Freeing Tuesday (7 page)

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Authors: Katheryn Kiden

BOOK: Freeing Tuesday
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“Really,” I nod. “I see you’ve met my new buddy, Cunter Cunterfield. This is Gray and Daisy.” She reaches over to shake Gray and Daisy’s hand and her ass shifts across my lap. I’m instantly hard and too drunk to care that she can feel it.

Her head turns towards me and she arches her brow, “That better be a tattoo gun in your pants…”

“It could be. You should see what I can do with one of those now.” I wink at her and Hunter cracks up.

“I know what you can do with one of those. I saw the damage.”

“So, you’ll never believe what I learned tonight, Tuesday. Cunter likes vaginas with teeth. Bet your sad vag doesn’t seem so bad anymore now does it?”

She glares at me but her deadly glare has no effect on me in my drunken stupor. Hunter's head perks up like a meer cat at the mention of vagina. “Sad vag?” Hunter quips. “That’s a pity but I can fix it. I’ll just dust off the cobwebs and dive in.”

She smacks me against the chest and goes to stand up but I pull her back to me and lay my head against her perfect chest. “Oh I wrote you a poem! I almost forgot,” my voice vibrates against her boob and makes me laugh.

“You can tell it to me if you get up and get in the truck. I’m tired and want to go to bed."

“Oooh,” I whisper. “We can have a sleep over. I can think of all kinds of games we can play.”

She shakes her head and stands, trying to pull my heavy ass up with her. I don’t even budge until Henry comes over and lifts me like I weigh nothing more than a feather. I stumble toward the truck and lean against the fender.

“Can I tell you my poem now?” She stops and puts her hands on her hips, waiting for me to talk. I smile because this poem is the shit. “Roses are reddish, grass is greenish, when I think about you, I touch my penissss.”

She fights back the laughter I see in her eyes and scowls at me, pointing her finger towards the truck door and she laughs at me when Henry has to help me up into it.




I say goodbye to everyone and promise Daisy that I’ll see them tomorrow, today whatever, at the show. God damn, I can’t believe I crawled out of bed to come get Evan's drunk ass. I have never seen him drunk. Hell, I’ve never seen him drink more than two beers. I guess that explains the state he is in right now.

“I’m not going to take you home tonight. You can just sleep it off in one of the spare apartments,” I say after we drop Sean off at his house.

His head rolls toward me and he smiles wide, “Can’t I just sleep with you? We can be snuggle buddies.”

I suppress the urge to give in and I tell him no when he leans over so he is only a few inches from my face. I can feel his breath against my skin and it sends goose bumps across my body.

“I found my new favorite song tonight. It was Cunterfield’s ringtone for his toothy twat… Let me see your hand.”

Against the better judgment my head is throwing out I give him my hand. He leans closer to my ear and drops my hand to his thigh, holding it hostage there. I know he’s drunk and it’s just the alcohol talking so I don’t say anything and wait to see where he’s going with all this.

His nose runs over the shell of my ear before he takes the lobe and tugs it between his teeth. I let a moan slip and can feel him smile against my skin.

“You want this just as bad as I do,” he whispers.

It doesn’t matter how much I want anything in life, with my past, with my uncertain future, it’s not worth the risk. “Like you said before. It’s probably just because I have a sad vag," I lie. "Now, what was this song you were talking about?”

“Oh yeah, I forgot.” He starts singing the words to
Stroke Me
while inching my hand up his thigh. He’s rock hard and I have to take a deep breath and forcefully pull my hand away instead of doing what I really want to do.

He groans when I pull back and he folds back into his seat. Turning his face so he’s looking out the window I hear him whisper sadly, “One of these days you’ll give in.”

I pull into the driveway and cut the engine but Evan doesn’t move. His head is sitting against the window and even being passed out, he looks sad. It’s not how I usually see him and I wonder if seeing him drunk gave me a glimpse of how he really feels in his head. I reach over and grab his hand, trying to shake him awake so we can go inside, because I know if I sit here and think about it, I will realize he is right and I can’t let that happen.





Abby shoves me up against the wall as soon as we’re in the hallway near the room where Hunter and the other guys are holed up. “I swear Evan, if you fuck this up because you act like an ass I will cut you.”

Jameson grabs her around the waist and pulls her flush against him while he walks down the hall, whispering something in her ear that instantly calms her down and she smiles. Probably something about being the meat in her thigh sandwich later. Damn it, now I’m hungry: maybe a little horny.

“I still don’t understand why he had to come along,” she mumbles while glaring at me.

“You wouldn’t even
this meeting if it weren’t for me! While you were at home playing Betty Crocker, I was at the bar talking to the Shaft boys about toothy twats," I grin and look at Tuesday. “Plus, you let
tag along.”

“Yeah, I needed someone to come along to keep you in line.” Abby calls out over her shoulder as we walk.

Before I have a chance to respond, a pair of double doors open and everyone files through behind Henry.

I’m the last one through behind Sean and Tuesday, just how I like it. Any opportunity to watch her ass sway is a good one. I know after tonight, with her dressed in the red dress and fuck me heels she has on, I’ll be in a cold shower the whole damn night.

I’m not even paying attention to where I’m going, I’m more interested in imagining her legs around my hips and I run into her back because everyone has stopped in front of a door to wait for Henry to open it.

“Quit staring at my ass, fucker,” Tuesday growls without turning around. I just shake my head and chuckle.

“Christ, it’s like we have an extra kid, Jameson,” Abby groans.

“You love me and you know it!”

She turns around and glares at me. Fuck, Tuesday must be teaching her
ways because every time she looks at me it’s worse than the last time.

“You’re about as useless as a screen door on a submarine,” she says as we walk in. “I still don’t know why we had to bring you and Sean with us. This is business, well mostly.”

When we walk in, everybody in the room looks like they’re about to shit their pants. I walk around her and bump fists with Hunter.

Turning back to Abby, I smile, “You brought me? Those passes were left for me.”

Abby rolls her eyes but I know she loves this shit. Her life would be so boring without me.

“Those passes were left for Mr. Gungasm McToothy-Twat. If you’re going by that now, I officially don’t know your stupid ass.”

I can’t stop the laugh that comes out when she says what name they left the tickets under. Last night was fucking epic even if it did result in a pissed off Tuesday and a sore head. The hangover was a bitch but it was totally worth it.

Daisy jumps up when she sees that no one else is going to and reaches out for Abby’s hand.

“I’m so glad you could make it tonight, Ms. Irons.”

The formal shit that’s rolling off her tongue sounds weird. I don’t think I have ever heard Abby be referred to as Miss anything.

“My name is Abby. There’s nothing formal about me or this meeting tonight. We’re here to watch Shaft kick ass.” She laughs to herself and I know she has some Shaft joke running through her head, and then continues introducing everyone else. “This is my husband, Jameson, who sadly is McToothy-Twat’s brother, and that’s Tuesday, my best friend and go-to girl.”

Once again I get distracted looking at Tuesday’s body until I hear the words ‘Cunter Cunterfield’ come out of her mouth and watch Hunter jump up and stalk towards her. My body instantly goes rigid and I want to kick his ass when he cups her jaw.

“That’s where I know you from. You’re the sexy kitten that’s one of Evan’s days of the week. Well, it’s ‘Fill her ass Friday’ here, let me make you purr.”

I feel the rage start to build when
eyes drop to his mouth, and when she smiles it doesn’t help any. I know that look though, so I don’t move. Just when I think she isn’t going to do anything, her perfect leg snaps up and hits head on against his nuts.

Hunter drops to the floor, his hands holding onto his now damaged goods as he gags and tries to catch his breath.

“I’m nobody’s day of the week, and I’m definitely
your Kitten.” Her eyes flick toward me and I know the day of the week comment was meant for me. “You wouldn’t know how to make a real woman purr if you had two tongues and a vibrating penis the size of a mic stand.”

Everyone laughs as she kicks him in the hip and takes his seat. Crossing her legs she fiddles with her necklace and watches me sadly. I know what just happened is my fault. I know that if I hadn’t drank so much I wouldn’t have had to call her and she wouldn’t have met Hunter before right now and he wouldn’t have made that comment.

I reach down with Aiden and help Hunter up and he squeaks out a few words about walking it off before we haul him out into the hall.

My breath comes in hard fast spurts as I think about the way he touched Tuesday. He put his hands on my girl without her wanting them there and if he didn’t know that touching her was a bad idea after what she just did to him, I planned on making sure he did soon.

“You good man?” I grind out between my teeth, gripping his arm so tightly he flinches. When he tells me that he’s good and calls Tuesday feisty, I almost lose it.

She doesn’t deserve being treated like that. She deserves shit like flowers and cuddling. All the shit that I have never done and never had the urge to do. All these things are stacking up on my ‘reasons I’m not good enough for Tuesday’ list.

Aiden tells me to go back to the room and that he would take care of the dumbass that is his brother, so I walk away before I go to jail for murder. I pass the room a few times while I try to calm myself down so I don’t go back and put Hunter in his place. If I did that and she found out I stood up for her by telling him not to touch her ever again, I’d be right there on the floor where he was a few minutes ago.

I’ve been on the floor because of Tuesday before and I don’t feel like going down that road again.




Rolling my shoulders, I try to relieve some of the tension that built up when Hunter touched me as I sit on the wing of the stage with everyone else as we watch the show. Watching Daisy as she watches her husband play reminds me of how Abby watches Jameson. Totally enthralled; like she only breathes when he’s playing.   

I see Jameson wrap his arms around Abby and pull her into him. My heart aches from what I know I’m missing but I love this. When we’re recruiting I actually get to watch the show and hang out with my friends instead of work, so I push my other feelings to the side.

I know Evan is staring at me, I can feel it and I have half a mind to turn around and tell him to watch the damn show instead of me. Pissed off doesn’t even begin to cover half of what I felt when Hunter called me one of his days of the week. Hell, I even thought about dropping Evan to the ground next to Hunter.

All kinds of shit happened tonight. Hunter touched me, I kneed him in balls and then Aiden, the drummer, decided to kick the shit out of the other band’s management. I guess from what Daisy was telling us earlier, any one of us probably would have done the same thing. Not the best thing to do when you’re trying to start a business relationship, but still understandable so I don’t think that Abby will hold it against him.

Aiden and Hunter leave the stage, leaving Gray on stage by himself. The words to
Your Arms Feel Like Home
by Three Doors Down come out of his mouth and it’s a shock to my system. Completely different than the rest of the show and I love it. This type of shit needs to stay when Abby signs them and I can tell by the look on her face that it’s not even a question of

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