Freakn' Shifters Bundle (3-in-1) (21 page)

BOOK: Freakn' Shifters Bundle (3-in-1)
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“No,” Javier said flatly. “No one hurts Naomi or her family.” He flicked eyes gone stone cold her way. “Sweetheart, you need to look away. This might get messy.”

“Please, baby, go somewhere else. I don’t want to upset you,” Ethan growled through gritted teeth. Held inside by only a tendril of will, his beast made his body pulse and bulge with a need to act.

How sweet of them to consider her dislike of chaos, however sometimes, a little bit of violence just couldn’t be avoided. “I’ll only be upset if you let these bastards walk out of here. Get ‘em boys.”

Permission granted, Ethan tore into the bastards along with her family while Javier handled Maurice himself with hard and quick jabs that bloodied his face. The rest of the team formed a circle around the scuffle, joined by the Toronto team. Along with Naomi, they watched and cheered as the shifters dispensed their version of justice. It wasn’t pretty, but it formed a part of who she was. Who they all were, and she found a sense of relief in not fighting her more violent side. Heck, this was one time she wholly embraced it.

When it was all over except for the groaning—by the bad guys, of course—she couldn’t resist singing “Nah-nah-nah-nah, nah-nah-nah-nah, hey, hey, hey, goodbye,” as they carted out their limp forms.

Bad guys disposed of and their adrenaline pumping, the two lacrosse teams went back out to finish the match. Naomi, flanked by her screaming brothers, hollered the loudest, especially when a large Toronto player rammed into Javier, knocking him flat.

“Kill him, Ethan,” she freaked, standing on her seat and shaking her fist. “Pound his sorry ass into that floor or I swear I’ll come down and rip him a new one myself.” Her bear roared in acknowledgement and took off in a deadly charge at the player she had her sights on. The crash made the Toronto fans wince, but Naomi’s face split with a feral grin.

Okay, I admit I’m starting to get the whole sports thing.
Now if only they’d hurry up and win, because watching them grunt, sweat and hit things was really turning her on.

The Loup Garou’s won by a margin of three goals. Naomi whooped and hollered, barely avoiding a fistfight with a Toronto groupie. She could have taken the skinny bitch, but her brother Stu tossed her over his shoulder and carted her out. She let him, in too good of a mood to hurt Stu who apparently just followed her mates’ orders. Besides, she needed to keep her energy for later.

She had two hot jocks to congratulate. When they took too long to come out, she marched into the sweaty locker room to the groans of her brothers and the cat calls of the scantily dressed players.

“What is taking you so long?” she yelled when she didn’t immediately see them.

“Naomi!” Ethan’s bellow carried out of the shower room along with clouds of steam.

Smiling, she leaned against the locker that smelt just right and waited. Dripping wet and wearing only towels around their loins, her hot studs came stalking toward her with glowering expressions.

A coy grin tilted her lips as she let her eyes rove appreciatively over their bodies. “Mmm, is that for me?”

“I thought her brothers were supposed to keep her out of trouble,” grumbled Ethan as he shrugged on a shirt which Naomi smoothed down, using it as an excuse to touch to him.

Naomi snorted. “Ha. I’d like to see them try. Now would you hurry up and dress so we can get back to the hotel and get naked.”

That got them moving, and when Ethan, still pumped from the fight and game, tossed her up over his shoulder, smacking her bottom when she protested, she grinned against his back.

Oh, yeah ,totally loving this jock thing now.

Javier made a detour when they hit the hotel, leaving her alone with Ethan who’d finally put her on her feet so as to no startle the humans in the hotel. As they went up the elevator, she tilted her head up to kiss him, but the jerk stayed out of reach. When she would have climbed him, determined to get a taste, he held her immobile, stretching her arms above her head as his smoky eyes stared down at her.

“Kiss me,” she begged.

“I don’t know. You were a bad wolf coming into the locker room like that.”

“But I wanted to see you,” she pouted, only for a second before her lips curled into a grin.


“Bite me.”

The elevator dinged and he loosened his grasp. Slipping free, she took off down the hall, laughing then screeching as he scooped her up with one arm.

“Show off,” she giggled as he balanced her while opening the door.

“Admit it, you want me for my body,” he teased as he tossed her onto the bed.

She lay propped on her elbows and pretended to eye him up and down. “Mmm, your body, your cock, but I most especially want your mind.”

In a flash, his body covered hers, and he clutched her into an almost literal bear hug. “I love you, Naomi.”

“Show me.”

He’d just finished stripping her down when Javier showed up wagging a bottle of champagne at her. “I seem to recall a plan that involved drinking this from our new cup.”

Gaping at him, Naomi shook her head and giggled. “You know, if you do that, you’ll probably end up with a bill for a new mattress from the hotel.”

Javier shrugged. “I don’t know about you, dude, but I think pleasuring our mate like we promised is well worth that price.”

“She’s worth the world,” Ethan growled.

Javier held the bottle over her and prepared to tip it. Naomi screeched. “Wait! If you soak the bed, where will we sleep? Can’t we save the champagne for after?”

“After what?”

“Well, wasn’t there mention of…” She actually blushed, unable to say the words aloud.

“Yes?” Javier smirked at her as she squirmed on the bed.

“You’re going to make me say it, aren’t you?”


She glared at them both. “Fine. I want to try that whole sandwich thingy.”

“In that case, I think we can agree to hold off on pouring the champagne. Ethan?”

“I don’t know. Depends on if I get her ass.”

“What? No fucking way. Have you seen the size of your cock?” she screeched.

Her mates just about died of laughter. Disgusted with their joke, she drew her knees up, exposing her cleft, licked one finger and inserted it.

Their mirth dried up instantly. “You know,” she said conversationally as she dipped her finger in and out. “You’re both awfully overdressed for what I want you to do to my body.” Shreds of clothing went flying. “Ooh, that was quick. And lucky me, you’re both ready to go.”

More than ready, bobbing and eager. She knelt up on the bed and held out her arms to Ethan who slid into them, clasping her nude body against his, his hands sliding from her waist to her
ass cheeks, squeezing them. Javier slid in behind her and pressing his hard body against her backside. The tip of shaft poked at her buttocks and she couldn’t help tensing.

Javier chuckled and his warm breath feathered her ear. “So jumpy. Don’t worry, sweetheart. We won’t hurt you, but we will make you scream.”

A reply proved impossible as Ethan caught her lips with his and forced her lips apart so he could insert his tongue. She sucked on it, knowing how much he enjoyed it by the low growls she swallowed.

Not to be left out, Javier pushed aside her hair and nipped the sensitive spot on the back of her neck. Caught between their naked bodies, her nerve endings tingling and her cleft trembling with desire, she lost herself in the overload of delicious sensations.

Behind her, Javier fell away and she heard the sound of a drawer opening. Ethan, his mouth still latched to hers, gripped her ass cheeks and spread them. She wondered why until she felt a finger covered in some kind of lotion rubbing at her rosette.

Clenching against intrusion was a natural reaction for her, but it didn’t seem to bother Javier, who worked his finger slowly into her tight ring. His second hand found her clit and he pinched it before rubbing it. Soon, he had her rocking her hips back against the finger penetrating her, his clitoral stimulation easing the way into her backdoor.

The finger in her ass was joined by a second, and she gasped at the tight stretching feel of it. As if sensing her uncertainty, Ethan’s lips left hers and found her taut nipples. He engulfed one, sucking on the erect peak while the finger on her clit rotated faster.

In no time at all, she again found herself pushing back against the dual penetrating digits, the discomfort gone and excitement taking its place.

Ethan’s hands slid up her buttocks to settle around her waist. Lifting her with effortless ease, he held her up over Javier’s groin, just high enough for Javier’s prick to butt up against her ass.

“Ready?” Ethan asked in a soft rumble.

She nodded her head and immediately felt the hard head of Javier’s prick pushing at her ring. She tried not to clench but couldn’t help it. As if sensing her dilemma, Javier’s hands took the place of Ethan’s, holding her up and controlling the slow, excruciatingly slow descent onto his prick.

In front of her, Ethan lay almost flat, his body between Javier’s legs, and thus, her own. He licked his way up her thigh to her cleft, his heated gaze holding hers the entire time. He blew on her sex, torturing her, and at the same time relaxing her which allowed Javier to sink a little further. When Ethan’s lips brushed her clit, her pussy lips trembled as her honey seeped from her. He lapped at her, a wet lick that sent a ripple through her sex, a precursor to the climax to come.

Spreading her lips, his tongue delved into her sex, and the molten pleasure of that touch relaxed her enough to allow Javier to fully seat himself with a grunt.

The sensation was odd, but the more Ethan tongued her, the more she forgot the strangeness and soon found herself squirming instead.

“Ethan,” she heard Javier gasp. “If we’re going to do this together, get inside, because I can’t hold it much longer.”

Now trepidation did clutch her, as Ethan moved to kneel between their legs. Javier’s hands, pulled at her, easing her back, making her very aware of his cock in her ass, and she couldn’t help but stared at Ethan’s huge one approaching her sex.

“Don’t worry, baby,” Ethan murmured. “It’s going to feel good.”

Looking up into his soft brown eyes, she nodded. She knew she could trust him not to hurt her.

The head of his cock poked at her. Already wet and ready, it slid in, and then in further, and holy fuck, it was insane. Tight and so full, her body felt like it would burst, but with pleasure, not pain. Ethan pressed further into her, his heavy body braced above hers while she lay back against Javier’s. Sandwiched and fucked, so gloriously fucked.

With a controlled pace, Ethan thrust into her, back and forth, a seesawing motion that made her moan. He placed his hands on her hips to guide the pace and somehow he managed it so when he thrust in, Javier’s cock did as well, sheathing them both deep inside her. It was freakn’ incredible. She couldn’t have stopped herself from climaxing if she tried.

Rapture took over as her body succumbed to wave after pleasurable wave.  And still, they kept fucking her, their dual pumps into her body rolling her mind-shattering orgasm into a second screaming one.

Drifting in a state of boneless bliss, she assumed they came. She couldn’t be sure. She did know she wore a stupid smile on her face and would probably never walk again. But that was okay, she had every confidence that Ethan and Javier would take care of her.
Lucky me.

And in the end, they did end up wetting the bed with champagne, but hot damn, it was worth every incredible moment.



Two months later…

Naomi kicked the stove as the flame on the gas burner sputtered then died. Again. Stupid thing would need replacing. Not exactly a surprise given the home they’d bought just down the street from her parents still resided in the seventies. But they’d gotten it for a great deal, and slowly but surely her men were remodeling and modernizing it. The master bedroom and bath were the first to get retrofitted into a decadent haven with the largest bed she’d ever seen and a walk in shower that could accommodate a hell of a lot more than just washing. The kitchen was the next room waiting for a makeover, not that she cared. She tried to do as little food poisoning as possible.

A timer beeped and Naomi, her tummy in knots, peered at the result.
Oh shit.
Well that would make dinner interesting.

Following the sound of grunting as her mates took on her five brothers in a game of lacrosse out back, she left the kitchen to exit onto her back porch. She paused for a moment to watch her men’s shirtless sweaty bodies as they twisted and ran, taunting her brothers as they passed the ball back and forth down the makeshift field. In a dirty move, Chris tripped Javier just as he lobbed the ball. Heads swiveled to watch the stray ball’s path, and she had a moment to appreciate their “Ooh’” of horror before she held up a frying pan and deflected the shot.

Seconds later brawny arms swept her up, surrounding her in a familiar, musky scent. Ethan’s soft brown eyes peered down into her. “Sorry about that, baby. You okay?”

She rolled her eyes at his misplaced concern. No matter how many times she showed Ethan the tough stuff she was made of, he still persisted in treating her like a delicate princess—and she loved it. “It didn’t even touch me. But if you want to apologize, then feel free to do so later in our bedroom.” She winked as she said it.

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