France Restored: Cold War Diplomacy and the Quest for Leadership in Europe, 1944-1954 (54 page)

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Authors: William I. Hitchcock

Tags: #History, #Europe, #France, #Western, #Modern, #20th Century, #Political Science, #Security (National & International), #test

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32. Caffery to State, November 24, 1945,
FRUS, 1945,
3: 910; and November 30, 1945, ibid., 912.
33. Caffery to State, December 3, 1945,
FRUS, 1945,
3: 914; State to Caffery, December 6, 1945, ibid., 916; Caffery to State, December 11, 1945, ibid., 91719;
New York Times,
November I and November 30, 1945.
34. This was perfectly obvious to the Direction d'Europe of the Quai d'Orsay, but no change in tactics was yet proposed. See memoranda of January 12 and 14, 1946, Bidault Papers, AN, 457 AP, box 61, on the reactions of the Allies to the French proposals.
Le Populaire,
December 2, 1945. Caffery commented on this editorial in a telegram to State, December 3, 1945,
FRUS, 1945,
3: 91415.
36. Cairncross,
The Price of War: British Policy on Reparations,
chaps. 4 and 5.
Page 221
Communication de M. le Ministre de l'Economie nationale sur la répartition du charbon,
February 14, 1946; and memorandum on
le taux et l'activité des industries allemandes,
February 15, 1946, AN, F60, box 902.
38. Memorandum from the President,
Les méthodes d'élaboration et d'exécution du Plan,
February 14, 1946, AN, F60, box 902.
February 18, 1946, AN, F68, box 902, for Monnet's remarks; and
February 21, 1946, same file, for Philip's.
40. Minutes of the Executive Commission, January 20, 1946, AN, MRP Papers, 350 AP, box 45. Bidault continued to cross swords with de Gaulle for many years, and the animus they felt for one another comes across clearly in Bidault's polemical autobiography,
Resistance: The Political Autobiography of Georges Bidault
. For de Gaulle's poor treatment of Bidault, see Jean Chauvel,
Commentaire: D'Alger à Berne,
6970; and also the portrait of Bidault by Elgey,
La République des illusions,
41. See, for example, Freeman Matthews's report on Bidault's "extreme anxiety" about the Russians during a conversation with Byrnes in Paris: He "twice mentioned the possibility of finding Cossacks on the Place de la Concorde" (Memorandum of Conversation, Byrnes and Bidault, May 1, 1946,
FRUS, 1946,
2: 204).
42. "Reparations and the Level of Postwar German Economy," signed in Berlin on March 28, 1946, and published in
Department of State Bulletin,
April 14, 1946, 63639.
43. Chauvel,
151. Still, Bidault received little credit from de Gaulle, who privately derided his "lax" policy on Germany. Alphand,
L'étonnement de l'être,
44. Byrnes to Caffery, February 1, 1946,
FRUS, 1946,
5: 49698.
45. Bidault's message is included in Caffery to Byrnes, March 2, 1946,
FRUS, 1946,
5: 51215.
46. Alphand to Bidault, February 2, 1946, Bidault Papers, AN, 457 AP, box 61. Clay did in fact recommend using the threat of interrupting wheat shipments to the French zone, and France as a whole, to get concessions in the ACC. The State Department disapproved (April 11, 1946,
FRUS, 1946,
5: 540).
47. Memo by French political adviser in Germany, Jacques Tarbé de Saint-Hardouin, in Berlin, February 17, 1946; and memo from the Direction d'Amérique in the Foreign Ministry, February 25, 1946, Bidault Papers, AN, 457 AP, box 61. Murphy wrote to the secretary of state that "the French have played directly into the hands of the Soviet Union"; H. Freeman Matthews accepted this, urging the secretary to deny the French any satisfaction on the question of the Saar until progress on the question of administration was forthcoming (February 24, 1946,
FRUS, 1946,
5: 5057; and February 28, 1946, ibid., 5078). Caffery now believed that Bidault genuinely shared de Gaulle's views on Germany, and that he would persist in opposing American policy (Caffery to State, March 1, 1946, ibid., 50911).

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