France Restored: Cold War Diplomacy and the Quest for Leadership in Europe, 1944-1954 (52 page)

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Authors: William I. Hitchcock

Tags: #History, #Europe, #France, #Western, #Modern, #20th Century, #Political Science, #Security (National & International), #test

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9. Even this directive, on which American policy in Germany was to be based for the next three years, was quite severe. Although basic living standards were to be maintained, "no steps looking toward the economic rehabilitation of Germany or designed to strengthen the German economy" were to be taken. Text in
Page 219
Royal Institute of International Affairs,
Documents on Germany under Occupation,
21. On the Morgenthau Plan, see Kimball,
Swords or Ploughshares? The Morgenthau Plan for Defeated Nazi Germany
Note au sujet du désarmement économique et financier de l'Allemagne,
July 11, 1945, by the secretary-general of the CEI, AN, F60, box 900.
11. In his memoirs. General Lucius Clay, who was to become military governor of the American zone, indicted early American policy in Germany for its confusion and lack of foresight (
Decision in Germany,
18). George Kennan, for different reasons, also offered a stinging critique of U.S. policy toward postwar Germany (
43873). John Gimbel's thesis, that the United States pursued a single and coherent policy from 1945 to 1949, albeit one that evolved with circumstances, does not account for the French
that American policy in the months before the German surrender was confused and ambiguous (
The American Occupation of Germany: Politics and the Military
12. For information on American policy toward the establishment of a European Economic Committee and a European Coal Organization, see
FRUS, 1945,
2: 141154.
13. Memorandum of Conversation, May 24, 1945,
FRUS, 1945,
3: 1230; Harriman to State, June 14, 1945, ibid., 123536; and see the documentation on this issue in ibid., 1175202. For Molotov's assertion that Poland and Yugoslavia ought to be brought into the Commission, see Memorandum by Bohlen, May 7, 1945, ibid., 120810.
Compte-rendu de la séance du 31 mai,
AN, F60, box 900; Massigli to the Office of Economic Affairs of the Foreign Ministry, April 11, 1945, AN, F60, box 922; Monnet to Pleven (at the Ministry of National Economy and Finances), July 1, 1945, same box.
Note au sujet des restitutions et des prestations,
from the Foreign Ministry, n.d., but discussed at the May 31 meeting of the CEI, AN, F60, box 900.
Note pour le CEI,
June 1, 1945, from the Office of the Treasury, Ministry of Finance. An attached note shows Alphand's agreement with this memorandum (AN, F60, box 900).
Compte rendu,
May 31, 1945, AN, F60, box 900.
18. Willis,
The French in Germany,
112. According to the June 5, 1945, agreement on control machinery, each commander in chief would exercise "supreme authority" in his zone, under orders from his government; paradoxically, the commanders, who together were to constitute the Control Council, were to "ensure appropriate uniformity of action" in all zones. The obvious contradiction in these instructions created considerable recrimination between the zonal commanders in subsequent years. See Royal Institute of International Affairs,
p. 36.
19. René Mayer, as minister of public works and transport, voiced this concern in the CEI meeting of June 20, 1945 (
AN, F60, box 900). Estimates of German coal production and exports were discussed in the CEI on July 19, 1945 (AN, F60, box 900).

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