Freed (6 page)

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Authors: Berengaria Brown

BOOK: Freed
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The only thing spoiling the week for her was not hearing back from Mr. Blake, but if her event planning business really did succeed, she wouldn’t have time for a nine-to-five job anyway. Although the security of working for someone else would be better, she supposed. The certainty of a paycheck would be nice, but the joy of working for herself, being her own boss, making her own decisions, was hard to go past. In fact, she could get addicted to it very easily, she thought.

Once the outlines were determined for the two new parties, Aurelia began e-mailing people about placing an advertisement on their website as Ormonde had suggested. The celebrant who’d conducted the two commitment ceremonies was very happy to have Aurelia’s services mentioned on her website. “Several people have asked me about whom to contact for things like the catering. I’d be more than happy to refer all those questions to you,” she said.

“Thank you. How much will you charge for my advertisement?”

“No charge, dear. No charge. It’s one hand washing the other, isn’t it? We’re both helping ourselves in such an arrangement.”

“Thank you.” Aurelia was humbled at how helpful this woman had been. If she ever had a commitment ceremony herself, she could choose no one better to lead the vows than her friend.

Likely it was much too soon to be thinking of her own commitment ceremony. They’d only been together half a dozen months. And they still hadn’t tracked down any other call centers yet. But one day, one day.

Aurelia sighed, shook herself, and contacted the clothing company from whom she hired the tuxedos and her dress. Maybe they’d let her advertise on their website. Then she really needed to think of other avenues to expand into.


Chapter Four

It was not time to get up. It couldn’t be. It was still dark, and she was way too tired for it to be morning yet. It wasn’t like they’d been out partying last night. Mas had to be practically surgically disconnected from his laptop these days even to get him to come to bed.

She burrowed deeper under the blanket and tried to pull her pillow over her head, but someone was tugging her arm and…

“For God’s sake, you two. Get up, and see this! I’ve found the link at last!”

Aurelia opened one bleary eye and tried to focus on Mas. Although he was wearing nothing but his boxers, his whole body was alight with happiness. Niall was standing beside the bed, already dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. Of course, he always did wake right up instantly, not in stages like she did.

“Link?” she asked, trying to get her brain into gear. It felt like her head was full of cotton, and she really just wanted to lie down again, but Mas was so excited…

“Link? You mean to the call center?”

“Exactly, sweet.” Niall hauled her to her feet, and she staggered after the other two into the office.

Mas pulled two more chairs up to the desk, sat them down, and started explaining how he’d been following a lead from one of the shell companies involved in the call center Aurelia had worked at. She remembered a conversation they’d had some time ago about people often using similar names for companies, and it seemed this particular one had wandered through the color spectrum, Indigo, Violet, Blue, Teal, and now Jade. “I almost missed it because I mentally categorized it as jade, the gemstone, instead of jade, the green color. Of course, green follows logically from purple and blue,” said Mas.

Aurelia’s brain was finally waking up. “You found the other call center? You tracked them down? Oh, Mas, that’s wonderful!”

“Two other call centers,” corrected Mas.

“Two? Holy shit!” said Niall.

Mas started explaining how he’d traced the deals through what seemed to Aurelia like a million different shell companies and misleading storefronts. She was still trying to keep up with him when Niall interrupted. “You have backed everything up, haven’t you? E-mailed it off somewhere safe into cyberspace, where no one can hack into it if they discover your footprints?”

“Of course. I have done this before, you know. Every step is backed up twice in two different places, and the complete files are also somewhere separate as well. Now we need to use Niall’s connections to take the final steps, put it in the hands of an entire alphabet of agencies who can stop Mr. Big before he leaves town for somewhere with no extradition agreement with the States.”

“Someone with that much money at stake, wouldn’t they have left already after the first call center was discovered?” asked Aurelia.

“His accounts here are still in use. I think, sometimes, these really big criminals believe themselves to be above the law. They have so much money and power, it’s inconceivable to them that they will be caught. There are layers of workers between the coalface and themselves to absorb the impact and take the blame.”

“That sounds about right. I hadn’t thought of it like that.”

Niall stood and started making phone calls. He made a lot of calls, waiting sometimes for quite a while as people were woken, gradually being passed higher and higher up the food chain at various agencies. But within an hour, Mas’s data had been sent to several secure, encrypted e-mail addresses, and Mas and Niall were being told to stay inside and communicate with no one until further notice, possibly for forty-eight hours.

“Forty-eight hours? What are we going to do with no Internet for forty-eight hours?” asked Mas.

“Sleep,” said Aurelia, standing up to go back to bed.

“Sleep for sure, but later,” said Niall, sweeping her into his arms, and nodding to Mas.

“Forty-eight hours of sex? I’ve never done that before, but I’m up to give it a try,” said Mas.

“You two are always up,” Aurelia said with a laugh.

Niall placed her on the bed, and she sank into the comfortable mattress. She really was still very tired, but she was also aroused. The thought that once again Mas had solved a problem the police hadn’t been able to decipher, despite all their resources, reminded her of how much Mas cared about her, how many hours he’d dedicated to solving the puzzle instead of doing his own paid work or simply relaxing. He’d done it for her, and she treasured that thought.

Aurelia opened her arms, and Mas snuggled his head between her breasts, nuzzling the globes, licking her skin, and then blowing on the damp patches. With his tongue, he painted a spiral, starting at the outer edges of her breasts and gradually moving in closer and closer to the nipple. By the time he finally sucked the tight little point into his mouth, she was hot and wet, eager to be possessed by them both, and definitely no longer sleepy.

Mas sat higher up on her body, most of his weight on his knees on the bed, to continue playing with her breasts, while Niall lifted her legs up to prepare her ass. She finally decided to rest her feet on Niall’s shoulders after trying to balance them against Mas’s back. Resting them against his back was too hard a position to hold, especially as she was becoming incredibly aroused.

Mas had painted her other breast with his saliva and now was back to nuzzling his head between her breasts. Then he sat up straighter and placed his cock there instead, holding her flesh firmly to enclose his shaft, and he began pumping up and down.

Stretching her neck, she was able to flick her tongue across the head of his cock on every second or third time it came forward.

Niall slapped her ass sharply twice, saying, “You’re ready.”

“If I was any more ready, I would’ve already come,” she replied.

“Patience, my sweet.” Niall laid flat on his back then said, “Now lie on your back, on my chest. Mas, you’ll have to help her get my dick lined up to go in her ass.”

Hastily, they rearranged themselves, the three of them together ensuring Niall’s cock slid home into her ass.

“Oh, wow, that feels good.” Aurelia wiggled her ass, forcing his cock as deep as it could go in this position. Niall held her body tightly so she couldn’t slide off him, his thighs bracing hers, his hands on her sides, his head resting on her shoulder.

“And I get to be top dog,” crowed Mas, climbing on top of them all.

“Tonight you truly are,” said Aurelia, knowing he wouldn’t squash her. They both always took their weight on their legs or arms unless she specifically asked them to hold her with their bodyweight.

Mas slid his cock into her aching cunt. Even though her ass was stuffed as full as it could go with Niall’s delicious shaft, she still felt empty unless Mas was in her somewhere, too. Having him in her pussy, with Niall in her ass, was perfection in her mind. She was beyond full, her tissues stretched wide, but without pain. It was an erotic, totally carnal fullness, one that spoke of unlimited pleasure about to be hers very soon.

Mas placed his legs outside both hers and Niall’s, took his weight on his knees as she’d predicted, and then the two began a push-pull motion designed to drive her to a screaming climax in a very short time.

As Mas gradually slid his cock out of her pussy, until just the head remained inside her, Niall pushed his dick back inside her ass. The constant movement in and out was driving her wild. It seemed as though every nerve ending in her body was on fire with need.

Aurelia dug her fingers into Mas’s strong shoulders, holding tight. Her legs were wrapped between both men’s legs, skin on skin on skin. Her body moved up and down with Niall’s as he thrust into her, but was also controlled by Mas’s movements. It was incredibly arousing. Aurelia could scarcely think. She was so overwhelmed with the sensations of her men, their musky scents in her nostrils, and their salty sweat on her tongue.

Deep inside her, the climax was building, the excitement winding ever tighter as the men’s pumping gradually got faster and harder. The climaxes they gave her were inevitably excellent, but Aurelia knew that this one would be spectacular. Her body was on fire. She was quite surprised not to see smoke coming off her limbs.

Mas moved his hands to hold Niall’s shoulders, and Niall lifted one hand to balance against Mas. Following suit, Aurelia left one hand on Mas’s shoulder and gripped Niall’s hip with the other. Now they were so linked hardly an inch of their bodies wasn’t in contact with everyone. Legs and arms, chests and backs, faces only a breath apart.

Now the men changed up the pace, withdrawing together and thrusting in together, slamming hard and in unison, their muscles rippling with their movements all across Aurelia’s skin. The effect was so erotic Aurelia snapped, and the orgasm powered through her, bursting like a balloon in her belly, firing like a rocket up her spine, through her arms and legs, almost blowing the top off her head.

With all her strength, she clenched her internal muscles, holding both cocks deep inside herself as her body shook and rippled all around them. Now both men groaned, and cum blasted into the condoms in her cunt and her ass. The extra heat released made her body shake again in an aftershock, which in turn made both men jet more cum. The cycle repeated itself a second time, until the three of them sagged limply on the mattress, breathing heavily.

Mas linked his feet around all three bodies and flipped them onto their sides, where they lay for long moments, still panting, until finally the men withdrew to dispose of the condoms.

Strangely, instead of being almost asleep, Aurelia was now quite wide awake. When they returned, she snuggled against them, breathing in their manly aromas, noting the similarities and differences. Niall never used scented colognes or soaps, whereas Mas liked to try out the latest fashions in male shampoos and aftershaves.

“You enjoyed planning the commitment ceremonies, didn’t you,” began Mas.

Aurelia was instantly alert. They all knew she did, so this wasn’t a question. It was him opening a conversation about something he wasn’t very sure about.

“Yes, I did.”

“Have you ever thought about planning a commitment ceremony for yourself? For us?” asked Mas.

Aurelia gasped. “Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, I have thought about it, but I decided it was much too soon for us to be considering such a step.”

“Why is it too soon if we want to commit and you want to commit? Or do you mean you aren’t sure of your feelings or aren’t ready to settle down yet?” asked Niall.

“No, no, nothing like that. I love you both so much, of course I’m ready to settle down with you. But I thought you two might not want to talk about it until we’d been together for, say a year, or something like that.”

“Sweet, it took me all of ten seconds to know you were the one for me.”

“Likewise, although it took a little longer to realize I wasn’t going to be able to get rid of Niall and had to accept him as part of the package,” added Mas.

Aurelia thought he was only half joking. She knew it’d been an adjustment for both of them to learn to share her.

Niall’s fingers were on her nipple. “And, my sweet, how would you feel about all of us getting one nipple pierced. It would be a private thing, just for us, our own symbol of unity.”

A rush of lust raced through Aurelia, heating her as hot as she’d been in throes of her orgasm. “Oh yes. I’d like that. Very much.”

Mouths sucked at her skin. Hands gently stroked her back and her breasts.

Then Mas spoke. “We’d need some outward sign as well. I’d want everyone to know she belonged to us. What about matching wedding rings that are the same pattern as the nipple rings? Only we would know about the nipple rings, but the wedding rings would proclaim our love to the world.”

Aurelia nodded. That sounded good. Her own commitment ceremony. Ye gods, how awesome was that!


* * * *


The forty-eight hours incommunicado stretched to sixty, but they were fully occupied planning their commitment ceremony and fucking each other’s brains out. The kitchen counter became Niall’s favorite place to take her, but Mas expressed a preference for leaning against a wall, any wall.

They were cuddled on the couch the next afternoon when Aurelia jumped up. “Rainbow Enterprises!” she said and ran out of the room.

“Say what?”

“Hell if I know.”

Mas and Niall followed her into the bedroom, leaning against the wall and watching as she upended the junk drawer in the closet and rummaged through it.

“If you told us what you were looking for, we could help,” said Niall.

“Mr. Peter Blake gave me his business card at Ormonde’s commitment ceremony. Not that he’s ever called me back for that job he talked about!” She dragged in a breath, trying not to be unnecessarily rude. Her idea might be quite wrong after all, and there was no reason why he should hire her anyway.

“It just occurred to me that Mas was tracking the call center people through the various colors of the rainbow, and I’m sure his card said something about Rainbow Enterprises. It just struck me as strange, coincidental. I need to check that—Aha!”

She snatched the little rectangle of cardboard out of the mess she’d made on the floor. In large print, the card said
Mr. Peter Blake
and a toll free phone number. Underneath, in much smaller print, was
Rainbow Enterprises

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