Fringe Benefits (17 page)

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Authors: Sandy James

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Contemporary Women

BOOK: Fringe Benefits
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Chapter Twenty-Two

Nate pulled Dani’s car into the garage in the wee small hours of the morning. Not only had she trusted him with her precious car, but she’d also been comfortable enough to fall asleep on the drive home.

He sat there for a moment, looking at her, wondering what he’d done to deserve a woman that beautiful. And her beauty was more than skin deep. Here she was, hurrying back to help a friend. That was so very Dani. Then there was the compassion she gave her students, mixed with exactly the right amount of motherly sternness. How could he not love her?

One day, when she admitted that she loved him, too, he’d have to go ring shopping.

Marriage. He was thinking about marriage, and not in the same way he had with Kat. This time, it was because he wanted to marry her, not because he felt as if he had to. Had Kat not found herself pregnant, marriage would never have been brought up. Not for years.

So why the change? Why even think about jumping into the choppy wedding waters?

Because of Dani and all she inspired in him.

Dani stirred before Nate had to nudge her awake. With sleepy eyes, she turned her head to smile at him. “Hey.”

“Hey. We’re home.”

“Hmmm. Yeah.”

Nate stroked her cheek, loving how she tilted her head to get more of his touch. “Want me to carry you upstairs?”

“No, thanks.” After another drowsy smile, she popped open her seat belt and then got out of the car.

He followed her, hitting the garage door closer before joining her in the kitchen.

She put her purse aside and kicked off her shoes. “We should get some sleep. I want to get to the hospital early.”

“It was nice of Jules to keep Emma for tonight.”

With a nod, Dani took his hand and started leading him toward the stairs. “Better to let her sleep since she was already down for the night.”

While she might have sleep on her mind, Nate’s thoughts were focused solely on making love to her as a way to seal his declaration of love. He needed to make it real, to feel the connection they shared.

Once they were in the bedroom, she yawned again, making his hopes plummet. She was clearly too tired to do anything except go right back to sleep. A big disappointment since he’d had an interesting idea of what he’d wanted to do to her,
her—another way to help her learn to trust. So far she’d been an outstanding student. He had no doubt she’d love this lesson every bit as much as he would.

Some other time, perhaps. When she wasn’t exhausted.

Dani whipped her shirt over her head and then shoved it in the wicker hamper. Facing him boldly, she peeled down her tight jeans, kicking them and her socks aside. She stood before him in a white lace bra and purple panties.

His cock had already begun to harden at the mere thought of making love to her. One glimpse of her body now made it rigid as a board. “Shit, I want you, Dani.”

Her sexy smile stole his breath away. “Then come get me.”

“You’re not too tired?”

“Not tired at all. I did sleep most of the way home, remember?”

“Well, then…” Scooping her into his arms, he kissed her soundly before setting her on the bed. “I’d like to try something… different.”

She eyed him warily. “Different? As in kinky different?”

“A little,” he admitted. “It’s about trust.”

“Isn’t everything with you about trust?”

Since Nate wasn’t sure if Dani was teasing or not, he wasn’t sure what to say. Had he taken his need for her to trust him too far, turning into a control freak himself as a result? Had he pushed too far too soon to try to get the woman he loved to open up to him completely?

“Different, huh? Sounds like fun,” she purred. “What did you have in mind?”

“I’ll show instead of tell.”

Scrambling across the bed, she tried to follow him into the huge master closet. She ran into his chest.

“Stay here, Dani.”

With a pouty lip, she nodded.

He dropped his clothes on the floor of the closet before looking around until he found what he wanted.

“Nate?” she called as he grabbed the items.

“Coming!” Then he chuckled when he realized the double entendre. “Not right away, though.” He came out of the closet naked, holding a couple of neckties and a folded blue bandana. “It’s time to put that fantastic bed to use.”

He moved behind her, placing the bandana over her eyes. “I want you to trust me,” he whispered in her ear as he tied the cloth tightly and rubbed his erection against her backside. “Completely. Can you do that, Dani? Trust me completely?”

He stepped around her before he brushed his lips across hers, forcing a quick gasp since she couldn’t have expected his touch.

Nate took her wrists in one hand and bound them with a silky tie.

“Should I be afraid?” Dani asked in a soft whisper.

“Never. Remember that I love you. Now, follow me.” A tug on the ties, and she slowly walked until she collided with his chest. “You can stop now,” he said with another chuckle.

He let her bound hands drop and she reached forward, trying to touch his face. A quick jerk of the ties pulled her arms down. “You can only do what I tell you.” He kept his voice authoritative.

She nodded.

Encircling her waist, Nate lifted, letting her toes scuff the floor. He walked her backward until the bed pressed against the backs of her thighs. “Sit.”

Dani let her bottom rest on the sheets. “I want you.”

“Patience, sweetheart.”

“All right.”

He knew exactly how difficult this was for her. The woman had to hate not being able to see, not being able to control even a moment of this experience, and she was probably dying to know how he would punish her if she didn’t obey his commands. The only true punishment he could give would be to leave her alone, but that would punish him as well. Everything inside him was screaming to take her.
. And how he’d be able to let the rest of this scenario play out, he wasn’t sure. The anticipation alone was killing him.

This had to be special—
than special—and he’d hate himself if he didn’t make her enjoy this more than any other time they’d come together. No, tonight was unique.

He sensed an enormous change in her. For the first time since they’d been together, Dani wanted
to lead, wanted
to run the show. Perhaps she’d finally realized that in letting someone else call the shots, she still won. Now all he needed to do was keep enough self-control to give her as much pleasure as her trust was giving him.

“Lie back,” Nate whispered, his voice ragged with desire.

“Okay.” Dani scooted back to lie on the mattress close to her usual spot.

Pulling the tie, he lifted her arms until he could bind her to one of the headboard spindles. Then he popped the front clasp on her bra. “So beautiful.” He laved each nipple, loving how they hardened in invitation. Then he traced her pink ribbon tattoo with his tongue. With trembling hands, he dragged her panties down her legs and tossed them aside. “Spread your legs.”

He savored her quick breaths and the smile widening on her lips when his fingers separated her folds. She was already so wet. Without a hint of warning, Nate sank a finger deep inside her and stroked the walls of her tight sheath.

“Oh, shit.” Dani dropped her head back before her teeth tugged on her bottom lip hard enough he was amazed she didn’t draw blood.

“You can speak, sweetheart. Just don’t ask questions.”

“Thank you.”

“Such a good girl,” he said with a chuckle. A second finger joined the first, and he tortured her with them until she started undulating her hips. Then he stopped and jerked his hand away. “That was your reward for good behavior.”

“Nate…” she pleaded.

“You please me; I please you.”

He kissed his way down her flat stomach, tickling her navel with his tongue, and then rubbed the stubble on his cheek against her inner thighs.


He buried his face between her thighs, loving her with his mouth, his tongue. Her back arched, and he promptly stopped his attentions. Her pouty sigh made him smile.

“I love you,” he said as he kissed his way back to her breasts. “I do. I love you.” A reverent kiss to each breast before he settled beside her. His mouth touched hers. She turned her head and parted her lips when his tongue teased the seam.

Although she didn’t return the words, he was a patient man. She loved him. Somehow he knew that in his heart.

The words would come. In time.

Nate kissed her long and deep, coaxing her tongue into his mouth where he gently sucked. Damn, he loved kissing her. An appreciative sigh slipped from her when he pulled away. Then he slipped his fingers between her legs, stroking her until he found the sensitive nub he sought.

“Oh!” Her back arched as she drew her knees up.

“Relax, sweetheart. Just let it happen.”

“But—” She bit back whatever she was going to say, planted her heels against the mattress, and started moving her hips again.

Sensing her imminent orgasm, he became more enthusiastic, sucking first on one breast before drawing the other nipple deep into his mouth as he rubbed her and then slid a finger deep inside her tight heat.

When she came, she shouted, “I love you, Nate!”

Peace settled on him as he waited for her breathing to slow and her body to settle. “Did you like that?” he whispered in her ear as he placed a palm against her belly.


Nate moved between her thighs, his hard cock pushing against her core. “I wanted this to last longer, but, God, Dani. I need to be inside you.”

*   *   *

Was Nate asking for permission? After everything Dani had allowed him to do, he shouldn’t need her permission to take that last step.


The pleading in his voice brought tears to her eyes. She’d bared her soul to him by offering him her total trust and by admitting her love. Now he was baring his, showing that despite his wild side and this wonderful night they were sharing, the man was still a gentleman at heart. “Now, Nate. Please.”

One hard thrust, and he planted himself deep inside her at the same time his mouth claimed hers again. Although she often closed her eyes when they made love, now all she wanted to do was look into his eyes to see if the love reflected there was as deep, as fathomless, as the love she felt for him at that moment.

The blindfold was jerked away, and his face loomed over hers in the dim light from the open door of the closet. He pulled back until he almost left her body, then thrust inside her again. “I love you so much.”

“I love you, too.” She arched her hips to take him deeper. His groan hit her hard, and suddenly he started moving, fast and furious, slamming into her again and again as she matched his rhythm.

Nate reached for the tie binding her hands, gave it a good tug, and suddenly her wrists were free. She would have shouted her thanks, but she was too busy being ravished and enjoying every damn minute of it. Her hands roamed his back, his backside, his shoulders.

Dani wrapped her legs around his hips just before her orgasm took hold. Her core contracted as she breathed his name, clutching at his shoulders the same way her body clutched at his cock. His back was sure to be marked with fingernail trails. A few frantic thrusts and he cried out, bathing her in his heat. For a few moments, all she could do was cling to him, waiting for the storm to pass. He collapsed on top of her, his head buried beside hers on the pillow.

“Damn, Dani. I think you killed me.”

She chuckled as she ran her hand lazily up and down his spine, too content to budge. Every muscle in her body felt totally relaxed, and if Nate hadn’t moved, she could have easily fallen asleep in that position. But he broke their connection, rolling onto his side. He took her into his arms.

She fell asleep listening to him whisper his love in her ear.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Beth looked like hell. Not that Dani would ever tell her that, but her best friend was as pale as she’d ever seen anyone, and her eyes sported dark half-moons as though she hadn’t slept in days. She offered a wan smile when Dani walked into the hospital room.

“Hi,” Dani whispered, trying not to disturb Robert. He was asleep on one of the hospital’s chair-beds, snoring loud enough to wake the dead. She would’ve given Beth a kiss on the cheek if she weren’t lying on a hospital bed with a bad case of a stomach bug. Instead, she patted Beth’s blanketed feet. “How weird is it to be on the pediatric unit?”

“A bit surreal, but it evidently couldn’t be helped. The hospital is jam-packed right now, according to my nurses.” Beth pointed to a rather creepy clown painted on the far wall, which put it directly in her line of vision. “That scary thing makes it hard to sleep.”

A tray of barely touched breakfast food sat on the bed table. “Stomach still a mess?” Dani asked as she nodded at the tray.

“Yeah. But getting better. I was able to keep some oatmeal down this morning. See the big white IV bag?”

Dani nodded.

“My doctor called it a ‘calorie milkshake.’ It’s a nutritional supplement.”

That meant Beth’s case was so much worse than Dani had believed. “They’re feeding you through IV? For the stomach flu? Good Lord, Beth…”

“It’s not the stomach flu.” Beth patted the bed beside her. “Come here. Sit with me.”

While Dani wanted to go to her, to wrap Beth in her arms and rock her sick friend, she hesitated. The last thing she needed was to wind up in the hospital herself or to give Emma the illness she’d thus far luckily escaped. Jules was supposed to have her ready for Dani and Nate to pick up sometime after their pancake breakfast.

But why wasn’t Robert sick? “So it’s not the stomach flu?” Dani asked.

“Nope. And I’m not contagious. Promise.” Another pat on the white blanket.

“Should I leave you two alone?” Nate stood just to the side of the half-drawn curtain. He’d slid his hands into his front pockets, looking terribly uncomfortable. “I don’t want to intrude.”

“Why don’t you wake up Robert and take him to the cafeteria?” Beth suggested. “He’ll want some coffee for sure, and he could probably stand to stretch his muscles.” She frowned at her sleeping husband. “That thing can’t be very comfortable.”

Robert was such a great guy. He’d accepted Emma as his own child, loving her every bit as much as any true father. Her mother, Beth’s sister Tiffany, had died while serving in Afghanistan.

He’d stayed at Beth’s side through this illness. Dani couldn’t help but compare him to Nate, and she was sure he would be sleeping in the same uncomfortable chair should she ever wind up in the hospital.

Nate jostled Robert. Although Robert gladly followed Nate’s suggestion that they go get coffee, he didn’t appear to be fully awake, yawning and stumbling after Nate like a zombie searching for fresh brains.

Sitting next to Beth, Dani offered her a weak smile, wanting to show support and strength but full of anxiety for her best friend’s welfare. In her typical overanalyzing manner, she started worrying about the horrible things that could be assailing Beth. Appendicitis. Ulcers. Cancer.

No, no, no
. Beth was her best friend. She couldn’t have something that might take her away from Dani.

But Mallory had battled cancer. No one was immune from the insidious disease. Not even a pure soul like Beth Ashford.

Dear God, I need her. Please let her be well.

Shaking her head to fight back the tears brimming in her eyes, Dani focused on being strong for Beth. “So what’s wrong? An ulcer or something?”

“I’m pregnant.”

Those two words shouldn’t have come as such a shock, but Dani could only gape at Beth. Sure, the Ashfords had been trying to have a baby for a while—since not long after they’d adopted Emma.

Emma coming into Beth’s life had already changed their friendship, giving Beth less freedom and different priorities. Since Dani had no intention of having children of her own, she had trouble mustering up enthusiasm for things like strollers or car seats or cute little ruffled dresses. Sure, she was Emma’s “Aunt Dandy” and loved her with all her heart, but to have the responsibility of a child twenty-four/seven wasn’t at all what Dani wanted for herself.

“Why are you here if you’re only pregnant?”

“My morning sickness is horrible,” Beth replied. “First of all, that’s the worst name ever. Morning sickness?” She snorted. “Try all darn day sickness. I threw up so much I got really dehydrated. I mean… I wanted to lose a little weight, but geesh. Down ten pounds in a week.” Her fragile smile was pure Beth. “Be careful what you wish for.”

“I’m so sorry.” Dani wrapped an arm around Beth’s shoulders.

“It’s called hyperemesis gravidarum.”

Dani nodded. “I read about that in the news, some royal princess had the same problem, right?”

Beth echoed Dani’s nod. “Hence the calorie milkshake. I really can’t take strong meds to stop the nausea or vomiting ’cause they might hurt the baby.” She frowned. “You don’t seem very happy for me.”

So like Beth to be attuned to what Dani was thinking and feeling. “I’m sorry. I really am happy for you and Robert. I’m just worried about you. You’re in the hospital, after all.”

“I should be able to go home later today or tomorrow.”

Dani withdrew her arm and stood, not because she wanted to distance herself but because the stupid bedrail was digging into her thigh. “I’ll keep an eye on Emma until you do. I can stay after you get home if you need me to. You’re not going to be up for doing much until this stops.”

“I just might take you up on that offer.” Beth’s gaze shifted to the door. “Robert’s exhausted. He’s such a good daddy. A good husband, too. I don’t know what I’d do without him.”

Seeing that statement as the perfect segue, Dani smiled. “Nate told me he loves me.”

After doing nothing but gaping and blinking for a few long moments, Beth let a slow smile bloom on her pale face. “I’m impressed.”

Of all the reactions Dani had expected from her friend, this wasn’t one of them. “Impressed?”

“He’s a guy who knows what he wants and goes for it. He’s got balls.”


“Well, he does. Give me the details!”

At least telling the story of his spontaneous declaration helped Dani stop worrying about Beth. “Kat came to see me before we left. She wants him back.”

“Too bad, so sad,” Beth said. “Nate won’t go back to her.”

“You sound like his mom.”

“Did you two get along? I know you were worried she doesn’t like you… Although I have no idea why you think that. Everyone likes you.”

“I love that you think that, no matter how wrong you are,” Dani said. “I’m well aware of exactly how annoying I can be.”

“We all have our faults.”

The memory of her talk with Jackie made Dani grin. “Jackie heard Kat’s threat.”

Beth knit her brows. “Threat? You didn’t say she threatened you.” Her eyes swept Dani from head to toe. “Is she as tall as you?” Her worried expression shifted to a smile. “I’ll bet you can take her.”

“That’s enough of that, Rocky. It wasn’t a physical threat. And, yes, I think I could take her.” She winked at Beth.

“Then what kind of threat—Oh, you mean to steal Nate, right?”

Dani nodded.

“You can still take her, Dani.”

Wishing she was as confident as Beth sounded, Dani paced at the foot of the bed, too restless to sit still. “I sure hope so.”

“I mean it. You love him, don’t you? Not that you’d admit it…”

“I did,” Dani said proudly.

“You did?”

Dani nodded.

“Way to go! He’d never turn away from that. Ever.”

“Yeah, well… Kat was his first love.” Although Nate might not appreciate her sharing his past, Dani needed to talk to Beth and to show her exactly why Kat might still stand a chance. Then her reassurances would hold a lot more weight. “They got engaged because Kat was pregnant. She told me he was devastated when they lost the baby.”

“That’s sad, but—”

“No but,” Dani insisted. “She wants to have another baby with him.”

“There’s only one way she can do that, and I have a feeling you’re not going to let him sleep with her.” With a lopsided smile, Beth added, “Maybe you could suggest she go to a sperm bank and make a withdrawal?”

Dani stopped and whirled to face Beth. “It’s not funny, damn it.”

“Dani, you’ve got nothing to worry about.”

“You know how I feel about having kids of my own. Will he still want me if he knows I won’t give him a child?”

Before Beth could say anything, the door opened. Robert came in, holding a foam coffee cup. Nate was right behind, carrying his typical water bottle. The guy drank enough water every day to fill a kiddie pool.

He took one look at Dani and frowned. “What’s wrong?”

Before Dani could answer, Beth fumbled for the pink emesis basin and started gagging.

Robert set his cup on her bed table and started rubbing her back. “I’m here, B. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth like the nurse said.”

Already angry at herself and feeling horribly selfish, Dani almost burst into tears at watching Beth struggle. She wanted to blurt out an apology for having taken up so much of her time when she clearly should have been resting. “Can I do anything to help?”

Beth had stopped heaving and was taking deep breaths.

Robert shook his head. “The doctor said she might get over this soon—around the end of the first trimester.”

Wasn’t the first trimester three months? How long had Beth been pregnant? “How far along is she?”

“Eleven weeks,” he replied.

A warm hand settled on her shoulder. “We should go. Jules is expecting us to get Emma,” Nate said, his voice soft.

Although all Dani wanted to do was crawl into the bed and hold Beth until she felt better, there really wasn’t anything she could do to ease her suffering. Except watch Emma. “Please call if there’s anything I can do.”

Beth gave her a curt nod, still looking a bit green around the gills.

“Just take care of our girl,” Robert said. “It helps knowing that Emma’s in good hands.”

Good hands? Dani was more comfortable handling hundreds of teenagers at a time than one toddler.

*   *   *

Nate fished his phone out of his pocket when his text message tone sounded.

Kat. Again.

i just want to talk will drive 2 meet you if you want

She’d said more than enough when he’d been in Indiana. There wasn’t any reason for them to meet. In typical Kat fashion, she’d decided she wanted something and was going to move heaven and earth to get it. And what she wanted was him to come back to her.

“Everything okay?” Dani asked, keeping her eyes on the road.

“Just my mom checking in.” Lying didn’t come easy. Nate had always made it a point never to fib, since sorting lies from truth was just too difficult. Better to keep things simple by using honesty.

But this lie was for Dani. If she had any inkling that Kat was putting on the full-court press, trying to win him back, she’d be upset. With Beth being sick—and pregnant—and Emma needing Dani’s total attention, he wasn’t about to burden her with Kat’s machinations.

You’re a liar, Nathaniel. You love the attention

His stupid conscience had the right of it.

He texted Kat back.

Enough. Leave me be

Her response was quick and concise.

never i love you

Sure, he was flattered that Kat was pursuing him so doggedly. What man wouldn’t love hearing that the woman who’d dumped him now regretted it?

He’d betrayed Dani.

Betrayed? With one kiss?

Not really. In fact, the kiss had driven one point home quite clearly—he loved Dani with every piece of his heart. Kat’s kiss had been familiar, but it hadn’t been enjoyable. It hadn’t sent a flood of need running through him the same way a simple smile from Dani could set him on fire.

Some people might dismiss the fact that he got hard just looking at Dani as lust. But Nate loved Dani. Period. Kat might try to win him back, but she had no chance in the world of succeeding. His task now was to try to shield Dani from anything Kat might do that could upset her while trying to convince Kat to leave him alone.

Hence the lie.

They pulled up along the curb by what everyone now called the Wilson Building. Dani killed the engine, got out of the car, and led Nate to the entrance of the Wilsons’ upstairs home. She pushed the intercom button.

“Dani?” Jules’s voice called over the speaker.

“We’re here.”

A loud buzz sounded, and Dani pulled the door open. They climbed to the second floor and met Jules, who waited in the doorway, holding Emma against her hip.

Emma started bouncing as she kicked her legs and clapped her hands. “Aunt Dandy!”

“Hi, munchkin.” Dani took her from Jules’s arms. “Ready to go home?”

at home?” Emma asked in toddler English.

Nate arched an eyebrow. “Matka? Bobber?”

“Matka is Beth. It’s ‘mother’ in some language,” Dani replied.

“Polish, I think,” Jules said, following them into the foyer and closing the door behind her.

“And Bobber is how Emma says Robert’s name.” She kissed Emma’s cheek. “Thought you were calling him Daddy now.”

Emma shrugged; then she slapped her hands on either side of Dani’s face and gave her a sloppy kiss.

“How you doin’, munchkin?” Dani asked. “Did you like playing with the boys?”

“Wanna go home,” Emma announced. “Carter’s mean.”

“Mean?” Dani shifted her gaze to Jules.

“He took her doll and hid it,” Jules replied. “Then Craig tried to dress it in his Batman outfit.”

“Where’s your doll now?” Dani asked Emma. “Do you need me to go talk to the twins?”

“My backpack.” Emma shook her head, probably in response to Dani wanting to verbally berate Carter and Craig. “Wanna go home now.” She turned her enormous blue eyes on Nate.

Since he wasn’t sure if Emma remembered him from the cookouts he’d attended, he figured he should introduce himself again. “I’m Nate, Emma.”

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