Read Friends With Full Benefits (Friends With… Benefits Series (Book 2)) Online
Authors: Luke Young
Tags: #contemporary fiction, #divorce, #tennis, #sex, #romance, #sexy
He lost the tender Southern drawl as he commanded, "Why don’t you just suck my big cock right now? You know you want to."
She grabbed a towel and wrapped it securely around her chest. "I think you should go."
He grabbed his meat near the ridge, squeezing it hard so the head expanded and turned purple; it was fucking huge. She looked at it, a little sickened. "I want you to go."
Chase scoffed. "Seriously?"
"Yes, please go."
Moving to her, he grabbed her head with both hands. She put one hand over his as she stared up at him in mock-terror. Then he growled, "You know I could make you suck it if I wanted to, you cock tease old ha—"
Before he could finish his thought, she grasped his middle finger, yanked it back, and dislocated it with one quick move. He grimaced in pain as she drove his hand down and spun him until his arm was awkwardly locked behind his back.
"Okay, okay," he whimpered.
She led him from the room and toward the front door. "It’s not easy catching passes with a broken finger. An attempted rape charge could get you kicked off the team, especially since I know the coach. He owes me a big favor."
"Fuck. Okay, I’m leaving. You’re hurting me!"
"I was almost assaulted once by a couple of assholes just like you. That's why I took a self-defense class."
"Uh, I wasn't—"
She pushed him until his shoulder was smashed into the sidelight next to the front door. His penis was still hanging out of his shorts, although it had experienced some mild shrinkage since she'd put the move on him.
She looked down at his groin. "You know, that magnificent penis is wasted on a little prick like you. Now, open the door."
"Can I at least put it away first?"
"Open it!"
Grimacing in pain, he struggled with the lock. When he finally opened it, she pushed him onto the porch and slammed and locked the door.
After tossing and turning in bed for an hour, Victoria got up, poured herself a big glass of wine, and logged onto Facebook. She pulled up the photo taken of Jim and her on the first night they met. She was glad that the partially obscene photo of the two of them was no longer available, although part of her would have liked to see that one again. After emptying the glass, she went back to bed. The wine helped her fall asleep, and she didn’t get up until almost noon the next day.
When she woke, she walked to the massage room and lay on the table thinking of Jim as tears fell from her eyes. Why had she turned him down when he had asked her to maintain their relationship? He was attractive, honest, kind, sexy, and they enjoyed each other’s company both in and out of the bedroom. It wasn’t just about the sex or the fact that she was lonely. She wanted him to hold her again, to touch her, to give her another full-body massage in her spectacular new massage room. She missed everything about him.
Was it too late? Victoria knew this other girl, Caroline, was interested in him, but had they gotten together since he returned to school? If they had, how serious could they be after only a few weeks together? She needed to find out; she needed to talk to Brian. She picked up her phone and dialed.
Later that day, Brian called Jim.
"What’s up, Brian?"
Brian hesitated and decided to ease into his fact-finding mission. "How’s school?"
"Good. My class is pretty easy."
"I was thinking about A.C. today. That was so much fun. We have to do it again sometime." He kicked himself for sounding so lame. He kicked himself harder for agreeing to help Victoria get information from Brian about his relationship with Caroline.
Jim seemed not to notice anything was amiss. "Yeah... I'll never forget it."
"Oh, so, uh... hey… Did you ever get together with that girl you met out there?"
"Yeah, actually we just went out last night for the first time."
"Oh. Does it seem like something that has the potential to be serious?"
Victoria owes me big-time,
Brian thought.
"She has an old boyfriend, and I’m not really sure if they’re completely done... but you know, it’s whatever… So… how’s Victoria?"
Brian's ears perked up at the too-casual tone of Jim's voice. "Why do you ask?"
"I, uh... was just curious. I kinda miss her. Has she asked about me?"
"Yes." It took a lot of willpower for Brian not to spill the whole story, how Victoria had called him and spilled her guts about missing Jim but not wanting to ruin anything he had with Caroline, if it was something that could be serious and wonderful. Frankly, Brian was annoyed at playing such stupid games. But he liked Victoria… and she'd given him some spectacular advice about sexual techniques, so he honored her wishes and refrained from saying too much.
Jim's voice became even more hopeful. "She has? What'd she say?"
"She asked... was just wondering what you were up to. How school was... that kind of thing."
"Oh, tell her I said hey."
"I will."
"How’s Jillian?"
For the first time in the conversation, Brian relaxed. He'd done the favor he promised Victoria, and now he could have a normal conversation with his brother.
Without going into too much explicit detail, he told Jim how great Jillian was. They spent a few minutes catching up before Jim had to leave for a class.
After hanging up, Brian sighed.
Time to call Victoria with the news.
That night Jim and Caroline went to the movies a few blocks from campus. They saw
Friends with Benefits,
and while she loved it and he hated it, the movie featured some nudity and a lot of sex scenes. They were both a little worked up when they left the theater as a light rain started to fall.
During the brisk walk to his dorm, the rain came down harder. When they finally reached their destination, they were both drenched. Jim grabbed two towels, and they dried their hair before stripping out of their wet clothes, giggling and shaking their heads.
He was down to his boxer briefs first, and she looked him over as he turned to open a drawer. After pulling out shorts and T-shirts for both of them, he turned, holding hers out. She stood before him wearing only a bra and panties, and they looked at each other with passion boiling just under the surface.
She didn’t reach for the clothes; instead she put her hand behind her back to unhook her bra. When she pulled the wet garment away from her breasts, her nipples were stiff and glistening with rainwater. His eyes drifted down to them and lingered for a moment before he pulled down his boxers.
Her gaze landed on his growing erection. After slipping off her damp panties, she took the shorts and t-shirt from him. They each held the dry clothes in their hands but didn’t move to put them on. She tossed hers behind her first, and he simply opened his hand to let his drop to the floor. They moved together and kissed; her damp breasts pressed against his muscular chest as his erection pushed against her belly.
Stealing her lips from his, she asked, "What time is it?"
He glanced at the clock. "11:32."
"Good. It’s been more than forty-eight hours."
It took a moment, but he got the joke. They tumbled into bed and began to kiss. He sucked each of her hard nipples into his mouth as she ran her hands through his damp hair. She closed her eyes and exhaled deeply as he kissed, licked, and sucked her breasts with a passion she'd never experienced before.
Slipping off the bed, he guided her body until her rear was near the edge of the mattress. He gently spread her legs apart and planted a kiss directly between her thighs. She warily watched him, since this hadn't gone so well the first time. He extended his tongue gently into her. She watched him pull his tongue back into his mouth. He moaned softly, seemingly savoring her taste. She felt so wet, so hot. For a moment, he stared at her parts before planting tender kisses on the inside of her each of her thighs. Groaning, she spread her legs wide.
"Oh, my." She softly panted. She was on fire as she watched him tease her. He ran his tongue sideways from her inner thigh to her wetness, then back to the other side while she held her breath and craned her neck to watch him.
Moving lower, he carefully spread her legs apart. She felt the juice escaping from her; never before had she been this wet. He moaned and put his tongue gently to her and licked slowly.
"Oh, God," she groaned.
Fifteen minutes later, she lay basking in the aftermath of the best fucking orgasm of her life. "Where did you..." she began breathlessly.
Turning to look at him, she stared into his eyes. "Last time, uh... wasn’t so good."
"I know… I’m sorry. This time?" he asked hopefully.
She nodded with a big, sexy smile. "Where did you learn all this?"
He simply grinned proudly.
He replied with a nod.
"I’m glad you went." Smiling at him, she paused. "Victoria?"
"That’s her."
She couldn’t take her eyes off him as her breathing finally returned to normal. She asked, "She taught you all this?"
"Yeah, but I held back a couple of things. I still have—"
"A little more."
"She’s my new best friend. I have to meet her." Looking down, she discovered he was already hard. "I’m going to take care of you now, but I’ve got to warn you, I really haven’t learned anything new."
He shrugged, and they shared a smile as she slowly slinked down, trailing kisses all along his body. After ten solid minutes of her returning the favor, and then some, he lay back, struggling to catch his breath.
Placing her chin on his thigh, she playfully ran her fingers all over his parts. He ran his fingers through her hair, and their eyes met. She moved up to lie next to him.
He smiled. "Correct me if I’m wrong, but that extra thing seemed like a new move."
"It was. I kinda winged it at the end there."
They shared a grin.
Ten minutes later, they began to kiss, and soon he was ready to go. After he put on a condom, they had amazing sex. Neither had another orgasm, but after five minutes of intensely pleasurable but exhausting pumping, she sensed he was almost there. He got up on his tiptoes, held his breath, and she witnessed his muscles twitching as he struggled to push it out. His face contorted in a way she found extremely cute but also really funny. He caught her expression as she fought to stifle her laugh. Getting control of herself, she rubbed his thighs while giving him an encouraging look. As he groaned louder, seemingly closing in on his orgasm, he made the mistake of glancing down at her one last time, and they both broke into a smile. He groaned and collapsed on her.
"Did you?"
"Almost, but you were laughing," he said as he rolled off her.
"I wasn’t."
"You were."
"Okay, but your face—you had a weird look like you’re about to have a stroke. It was cute but also really funny."
"You weren't going to have another, were you?" he asked.
"Probably not. Sorry. I was getting dry, anyway. Those damn condoms."
Nodding, he sat back against the headboard, and she put her head on his chest. She asked about Miami and Victoria, telling him she wanted to know everything about the woman who'd taught him so much. He told her about Victoria’s late husband and how down to earth and special she was, how she believed in living life to the fullest. Oddly, Caroline found she wasn’t jealous at all.
When he finished the story, she decided that she really did want to meet this amazingly together woman who had helped an attractive but shy, nice guy morph into a fun, perfect-in-bed dream. It had been a remarkable night.
Jim and Caroline spent most of the next four days together. He introduced her to the game of tennis, and their short time on the court led to a passionate, multi-orgasmic romp in her dorm room. They were quickly falling for one another.
Victoria was back in Miami, thinking about Jim. While standing in the doorway, gazing at the massage room, she decided rather than call, she would surprise him.
The next day Victoria was in Philadelphia searching the nearly empty campus for Jim’s dorm. As she neared his building, she spotted him sitting with an attractive girl on a bench near a large landscaped area. Sneaking up behind them, she hid behind some foliage and listened.
Jim said, "I couldn’t stand it."
"I thought it was pretty good."
"It just seemed stupid. The whole movie was about them making fun of other romantic comedy movie clichés, when their movie sucked ass and was filled with its own ridiculously stupid crap."