Read Frey Online

Authors: Faith Gibson

Tags: #paranormal romance, #domestic violence, #shapeshifter romance, #gargoyle romance, #alpha shapeshifter, #postapocalyptic adventure, #boxing romance

Frey (45 page)

BOOK: Frey
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Abbi had finally gone back to work once her
face was free of bruises. The fall festival had been postponed due
to her absence but was now back on track. Frey continued to hang
around the community center while she was teaching, but it was more
for his enjoyment than her protection. He loved to see his woman
dance. Rafael had completed her studio, and Frey was ready to show
it to her.

Friday night, after they arrived home from
her class, Matthew took Amelia into the living room to watch a
kid’s movie. Frey picked Abbi up and carried her through the

Frey, what are you
doing?” she laughed as she leaned back in his arms.

I want to show you

But the kids…”

Not that, you dirty
woman.” He kissed her quickly. When they were on the far end of the
room, he placed her on her feet with her back to the door. “I have
a surprise for you.” He opened the door and turned her

Abbi walked into her brand new studio and
froze. Her eyes were large as she took in the equipment and the
details. While she walked to the middle of the room, Frey grabbed
her toe shoes he’d placed by the door and stuck them in the back of
his jeans. He found the remote for the stereo system and clicked it
on. Soft music filled the air, and Frey walked to where she was
standing. Getting down on one knee, he removed her toe shoes from
behind his back and placed them around his neck. “Abigail Swanson,
you are the sunshine that fills my days, the moonlight that fills
my nights. You are the missing piece of my soul. From the first
time I saw you dance, I knew I had to see it again and again. I’m
offering you a place to dance, to teach, to love. I’m offering you
my home, my love, my heart.” Frey pulled a small box out of one of
the shoes and opened it, presenting her with a cushion cut diamond.
“Abbi, will you marry me?”

Before she could answer, a little voice
yelled, “Say yes!” Amelia ran into the room and grabbed Abbi around
her legs begging, “Please marry my daddy so you can be my

Abbi knelt down in front of Frey and nodded,
“Yes. I’ll marry you.” She leaned in and placed her lips to his.
When she pulled back she smiled at the little girl. “And yes, I’ll
be your mommy,” she said to Amelia as they all fell in a pile on
the floor. They hadn’t told Amelia about their plans for Abbi to
adopt her as well in case it didn’t go through. Now, there was
nothing to worry about.

Is this a private party?”
Matthew asked from the door, smiling. Frey held his arm out and
Matthew joined the group on the floor.



The wedding was a small gathering down by
the lake. The weather was cool, but nobody cared. Frey stood with
Victoria at the edge of the dock while he waited on Abbi. Frey had
closed the gym early for the first time ever. He wanted his Clan
there with him. Dante, Isabelle, and Jasper had helped set
everything up while Connor and Amelia kept each other occupied
inside. Chairs filled with their family lined the bank of the lake.
White lights were strung through the trees, casting a magical glow.
All of the local members of the Stone Society who weren’t off in
Egypt were there. Sixx had a video feed set up, and Julian was
streaming the ceremony on his laptop in Egypt.

The music started, and Frey held his breath.
Abbi was already his mate. They had discussed all aspects of the
Gargoyles, and he had shown her his true nature. He didn’t need
this ceremony to know she was his, but he wanted it for her. He
wanted her to have his last name and to be a Hartley in the eyes of
the world. Amelia came down the dock first. Instead of wearing a
dress, his daughter insisted she wear her pink tutu. She was
adorable as she tossed the flowers around her. When his gaze
reached the other end of the dock, his breath hitched. Matthew had
been working out, and he wore his suit nicely. That wasn’t what had
Frey choking up. Matthew had come to Frey asking if he could change
his last name to Hartley so all four of them could be a real
family. Frey went a step further and adopted him as well as Amelia.
Frey now had a son.

The woman on his son’s arm was breathtaking.
Literally. Her long blonde hair was swept up in some fancy hairdo
that Frey couldn’t wait to untangle. Her dress was pale pink, soft
and flowy. Perfect for a dancer. Matthew presented his sister to
Frey and took his place beside him as best man. Amelia stood to
Abbi’s left. Victoria performed the short ceremony, including both
Matthew and Amelia in the vows Frey had written especially for all
of them.

The reception had been set up in Abbi’s
dance studio. When it came time for their first dance, Abbi held up
her hand. “I have a surprise for my husband. Frey, if you would,
please stand here.” She directed him to the middle of the floor.
“I’ll be right back,” she said before disappearing into her
changing room. Soon, the music started and Abbi returned wearing
her toe shoes underneath her wedding dress. Frey stood immobile as
his wife, his mate, danced all around him. He thought back to that
first night he’d seen her dance. When he thought it was the most
beautiful thing he’d ever witnessed, he’d been wrong. So very

This creature before him wasn’t Abigail
Swanson. This exquisite woman was Abbi Hartley, and she was his.
His beautiful dancer launched herself into the air, knowing he
would catch her. He did. And he would. Every single time.



Abbi had never been so nervous in her life.
She glanced in the mirror one more time, smoothing the soft
material over her stomach. She allowed her hands to pause over the
barely visible bump. Four months. For four months, she had willed
her body to be strong. For four months, she had not been sick. For
four months, she had hidden this little tidbit of enormous news
from her husband. She had never successfully carried a baby past
the first trimester. This time she had. This time, she had a good
feeling about the little miracle growing in her stomach. She would
tell her husband, soon. Frey was a worrier. A very protective sort
of Gargoyle, but Abbi had learned that was part of being what they
were- Alpha male, badass Amazons who protected their mates and
family above all else.

You’re on in five,” the
production assistant announced. Abbi took one last look at her
reflection and fitted her tutu on over her baby. At Frey’s urging,
Abbi had quit teaching school and had begun teaching dance full
time. She kept her classes at the community center and added
classes at the gym during the day while Amelia was in

She had come a long way since high school.
Even though this was a limited engagement, she was finally going to
dance on stage with the New Atlanta Ballet Company. Abbi had been
approached to fill in when both the principal dancer and her
understudy had fallen ill. She’d had little time to practice, but
she felt good about her abilities. Now, she would see just how good
she was. She waited until she heard the music cue and took her
place on the stage. She knew Frey, Amelia, and Matthew were sitting
in the front row. Others in the Clan were there as well. It warmed
her heart to be part of such a large, wonderful family. Knowing
they were all in the audience helped calm her nerves. She blocked
out everything but the music and allowed it to fill her senses

Before she knew it, her dance was over, and
the roar of the audience was deafening. The lights came up, and to
her disbelief, everyone was on their feet. Just like in high
school, the boy of her dreams was standing at the stage with a
bouquet of flowers in his hand. Unlike in high school, Abbi knew
the man of her dreams was indeed a reality as he stood smiling up
at her with Amelia and Matthew by his side.

The week flew by, and Abbi brought the house
down every night. On the final evening, Matthew had stayed home
with Amelia, and Frey was in her dressing room, acting as her
personal security guard. At least that’s what he claimed. Dancing
turned her male on. There was a knock on the door, and the director
of the Ballet entered, oblivious to what he’d almost interrupted.
“Abigail, you were marvelous! I would like to extend an offer to
you. We would be delighted if you would join our company.”

Frey picked her up and swung her around.
“Abbi, this is great, Sweetheart!”

She wrapped her arms around his neck,
hanging on for dear life. When he sat her on her feet, she told the
director, “It is a wonderful opportunity, and I sincerely
appreciate the offer, but I must decline. I have a family to

The director took her hand in his and kissed
her knuckles. A low growl came from Frey, and Abbi had to laugh.
“It has been an honor. If you should change your mind, please give
us a call.” The man bowed and left them alone.

You are so bad,” she
said, smacking Frey on the arm.

I don’t like anyone
touching you. You’re mine. All mine. I can’t wait to get you out of
this tutu. Have I told you how sexy you are in pink?” he asked as
he bent down and nibbled on her neck. When Abbi let out a moan,
Frey was lost. He ripped the frilly skirt from her body and pointed
at her leotard. “Take it off. Now.” He stalked to the door and
locked it. By the time he was back, Abbi was naked. Frey didn’t
bother removing his clothes. He unzipped his pants, releasing his
erection. He grabbed Abbi’s ass in both hands and lifted her. She
immediately wrapped her legs around his waist. With the swipe of
his arm, he cleared the dressing table, placing Abbi on

She leaned her back against the mirror as
Frey grabbed his cock and directed it to Abbi’s opening. She was
slick and ready for him. She was always ready, always wet for her
Amazon. He slid home and pushed her knees up, opening her body
further for him. Abbi cupped her sensitive breasts. She rolled her
nipples between her fingers, sending an extra spark down to her
core. Frey had shown Abbi how good sex could be when you had love
between you. She had no inhibitions when it came to making love. If
it felt good, they did it, and right now, it felt fantastic.

Oh gods, Abbi, I love how
you grip me…feels so good.”

Pick me up, Frey,” Abbi
commanded. She wanted to be closer. “I want to feel you,” she
moaned as he drew her body to his, her bare breasts rubbing against
the jacket of his suit while his dick thrust into her pussy. Abbi
wrapped her arms around his neck and found his mouth. Frey could
make her come by kissing alone. She bit his bottom lip, “Frey… god,
oh…god yes…” She latched on to his mouth again.

Abbi…gods fuck.” He was

Bite me, Baby, please, oh
god, Frey,” she begged as she offered her neck to him. It wasn’t
something she did often, but every once in a while, she needed the
pain of his fangs as they latched on to her skin.

With a deep growl, Frey allowed his fangs to
drop, and he gave her what she wanted. They came together with Abbi
yelling his name and Frey’s release muffled in the curve of her
shoulder. He held her steady while she pulsed around him. When the
aftershocks subsided, Frey licked her neck where he bit her and
gently lowered her to her feet. “Fuck, woman,” Frey breathed
against her ear. Yeah, she felt it, too.

As Abbi found her clothes and dressed, she
told him, “I’m ready to be home. I have a surprise for you.” Abbi
was ready to give Frey the good news.

Surprise, what kind of
surprise?” he asked as he tucked himself into his dress pants and
zipped up.

You’ll have to wait and
see. Please grab the flowers.” Frey picked up the bouquet he’d
brought. The rest of the flowers Abbi had given to the other
dancers. She appreciated them all, but she only wanted to keep the
ones from her husband.

Frey had borrowed Sixx’s Veyron. He wanted
his beautiful dancer to arrive in style, not in a pick-up truck.
When they arrived home, Abbi immediately led him upstairs. “Close
your eyes,” she said as she stopped in front of the spare bedroom.
When he complied, she opened the door and moved out of the way.
“You can open them.” Frey walked into the middle of the room and
froze. While they were at the ballet, Isabelle and Kaya had
miraculously turned the room into a nursery. The three of them had
been planning it for days, and her friends had pulled it off
perfectly. When Frey didn’t move, Abbi’s heart stopped. “Frey?”
When he finally gave her his eyes, he was smiling.

Geoffrey Hartley… Gargoyle, soldier, boxer,
martial artist, mate, husband… didn’t try to stop the tears
creeping down his face.


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