Freakn' Shifters Bundle (3-in-1) (59 page)

BOOK: Freakn' Shifters Bundle (3-in-1)
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Lips tight, Jack crawled in beside her and lay stiff as a board on his back, hands folded over a certain part of him that refused to play dead. “Happy?” he snapped.

She rolled on top of him, straddling him, and oh yes, someone was definitely happy to see her. Sheng cursed his cock out silently.

“Almost,” she replied.  Staring down at him, her hair still caught in a tight bun making her features stand out in stark contrast – a ski slope nose, bright brown eyes, rounded cheeks – he found himself caught. Speechless. Expectant. And not one bit angry, or disappointed when she leaned down and kissed him.

On the contrary, for the first time in forever, everything felt just right.

Sheng forgot to breathe as the crazy she-wolf kissed him. Forgot he hated her brazen mouth, or her provocative way of dressing. Forgot all the reasons he should shove her away. Instead, he opened his mouth for her sinuous tongue, and happily stroked hers back.

Insane. Out of character. Dangerous. Hot. Erotic. The right thing to do – push her away – couldn’t compete with the pleasurable one, which saw him meeting her kiss for kiss, tongue to tongue, hands on her ass, grinding her against him.

Lust, plus something more, rode him. A wild urge to mark this woman, to sink his teeth in her skin and claim her.
Mine. She’s mine. My mate.

No freakn’ way.

Shock had him pulling his mouth away.

“Stop,” he said weakly, desire riding him hard. He didn’t sound convincing. Her teeth grazed the column of his neck, sending his cat into an ecstatic, tail thrashing spin. He managed a stronger, “Stop. No. We can’t do this.” Even though he wanted to. Wanted to flip Gina onto her back, tear the clothes from her and drive into her body as his teeth sank into her flesh, claiming her as his.

This couldn’t be happening. Her lips came back to his as she ignored his request and for a crazy second, he let himself taste her again. Felt the need building.

Oh damn. He was in so much trouble. He needed to stop and get away from Gina. “No. This is wrong. We don’t even like each other.”

“I’d say your body thinks otherwise,” she replied huskily as she rubbed herself against him.

“I’m married.” And in so much trouble if Jiao found out, especially after all his lectures to her.

“Not happily. Any idiot could see that. Don’t worry. I won’t tell. I’m not looking for something permanent,” she whispered against the lobe of his ear, before nibbling it.

He couldn’t help the involuntary thrust of his hips at the sensation of her teeth on his flesh. What he wouldn’t give to forget his role as a married man, and the danger courting him and his sister. How he wanted to give Gina what her scent so clearly desired.

However Sheng hadn’t survived that long by taking the easy route. He pushed her to the side, and slid from the hatchback. Standing in the crisp autumn air, he sucked in big breaths, attempting to calm his racing pulse, and his rock hard dick.

When he felt under control, without a glance at her – out of fear he’d temporarily go insane and do something he’d regret – he got back in the passenger seat and waited.

Moments later, Gina joined him on the driver side. She didn’t say a word as she drove them back to the dealership. Sheng couldn’t have said why that irritated the heck out of him.

Swinging into the car lot, she parked, but before he could escape, she placed her hand on his thigh and murmured in a husky voice. “I’ll be seeing you soon, pussycat.”

Sooner than she thought if the dreams of the previous nights were any indication. And wearing less clothes.


Less than two hours of talk, frantic kisses and the glorious moment she came apart for him didn’t come close to satisfying Chris. On the contrary, he hungered for Jill more than ever. Worse, she burned just as hot for him, and Chris needed to act as the voice of reason, peeling his woman from his chest lest they get caught by her husband.
Don’t mind me, dude, just making sweet love to your wife.
Somehow he couldn’t see that scenario ending well.

“Meet me tonight,” he asked. Leaning his forehead against hers, he waited for his racing heart to calm – not likely to happen while he remained in close proximity to her, but he pretended to try.

“I wish I could,” she murmured wistfully. “But I can’t. He’ll know something’s up.”

“Something is,” he growled, grabbing her hand and placing it over his groin.

Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed bright. Damn, how could she appear so innocent? If he didn’t know any better, he’d swear she was inexperienced. Impossible given she was married, but cute nonetheless, and utterly arousing.

“I don’t work tomorrow and was planning to skip my yoga class. I was hoping we could spend some time together.”

“What about your husband?” He could barely bite the word out.
I’m the one who deserves that title.

“He has a meeting in the city. He should be gone for at least two hours or more.”

“That’s it?” Definitely not enough time to do half the things he planned.

“It’s better than nothing.”

“What happened to working on him so we could be together?” Because otherwise, Chris might have to revise his stance of no killing.

“I’m trying, but it’s hard. There’s so much I can’t explain.”

“You could try.”

“I can’t. I wish I could, but I can’t.”

“You don’t trust me.” He said it flatly, knowing his irritation showed, but unable to stem it. It didn’t matter that he asked a lot of her, that he wanted her to turn her whole world upside down for him. He didn’t care they’d first met just over a week ago. Ready to change his life – whip it inside out, turn over a new leaf, including getting rid of his black book – he expected the same of her. He trusted his gut when it told him she was the one and it hurt – not that he’d admit it aloud – that she didn’t feel the same.

“I do trust you, and I want to tell you, but I can’t betray Jack. I made a promise.”

“You also made a promise to cherish and be faithful, yet you have no problem breaking that,” he snapped, regretting the cruel words as soon as he tossed them out there.

The hurt on her face made him feel like the biggest jerk alive and when she struggled to get away from him, he hugged her tight. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean that. I’m sure you never expected, neither of us did, to have the mating fever hit us. I’m just so frustrated. I need more than a few stolen moments, baby.”

“And that’s supposed to make it okay for you to call me a cheater when you’re the one who seduced me first?”

“Me? You’re the one who made me melt when we first met.”

“Oh please. As if. I could barely even talk.”

“Really?” He couldn’t help the pleasure at her admission. “So you do think I’m hot.” He said this with an arched brow and a wide smile.

“I would have said conceited, but –”

He dug his fingers into her ribs and tickled her until she squirmed and gasped for mercy. “Okay, you’re cute,” she cried. He didn’t relent, loving her laughter. “I give in. You’re superhot.”

“That’s better. Nothing like admitting the truth.”

“Like you didn’t know,” she scoffed.

“A man enjoys hearing it though. Just like I’m sure you enjoy hearing you are the prettiest damned thing I’ve ever met.”

“Now who’s lying?”

“Hey, I resent that.”

“I find it hard to believe I’m the prettiest girl you’ve met.”

She denied his compliment, and yet, he couldn’t help but hear the pleasure in her tone, and the sense she needed reassurance. “I’ve met good looking girls,” he stated. And bedded most of them, a fact he kept to himself. “But none ever made me feel like the world stopped spinning the first time we met. None ever gave me sleepless nights.” Or never ending hard-ons. “And none ever made me want forever. Or talk like some geeky freak in touch with his feelings.” A moue of distaste curled his lips. God, he sounded like such a sappy idiot.

“If it’s any consolation, you’re the first man to ever make me regret my promise and marriage. I wish I could have met you before it all happened.”

The sincerity in her tone humbled him and made him feel like an absolute ass for his earlier words. “I am truly sorry for what I said before. I’ll try to be more patient.”

She stroked his hair, sifting her fingers through the strands. “I’m going to tell Jack it’s over. I can’t wait any longer either. I need to stop the lying. ”


“After his meeting tomorrow.”

Not the answer he wanted, not with a rock hard dick and another projected evening of whacking off alone, then beating his brother for ridiculing him. “Why after?”

“Because. Don’t push me on this.”


Her nose wrinkled. “Anyone tell you that you’re stubborn?”

“All the time.”

A soft smile graced her lips. “I need to go. Jack will be home soon and he mustn’t find us like this.”

“Fine.” Chris sighed. “You know you’re killing me, right?”

She kissed him softly. “It’s hurting me just as much. Until tomorrow.”

Away she scampered, leaving him hard and aching, pining for her presence, angry that she wouldn’t give in to what they both wanted.

Worried he’d do or say something he shouldn’t to Jack, Chris packed up and left just before four thirty. He wished he could figure out the deal between Jack and Jill. What was she so worried about? Did Jack have a temper? Did she worry for her safety?

If that prick laid one hand on her, he’d rearrange his face, gladly. Or did her concern stem from something else? If Chris could just figure out what kept them apart, he’d … what? Understand?

Probably not. But he also lacked the patience to wait like a good wolf on the sidelines while his jealousy and need grew.

Just one more day. She’d promised to broach it with Jack tomorrow. Surely he could wait one more day. He hoped so because otherwise he didn’t know if he could stop himself from doing something rash that would require his cousin Gina pulling strings to spring him.

Stomping into his house, he ran into his mother carrying a baby on her hip.

“Thank goodness, you’re here,” she exclaimed, handing over his nephew Mark who looked ridiculously cute in his Redskins football jersey and mini blue jeans.

Juggling the baby, he eyed his mother. “What’s up?”

“Naomi went to dinner with her mates.”


“Melanie’s still napping upstairs.”

“You still haven’t explained how this concerns me,” Chris replied making a face at the long line of drool hanging from his nephew’s lower lip.

“You need to babysit while I run to grab a few things.”

“Why me?” he complained. Hmm, good thing Naomi wasn’t here, she would have offered some cheese to go with his whine.

“Why you? You’re about to settle down with a mate. It’s time you learned what some of that entails.”

“How does dumping Naomi’s kids on me teach me anything?”

“Babies are the result of physical affection. You know, sex. The thing you’re hankering to do with your lady friend.”


“Christopher,” she aped back in a tone laced with mirth. “As I was saying, since you can pretty much expect your own little bundle of joy to arrive in nine months or so if you don’t wear a rubber hat –” Chris moaned and covered his eyes. “– it’s important for you to learn some of the basics so you’re not useless to your mate when the time comes. Like feeding a baby. Or changing diapers.”

He held up a hand. “Wait a second. I’ve heard dad brag about how he never had to change diapers when we were babies. If he didn’t have to, why should I? Isn’t the rule of thumb preach what you practice?”

Arms crossed, his mother pursed her lips. “No, it’s do as I say and not as your father did. See, the reason Geoffrey didn’t change diapers was because he puked on your brother, Stu, the three times he tried. It seems he has a low gag reflex.”

“He puked on Stu?” Chris snickered, then howled. “Oh my god. The ammunition you just gave me. Priceless.”

“Oh no you don’t, Christopher, or else someone with loose gums might just find the pictures of himself playing with the big brown shark in the tub hitting Facebook.”

“You wouldn’t.” Her gaze remained steady. He sputtered. “I was two!”

“Older than your brother when your father hurled on him. So do we understand each other?”

“Yes,” he said it begrudgingly. But you had to hand it to his mom. She was the best mother ever – when it came to blackmail. In her defense, she needed an evil side to stay ahead of the chaos he, his brothers, sister, and father would otherwise cause.

“This is not what I had planned for the evening,” he muttered, his fantasy of Jill doing a strip tease on the back of his eyelids fading fast.

“Thank goodness, I say. Some of us are tired of you moping about like a lovesick puppy.”

“I do not mope,” Chris retorted. “I pout.” His lower lip jutted far enough to make his mother snicker. A chuckle shook him. “Sorry about the bad moods. It’s just, since I’ve met her –”

BOOK: Freakn' Shifters Bundle (3-in-1)
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