France Restored: Cold War Diplomacy and the Quest for Leadership in Europe, 1944-1954 (53 page)

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Authors: William I. Hitchcock

Tags: #History, #Europe, #France, #Western, #Modern, #20th Century, #Political Science, #Security (National & International), #test

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20. On the Soviet activities in their zone, and possible explanations of it, see Kramer,
The West German Economy,
3340, and Naimark,
The Russians in Ger
Page 220
141204. The gravity of the coal crisis was confirmed by the American Potter-Hyndley Mission, sent to Europe in the spring. Germany must produce 25 million tons of coal between June 1945 and April 1946, the Mission concluded, or "there will occur . . . a coal famine of such severity as to destroy all semblance of law and order, and thus delay any chance of reasonable stability" (June 7, 1945,
FRUS, Conference of Berlin,
1: 620).
21. July 2, 1945, AN, F60, box 900.
Note au sujet du désarmement économique et financier de I'Allemagne,
Office of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, July 7, 1945, AN, F6, box 900.
23. Royal Institute of International Affairs,
"Report on the Tripartite Conference of Berlin (Potsdam), 17 July-2 August, 1945," 4050.
24. "French Reaction to Decisions of the Berlin Conference," Appendix B,
FRUS, The Conference of Berlin, 1945,
2: 154366.
25. Memorandum of Conversation, Byrnes and Bidault, August 23, 1945,
FRUS, Conference of Berlin, 1945,
2. 155764.
26. French text of September 14, 1945, memorandum submitted to the London CFM, in Royal Institute of International Affairs,
6668. For a detailed discussion of the London Conference by a leading French official, see Bérard,
Un ambassadeur se souvient,
27. Murphy (political adviser in Germany), telegrams to State, September 23, 1945,
FRUS, 1945,,
3: 87173; September 28, 1945, ibid., 84142; October 20, 1945, ibid., 84647; Caffery to State, November 3, 1945, ibid., 89091.
28. "Report on the Franco-American Conversations," November 20, 1945,
FRUS, 1945,
3: 896906. See also the documentation of these visits in Bidault Papers, AN, 45 7 AP, box 61.
29. State to Caffery, November 21, 1945,
FRUS, 1945,
3: 908; Caffery to State, November 28, 1945, ibid., 91112.
Aide-mémoire françcais concernant le futur regime économique et financier de la Ruhr,
October 20, 1945, initialed by Alphand, Bidault Papers, AN, 457 AP, box 60.
31. Telegram to Bidault, September 29, 1945, de Gaulle,
Lettres, notes et camets, mai 1945-juin 1951,
8990; letter to Koenig, October 29, 1945, ibid., 1068; telegram to Koenig, November 30, 1945, ibid., 12930; marginalia in letter to Bidault, December 4, 1945, ibid., 132.

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