Freakn' Shifters Bundle (3-in-1) (19 page)

BOOK: Freakn' Shifters Bundle (3-in-1)
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Fully seated on his length, she splayed her hands on his chest and dipped her head forward, sending her long hair swinging in a silken curtain. Javier smiled up at her, a wicked curve of his lips that went well with the smoky desire in his eyes. She wanted to kiss those lips, to taste him on her tongue, but he reached up and tweaked a nipple. Then he pinched it, an intense sensation which made her pussy squeeze around his cock and made her reel with a gasp. She tried to regain control; however, he didn’t give her time to recover. He gyrated his hips and she mewled as it put pressure on her clit. Her nails dug into his chest as she rocked in time to his subtle thrusts, the deep penetration striking a sensitive spot inside her, heightening the intensity of the moment.

From behind, Ethan’s body brushed up against hers, his rough hands cupping her heavy breasts while his warm breath feathered her ear. He stroked a thumb over her taut peaks as he whispered, “Ride him, baby. Take him nice and deep.” She moaned at the dirty words, grinding herself hard against Javier who groaned aloud. But Ethan wasn’t done and he rolled her nipples as he continued to talk. “Squeeze his cock tight with that sweet pussy of yours. Fuck him, baby. Come all over his dick and cover him in your cream. And remember, once you’re done milking his prick, I’m going to plow your still quivering channel with my big cock.”

Never having indulged in dirty talk during sex before, Naomi nevertheless enjoyed it. Actually, she more than enjoyed it. Ethan’s words heightened her arousal and she rotated her hips faster. Behind her, Ethan’s cock rubbed against her backside as his hands slid to her waist and helped her rock at an even quicker pace. Her body tightened in pleasure, and then Ethan murmured. “Claim him, Naomi. Take him now as you come on his cock.”

Up until that moment, her wolf had played the part of silent if eager bystander. At his words, her bitch bounded forward in her mind, wrestling for some of her control. Naomi, in the pre-throes of climax, felt her leash slip. She fell forward, her mouth opening wide and her incisors lengthening. Her orgasm struck and she clamped down on curve between his neck and shoulder. Her teeth broke skin at the same moment
bit her, a slight pinch of pain before pure ecstasy hit. A tidal wave of sensation and emotion that swept her into a blissful oblivion.

Chapter Fourteen

Just a week ago, had someone told Javier that having a woman mark him as mate would prove the most mind blowing experience of his life, he would have laughed. The moment it happened, though, he exploded, and not just with his cock. At the first taste of her coppery blood and the reciprocal pinch of her bite, something beautiful happened. He couldn’t have said if it was the essence of his beast, his soul, or something else, but a part of him meshed with her, became inexplicably and intimately twined. In that moment, he knew her better than he knew himself, and the discovery of how much she’d had to fight to overcome her fear at joining with him did more than awe him, it made him love her with every atom of his existence.

In public, Naomi exuded a tough, no-nonsense persona; however, just as he’d suspected, Naomi was in actuality a softy at heart. He discovered while she perhaps claimed she feared a life of chaos if she mated with one of her kind, she feared even more not having the same kind of loving and close relationship her parents shared. Of just being a thing to her mate, not an equal and loved partner. A fear she’d never even admitted to herself and which she’d overcome enough to take the plunge and commit herself to not one, but two shifter males.

He could only clasp her tight as their bodies rode the wave of revelation where she too learned his inner secrets, such as the fact he already loved her for who she was, and would never do anything to hurt her.
This is forever, sweetheart.

Their moment of complex unity faded as they returned to themselves and the shuddering of their spent bodies. His teeth released her skin at the same time as hers left his, and they laved the marked spot, slowing the sluggish flow of blood. Hugging her tight, Javier, usually such a smooth talker, couldn’t think of any words grand enough to thank her for what she’d done, what she’d given him. All he could whisper, as he clasped her body to his, was, “I love you, sweetheart. Thank you for trusting me. I promise to be worthy of it.”

She didn’t reply, but her body trembled in his arms. It didn’t bother him. He already knew everything he needed, and whether she admitted it aloud or not, he’d already seen in their moment of joining that she loved him, too.

It proved hard to let her go, but Javier understood he needed to. He formed only one part of the threesome. Ethan waited his turn, the trepidation on his face stemming from uncertainty and fear that perhaps she would leave him out. That she wouldn’t want him. Javier knew better, and now Ethan deserved his turn at glory.

Javier rolled Naomi off his body onto her back. She opened eyes, still bright with wonder and gave him a soft smile. At his inclined head, she tilted her own and saw Ethan. Opening her arms wide, she beckoned him, and with a fierce expression of relief, Ethan covered her body, his lips claiming hers. Javier spent an indulgent moment watching them, admiring the passion that engendered no jealousy, but stirred his desire anew.

“Roll onto your back,” Javier murmured, determined to aid his friend in reigniting Naomi’s desire so he too might experience the ecstasy of the mating bond.

Complying, Ethan tilted, bringing Naomi with him, their lips never parting. Javier knelt beside them and ran a hand down her back, loving how her lush body complemented Ethan’s thick one. He especially enjoyed the view of her rounded buttocks peeking up. Placing his hands on her rounded cheeks, he squeezed and kneaded them before sliding a hand between them and finding her cream soaked cleft.

A shudder went through her body when he rubbed his finger against her clit, then another as he slowly stroked it, her arousal stirring at his touch. “Get on your knees, sweetheart,” Javier ordered.

Her lips still latched to Ethan’s, she obeyed, letting her knees drop to either side of Ethan’s hips and pushing her bottom up. Javier straddled his friend’s legs and felt his own cock twitch at the pink and perfect view of his mate’s—
my woman’s—
cleft. He wasn’t one of those men who could go down on a woman when she dripped with cum, but he had no problem stroking her. He thrust two fingers into her and almost moaned himself when her muscles clutched him tight. In and out, he pumped her, priming her need.

Below her eager pussy, Ethan’s cock strained, thick and long, almost too thick which made preparing her for his shaft extremely important. Javier caressed her more intently, concentrating on her little nub until she squirmed and mewled, her body primed for penetration. Tugging on her hips, Javier lowered her onto his friend’s cock, watching her pink sex engulf the wide shaft, slowly.

About halfway down Ethan’s prick, she gasped. “Too big.”

“No it’s not,” Javier soothed. “You’ll soon see how hungry your pussy is for his big cock.” Javier curved his arm around her hips and let his finger find her nub. With rapid strokes that had her crying out, he worked her until she was the one pushing herself down onto Ethan’s dick, swallowing his thick length until she sheathed him completely.

Poor Ethan, he fought to remain still as she adjusted herself to his size. His heavy body lay rigid on the bed, muscles bunching and taut with strain. Javier made things even harder by staying pressed against Naomi’s backside, his finger not relenting on her clit, which surely caused her channel to spasm around Ethan’s cock.

“Alright, sweetheart, time for you to come all over your big bear. Show him how sweet your pussy feels when it’s climaxing.”

They both moaned at his words, and Javier grinned. Watching them fuck was making him harder than a rock, but damn did he enjoy it.

Like Ethan had when their roles were reversed, he helped Naomi ride Ethan, grinding and rocking her against him until their bodies coiled at the building bliss.

“Now, Naomi,” he whispered. “Make him yours.”

Her face already buried in Ethan’s neck, she just needed to bite, and the moment she did so Ethan let out an exultant bellow before returning the favor.

Javier watched as their bodies shuddered in the throes of climax, writhed as something magical struck them, an esoteric and life changing force that he could almost see sparkling in the air.

Draping himself over her prone body, he hugged the two people he would spend the rest of his life with.
And if I might say, I think Fate chose damned well.




Ethan wanted to roar in glee. He wanted to beat his chest from the tallest building and shout to the world that Naomi was his mate. And even better, she loved him. She hadn’t said it yet, of course, but in their moment of joining, he’d seen it. Seen how she trusted him. Seen how even despite his own misgivings about himself, she cared for him.

She’d chosen him.

It made him want to throw himself on his knees and worship her. On second thought, as her mate, he had every right to revere any part of her he desired.

How freakn’ awesome.

Of course, first they needed to revive her. She lay on the bed between him and Javier, her eyes shut, her cheeks flushed and her chest still heaving.

“I guess baby here is going to need some time to recuperate,” Ethan commented.

“Well, you know, she is an intellectual, not a jock like us,” Javier added with a grin.

“Seems a shame to let the nice hot tub go to waste, though. Maybe we’ll just let her sleep a bit while we go and relax.”

She pried one eye open. “Can’t a woman bask in the afterglow? I mean, you both only had one orgasm each. I, on the other hand, enjoyed a glorious two.”

“She’s right. That does seem unfair. Especially after she promised us some display of her oral skills,” Javier teased.

“Ha, I think she’s backing down from that promise now because she doesn’t think she can handle my cock,” Ethan boasted.

“I know what you’re doing,” she grumbled, her lips twitching into a smile. “And it’s working. But first, let’s clean them off in the tub. I am not into dirty dick.”

Red heat stained his cheeks, which kind of matched Javier’s shocked look, and their little vixen chuckled, obviously pleased at their reaction. She crawled off the bed over Ethan’s body, sliding her skin over his which his sensitized body enjoyed way too much, especially his cock which twitched already in reply. His hands tried to clutch at her, but with a laugh, she evaded them and sashayed over to the hot tub. As she bent over to run a hand through the water, she afforded them a delectable view of her ass and the shadow between her thighs.

A sigh of pleasure escape him. “How did we ever get so lucky?”

“I have no idea, my friend. But let’s not waste a moment.”

Stepping up the single step, Naomi sank into the liquid and closed her eyes in pleasure. Ethan bounded out of bed on silent feet and made his way to her. A quick jab at a button and a rumble started up as the jets came on. The motion made her start and she opened her eyes, eyes already bright with erotic intent. A soft growl escaped him at the invitation she threw their way, one he and Javier accepted.

They closed in on her on either side, and with nowhere to go—and he could tell she didn’t really have any desire to flee—she let them catch her. Their hands roamed her body, skimming the surface of her silky skin, never lingering in one spot too long. A gentle tease for his fragile flower. She closed her eyes as they stroked her, their slick and naked bodies brushing hers as they explored. Their cocks, already hard again, butted against her, one on each side as he and Javier teased her with their readiness.

Her slick hand grasped him, and through slitted eyes, he saw she’d also grabbed hold of Javier. She pumped them in the water and Ethan closed his eyes at the sensual pleasure of her touch.

She leant into him, raising her lips, and he bent his head for her. “I want to suck your cock,” she told Ethan, nipping at his earlobe. “I want to see how much of that big dick of yours I can take in my mouth.” That almost made him cum. Of course, what she wanted to do to his cock couldn’t be done in the water—not unless she was a mermaid. But he wasn’t about to say no to a display of her oral skills.

Grasping her slick body, he threw her over his shoulder, and in seconds they were back on the bed.

Heaven couldn’t feel any better than Ethan did at that moment. First, he’d enjoyed mind blowing sex with Naomi. Then she’d marked him and he’d gotten to see just how much she loved him the way he was.  And now she crawled up between his thighs, her gaze purposeful and her full lips beckoning.  His cock twitched in response and she pounced on it, drawing a cry, unbidden from his lips as she engulfed his head in one wet swoop.

She sucked him like a lollipop, slurping and sucking at his sensitive cockhead. Every now and then she’d stop and swirl her tongue around his length, licking every inch of his shaft before popping him back into her mouth. Warmed up, she got bolder, drawing his thick prick into her mouth, bit by bit, stretching wide. She couldn’t take him all the way, but he appreciated her effort. He twined his fingers in her hair as she worked him, hissing in pleasure as her teeth grazed his skin.

At her sudden mewling sounds around his cock, Ethan looked over her bobbing head to see Javier, bent over with his face buried between her cheeks, eating her sweet pussy. She groaned and growled as she continued to blow him, the vibrations of her pleasure cries making him tremble.

BOOK: Freakn' Shifters Bundle (3-in-1)
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