Freeing Tuesday (6 page)

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Authors: Katheryn Kiden

BOOK: Freeing Tuesday
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“So, I get to pop the cherry on that bad bitch?” Hunter asks, pointing at my gun from his perch on the chair.

“Yep,” I smirk and run my fingers over my shiny new toy. “My last gun was a casualty of a great night with a fuckin’ beautiful chick that came in a few nights ago but that’s a story for another time and a few beers.”

The guy starts bouncing in the chair like a kid that just snorted a pixy stix. “Holy shit! Did you fuck some chick with a gun?” His head flicks back and forth between me and Aiden. “I thought I had done everything!”

“Nah,” I shake my head, “just used it for… stimulation. Without the needle, of course, but it was still one hell of a ride.”

Aiden looks at my gun and then back at me. “That’s a few hundred for a good gun. That was worth the gungasm?”

I crack up as I try to get the stencil on straight and add the new word to my list of awesome shit to say. “Bro, it’s always worth it as long as it’s done right.”

“You got that right," Aiden says as I hit the pedal and get to work.

We chat over the buzzing the entire time. I tell them about some of the crazy shit I used to do in the Marines and some of the stupid shit I have inked into people's skin.

“I tell them all to think before they ink," I shrug. “They put the money in my hand; I’m not the one that has to wear that shit for life.”

“Yo, holy shit!” Sean’s voice pulls me out of my zone and I’m really glad that I had just pulled back to wipe the ink or I would have added a line to this guy’s arm. “You’re Hunter motherfuckin’ Chesterfield!” I glare at him but can tell by the look on his face that Sean didn’t put two and two together when he made the appointment.

Hunter grins back at him, “That’s what it says on my birth certificate man. What’s up?”

“Shaft is one of my favorite bands, other than Thirty Ought Six. My name’s Sean.” He drops down onto the empty stool and calms down on his fan girl moment. Shaft. I laugh inside my head at all the jokes I could throw out right now but I stop when Hunter cocks his head and looks at Sean’s leg.

“Do you have a rooster on your leg?” Aiden asks, making me roll my eyes.

Sean smiles back at him, “Yep. How many people can say they have a cock below their knee?”

“See,” I say sarcastically. “Some people don’t think before they ink.”

“I’d need it tatted on my fuckin’ ankle!” Hunter laughs, “That’s right bitches my cock sits right against the inside of my ankle. No need for boxers, I just tuck in my boot!”

I feel like I’ve heard Jameson talking about this Shaft shit before. My hand grazes over my head as I think. “Shaft? Hmm, I’ve heard of you guys. I think my brother Jameson has mentioned you before. He plays guitar for Thirty Ought Six.”

A high pitched squeal pulls my attention towards the blonde that came in with these guys. She peeks around the corner and grins at me, “You’re Jameson Williams’ brother? Oh, he’s so hot!”

“What the fuck?” I hear being yelled from the waiting room. The girl giggles and her face turns a cute shade of red.

“Well he is!” she yells back.

I wink at her, “Who do you think taught him how to rock a room and get the girl? Baby, he got it all from me. If you think he’s hot, I’ll burn your fucking house down.”

I can tell by the way she’s looking at me that she is about ready to drool. “You sing too?”

“I taught that bitch everything he knows," I smirk at her and tease her, thinking about all the things that I could do to this chick. “Want a lesson? I can squeeze you in on Wednesday.”

“She’s happily married and knocked the fuck up," the guy in the waiting room yells back at me but I can tell he isn’t mad.

“So is Jameson,” I chuckle. “Well, not the knocked up part. Abby takes care of that. So, you guys playin’ a show while you’re in town then?” I turn my attention to Aiden as I clean up Hunter's arm.

He nods, “Yep. Tomorrow night.”

I drop my machine onto the light table behind me and grab my phone. Pulling up Jameson’s name I type out a message.

Me- Shaft? that the new band uve been talking about?

My phone immediately buzzes with his response.

Jameson- Yeah. We were gunna go check em out in a few weeks.

Me- save u a trip n a few weeks. They r @ the shop, show tmrw. u game?

Jameson- Fuck yes! Ill tell Abby

My smile gets bigger with every text that comes through. “So what if I were to say that Abby and Jameson are wantin’ to see you in action?”

The girl bounces up and down and I force my eyes away from her tits when she squeals again.

“You tell them I’ll have all access passes for all of you at will call tomorrow night. I’ll give you the number to my cell, just text me the number you need and I’ll take care of it.”

I shoot Jameson another text to let him know and he responds immediately. “Works for us.” I look over at Hunter and admire my handiwork. “We’re done here, Hunter. If you want to give me twenty or so to close up shop here, Sean and I are game for beers and shit.”





“Dude, what the fuck is a tiger lily? Isn’t that some sorta flowery bullshit? Doesn’t that shit have thorns or something? Holy fucking shit!” My eyes go wide as I stare at Hunter and I can feel the alcohol running through my system. He just sits back and looks at me like I’m crazy. “No man, it’s not thorns it’s teeth! Fucking rabid pussy! She’s not having an orgasm, she’s fucking gumming your dick trying to teethe! Run for your mother fucking life her twat’s gunna eat your cock!”

The entire table erupts in laughter and I look towards the bar to see Kyle shaking his head. He’s never seen me drink this much. I can’t even begin to know what’s running through his head so I just smile and wave.

Henry, Shaft's bodyguard, or the Hulk as I have been calling him all night, slaps his huge hand down on the table. His shoulders roll with his laughter for a second before he looks up at me with the most serious expression I have ever seen and says, “Gobble gobble, mother fucker.”

I crack up again until the waitress drops off another round of drinks and puts another hot dog in front of Hunter. Just watching this guy inhale what must be a dozen bacon dogs now makes me want to hurl. Or maybe it’s the shots that these guys insisted I had to do on top of the beer because of some weird ass tradition. I force my eyes back open when I hear Hunter ask me about my sexual week days.

“That’s fuckin’ legendary!” Hunter rubs his chin like an evil genius would and I close one of my eyes so I can see less than two of him. “So is it ‘Stroke me Sunday’? Maybe I can implement this on tour. I like the idea of ‘Fill her ass Friday’.”

I laugh and seriously consider changing a few of my days to ones that he has thrown at me. “Fuck yeah! You’d have theme music for Sunday already too!” I feel my body sway back and forth as I think about the ride over here. Laughing again when I think about the fact that when his phone rang, his ringtone for this tiger lily chick was
Stroke me
by Mickey Avalon.

“Stroke me, Stroke me!” All of us except Henry and tits McGee, otherwise known as Daisy, start to sing. Another fucking flower. What is it with these boys and their bushes?

Hunter tumbles off his chair when the waitress makes another round to grab our empties and he wraps his arms around her. “It’s a song that doubles as an invitation. Want me to unlace my boot and let loose my python?”

Sean and I holler and clap until she reaches down and grabs his dick so hard his eyes go wide. She turns and smiles at Henry. “Hey doll face, I think it’s time to tuck him and his python in for the night. My boss doesn’t like the wild and lively kind groping his wait staff.”

Henry laughs and winks at her when he hands her his credit card. “Thanks, I’ll just settle the bill and haul them out then." He turns towards me and Sean, “You two got someone to call? No way you’re driving.”

Sean grins, “Yeah he’s got someone to call alright... or drunk dial. Fuckin’ lightweight." He nudges me with his elbow and I scowl back at him.

“Fuck you man. I usually stick to just a beer or two. I’m not used to this shot after shot shit.” I haven’t been this drunk since I was sixteen and my dad found me stealing from his stash. He beat me so bad I could barely move for a week.

When I reach for my phone I knock over a few of the bottles that were left on the table when Hunter decided to get frisky with the hot waitress. Daisy giggles and I shoot her a wink which makes Gray, her husband, glare at me.

I nod to myself when I pick up the right phone, “Yeah I’ll just make a call or whatever.”

The words tumble out of my mouth and I wonder if I’m just drunk or if I sound like I’m having a stroke. A wide grin stretches across my face when she answers. Her sleepy voice instantly makes me hard and I close my eyes, imagining her head bobbing on my dick under the table.

“What!” She snaps after a second of me not answering and it pulls me from my daydream.


“I’m still pissed off at you, Evan. What do you want?”

Hunter looks around at the other guys with us before staring at me. “It’s not Tuesday dumbass. How many of those did you drink?” He flops back in his chair, closes his eyes and rubs his crotch. “I wish it was Stroke me Sunday… I need a good stroking.

“No… Not Tuesday,” I roll my eyes because he’s such an idiot right now. “
Fuck man, pay attention.”

“Oh that’s so much better,” Sean turns and laughs at me. I flip him off when he tells me that they don’t know her. Everyone should know her hot little body. Wait no, not everyone, just me. Hell, I’d sure like to know it better than I do.

Tuesday yawns into the phone. “What do you need this late? Or early, I should say. I swear if I need to bring you glue solvent again because some chick didn’t like your dick ‘em and ditch ‘em antics I will super glue your sac to your asshole.”

I groan just thinking about the superglue on my nuts again. “Tuesday,” I slur, “I’m drunk. These boys are trying to shaft me but I’m resisting. I don’t wanna be shafted, Tuesday! They kidnappered me. They made me leave my truck at the shop. It’s all Cunterfield and Sean’s fault!”

“Kidnappered, huh?” I can hear her stifling her laughter with something. Probably a pillow. My mind wanders again and I wonder what it would be like to make her scream my name into that pillow. “I’ll be there in a few. You owe me asshole.”

She hangs up on me and the guys help to get me outside. My head swims and I stumble a few times.
Never drinking this much again,
I promise myself. I slide down the wall once we’re outside and run my hands over my face. “Cunterfield what did you do to me?”

Daisy peels her mouth away from Gray’s and giggles, “Did you just call him Cunterfield?” I nod and hope that no one hits me. I’m in no shape for a fight right now. “I call him Cunter.” She bends over and laughs some more, heaving for her breath and I can’t pull my eyes off her tits until she points at Hunter. “So that makes you Cunter Cunterfield.”

A little while and a few more Cunter jokes later my truck pulls up in front of us and I go to push myself off the ground but fail miserably so I stay where I am. Hunter heads towards Tuesday and just when I’m about to bite his head off Henry pulls him back and sticks his hand out to introduce himself.

“I’m Tuesday," she says as she shakes hands with Henry. She avoids Hunter but smiles at Gray and Daisy who are on the ground next to me. Not quite sure why she didn’t shake Hunter's hand but it’s fine by me. I don’t want his hands on any part of my girl.
My girl
. Where the hell did that come from?

“Son of a bitch I get it now! Tuesday! That’s her name!” Gray whispers loudly.

“No fuckin’ shit!” I say as the back of my hand bounces off his chest. Tuesday turns her back towards me, giving me a second to admire her ass. I wonder if they make Shaft Approved underwear. I could use a permanent marker and write
over the top of it. I’ll have to check that out at the concert tomorrow night.

“Hey asshole, nice to know you can drink without me." Her arms cross over her chest in a bitchy stance but when I reach out she grabs my hand thinking I need help getting up, which I do but I’m not ready to get up yet. Instead, I pull her down and she lands in my lap. “Really?” she asks and I grin at her.

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