Forged in Stone (4 page)

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Authors: Alyssa Rose Ivy

Tags: #The Forged Chronicles, #Book 1

BOOK: Forged in Stone
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espite the hard
time I gave Henry, I had no problem paying Charlotte a visit. Even if it were not my job to protect her, I would have still spent time with her. She was the truest friend I had, and I trusted her more than anyone else alive. I headed toward the castle. It was located deep in the city, closest to the mountain that served as a secondary fortress to the already strong wall.

I detoured through the open air market. Despite the delicious food options in Charleston, none compared to the food of Energo, especially the fruit. The fruits of Energo were matched by none. I picked up a jade fruit for later, overpaying the vendor. I had a soft spot for people who made a living off the land. Jade fruits were by far my favorite. Shaped like a coconut, the fleshy insides of the fruit were both sweet and tart.

The guard at the castle entrance let me in with a nod, and I continued through the familiar halls of my childhood home. How times had changed.

I took a quick peek in the banquet room. Charlotte and Liam used it far more than my father ever did. The shy teenage girl Charlotte once was had slowly become the leader everyone needed her to be. Too bad we all had not grown into our roles that well.

“That didn’t take long.” Charlotte’s low voice had me turning.

“I would not want to leave the Essence waiting, now would I?”

“When have you ever concerned yourself with leaving someone waiting?” Her blue eyes twinkled with amusement.

I shrugged. “There is a first time for everything.”

“How are you?” She straightened the long skirt of her blue dress. It had not taken long for her to grow used to the traditional clothes of Energo.

“I am well, and yourself?” I rested a hand on the cold stone wall.

“I assume Henry told you I needed to see you?” She played with the ends of her long brown hair.

“Yes, is there something you need my services for?”

She smacked my arm. “Cut it out.”

“What? I am one of your Guardians after all.”

“I have news to share.” She grinned.


“News.” She blushed.

“Wait, that kind of news?” There was only one thing that would make a girl smile that wide and also blush.

“Yes.” She grinned. “We’re due this summer.”

“We? Liam is pregnant too?” I teased. Charlotte was like a sister to me. The teasing came naturally.

“You know exactly what I mean.” She pouted.


“Aren’t you going to hug me?”

“Hug you?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Yes. Share in the excitement?”

“When have I ever hugged you?”

“After I saved you.” She put a hand on her hip.

“Which was after I saved you.”

“Just hug me, idiot.”

I laughed. “Come here.” I pulled her into a hug. “I am happy for you both.”

“You’re going to be an honorary uncle.”

“No thanks.” No child needed me in that position. I would hardly qualify as a good role model.

“Why not?” She pulled back. “You’re like another brother to me.”

“Am I? What does that say about the kiss we shared?” I teased her about a silly kiss that happened ages ago.

“That was before you became like a brother to me.” She smiled.

“Your kid can call me what he wants.”

“It might not be a he. It could be a girl.”

I heard the sound of footsteps and knew who was coming. “True, it could be. If so, I hope she gets your looks and not her father’s.”

Liam strolled over. With his messy auburn hair and tall height, he was hard to miss. “Despite what you actually meant by that insulting comment, I agree. I hope all of our daughters look like Charlotte.”

I chuckled. “How many daughters are you planning to have?”

Charlotte pursed her lips. “None of your business. Just say congratulations again, and we can move on.”

I laughed. “Moving on…” I remembered Henry’s suggestion, and I remembered the girl. “Any chance I could take a little break?”

“A break?” Liam narrowed his eyes. “Looking to spend a few days at the beach or something?”

“Something like that.”

“What’s her name?” Charlotte’s eyes twinkled.

“Who says there is a girl involved?”

“James, it’s me you’re talking to. I know you. I’ve known you for nearly a decade.”

“You have, and how many women have I been involved with in that time?”

“And how many breaks have you asked for in that time?”

“I’m going to let you two duke this out. As far as I’m concerned, leave is approved.” Liam kissed Charlotte on the cheek before walking toward the front door. He knew when to stay out of things.

“Would it matter if it was about a girl?”


“Why?” I had not expected Charlotte to be difficult. She was the one complaining about how lonely I seemed.

“Because it means I have to say yes.”

I laughed. “Maybe there is a girl.”

“Maybe?” She leaned in.

“I met someone. I do not know her name though.”

“James!” Charlotte scowled. “That’s horrible.”

“Wait, I met someone as in met her, not slept with her.”

“Oh.” She calmed down. “That’s entirely different.”

“I actually need to talk to your parents about that.”

“My parents? They’re away.”

“No one told me that you guys have a house sitter now.”

“Why would you know that?” she asked suspiciously.

“I stopped by the house last night.”

“Why would you stop by the house?” She put a hand on her hip.

“Because I needed to rest.”

“And you terrified the poor girl? You already admitted you didn’t sleep with her.”

“I put her at ease by showing her pictures of us that were in your room.”

“You were in my room?” Her forehead furrowed.

“Why does it matter to you? You have not lived there in years, and yeah… I entered through the balcony. The problem is the girl is sleeping in your room.”

“What? James!”

“I had no clue she was there.”

“Fine.” She relented. “So if you guys talked, why don’t you know her name?”

“Because she kicked me out before that happened.”

“Why would she kick you out if you put her at ease?”

“I gave her a hard time about stuff… as a joke.”

“You’re impossible.”

“No I’m not. I was just being me.”

“And sometimes you shouldn’t be you.”


“Hey what? You’ve got some wonderful traits, but we all know you’ve also got some bad ones. Get rid of the bad ones.”

“I will not change who I am to make people happy.” That went against what I stood for.

“No one said to change who you are, just soften it.”

“Thanks, Char. Real nice.”

“You know I love you.”

“Yes, which is why I will withhold the response I want to make.”

“You will also withhold it because of who I am.”

“Oh yes, the all mighty Essence.” The Essence was more than just a queen. She also had powers tied to nature. She was not someone to mess with.

She laughed. “I never thought I’d get used to that title, but I have.”

“It fits you, which it should since you were born to be one.”

“And you were born to be a Guardian... which is why this leave had better be temporary. I already have the smallest Guard in the history of Essences. Besides your niece or nephew will need you.”

“Which means I cannot disappear into the sunset forever.”

“Not forever. I already thought I’d lost you forever once.” Her face fell.

“I only need a few days.”



“I think her name is Ainsley. Liam’s mom did the interview with her and everything.”

“Ainsley.” I like the name. It fit. “Different.”

“What are you going to do? You are absolutely forbidden from breaking into the house and scaring her again.”

“That is where I need some help from you.”


“I need permission to be there. Maybe you can talk to Liam’s mom for me? I can fix things in the house.”

“Fix things? You want to stay at the house as a handyman?” She narrowed her eyes.

“You make it sound like you doubt my abilities in that department.”

“Have you ever fixed something in your life?”

“I have not only fixed things, I have built them too.” Despite living in a castle, my father insisted I learn to work with my hands.

“I do have one job for you in the house.”

“What?” I needed a good excuse to be there.

“I grew up in that house.”

“Yes…. I’m aware.”

“Which means my baby stuff is there… including the bassinet my grandfather made.”

“You want me to find the bassinet?”

“Yes, and anything else you think I might want for the baby.” Her face glowed discussing the unborn child. “Plus you may actually have to fix the bassinet. Prove me wrong.”

“Not a problem.”

“When are you going to leave?”

“How soon can you get me in?”

“You know as well as I do that phones don’t work here, so someone will have to talk to Liam’s mom in person.”

“You in the mood for a day trip?”

“No, I’ll send you with a note.”

“A note? I feel important.”

“I’ll even use the official seal.”

“You just want an excuse to use it.” Charlotte enjoyed random parts of being the Essence, like the royal seal. She acted as though using it was the greatest honor ever. I could let her have her fun.

“That may be part of it.” She grinned. “Come by for dinner tonight. I’ll have it ready by then.”

“Anything I should do before then?”

“You mean besides packing?”

“Yes. Anything before I leave?”

“You aren’t supposed to be gone long. Only a few days.”

“Still, I will be neglecting my duties for a few days.”

“What do you even do when you’re here?” She turned her head to the side.

“I am going to leave before you say something you will regret.”

“Be nice. I am the one writing the letter for you.”

“Yes, you and your power trip.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be leaving?” She grinned.

“Yeah, yeah.” I turned and started toward the door.

“James?” she called.


“Be nice to the girl, will you?”

“Would you expect anything less of me?” It was a serious question.

“No. As I said before you have a lot of good traits. One of those is treating people with respect.”

“Can I quote you on that? Get that etched into my tombstone?”

“Since neither of us will be dying for some time, I wouldn’t worry about it. Maybe you’ll have an even better line by then.”

“You mean like ‘best Guardian of all time’?’”

“Can’t be better than my Gerard.” Charlotte was ridiculously in love with Liam. That was the way it was supposed to be. Their bond was of the supernatural, never broken kind. She once had that with her first Gerard too, but he sacrificed himself to save our existence.

“Keep the cheesiness to yourself and write that letter.”

“Don’t be bossy.”

I laughed. “See you for dinner.”


hat are you doing here
?” I gave my best angry glare at Grace. For some reason she’d read my refusal to return her calls as a reason to stop by. I wasn’t in the mood to talk to her, whether on the phone or in person.

“I’m sorry.” She stared down at her shoes. She was sitting on a bench out on the porch.

“For making a fool of me?”

“I didn’t do that!” She stood up. “I thought you’d like him, and he really liked you.”

“I walked out on him.”

“Some guys like the chase.”

“And they are the worst kind, because once they win they get tired of you and move on to a new chase.”

“Or they realize it was worth the effort and don’t leave.”

“I never realized being single at twenty-two necessitated such drastic measures.” Why was it as soon as a girl got into a relationship she wanted all of her friends to do the same thing?

“You need to have a little fun. What happened to you sucked, but you can’t spend your whole life alone because of it.”

“Fun would have been if my friend hadn’t ditched me for drinks.”

“I thought you’d enjoy Brad’s company more. He’s easier on the eyes.”

“Not my type.” I leaned back against the door.

“He’s over six foot and in impeccable shape, how can that not be your type?”

“There is something called personality. Ever heard of it?”

“You obviously haven’t. You left before you could even get to know him.”

“He showed me enough of his personality in the short time I saw him.” Between grabbing my arm and talking about enjoying the chase, I had seen enough.

“Ainsley. You have to stop.”

“Stop what?”

“Living in the past. Dale is a jerk. What he did was inexcusable, but that doesn’t mean all guys are like that.”

“I realize that. I’m just not interested in dating right now. I’m busy.”

“Stop lying to yourself.”

“I figured you were here to apologize, not argue with me more.”

“I’m here to do both. Besides, I brought you something.”

“What?” I wasn’t going to get rid of her, so I might as well get something out of the deal.

“I stopped by Tsunami.” She picked up a white plastic bag I’d neglected to see when I’d first walked outside.

“You’re bribing me with sushi?”

“Is that a bad thing?”

“Yes, but I’m hungry.”

“People say food is the key to a man’s heart, but I think it’s just as true for women.”

“It is for hungry women who haven’t been grocery shopping in weeks.”

“Why not?” There was a slight note of worry in her voice that made it hard to stay angry. As misguided as the blind date had been, at least she’d done it for the right reasons.

“Too busy. I only have an hour before I have to leave for job number two.”

“Why don’t you quit?”

“Because I need the money.” Grace’s parents were helping her out, as was her boyfriend.

“You live rent free.”

“Don’t get me started on that.” I straightened out.

“What? That bothers you now or something?” She slipped behind me and opened the door.

I followed her inside. “I just don’t need to hear it again.”

“Who said anything about it to you already?”

“No one.” I wasn’t going to tell her about James. She’d say exactly what Rachel did. I should have called the cops.

We walked into the kitchen, and I unpacked the sushi rolls Grace had brought. I had to give her credit for one thing; she knew what I liked.

We sat down at the long wood table. “So what was wrong with him?”

“With who?”

“Brad. Who else would I be talking about?” She opened her chopsticks.

“No one. I’d tried to trick myself into forgetting about him.”

She rolled her eyes. “He isn’t bad. You’re just overly sensitive and hung up on a guy who treated you like crap.”

“I’m not hung up on him. We’ve been over this way too many times.”

“Give Brad a chance.”

“Trust me, he isn’t interested.”

“He is.”

I shook my head. “He was. He isn’t now.” At least I wouldn’t stay interested in someone who stormed away from me like that.

“He begged for your number.”

“You didn’t give it to him, did you?”

She looked away.


“Sorry… I know you guys could work out.”

“I bet that’s the missed call I have.” I patted my pocket that housed my phone.

“Did he leave a message?” She leaned on one elbow.

“I assumed all twenty messages were from you.” I eyed my sushi longingly.


“Fine.” I pulled out my phone. The unknown number had left a message.

Hey, Ainsley, it’s me Brad. I’m thinking I caught you on a bad night. How about we try things again on our terms? Dinner Saturday night at Southend Brewery? Seven thirty? I’ll get us a reservation. If I don’t hear from you I’ll assume you’ll be there.

I threw down my phone. “I knew he was a jerk.”

“How does that make him a jerk?” Grace took a bite of her avocado roll.

I picked up my chopsticks. “Because of how he left it. I have to tell him if I’m not going. It should be the other way around.”

“He’s not a jerk, he’s eager to see you. He’s super interested. That’s a good thing.”

“He’s arrogant and assumes I’ll come just because he asked.”

“After what you pulled last night? Give the guy some credit. I’m impressed he’s still trying.” She turned the argument.

“He shouldn’t be.”

“But he is.” She leaned toward me. “That’s the part to focus on.”

“The way you’re pushing this guy I’d think you were invested.”

“I’m not.”

“How do you know him anyway? Why are you suddenly introducing us now?” I’d have thought she’d have tried the tactic earlier.

She flushed.


“He’s my cousin.”

“Uh… what?”

“Technically second cousin. He’s new in town and I knew you guys would hit it off, but you’d never give it a chance if you knew he was related to me.”

She was right. I’d have run the other way. Dating a friend’s family could get messy. “This gets better and better.”

“Remember the sushi. I brought you sushi.”

“Food doesn’t make up for this.”

“Please, just one date.” She gave me puppy dog eyes.

“I’m sure Brad can get his own dates.” Despite my distaste, I was positive he had no problem attracting women.

“Uh huh.” She held up her finger. “You admit he’s attractive.”

“I never said he wasn’t physically attractive, just that he wasn’t my type.”

“One date? Just a tiny one?” She held her fingers an inch apart from each other.

“What’s a tiny date?”

“A short one. Like coffee. Why not do that? Agree to coffee.”

“Is your family paying you for this or something?”

“No!” She tossed her chopsticks. “But you need to get over what happened with Dale, and Brad needs to meet someone who sees him for more than his looks. He always dates shallow girls and ends up hurt.”

“This is insane.”

“No, it’s fate. Think about it, if you got married we’d be family.”

“Ugh, did you have to use the ‘m’ word?”

“The ‘m’ word? You can’t even say the word marriage?”

“Not now.” Maybe not ever.

“Fine, I retract the previous statement. Give him a chance. Text him and tell him to cancel the reservation and meet you for coffee instead.”

“And you promise you’ll get off my back after that? One coffee date and I’m off the hook?”

“Yes.” She nodded. “That’s all I’m asking.”

“Fine.” I picked up my phone and texted him.
Forget Dinner. Coffee tomorrow?

He texted back right away.
It’s a date ;)

“He winked at me.” I showed Grace. “He’s a winker.”

“And winking is bad?”

“Winking by text.”

“You need help.”

“Yes, help from my meddling friends.”

“When you two hit it off tomorrow night you’ll be thanking me.”

“We’ll see about that.”

My phone buzzed with a text.
Any chance we can move that coffee to tonight?

“Ugh. Make it stop!”

“What? He’s excited.”

“He’s acting like a girl.”

She laughed. “You didn’t just say that.”

“A guy is supposed to hold back and act cool about things.”

“But you guys are playing chase. He knows you’re going to refuse and then threaten to cancel completely, so he’ll say tomorrow night is fine.”

“I’m not playing into his games. If he wants to play chase, he’s not getting it.” I texted back.
Sure. I get off at nine.

At Yogurt Love?

“You told him where I work?” I glared at Grace.

“He asked what you did.”

Yes. See you then.

“You played right into his cards.”

“You told me he wanted the chase. I ended the chase.”

“He wants you, chase or not.”

“At least I’ll get this coffee over with.”

She picked up the package from her dinner. “Don’t go into it like that. Try to enjoy yourself.”

“If he tries to get me to go home with him after coffee, you are both in trouble.”

“Why would I be in trouble?”

“Because you’re the one putting me up to this.”

“He’s not a jerk. He’d at least buy you dinner first.”

I ate the final piece of sushi before I tossed my garbage out. “You’re lucky we have a history.”

“Oh yeah? Our years of friendship buy me a get out of jail free card?”

“Something like that.” I rinsed off the chopsticks in the sink.

“I do think Brad could be good for you.”

“I’m glad you think so.”

“Are you?”

“Not really.”

She laughed.

A knock on the door had us both turning.

She looked at me. “Were you expecting anyone?”

“Nope. No one comes here but you.” I headed for the door.

“Oh, maybe it’s a package.” She grinned.

“If it’s from Brad, coffee is cancelled.”

She laughed. “He’s not that crazy.”

“If you say so.”

I pulled open the door and came face to face with James. My chest clenched and my stomach flip flopped. I’d been picturing his face since I first met him, but seeing him again in the flesh reminded me that I hadn’t been exaggerating his attractiveness.

He cleared his throat, and my eyes finally went to the woman next to him. Debbie. I struggled to compose myself. I was such a mix of excitement and nerves it was overwhelming. “Hello.”

“Hi, Ainsley.” She smiled. “I’ve received word from the Calloways that they’d like James to stay at the house temporarily. Technically your agreement allows for short term visits from family.”

“I didn’t know he was family.” I glared at James.

“He isn’t by blood, but we all know blood isn’t the only thing that defines family.” Debbie smiled again.

Grace looked between James and me.

“If it’s okay with you, I’ll pick a room on the second floor.” James walked in carrying a duffel bag.

“Wait. You’re moving in now?”

“Yes. That won’t be a problem, will it?” he asked innocently.

“I’m sorry to throw this on you, hun.” Debbie clasped her hands together in front of her. “They need James to do some work on the house.”

“Him?” I looked at James. He was strong, but he didn’t look like the ‘fix it’ type.

“Yes. There are some priceless family items Charlotte needs now that she’s expecting.” She beamed, and a thought hit me.

“Are you family of the Callaways too?”

“Yes.” She smiled. “My son is married to their daughter.”

“Oh, that explains your glow.”

“I’m going to be a grandma.”

“Congratulations, that’s wonderful.” I refused to burst the woman’s bubble. She seemed so lonely living alone next door. Hopefully her son and daughter-in-law would visit with the baby.

“Thank you, sweetie. As I always say, if you need me stop by.” She turned and walked out.

“Same goes for me. If you need me, just stop by.” James winked before heading up the stairs.

Grace turned to me. “You have some explaining to do.”

“It’s not what you think.”

“I understand your hesitation with Brad now. That guy, James, is it? Just wow.”

I heard male laugher. Evidently he was still in ear shot.

I glowered. “When I said I wished my life wasn’t boring I didn’t ask for this.”

Grace laughed. “I’m going to be coming over more.”

“Or maybe I should move in with you and Mac.”

“Trust me you don’t want to do that. We’d keep you up.”

“Ugh.” I scrunched up my face. Bad mental picture.

“Sorry, just saying thin walls.”

“Get out of here before I change my mind about that coffee date.” I gestured toward the door.

“Please try to give Brad a shot, although if you don’t because of the guy upstairs I get it.”

“Grace, out!”

“Pushy, pushy!” She grabbed her purse. “Call me afterward and tell me everything.”

“I don’t know if you’ll be able to handle it with your ultra-thin walls.”

She laughed. “Have fun.”

“With what?”

“I don’t know… looks like your evening will be fun in general.”

“Aside from the hours of work.” Hopefully the annoying couple wouldn’t be back.

“I bet Brad will show up early.”

“You make that sound like a good thing.”

“It is a good thing.” She walked to the door.

“I’ll call you.”

“Good.” She smiled. “I want all the details.”

I closed the door before she could say more. Who knew whether James was still listening?

“Hey, roomie!” The door had barely clicked closed when James came strolling back downstairs. “Nice to see you again.”

“Why are you really here?”

“What do you mean? I need to fix some things for the owners. Didn’t you hear Debbie?” He was wearing a shirt this time. That was a start. Too bad the collared shirt was fitted and accentuated his muscular chest. Focus, I reminded myself. Focus on the real issue.

“How long do you expect to be here?”

“A few days… maybe a week.”

“Oh, that’s not bad.”

“Not bad?” He shifted his weight. “You make it sound like you don’t want me here.”

“I made my feelings clear last night.”

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