Forged in Stone (8 page)

Read Forged in Stone Online

Authors: Alyssa Rose Ivy

Tags: #The Forged Chronicles, #Book 1

BOOK: Forged in Stone
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“That was the right answer.”


“You looked pensive, like you were trying to figure out if you said the wrong thing. A girl doesn’t mind if a guy says she looks cute in sweats.”

I smiled. “Good.”

I poured two generous glasses of wine and sat down next to her on the love seat. She seemed surprised that I chose that seat. I picked up an end of the quilt and covered myself with it.

“I thought it wasn’t cold?”

“It’s not.”

“Then why are you using the blanket?” She pulled the quilt up higher.

“Why do you think?” I smiled.

She turned away.

“Please don’t look away. I only asked a question. There is no need to be embarrassed.”

“It’s a habit.”

“Habits can be broken.”

“That takes time.”

“Then let’s start now. Why do you think I am sharing your quilt?”

“Why are you pushing me?”

“Because I would like us to be comfortable together. I can stop if you want.”

“It’s okay… I’m trying to figure you out. You did it because you want to be close to me.”

“Exactly. I want to be close to you.” I scooted closer. She felt exactly the same way I did. She felt that tension in the air, the undeniable attraction.

She sipped her wine.

“But it’s more than that.”

“You like me.”

“I do.” I smiled again. “The question is, do you feel the same way?”

“I am sitting here with you, aren’t I? Even though I’d normally be inside nice and warm.”

“Are you still cold?” I put an arm around her.

She tensed slightly before relaxing into my arm. That was how our connection felt. Tense yet comfortable—an electrical charge wrapped in something rich and warm.

“I’m not as cold as I thought I’d be.”

“A fire can go a long way.”

“It’s not just the fire, although that’s nice. Wonderful actually.”

“I love watching fire. It is such a powerful force. Dangerous yet necessary. It is beautiful in that way.”

“Fire as beauty. That’s kind of poetic.”

“Do you see the beauty in it?” I studied her face. There was so much to her that she tried to hide. She had built a wall up around herself, but I would find a way to tear it down.

She watched the flames. “I do. It dances. I like that part.”

“Do you dance?” I ran a finger over her hand.

She startled from my touch, but then relaxed. She did not pull her hand away. “Yes, for fun. I do it around the house a lot, but clearly I’ll stop that while you’re here.”

“Why? You think I would mind?”

“No, but I would.” She looked away.

I caught her chin and gently moved her face so she was looking at me again. “Why? Why would that embarrass you?”

“You know why.”

I released her chin. “In theory yes, but do you think I would judge you?”

“Maybe. I still barely know you.”

“I’m James Mendel. I’m twenty-six years old.”

“Twenty-six?” she looked at me seriously.

“Yes, is that old or young?”

“About right. I wasn’t sure.”

“How old are you?”


“That’s only four years younger.”

“Four years is a long time.”

“It gets shorter and shorter as time marches on.” And I would not look older any time soon. Not for at least a hundred years if all went well. Any woman I united with would not either. Not that I planned to unite. Uniting was forever, and there was no changing your mind.

“That is true as well.”

She sighed and snuggled into my side. I sipped my wine. I could not remember a time when I’d been more comfortable.

“This is nice.”

“It is.”

“Despite your annoying side, I don’t mind your company.”

“Should I take that as a compliment?” I continued my feather light touch on her hand.

“Yes. I don’t enjoy the company of many people.”

“In that we are also alike.”

“Anti-socials of the world unite.” She held up her half empty wine glass.

I picked mine up from where I’d left it beside me on the table and gently connected it with hers. It made a satisfying clang. “To a nice evening.”

“To a nice evening.” She sipped her wine, and I tightened my arm around her.


was far too comfortable
. James wasn’t someone I should have been comfortable with, but there I was snuggled up with him under a quilt listening to the water while I enjoyed a glass of wine. There were only a handful of guys I’d ever snuggled with in any capacity, and none were men I’d only met the day before. I guess it was better than having sex with a guy I hardly knew—although the thought of sex with James didn’t sound so bad either.

“Do you have any siblings?” I needed to know more about him, and that question seemed safe enough.

“Not that I am aware of.”

“Uh, is that supposed to be a joke?”

“Not really.”

“Any chance you can enlighten me?”

“My dad was not a great man.”

“Oh. Gotcha.” There had to be a story there.

“What about you? Any siblings?”

“Yes. A step-sister.”

“Older or younger?”

“Same age.”

“And how is that? Having a step-sister your age?”

“At first it was nice. She’s always been more outgoing than me and that helped in school.”

“So she was not the evil step-sister type?” He adjusted his arm around me.

“Not at first.”

“And once again you tease me with a story you do not want to share.”

“You haven’t told me much either. Like where are you from?”

“Not as far away as you would think.”

“Quit being so cryptic.” I was beginning to see that was a pattern with him.

“I would tell you more if I could.”

“Yes, because your town is secret? I don’t get it.” I shifted away. “This was fun and all, but I’m getting some sleep.”

“No.” He pulled me back against him. “I wish I could stop being evasive.”

“Then stop.”

He seemed pensive. “Are you generally an open minded person?”

“Generally yes, but not when it comes to some things.”


“I’m not into anything kinky if that’s what you’re getting at.” I refused to look away this time.

He laughed. “Uh, that is not what I am getting at, but good information to know. Now that you have sufficiently destroyed my fantasies…”

“Wait, you aren’t into that, are you?” I didn’t actually care. Well, I shouldn’t have.

He shook his head. “No. Intimacy is all about a single partner for me.”

My body warmed hearing him use the word intimacy. I was losing it.

“But sex aside, you are open minded?”

“Yes.” At least I tried to be.

“Do you want to see where I am from?”

“How far a drive is it? Is it a cult? If the answer is yes, will anyone try to pull me into the cult?”

“We cannot drive there. Not a cult.”

“What do you mean we can’t drive there? Like it’s an island you take a boat to?”



“I have to make preparations if you want to go, so think about it tonight and when you are at work tomorrow. Then let me know.”

“Why do I get the sense you want me to go?”

“Because I do. I know you would like it there, and it would definitely make things more interesting for me.” His lips twisted into a smile. “But I have to fix that cradle first…”

“Wait, is Charlotte there?” The Calloways tied into all of this. They had to.

“She is.”

“It’s strange. I don’t know the girl, but I feel like I do.”

“She is older than you. Did you know that?”

“I assumed she was grown up. I guess I shouldn’t call her a girl.”

“You will like her.” He smiled slightly.

“You said will, not would.”

“You are going to come. I can tell.”

“How can you tell?” I finished off my wine.

“Because I can.”

“That doesn’t work.” I reluctantly slipped out from under the quilt.

“It works.”

“I’m going to bed.” I stuffed my hands into the large front pocket of my hoodie. Without the warmth from the quilt and James, I was cold again.

“Sleep well.”

“Need help with anything?” I wasn’t sure how well he knew the house anymore.

“I am going to stay out here a little longer.”

“What room are you sleeping in?”

“Why? You want to invite me to join you in yours?” He grinned.

“That had better be a joke.”


“Because… and I have my answer for you.” I took a deep breath. Might as well get it out there.

“Your answer?”

“I can’t go visit wherever you’re from.” I needed to do my own research first.

“Sleep on it. I don’t want your answer yet.”

“I already made up my mind, but that’s fine.” I picked up my empty glass. “Sweet dreams.”

“They will be. I know who will be in them too.”

“Me?” I asked in an uncharacteristically confident way.


“Remember, no making it kinky.”

He laughed a sexy deep laugh. “You can dream about me in any way you want.”

“How generous.”

“I am very generous when I want to be.”

“And when you don’t want to be?”

“Then I am not.” He turned back to look at the fire.

I watched him for a minute as a shadow fell over his face. James was hiding something, probably way more than something, and I should have run for the hills. I should have taken Rachel up on her offer to let me sleep at her place, and I should have talked to the professor who set me up with the house sitting. Something wasn’t adding up, and I was dumb to ignore it.

I would research. I would figure out exactly who he was and where he was from. Maybe his secrets weren’t the bad kind. I had secrets too. Or maybe that was wishful thinking.

I forced myself to walk back inside.

I walked downstairs and filled a glass with water before walking up the two flights of stairs to my room. I peeked out at the large upstairs porch. James was still sitting by the fire. He looked so handsome sitting there that part of me wanted to join him again. I was drawn to him in a way I’d never been drawn to a guy before, and it both exhilarated and frightened me. I couldn’t give in to the attraction yet. Not until I knew more about him.

He must have sensed me watching, because he turned and smiled. I waved before walking back to my room. I checked the lock on the balcony door twice. I wasn’t afraid of James this time, but someone else. Someone else who wouldn’t turn out to be quite so charming.

I tried to put James out of my head as I got ready for bed, but it was impossible. I kept seeing his face. Somehow I knew I’d be seeing that same face all night in my dreams.


should have kept
my mouth shut. I could have given her the name of some random country or city, but Ainsley made me want to share everything. She made me want to share the truth. I wanted her to know me, and that meant knowing that we were from two completely different worlds.

I stayed outside staring at the fire for a while. I knew I could not take her home with me yet. She had to get to know me better, but at least I had planted the seed. Now I needed to find the old baby stuff for Charlotte before figuring out how I could bring Ainsley back with me for a visit without scaring her away forever.

I waited another thirty minutes before putting out the fire and returning inside. I was always so much more comfortable outside. Inside I felt constricted. Don’t get me wrong, there was nothing wrong with a comfortable bed, especially with the right company, but otherwise I would have preferred to have stayed out under the stars.

Charlotte wanted me to find her old bassinet and since it had been around twenty-five years since it had been used, I assumed it was up in the attic. I dug around in the junk drawer in the kitchen until I found the extra set of keys. I was not sure which one opened the attic, but I would figure it out.

I walked back up the two main flights of stairs. I was back on the third flood. Ainsley’s floor now. Her door was closed. I wondered if it was locked, but not because I was going to try to open it. It was more that I wondered exactly how much was separating me from her sleeping form. I was becoming obsessed. My thoughts always channeled to her. It was a feeling I had never felt before.

I quietly walked past her room toward the attic stairs. I walked up, getting the right key on the second try. I stepped into the attic, feeling around for the light switch before moving away from the door. I did not mind the dark in theory, but getting stuck in an old attic was not high on my to-do list.

The low light emulating from the overhead bare bulbs was minimal, but it was enough to explore the complete mess in front of me. It looked like they hadn’t cleaned the attic out in years, and my guess was they hadn’t.

I stepped around a broken table to get further into the large space. I assumed the bassinet and any other baby furniture would be buried pretty deep by this point, but the family had owned the house for years, so there had to have been a lot that was even older. I started with the middle of the room, tossing aside a pile of clothes to get a better look at the furniture beneath it.

“Looking for something?”

I turned at Ainsley’s words.

“Did I wake you?”

“You are walking right above where my bed is.” She was wearing pink and purple pajamas. They covered all of her, but they were fitted and hugged her body well.

“Good point. I guess I should have waited until morning.”

She crossed her arms. “I wasn’t sleeping anyway.”

“Why not?”

“Too much on my mind.”

“Thinking about my offer?”

“Thinking about quite a few things relating to you.”

“Oh yeah?” She had my full attention. Although she had that the second she walked into the room. “Like what?”

She carefully stepped over the table and around some boxes. She stopped right next to me. “I’m not answering that.”

“Is that your new tactic? Forget looking away, you just refuse to answer?”

“My other tactic didn’t work with you.”

“And you think this one will?” I raised an eyebrow.

“You can’t force me to talk.”

“I also cannot force you to look at me, but you did it. You do not like stepping down from a challenge.”

“My guess is that you don’t either.” She stepped toward me.

“Is there a challenge I am supposed to be facing?”

“Yes. Telling me who you are.”

“What happened to sleeping on things?”

“That was your idea, and admittedly I planned to do some research, but it’s late and we’re both up so why not cut to the chase? Kind of an ‘I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.’”

I grinned. “Now that is a game I would play with you.”

“I don’t mean my body, but nice that they have that expression wherever it is that you’re from. Jamesville or whatever.”

“Jamesville? Is that what you are calling it now?”

“You haven’t given me another name yet.”


“Bellgard? Never heard of it.”

“Does that surprise you?”

“No. But I thought I might get lucky.”

“I can help you get lucky.”

“Nope. No sex talk. I liked you better when you talked about intimacy with such reverence.”

“I can talk about intimacy all you want.”

“Talk about Bellgard.” Her gaze was unwavering.

“No. We are supposed to be taking turns here. I showed you mine.”

“You already know where I’m from.”

“But by suggesting we play this game, I assumed you had secrets of your own to share.” I tried to sound nonchalant, but I was desperate to know more about her. I wanted to know everything and anything.

“I do have secrets. Ok, want to know who Dale is?”

“Yes, I would.” I wanted to know who had made such a beautiful girl so upset that she became agitated at the mere mention of his name.

She cleared a box off an old sofa and sat down on the dusty cushion. I took the cue and sat next to her. “He’s the guy who dumped me for my step-sister.”

“For your step-sister?” I spat out.

“Do I have to repeat it?”

“And she agreed to this?”

“She agreed to it before he dumped me. And before you say it, yes I was that idiot girl.”

“Why would you be the idiot when you were the one who was hurt? They were the dumb ones. The both of them.” I touched her arm gently. I wanted to kill the guy and the sister. How could they do such a thing? Did family mean nothing to them? It was not as though family meant much to me, but I had never had a real family. My father had lost any ounce of humanity by the time I could talk.

“Because I didn’t see it. She was always the one who got the guys, but I thought Dale was different. I thought he was the one.”

She was really opening up to me, and it made me want to do the same. “I was the idiot who did not notice I was supporting someone evil.”

“Someone evil? What do you mean?’ She wiped a tear from her eye.

I would punish Dale eventually. “My father. His name is synonymous with evil where I come from. And I am his son. That should explain a lot.”

“But you aren’t evil.”

“How would you know?”

“Because you’re in the attic in the middle of the night trying to find something for a pregnant friend. That’s not being evil.”

“How do you know that is what I was doing? Maybe I had a nefarious plan you foiled by waking up.”

She put a hand on my arm. “I don’t know. I already admitted to getting the wool pulled over my eyes for six months, but—”

“Six months? They did that to you for six months before you found out?”

“Yeah. Like I said, I was an idiot.”

“Have you spoken to your sister since?”

“Once. I’ve avoided her which probably explains why I have no life. I refuse to hang out with any of our shared friends because they all knew. They all knew and kept the truth from me.”

“Except for that other friend? The one who introduced you to the dashing Brad?”

“Yeah, Grace. She’s not friends with my sister.”

“You deserve a better man.”

“I know.” She sighed.

“I want you to see Bellgard.”

“I thought I wasn’t supposed to make my decision tonight?” She threw my words back at me.

“It is morning now.” I didn’t have a watch on, but I knew it had to be at least after midnight.

“The sun isn’t up.”

“You don’t need the sun to call it morning.”

“We probably should get some sleep.”

“I need to find a bassinet in all this mess.”

“It’s probably in that back corner over there.” She pointed across the room.

“Why do you think so?”

“Because there’s a box labeled nursery next to it.”

“But a nursery is a garden.”

“It’s also a baby’s room.” She stood up. “How do you not know that?”

I stood and carefully made my way around boxes and furniture over to the corner where she had pointed. Ainsley followed.

She pointed triumphantly at a small cradle. “See.”

“Yes, this must be it.” I examined the small wooden crib. One leg was broken.

“I bet there’s other stuff she’d want from here.” Ainsley opened up the box marked nursery. “What is she having?”

“A baby?”

Ainsley sighed. “Is she having a boy or girl?”

“How would I know?”

“You’re useless.” She pulled out a frilly dress. “There’s tons of baby clothes in here. Boy and girl.”

“Oh, I will have to ask her if she wants that.”

“And some toys.” She held up a rattle.

“I will fix the cradle while you are at work tomorrow.”

“You mean I’m not getting a ride?”

“I don’t mind dropping you off.”

“As much as I love your car, I’ll drive myself.”

“Or you could borrow my car.”

“No way.”


“You’d lend me, a girl you barely know, your priceless car?”

“If I cannot trust you with my car, then I certainly cannot trust you enough to take you to Bellgard.”

“It’s that secretive of a place?” She carefully closed up the box.

“It is a fortressed city.”

“Fortressed? Come on.”

“You will see for yourself.”

“If I decide to come. Remember, I was leaning toward saying no.”

“You want to come.”

“You can’t possibly know that.”

“You came up here. You searched through baby clothes. You told me about your past. You want to come.”

“I still don’t know enough about you.”

“You know I am the son of evil. I live in a fortressed city far from here, and I enjoy a good Pinot and fast cars as much as you do. Is there anything else you need to know?”

She seemed pensive for a moment. “Do you have a girlfriend?”

“A girlfriend? No.”

“Then a wife, or anything else?”

“None of the above. And if it puts you at ease, it has been longer than I care to admit since I have been with a woman.”

“It doesn’t put me at ease. It means you’re desperate.”

“Desperate? If I were desperate I would have slept with the girl hanging all over me at that dive bar the other night.”

“You hang out at dive bars?”

“It is the atmosphere that attracts me. I like to blend in. I go there because no one knows me, and no one cares.”

“Sounds kind of sad.” She played with the hem of her pajama shirt.

“It is no sadder than you turning into a recluse because of what happened to you. They are the ones that should hide. Not you.” I took her chin in my hand. “You should never hide.”

Our eyes locked, and I didn’t think. I leaned in and brushed my lips against hers. She didn’t respond at first, but then she started to move her lips against mine. I sped up the kiss, and she put a hand on my shoulder, pulling me in. I pushed my way into her mouth, wrapping my arms around her waist as I eagerly explored her mouth. I was out of control, I could not think straight. All I was aware of was her sweet taste, and the way her fingers were tangled in my hair. I wanted to devour her, experience everything she had to offer, explore the places that no one had explored before. But I couldn’t. Not yet. I forced myself to break the kiss. I stepped back.

She watched me, breathless, and with wide eyes. “You kissed me.”

“You kissed me back.” I smiled. I was as affected as her, but she was not doing a very good job at hiding her reaction.

“I did. I kissed you back, and since we are all about being honest, I want to kiss you again.”

“You can.”


I laughed. “That eager?”

“You ended it too soon.”

“I ended it before I moved things too fast.”

“I thought you liked things fast.”

“Not this. Not with you.” I had to be careful with her.

“Not with me?”

“I need to show you Bellgard first… before I take things further.”


“Because I am trying to be a good man. I am trying to fight against the nature I was born with. I know that I am not going to be able to let you go once I have you, and you need to know who I really am, where I really come from before that happens.”

“I asked for another kiss, not a lifetime of commitment.” She grinned.

“But I want more than another kiss. I want to take you downstairs into bed and show you exactly what intimacy means to me, but as I said I will not be able to let you go after that. I know it. I finally understand.”

“Understand what?”

“Get some sleep. Go to work. We can talk about everything after that.” I could not share everything with her yet. I refused to scare her away, and I needed to figure things out myself first.

“But I don’t want to wait.”

“Trust me, neither do I, but we have to think things through. I cannot be reckless.”

“I want to be reckless.” She raked her teeth over her bottom lip.

I smiled. “Coming to Bellgard with me will be reckless enough. We might as well plan things out.” I picked up the crib. “Ready to go downstairs?”

“Are you going to go to sleep too?”

“I should probably get some sleep. It is going to be a busy day tomorrow.”

“Wait.” She froze. “Not busy because you expect me to go to your hometown tomorrow, right?”

“No. I don’t expect you to drop your life like that. Besides, I assume you want to get to know me better first.”

“But you won’t kiss me again until we go.”

“I will kiss you again… just not late at night right above your bedroom.”

“I like the no kissing rule actually.”

“Changed your mind so fast?” I started the walk back to the door.

“I need it. If I still want to go after a few days of no physical contact, then I’ll go.”

“No physical contact?”

“If we’re not kissing what else is there?”

“You really do need a lesson on what to expect from a man.” I held out my free hand to her. “And I plan to be the one to show you.”

“Oh yeah? You going to play teacher?” She accepted my hand.

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