Freakn' Shifters Bundle (3-in-1) (20 page)

BOOK: Freakn' Shifters Bundle (3-in-1)
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“Javier,” he gasped. “You’ve got to have a turn. She’s got the most amazing mouth.”

His friend lifted his face from between her legs and knelt up, slapping his hard cock off her buttocks. “Mmm, you were so right about her tasting like honey. I’ve got her primed for some cock. Fuck her hard would you while she sucks me.”

Naomi moaned in reply, releasing Ethan’s cock with a wet popping sound. “You guys are so fucking dirty. Have I mentioned I love it?”

Javier slapped her ass before shifting positions with Ethan. He watched for moment, shafting his own dick, as her head descended on Javier’s. His friend’s eyes closed and his lips parted on a sigh as her head bobbed. Ethan felt his balls tighten in response at the erotic display. Moving to kneel behind her, he found himself captivated by the sight of her gleaming pink sex. Her could smell her arousal, see it, and he couldn’t resist leaning in for a taste giving her one long, wet swipe of his tongue.

Positioning himself, with his cock poised at her slit, he first rubbed himself against her, wetting the tip of his cock with her juices. Around and around, he swirled his dick, inserting only the tip and then pulling back, wanting her good and ready for him.

“Dude,” he heard Javier exclaim in a pained voice. “Would you fuck her before she bites my dick off?”

With a chuckle, Ethan thrust into her, not hard, but enough to sheath the first few inches. Her channel gobbled him up eagerly and tightened spasmodically around him. Ethan stilled, his fingers clutching at her ass cheeks, spreading them wide so he could watch as he slid the rest of his cock in.

Fuck did that feel good. The first time round, under the influence of the mating fever to mark her, he’d not truly had time to appreciate just how good it felt to be inside her. How right.

The second time around, though, fuck, he could possibly die from the pleasure of it. To distract himself as she brought Javier to the same brink he already rested on, he licked his finger and rubbed it against her tight rosette. Big mistake. Her whole body tightened, most especially her sex, which clamped down on his cock.

Ethan gasped, his hips jerking forward against her buttocks, ramming him deeper. She made a moaning sound and her head bobbed more frantically making Javier groan. An interesting chain reaction. Ethan poked at her tight ring again, prepared this time for her reaction, but it didn’t make it any less pleasurable.

Carefully, he worked his finger into her anus, and her whole body bucked as her climax suddenly hit. Taken by surprise, Ethan began to pump his hips as his cock raced to catch her, milking her orgasm and triggering a second one. The spasming of her vaginal muscles just about drove him mad.

Through half lidded eyes, he saw Javier’s hands, clutching at her head, pumping her up and down, her eager cries testament to her enjoyment of their actions. With a bellow and a final, deep seated thrust, Ethan came inside her, Javier’s cry of release echoing only a moment later.

He collapsed on the bed, panting, Naomi’s glistening body nestled to his side with Javier on the other.

And all she could manage to say was, “Wow.” Then she giggled. They joined her in laughing, the moment so perfect and carefree he wished it would never end.

They made it last as long as they could. In between food, a shower and rounds three and four, they talked. Then fucked. Then talked some more which led to more lovemaking, until finally, their bodies sated and exhausted, they collapsed in a sweaty tangle of naked limbs. A perfect ending to a perfect day.

Chapter Fifteen

At brunch the following morning, Naomi, sore but happier—and more sated—than she’d ever imagined, ate her bacon while watching the people coming and going from the hotel restaurant. They hadn’t left their room at all the previous day, much too occupied with
things. Really fun and sweaty things.

However, if they were to draw the thugs after her, she needed to make an appearance and make a bulls-eye of herself. Not as much fun as making love to her new mates, but even she had to admit her men needed some recovery time so they could play later that afternoon in the scheduled lacrosse match.

Ethan and Javier stood across the room talking to some team members, but they kept shooting her heated glances. She managed not to blush, but only barely as she remembered their promise before they’d come down.

“After we win the game, we’re going to order up a bottle of champagne,” Javier started.

“And pour it all over your naked, hot body,” Ethan continued.

“We’re going to lick it off your skin, and suck it off your sweet pussy.”

“Then we’re going to prep that tight little ass of yours and we’re going to sit it on Javier’s cock.”

“As I teach you to enjoy some backdoor loving, Ethan’s going to eat your
pussy, making you cum hard and as your body still trembles in climax and I fuck your tight ass—“

“I’m gonna slide my big cock into you and pump you until you scream and cum hard all over both our cocks. Then, we’re gonna fuck you a little more, until you climax again.”

Was it any wonder her panties were already
? She sighed as she realized just how totally screwed she was. Not only had they marked each other last night, but she liked the big lugs. More than liked actually, loved. Not that she’d said it aloud yet. The knowledge still kind of blew her away. Besides, she comforted herself with the fact they already knew after the whole marking thing.

Speaking of which, talk about rocking her world. Never before had she imagined knowing someone—make that two someones—so intimately. She’d learned Javier might have fucked all those women—
—but cared for none until he’d met her. It amazed her to realize in that moment of truth how he’d gone from being a roaming tomcat to a happily leashed one.

During her unity with Ethan, she discovered his doubts and insecurities about his size. Learned of his regret over his lack of suave manners and his joy over the fact that she didn’t fear him. As if she could fear her big teddy bear.

Stirring her coffee, unsure of how many sugars she’d poured as she daydreamed, her wolf stirred in her mind and rumbled in warning as shrill feminine laughter split the air. Tilting her head up, she narrowed her eyes as she saw a cluster of young, nubile females clustering around her men. And the hussies dared to touch them. It didn’t appease her to know they were human and couldn’t scent that those two men in particular belonged to her.

A low growl spilt from her lips as one brazen slut—who was really asking to have her throat ripped out—rubbed her tits against Javier’s arm while another pinched Ethan’ s butt. About to stand up, she watched in pleasure—and a little disappointment because she wouldn’t get to tear some hair—as her mates, extricated themselves from the females with shaken heads and walked away, toward Naomi.

Naomi smirked at the crestfallen females and then stood to give each of her men, a long, tongue-laced kiss.

Javier chuckled as he sat down. “Jealousy becomes you,” he stated

“Was not.”

“Liar,” Ethan chided with a grin.

She stuck her tongue out. “Like you wouldn’t be annoyed if some guy rubbed himself all over me?”

“I’d kill him, out of sight, of course, so as to not offend your delicate sensibilities,” Ethan intoned as he snagged her last piece of bacon.

“Isn’t that a little extreme?”

“Nope. It’s different for men.”

“And how is it different?” she asked crossing her arms and glaring at him.

“Double standard.” He shrugged, while Javier snickered behind a hand. “You’ll have to get used to it.”

Shocked, it took Naomi a jaw-dropped moment before she realized the twinkle in Ethan’s eye meant he teased her. She slapped his arm, which didn’t do a thing to hurt him. Annoyed because both he and Javier were just about bent over double in mirth, she hit them where it hurt.

With a smirk meant to antagonize, she said, “Excuse me while I go back to our room to masturbate. Alone.” They went scooting after her as she stalked away. The elevator held other patrons as they went up to their room, but that didn’t stop her from leaning up to Ethan’s ear and whispering, “I can’t wait to get my hand in my panties. I am soooo wet.”

At the sound of his strangled moan, she turned to Javier, but instead of speaking, she just winked and looked down at her cleavage wondering if he thought of what she’d done with her tits to him the previous night during round four.

When the elevator doors opened, she’d no sooner strutted off than Ethan scooped her up like a football and ran down the hall to the sound of her giggling. Javier sprinted past with the key card to let them in.

In the end, after a bit of groveling and laughter, she let them bring her off with their mouths and fingers, but no cock because, as she explained, as she lay between them naked and glowing afterward, “You need to save that pent up energy for the game.”

“How am I supposed to play with this?” Javier moaned pointing to his rigid cock.

“Maybe you should think of joining a baseball team,” she teased.

“Or maybe we should beat your sweet little ass with them instead?” Ethan growled, his eyes dancing with mischief.

“Ooh, that actually sounds like fun, but you still can’t do it until after the game.” At their resigned and identical sighs, she laughed, a mirth cut short as reality intruded. They’d discussed their plan to capture her assailants the night before, but caught up in the passion of discovering their bodies, she thought it prudent to go over it once more. “So tell me what I’m supposed to do again?”

“Just be yourself.”

“Well, duh,” she replied rolling her eyes. “Apart from that. How am I supposed to draw my attacker out?”

“We figure they’ll try something at the game,” said Javier.

“Um, but won’t you guys be on the floor, not that I need any help,” she added quickly.

“You won’t be alone,” Ethan replied cryptically.

“If you say so. What if they don’t come after me like you think they will?” What she left unsaid was what if they went after her family or her mates instead?

“Call it a gut feeling,” Javier answered, leaning over to kiss her temple.

“Don’t worry,” Ethan rumbled. “We won’t let anyone hurt you.”

“Ha, I’d like to see them try. Now, isn’t it time you two lazy asses got ready for the match?” She bounced off the bed and stood with one hand on her cocked hip. “I’ve got a prize for the winners,” she sassed as she traced a finger down her body to her cleft. She laughed at their matching groans.

As she dressed, a touch of trepidation—that she would never relay aloud—made her hope things would go as smoothly as her mates thought. But, if they didn’t, then she’d do her damnedest to make sure they didn’t get hurt.




The boys seated her in the rapidly filling arena before leaving her to prep for the game. An excited buzz filled the air, and this time, with a vested interest in two of the players, she found it contagious.

Almost every seat in the place was taken, yet almost her entire row remained empty. As odd as it seemed, Naomi wondered if her men had arranged that as a buffer zone for her.
Or a lure to draw my stalker out?

The two teams came out amidst wild cheering; Naomi joined in, along with some loud wolf whistles at the sight of number sixty-nine and forty-four. They must have heard her because Ethan’s face split into a grin as he waved up at her, while Javier gave her a salute and a wink.

Everyone stood as the Canadian national anthem came on and the crowd sang. Shifters or not, they took great pride in their country, and she grinned as they sang “…glorious and free,” so true when it came to shifters in this beautiful land.

Patriotism done, the teams assembled on the benches and the first line came out for a face off. With a shrill buzz, the game started. Naomi sat on the edge of her seat, eyes glued to the action.

At the beginning of the third period, the Loup Garou’s led by two points and she wondered how she’d never noticed before what a truly fantastic sport lacrosse was.

My boys can crosscheck me, naked, anytime.

A bulky form sat next to her in the stands, interrupting her pleasant thoughts. She only sparred the stranger a quick glance, but it was enough for the late arriving patron to engage her in conversation.

“So you’re the she-wolf leading the boys on a merry chase are you?”

Naomi, who had turned her attention back to the game, froze and turned back to regard the man. Boar, she corrected, her wolf scenting the man’s beast; although, she could have probably figured that one out on her own given his close set eyes, brutish features and bulky body. “I’m sorry, but do I know you.” Her heart sped up as she wondered if she finally faced the troublemaker behind all the mishaps.

“ Maurice,” he offered, thrusting out a thick hand. “I used to coach the boys when they were a part of my team in the prairies. Sadly, I didn’t take them seriously when they told me they got an offer to come out east, and I’ve been trying to get them to come back ever since. I guess that won’t be happening at all now since they told me they gone and found themselves a female.”

“Yeah, well, you know there’s no saying no to fate.” The man, even though he seemed amiable enough, raised her hackles, both human and wolf.

“I’ve got to say, you’re much braver than I would have cottoned given their reputation.”

“Excuse me?”

“Surely you’ve heard? Those two are real ladies men. Gosh, I don’t think Javier’s ever slept with the same girl twice, and well, that Ethan, he might seem like a great, big, old teddy bear, but he sure has a temper on him.”

Her smile turned cold. “Really. I didn’t know. Well, they say the mating bond changes a male.”

“So you’re planning on marking them?” His beady eyes narrowed and clanging bells went off in her head.

“Actually, it’s already done.” She angled her neck left and right, displaying the skin and he stared with knitted brows at her mating marks which shone with a silvery sheen. It was the only wound shifters received that always left behind a scar. “Well, it’s been real nice meeting you, but if you’ll excuse me, the ladies room is calling.” Naomi stood up and made her way out of the auditorium, her heart racing.

Could they have gotten it wrong all this time? Did the threat come about because of her relationship with Javier and Ethan and not one of her clients after all? A desperate coach who seeing his ex-star players were settling down with a local girl would stop at nothing to get them back?

Her wolf yipped at her stunning conclusion and she hurried down the hall making her way to the locker room. It didn’t surprise her to hear steps following. It’s what they’d planned for.

She whirled and saw Maurice lumbering after her, and just a few feet behind, four hulking men who cracked their knuckles with menace.

“You just don’t know how to take a hint,” Maurice huffed, his beady eyes flashing with ire as he came even with her. 

“Oh, yeah, like the clues you left were so clear. Maybe next time you should try actually phrasing it in terms people could understand.”

“I should have just had you killed when I first had the chance,” he spat. “You have been nothing but a pain in my ass.”

“A fat ass that should have stayed in better shape,” she retorted kicking out and connecting with his knee. His leg crumpled and he bellowed as she bolted.

“Get the bitch,” he yelled. “I need her if we’re gonna get the boys to come back.”

Pounding feet and a quick glance over her shoulder confirmed pursuit by the four thugs, and she’d bet her collection of butterflies they were the same ones who’d beaten up her brother and shot Javier.

Ten feet from the locker room door and the hall’s dead end, she skidded to a halt and whirled to face approaching shifters.

“Now boys, you really should reconsider. I am after all a delicate freakn’ flower, and I abhor violence.” Naomi planted her hands on her hips and tilted her head.

Maurice panted as he struggled to catch up. Approaching her and thinking he had her trapped, he leered. “Delicate, my fat ass. But even you, honey, ain’t no match for five of us.”

Naomi grinned as the door behind her swung open.

“No, but we are,” Ethan growled as he came to stand by her side, Javier flanking the other.

Then the whole Loup Garou team poured out into the hall at her rear, while behind Maurice and his bully boys stalked her furious brothers, father and her mother who wore the most vicious snarl of them all.

Naomi blew the dead men a kiss. “Bye. Nice knowing you.”

Maurice’s piggy eyes darted around then back to her in fear. “Listen, maybe I was wrong to try and scare you off from the boys. Can’t we come to a deal?”

BOOK: Freakn' Shifters Bundle (3-in-1)
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