Forget Me Not (4 page)

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Authors: Sarah Daltry

Tags: #coming of age, #erotic romance, #love triangle, #contemporary romance, #bad boy, #na, #college romance, #new adult, #college dating, #college and love, #college age erotica romance, #college age erotica, #college age romance, #college romance with sex, #college relationships

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Lily, I don’t want to
come yet,” he groans.

I stand up and let him stare at me, my
breasts slowly rising and falling with my breathing and we just
take each other in for a few minutes. I want to touch him, to have
him inside of me in every way, to let him own me, but instead, we
quietly enjoy thinking about what will come.

He finally gives in and lifts me to
the bed; he drapes my legs over his shoulders, and his mouth bears
down on my clit. I come almost immediately as he works his tongue
on my pussy. Derek knows just what to do to bring me to orgasm and
I scream his name as he starts the night out right. All of my
stress and worry from the week disappear as I call out in ecstasy.
I am still shivering from my orgasm when he enters me and it is
probably the first time he has done so with such intensity. I love
it - the feeling of demand as he does not even wait for an

He holds my legs in the air and fucks
me hard, his eyes closed and his animal urges turning the sex into
a primal hunger and need. In the ten months we have been together,
the sex has been fantastic, but this desperate fucking is something
new and I want more of it. He slams my body back into the bed
repeatedly until he comes, his face releasing all of its tension
and then he collapses on top of me.

Shit,” he says. “That was
just what I needed, Lily.”

I kiss him and he does not take long
to need more. I smile at my ability to bring him to orgasm and then
get him hard again almost instantly. Sure, he’s a guy and he’s
probably horny all the time, but it’s awesome to be a girl. We
really have all the power. This time, I get off the bed and turn
around so that my legs are spread and I am pushed against the frame
of the bed. Derek’s still sitting on the bed and he looks at me

Are you sure?”

Derek, fuck me like you
hate me,” I beg. “I want it hard.”

Okay then,” he says,
happy to give me just what I want. He pushes me into the frame of
the bed hard and begins to fuck me from behind as if we are
anonymous strangers enjoying a night of illicit sex in some grimy
rest stop bathroom. It is hot, hotter than any sex we’ve had at
this point in our relationship, and I can’t believe how strong the
orgasm is. My legs nearly give out and I scream his name so loud
that I am sure everyone in my dorm knows what we are

Stop for a second,” I

What?” Derek asks, out of

Stop for a second.” He
pulls out and I turn to face him. His face is lined with agony and
his cock is engorged, dripping with my pussy juices. “Don’t worry,
I am not stopping you for good,” I tell him. The relief on his face
is evident and I laugh a little. I go to my computer and turn on
some music, hoping to drown out some of my screams and then I hop
up on my bed. I face Derek and spread my legs.

Fuck my cunt so hard I
scream,” I tell him.

He rams his cock into me and I clutch
at his back. He pulls me closer until I am riding him, my ass off
the bed completely. He holds me as I buck on top of his hard shaft
and I come like I never have. I am not sure how effective the music
is, because my screams are guttural.

Oh fuck. Yes, Derek, yes.
Fuck me hard,” I scream.

He throws me back onto the bed and
flips me over. I push my palms against the wall as he plows me from
behind and kneads the flesh of my ass hard until I come one more
time. Finally, his orgasm comes and he grabs my tits, fucking me
until his last spasm is over.

That was insane, Lily. I
am the luckiest guy alive,” he says.

I missed you,” I tell

We clean up and lie back on the bed,
his lips kissing all over my body as we relax. I love Derek and
feel happy when he is near me, and even though the sex is amazing,
it is falling asleep in his arms that night that makes everything
just right.

Chapter 3


Waking up Saturday morning brings with
it both joy and sadness. There is joy in feeling Derek’s arms
around me, but there is sadness twofold. For starters, it means
only one more night before we are back to different schools. It
also now means two weeks or more before we spend time together
again. Fortunately, I know for sure we’re all going home for the
long weekend, but already the idea is ruining my

Derek rolls over and kisses me while I
am thinking about us being apart, but my mind moves back into the
here and now when he starts to move his hand between my legs. After
the intensity of last night, our morning sex is slow and sweet.
When he enters me, it is with care and love; our eyes meet as he
moves on top of me and he links his fingers with mine while he
thrusts. My orgasm is satisfying, but does not have the wildness of
a few hours before. I fall into a rhythm with him, just happy to
feel him within me. I sense that he is close when he pushes down on
my hands and his face gets tense, so I wrap my legs around his
waist and give him room to bury deeper. He releases and I hold him
until he is ready to stand up. We don’t have plans today, but if we
don’t make an effort to leave the dorm, we will do nothing but lie
in bed. Well, that and do other things in bed.

Want to go out for
brunch?” I ask.

Absolutely. I am
starving. The cafeteria food here is no better than at

Okay, let me take a
shower and then I will bring you over to the guys’ side so you can
take one.”

Why don’t we take one
together?” He teases.

Because I would like to
get clean,” I say and smack his hands away with my towel. I go to
take a shower, thinking of his body and of how lucky I am. I wasn’t
even in high school the first time I realized what I wanted with
Derek. It was tough to watch him for years, knowing he had
girlfriends and thinking about what he did with them. I used to be
jealous every time he would be at my house, talking about a date he
went on with someone at school. I knew what they probably did and I
wanted him to do it with me. It’s always been about being with
Derek for me. Sex might be fun as a general rule, but I don’t know.
He’s the only guy I’ve been with. I don’t know if that’s why I feel
so naturally close to him or if it’s more than that. Either way, I
can’t picture my life without Derek in it.

The warm water of the shower washes
away any lingering sleepiness and, after I’m done, I dress quickly,
eager to spend time with my boyfriend. He is sitting at my desk,
playing on my computer when I come back.

Okay, let’s go,” I say
and gather an extra towel for him.

You’re so predictable,”
he says and I realize he has entered my password. Of course, he
would know it; he knows everything about me. He changed my
background to a picture of the two of us; it had previously been a
picture of just him. It’s cute that he would rather have us
together in the photo.

Shut up. Maybe I just
trust you and you’re the only one who knows me that

Fair enough.” He stands
and kisses me softly before we make our way to the guys’ wing. It
is not as clean as the girls’ wing and I wonder how any guy can
stand to live the way they do, but they don’t complain. When Derek
goes in to take a shower, I wait in the lounge across the hall. I
am twirling a wet strand of hair around my finger when someone
walks into the lounge to make coffee.


I look up to see a dark haired guy
with a dark t-shirt and pants checking me out. His spiky hair,
tattooed armbands, and pierced eyebrow speak of a world I have
never been a part of; my small town is pretty conservative and my
parents would freak out if they even knew I was speaking to someone
who looked like this, never mind living down the hall from

I’m waiting for my
boyfriend.” I gesture toward the bathroom, trying to make it
obvious that Derek is within shouting range.

Innocent thing like you?
I wouldn’t let you out of my sight.” He leers at me and it makes me
uncomfortable, but I have to admit it is also flattering. I know I
am not unattractive, but a guy like this does not notice me on the
street. I feel naughty just thinking about him. Shaking myself from
the thoughts, I focus on the fact that he just insulted me. I know
innocent isn’t a bad thing, but the way he said it made it sound
like mockery.

I’m not that innocent,” I

Sweetheart, I am sure we
have very different understandings of the term.”

That wouldn’t surprise
me, but I don’t know that I mind being your idea of

I don’t doubt it, but I
just wonder what would happen if you let loose a little. You know,
had a bit of fun.”

I have plenty of fun. I
don’t need anything else. Especially not whatever
have in

He just smiles and finishes making his
coffee. He’s on his way out of the lounge when he turns around
again. “I’m Jack. 401. If you ever want to test that theory. See
what real fun is like, princess.” And with a swagger that I swear
he must practice, he leaves.

I feel skeevy when Derek comes out of
the shower, as if I am tainted by talking to Jack. I have never
even considered another guy and I don’t know why Jack got to me
with his comments. However, I feel insulted, flattered, and a
little turned on that he did. I turn my attention back to Derek; he
looks so sweet with his wet, messy hair and I know we won’t be
going anywhere for a while. When we get back to my room, we are all
over each other instantly and he drops his towel, ready for

You’re insatiable,” he
says, nibbling my earlobe.

Oh, and you
to stop?” I tease
as I stroke his cock with one hand while undressing with the

I don’t remember saying
that.” He helps me get my clothes off and I look at them on the
floor. They seem forlorn, since they were not on for very long.
Then, though, I am on top of him, riding him, and the clothes are
forgotten. He is deep within me and I sigh, so happy to be with
him, so fulfilled by every touch. Jack disappears as does his
taunt; I am not feeling innocent now as I tighten my cunt around my
lover. Derek and I have more than made up for lost time in the past
ten months, but it is never enough for either of us.

When we are done, both
satisfied and rested, we dress and decide we really need to have
some actual food. There is a cafe not far from campus that serves
brunch. It is busy on a late Saturday morning, but we don’t have to
wait too long for a table. I get the impression most of the
clientele are townies because I don’t see many students and the
reception we get is less than enthused. I never understood the
attitudes of some people toward college students; we are not
drunken frat boys.
As the waitress pours our coffee, I see Jack in the kitchen. He is
cooking and seems comfortable with the rest of the staff. He’s
joking around with one of the other cooks and another waitress
smiles at him as she hands him an order. Weird. I know I just met
him, but he didn’t strike me as the kind of person who works well
with others.

We should probably talk
about rugby,” Derek says.

It’s fine. I just miss
you so much when you are gone. But we can survive it. I’m sorry I
freaked out last night.”

I understand. I don’t
want to be away from you, either. It was just an idea and I

No, it’s okay. Like I
said, we can handle it.”

Of course we

Send me the schedule when
you get back tomorrow and we will figure it out. Let’s just make
today and tomorrow count, okay?” I don’t want to fight with him and
I don’t want to be that girl who makes sure her boyfriend has no
freedom to do his own thing. Hopefully, he will miss me enough
without prodding and it won’t be an issue.

He takes my hand and smiles. “Deal.
What do you want to do then?”

Well...” I

No. We can do that
tonight. Let’s do something. I don’t want you to think I’m only
after your body.”

You aren’t?” I’m teasing,
but Derek and I do spend a significant amount of time in bed
together. I suppose it’s because we knew each other well before we
started a relationship. Sometimes, though, I wonder what we would
talk about if we weren’t this attracted to each other.

Oh, I am after it, but I
love you. You know that. Having no curfew and no parents, though...
it is tempting just to enjoy one another all day and night, isn’t

I sigh. “It is. I can’t believe how
much I missed you all week. I was so unhappy. It doesn’t even make
sense. I was fine last year.”

The waitress comes back to take our
orders and we pause until she is gone. When she walks away, Derek
leans in closer to me.

You had Abby and your
parents and now you’re feeling alone. But you’re not alone. I am
not that far and you know you can tell me anything on the phone or
online. I know I’m not here, but please don’t avoid talking to me,

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