Fox, Morgan - Tempted by the Moon [Moonlight Shifters 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (12 page)

BOOK: Fox, Morgan - Tempted by the Moon [Moonlight Shifters 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“I’ll bring Sebastian home,” he promised as he kissed her hair, praying that he wasn’t lying to his precious Brie.

Chapter Eight

Brie spent the first twenty minutes pacing her bedroom, pretending to arrange the clothing in her walk-in closet. Racks and rows of clothing and shoes filled the spacious area. One side of the closet held shirts of all kinds, blouses and T-shirts. Another held slacks and jeans, while the far side of the closet held dresses and intimate wear. Underneath each sections of clothing were row after row of shoes—flats, heels, tennis shoes and slippers.

Using the clothing as a form of distraction, she tried hard to forget that at any moment a feral, snarling werewolf could lunge through her balcony doors and possibly kidnap her, or worse yet, infect her with some unknown virus. How he’d managed to keep from breaking her skin and infecting her each time he bit her or touched her boggled her mind, but she was thankful nonetheless.

She placed all her faith in the belief he wouldn’t hurt her, wouldn’t kill her or inflict any kind of bodily harm, at least unintentionally. Even knowing that, she couldn’t stop the fear from slamming against her skull like a jackhammer. Her faith seemed to stop at physical harm because at present her mind was so fucked up with apprehension she couldn’t see straight. Emotions that normally held solid and true were everywhere but.

Her dread was brought on because she wasn’t exactly like Sebastian and Jonah. She wasn’t a werewolf, not really, and she didn’t know if she could even be infected by this virus or if it would turn her into a mindless, murdering monster. Truthfully, she didn’t know what the hell she was, and she didn’t want to get close enough to Sebastian or Mason to find out.

Loving Sebastian was becoming more of a challenge than she had bargained for. Missing him these last few weeks had been hell, physical and emotional hell. Damn him. He’d left her to suffer alone. Agonizing pain burned in her heart, blazed in her mind, emotions and feelings she had learned he felt, too, and yet he’d never returned for her. Perhaps the emotions tripping up her heart wasn’t the pain of neglect and abandonment, but really guilt. After all, if she hadn’t taken the case to prosecute Mason Levi, none of this would have happened. This was all her fault.

Thankfully Jonah hadn’t allowed her to say “fuck you” to Sebastian and all the werewolf bullshit. She wasn’t able to let go of Jonah and Jonah would not allow her to give up on Sebastian. Neither would her damn heart for that matter.

Never had anyone explained to her the separation between them could be so strenuous and hard to bear. Many nights she had sat up wondering if all of these crazed feelings were worth it, and now knowing that he might not even been the man she’d loved for all these years—what did that leave her with? Explaining her feelings and fears to her heart, a deaf heart no less, was impossible.

Stupid, dumb, idiotic heart.

The mating heat came upon them sometimes with such ferocity that her clothes landed on the floor in shredded piles. She didn’t complain about it. In fact, she relished it, loved it. Their burning need to have her, the urgency to mate with her was so strong, and the power that surged between them like nothing she’d ever experienced before. Being without Sebastian was like living without a vital organ, and the emotional strain she felt was tearing her apart. Crying over every little thing, feeling like she was only half a person or even a third of one was driving her insane.

Mating heat was a bitch—a bitch she’d like to slap right in the mouth.

Fists balled at her sides, she struggled with the need to leave McCarthy Ranch and never look back. Being the victim of her own life was not her thing. She gritted her teeth, reminding herself that she was smart, strong, and resilient—not weak and vulnerable.

“Yeah right,” she snorted.

Right now she’d give anything to have a giant rock to crawl under and hide.

With a heavy sigh she closed her eyes, her belly whirling with emotions. No matter what was in her mind, no matter what she told herself, she loved Sebastian and Jonah with all her heart. Leaving without the two loves of her life was easier to bitch about than to actually do. In truth, leaving was not even an option, and she knew it.

Twisting the sparkling two-carat diamond engagement ring on her finger, she grumbled, “Damn Sebastian for doing this—for fucking up our plans.”

Before he left in pursuit of Mason Levi and the secrets of her past, Sebastian asked her to marry him, and she’d gladly accepted. As long as that meant she’d be married to Jonah as well. She wouldn’t marry one without the other, and luckily for her that was part of their arrangement. Her heart wouldn’t allow it anyway—neither would her body.

Being with her two werewolf lovers was like being close to heaven without actually dying. And sometimes the pleasure Sebastian and Jonah gave her made her quiver with so much sexual ecstasy that’s exactly what she thought was happening. Nothing ever felt so good—so sinfully perfect.

Sebastian and Jonah did things to her body—wonderful things.
The thought of being without the connection they shared was more fearful than being forced to swallow a jagged-edged knife.

Anger surged from deep in her gut. She was going to give Sebastian one swift kick in the ass next time they were alone...and he wasn’t infected. Then again, maybe he deserved two swift kicks in the ass.

Releasing a pent-up breath, she did as instructed by Jonah. She took off her worn jeans and blue blouse and slipped on the black negligee Sebastian had purchased for her the last time they came to the cabin. The cool silk tickled her skin, hardening her nipples from both the feel of the material and the arousing panic charging through her body. To say she wasn’t scared would be a lie. She was, unbelievably so. Sebastian was a powerful man and even more so as the wolf, but she didn’t know the infected man he was now, didn’t know exactly what he would do to her. What he wouldn’t do to her.

Her mind thudded with questions. Could Sebastian harm her? Would he be able to resist the sexual urges brought on by the mating heat? Would he stop if she cried out in pain or would he continue to ravage her body, unable to break away from her? Judging from earlier, she could guess the answer.

God, worrying about the unknown was driving her crazy. She had to trust that Jonah and the others would protect her and keep Sebastian from danger as well. Capturing him was necessary, not only for the sake of finding a cure, but also to keep Sebastian from hurting others as Mason had done.

Her bedroom door creaked open, and she knew Ryken stood on the other side. The door only remained partially open for a minute, then closed soundlessly. She smiled, knowing he was checking on her. Having him standing guard on the other side of the door should’ve been a comfort to her, but it wasn’t.

A dinner bell hanging around her neck in the form of a skimpy negligee, she was standing in the lion’s den, unarmed. Was there truly anything that could comfort her? Not likely.

* * * *

Jonah stepped deeper into the woods, his eyes the silvery mix that hinted at the wolf hiding beneath the surface. His senses honed, he glanced around his surroundings, locking in on anything that moved.

Sebastian’s scent was nowhere to be found. Either he was not in the area or he’d found a way to mask his unique alpha scent. The thought that Jonah couldn’t track his brother made the fine hairs at the back of his neck stand on end. Sebastian was a fierce wolf prior to the virus ravaging his body and mind. With the virus, Sebastian was so much worse.

Jonah cringed, wondering what kind of beast he was about to face. Would Sebastian even be the man Jonah recognized, or would Sebastian be the monster, the murdering bastard he feared? Mason could’ve been an asshole prior to the infection. Jonah didn’t know for sure. He’d only hoped Mason had been which would mean there was still hope for Sebastian.

Gut twisting and rolling in a sea of knots, he crouched down to inspect the ground. Wolf prints were everywhere. Sebastian had been there—pacing.

Jonah stood five hundred feet away from Brie’s room. Broad canopies of trees stretched towards the heavens, casting shadows that played with his near perfect vision. Rustling leaves and scurrying animals filled his hearing. Nothing seemed different or out of place. If a feral wolf were present, the animals that lingered around him would be absent, seeking shelter to escape the danger.

A familiar scent drew his attention, and he rose to his full height. He sniffed the air, turning his head from side to side until he was sure he was being drawn into the correct direction. Like a moth to a flame, Jonah moved towards the thick, unique scent. His heart pounding wildly, his breath quickening, he took off in a sprint. Arms and legs pumping, he jumped over logs, stumps, and fallen brush. His mind caught on one thing—locking down on the scent of...blood.

The same blood he’d smelled on Brie earlier and again beside the fireplace. Yes, he’d kept his complete knowledge of the blood he found to himself. Before he could share with the others, he had to be sure what he smelled was animal blood. Giving Sebastian the benefit of the doubt was easier for him. They were as close as brothers could be, and Jonah would protect him, even from himself if necessary.

Dominic had picked up on the scent as well and stood hovering over something. As Jonah approached the scent grew stronger until the overwhelming pull of death filled his nostrils. His mind would forever be branded by the shredded remnants of a mutilated animal, large enough to be a wolf that lay at Dominic’s feet.

“The blood from the cabin,” Dominic grunted, his raspy voice erupted from deep in his chest. “Looks like Sebastian might’ve fought the beast inside the cabin only to discard of the animal out here.”

Jonah scowled, looking down at the remains—a twisted and torn carcass, an unidentifiable creature. “Wouldn’t there have been more blood?”

Dominic hiked his broad shoulders. “Maybe. Maybe not.”

“Great. So at least we know he killed an animal and not a person.” Jonah gave into a deep sigh, glad the creature before him was an animal, not a human or were-being.

“Yes, I would’ve hated to kill your brother, Jonah. I can assure you I would’ve taken no pleasure in it.”

Jonah nodded. Understanding that the man standing alongside him was one of the meanest and toughest bastards he’d ever come in contact with. He might have been his best friend, but he was no fool to think he was bluffing.

“Yes, but know this, Dominic—if it comes to it, the only person that’s going to kill Sebastian will be me.”

Dominic nodded, “Fair enough, my friend.” He turned on his booted heels, shoulders heavy with tension, and headed back into the darkness to track Sebastian, but turned suddenly to add, “But remember this, friend, if you are unable to fulfill the task, then I will.” He continued his trek into the woods.

Jonah stared a moment longer, watching as Dominic stalked away. His intimidating presence churned in Jonah’s gut. The shimmer of the silver blade tucked up against Dominic’s black shirt burned bright in the darkness of night. If Jonah didn’t know him personally, he’d have thought the understanding between them to be false. A man like Dominic took protecting the were-population as serious as a heart attack. No one would dare challenge Dominic. He was the epitome of badass—all six-foot-six of him—all the way into the marrow of his bones.

Jonah was glad for the help to capture Sebastian, but at the same time he feared for his brother and with good reason. The men that stood alongside him to find his brother were the only lycans, werewolves, he knew could destroy the fierce alpha. Sebastian might put up a hell of a fight, but they were trained assassins, trained to eliminate any threat to their species.

Jonah hoped that each of them—Ryken, Luken, Reyes, and Dominic would use their better judgment and call for backup when they faced Sebastian, rather than transform into werewolves themselves. Only to settle things like the wild and fierce beasts nature had made them. Not like the men they pretended to be.

Somewhere out there Sebastian lay in wait, hiding in the shadows of the night, a hunter, fierce and threatening. What exactly he was doing or thinking Jonah didn’t know, but he would do his best to ensure that Sebastian remained unharmed and in one piece—for himself and for Brie. Now all he had to do was find him. Preferably, before the others did.

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