Forget Me Not

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Authors: Sarah Daltry

Tags: #coming of age, #erotic romance, #love triangle, #contemporary romance, #bad boy, #na, #college romance, #new adult, #college dating, #college and love, #college age erotica romance, #college age erotica, #college age romance, #college romance with sex, #college relationships

BOOK: Forget Me Not
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Forget Me Not

By Sarah Daltry

Forget Me Not

By Sarah Daltry


Copyright 2013 Sarah

All rights


Cover Design by Sarah

Photo Copyright


No part of this book may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic
or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any
information storage and retrieval system without the written
permission of the author, except where permitted by law. The only
exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a


This book is a work of
fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are
products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any
resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales
is entirely coincidental. 


Visit Sarah online at 


Printed/Published in the
United States of America

SDE Press 





Also by Sarah Daltry



Bitter Fruits (rerelease
this fall)



The Quiver of a Kiss: The
Seduction of Helen of Troy

More than a Job



First Timers Volume

First Timers Volume

Smells Like Team Spirit
Volume 1


Standalone Short

Touch of Venus

Into the Woods


Library Services


Coming Soon

Immortal Star (Bitter
Fruits #2)



Being an indie writer can be tough,
because you often feel alone in the process. However, there is an
amazing group of writers out there who support one another and I am
thankful to them all for being inspirations and for being

Thank you to my beta readers for
reviewing and offering advice. It is very much appreciated and you
helped me make an idea a novella and then make a novella a

Thank you to Braxton Cole and Chasity
Breeze for always being supportive, for offering advice and
guidance, and for becoming my friends.

Thank you to my editor at P&L
Editing. Sometimes it’s nice to be told the worst so you can move
to get better.

Thank you to bloggers in general for
always being so dedicated and driven. Without you, many books would
never even find their audiences.

Thank you to Scarlett
Dawn, Brandy L Rivers, M. A. Grant, and Magen McMinimy for being
part of my
Bitter Fruits
promo team – and then sticking with me when I
went contemporary with this one!

Finally, thank you to readers. Those
of you who buy my books make it possible for me to keep writing
them and there are no words that can truly express just how
grateful I am. Every day, I wonder how I got this lucky.

To my husband, for loving
me when I was an angsty college kid myself.

Chapter 1


That’s a hell of a lot of
pink,” Derek says.

I look over at my new roommate’s side
of the room. He’s right. There are more shades of pink in her tiny
space than I knew existed. Even her bed has about ten different
hues of pink on it. I didn’t realize that a person could color
coordinate her laptop, pillows, lamp, alarm clock, and storage
crates, but she appears to have done all this and more.

I turn back to my side. The
college-provided bed is raised; underneath are plastic bins that
are all black. There is nothing in any of them, but I haven’t
unpacked much. There are no sheets yet, because my parents and
brother are on their way back with my last few boxes. It looks like
a room in a hospital rather than in a dorm. When my new roommate,
Kristen, shows up, she’s going to be disappointed.

Kristen and I communicated via
Facebook all summer, although most of our conversations were about
who was bringing what. I don’t know a ton about her except that she
is majoring in education, she bought the fridge, and she seems nice
enough. I admit that I was not prepared to live inside a bottle of
Pepto-Bismol, but the last thing I want to do is start college
fighting with my roommate. Besides, at least her side looks like a
person lives in it - as opposed to my jailhouse chic

It’s fine,” I say. “I’m
sure I’ll be too busy to notice.”

Derek’s about to respond when my
parents and brother, Jon, return with the rest of my stuff. I feel
like I brought too much, partially because there doesn’t seem to be
enough space for it all, and partially because I don’t feel like
unpacking it. Or bringing it home in nine months. After climbing
the four flights of stairs at least ten times, even my athletic
brother looks tired. The worst is that he still needs to finish
moving his stuff to his dorm – and he’s not even on the right
campus at the moment.

It’s getting late,” my
dad says. “Mom and I should be heading back. Do you think you can
finish without us?”

My father is all about efficiency. The
boxes are out of the car and in the room; therefore, it is time to
head back before it gets dark or they hit traffic. I look at the
boxes I haven’t unpacked; my parents aren’t going to be able to do
much anyway.

Go,” I say. “If I need
anything, I’ll call.”

Dad seems ready to leave, satisfied
with my answer and never one for emotional goodbyes, but Mom is
fighting back tears. She hugs me and I feel her shaking a

My little girl,” she
says. The guys in the room share a collective awkward glance and I
try to stop my mom before she gets out of hand. I’ve never even
been to summer camp, so this is a big step for my parents, although
I don’t remember her being this upset when my brother went away to
school last year. I suppose it’s because I’m the youngest. And a
girl. Girls seem to be able to get into far more trouble, as far as
parents are concerned. At least she can be comforted knowing I’m on
the Pill; she made sure of that as soon as I was old enough to know
what sex was. It didn’t matter that it took another few years
before I actually

It’s fine, Mom. I’m only
an hour away. And I’ll be home in a little over a month for
Columbus Day.”

If you need anything or
if you decide you want to come home-”

I know. I’ll call.” I hug
her again and my dad pushes her toward the door. “Thanks again. I
love you both. Call me when you get home, okay?” I know this will
appease my mother and it seems to be what she needs to allow my
father to point her into the hallway. They say one more goodbye and
then it is just Derek, me, and Jon.

Derek and Jon have been best friends
for years, since they were kids. Despite my crush on Derek that
started when I was in eighth grade, we’ve only been dating for ten
months. Luckily, Jon has had plenty of time to get used to the
idea. He’s been supportive, although I don’t suppose he had much of
a choice. It makes it easier that we can still be the same when
we’re together, even with the new relationship.

We should probably head
out fairly soon, too,” he says to Derek. “I have to go get some
stuff for the dorm, though, so I, uh…”

What the hell do you
still have to get?” I ask.

Um, you know, some stuff.
Like things. For the, uh, stuff.” He and Derek share a look. “Why
don’t I go get that stuff and those things and I guess it’ll be
like an hour. Yeah? An hour’s good?”

I admit that there’s still something
strange about sleeping with my brother’s best friend. When Derek
walked in on me masturbating during my 18th birthday weekend, we
ended up having quite the night. I still don’t know when Derek told
Jon and, although my brother must know we are intimate, it isn’t
really something we talk about openly. Clearly.

I look to Derek, thinking there are
plenty of things I can do with him in an hour. He smiles and nods
to Jon. I know he’s thinking the same thing that I am.

Yeah, that works. Text me
when you’re back on campus and I’ll meet you out front. So you
don’t have to park.”

Cool. Bye, Lily. See you
in a month,” Jon says.

He’s gone and Derek starts ripping the
boxes apart looking for my comforter. He doesn’t even say anything
before he tosses it on the bed and drags me onto him. It’s obvious
we both have the same intentions for our time together before my
brother returns. I get my shirt and bra off while he pulls my pants
to my ankles. We undress in a quick tangle of limbs and clothing
and he has me naked on my back within a minute of my brother
leaving. He slides his fingers inside of me and they get right to

Shit, Lily. I thought I
was going to die,” he says.

I know. Now shut up and
play with my pussy,” I tell him. He does what I tell him and I’m
wet immediately. His thumb teases my clit until it is throbbing and
I feel his hard cock pressing against my thigh. Derek covers my
mouth with his and his tongue slips between my lips. I am enjoying
the way he plays with me when the door opens.

Oh, um...” A girl’s voice
sounds in the room and Derek grabs the edges of my comforter,
wrapping us in the navy blue fabric. He does not remove his fingers
as we both look at my roommate. This is the first time I’ve met
Kristen in person.

Hi,” I say,

Kristen smiles. “Sorry,” she laughs.
“I would suggest you a) lock the door and b) hang something on the
handle. I have to go to the bookstore, so I will come back in a
little while. And I’ll knock.” She laughs again and leaves, locking
the door this time.

Wow, that was
embarrassing,” I say. Last year, it was Derek walking in on me and
now it’s my roommate walking in on us both. I don’t have much of a
track record. Although Derek walking in on me led to something very
similar to what we are doing now, and Kristen walking in on us led
to… well, something very similar to what we are doing now. Still, I
definitely need to learn to lock my door.

Derek doesn’t reply, but gets back to
work on my cunt. He moves down my legs and slides his tongue inside
of me.

Oh fuck,” I moan as his
tongue slips in and out of my pussy. I enjoy my first orgasm in my
college dorm room bed with Derek’s head between my legs. He doesn’t
let me relax after, though, and he is ready to move into position
to enter me as soon as I finish. I feel him push deep inside of me
and he pulls me up to meet him.

I love you, Lily,” he
says. I tighten around his hard cock when he says it. After four
years of thinking about Derek, I still can’t believe this is real.
His hands move into my hair and he brings my face close to his. I
feel so happy wrapped around him and I start to come again. “You
are perfect,” he whispers as my pussy contracts and I go weak in
his arms. I move back and forth with him, but eventually the
sensations are too much and I collapse back onto the bed. Derek
lifts my legs and pounds himself into me, his throbbing growing
stronger by the second. After I come yet again, he explodes and
then falls on top of me, our sweaty bodies still linked

I cling to him, feeling his back
muscles relaxing now that he has come. He kisses the top of my head
and gets off the bed. I admire his body as he stands naked in front
of me. Everything I imagined for years in high school is on full
view, and he’s far more than I ever dreamed he would be. I can’t
help but laugh when I think about how much I worshipped him even
when he was an awkward freshman.

Are you laughing at me?”
He is smiling, though, and I know that he knows I find nothing
funny about his body now.

I was just remembering
how hot I thought you were back when you still had braces,” I

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