. As I moved, Duke began jabbing me with his dripping prick all along the inside of my thighs – and occasionally hitting the lips of my cunt – meanwhile, he was sliding further up my back and holding me so tight he was scratching my stiffening tits with his claws. But somehow now, I didn’t care! I wanted to feel more of that beautiful weapon! So I dropped down to my elbows and spread my knees just a bit – and BINGO!! He hit the slit and rammed his hot rod all the way in-deeper than anything had ever been before – it must have been buried in me at least eight inches!

Suddenly he gave a little extra jump and I felt a bigger bulge like a knot go inside my cunt lips and then we were locked together and he began to cream! I came so many times that I fainted and collapsed on the floor.

“When I came to, we had separated and Duke was lying quietly licking a long, but very red – and much smaller – tool.

I knew I had had the best screwing any woman had ever had, and I made up my mind right then never to let Duke out of my sight again. I didn’t want him to wear himself out fucking any neighbor bitch who might come around looking for servicing!”

Nancy Friday


I’m afraid the balsam screen in front of my deer blind got a liberal dosage of rich cream from the furious flogging I gave my throbbing member that afternoon. The next morning when I went back to the same blind, my screen of boughs was rudely trampled down and there were deer tracks all around the stump upon which I had sat. Do you suppose a suffering doe in heat might have come by in high hopes, and ended up frustrated?

I am saddened by an image of men all across America measuring, measuring, measuring, measuring. Even as I read King’s words (above), my heart aches that his wife tells him his cock is “not long enough to reach that very sensitive place every time.” Hasn’t it occurred to either of them that it may not be his lack of inches but her inner controls that keep him from driving her to “ecstasy?” Never mind. The fact remains that men worry about their size, and that the large male dog in King’s fantasy alleviated this anxiety by standing in for him – as any best friend would.

Men and women choreograph their animal fantasies to a different rhythm. For men, it is an engineer’s approach, the mechanics of the job. Comparisons are made. There is much talk of the “knob” or “knot” that is part of the dog’s erection.

The length of the climax is timed, and the quarts of come all but weighed and measured.

A woman would be brought down by such graphic accounts. While the dog’s size is exciting, the merest glimpse of the red tip leaving the hairy sheath closes her eyes to reality, and opens her up to the still greater thrill of the forbidden. For once in her life she need not worry, “What will he think of me tomorrow?”

In the end, we are left with the realization that men measure the animal’s genitals and performance so closely
they identify with him.
They do not see the animal as a sexual rival any more than spectators at a prizefight feel competition with their hero in the ring. “Go to it!” the audience screams at Men In Love


their favorite. When their man wins, they are as happy as if they had delivered the KO themselves. When it’s over, the fan leaves the ringside feeling, not less a man, but more.

When in fantasy Dale’s wife (above) has screwed him

“into an exhausted mass of limp meat, and still wants more cock,” who appears on the scene as an ally? The pet German shepherd. Does Dale feel humiliated, competitive? No. This is his favorite fantasy. He gets to watch the dog fuck his wife, finishing the job for him. The fantasy does not spring from his wife’s insatiable appetite so much as his own: he hungers to be more virile than any man can ever be (but he suspects all other men are). The family pet, tonight at least, puts this male fear to rest.

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