FullDisclosure (19 page)

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Authors: Nikki Soarde

Tags: #Geography

BOOK: FullDisclosure
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When he looked at her, he expected to see anger, but instead her gaze was laced with amusement. “What is it, Evan?” she asked, tracing his jaw with her finger. “What are you afraid of?”

Gingerly, he lifted her off his lap and set her on her feet beside him. He pushed away from the table, stood and walked over to the kitchen counter, taking the moment to suck in huge gulps of the oxygen that had been eluding him.

He turned to find them both staring at him. “Jake,” he said simply. “I’m afraid of losing Jake.”

“Oh, Ev…” Jake stepped forward but Evan raised a hand.

“No. I’m serious. You mean a lot to me, Sadie, but our history is older. A lot more uncertain. My life with Jake is more…recent. More immediate. And I’ve done a lot over the past months to sabotage that relationship.” He looked to Jake. “I tried very hard to screw it up, and I very nearly succeeded. I only just now figured out how much you mean to me, and that I need to do everything in my power to keep you. I’m not doing anything—
—unless I’m certain that it’s all right with you. Or, more importantly, right for us.”

To Evan’s surprise, Jake responded by drawing Sadie into his arms. “It’s okay, Evan. It really is. I don’t think for a second that Sadie is going to steal you away from me. However…” And with that he drew Sadie’s face to his and bestowed a long, slow, sumptuous kiss on her lips.

Evan watched with a mixture of intrigue and surprise. The surprise coming from the fact that he found the sight to be almost as arousing as having Sadie straddling his lap.

Jake ended the kiss and drew away from a breathless Sadie. “How do you feel about it? Are you worried about Sadie stealing me away from

Finally Evan understood. Smiling, he stepped forward and drew Sadie out of Jake’s arms and into his. Her body flush with his, but his eyes locked with Jake’s he said, “I can handle it if you can.” He kissed her, without reservation or hesitation, locking his lips to hers and ravishing her mouth like the Spartan he had suddenly become. He sensed Jake move in behind her, and soon felt Jake’s hands on his arms. When he broke the kiss, he looked up to find Jake’s face very close to his.

They kissed.


Sadie could barely breathe. She was sandwiched between two of the most gorgeous, smart, sensitive men she’d ever met. Their bodies were pressing against hers, stealing the oxygen from her lungs—and stimulating responses in her body that she was completely unprepared for. The lack of oxygen had less to do with the pressure on her lungs and much more to do with the pressure on her libido.

While the two men kissed, she managed to sneak a hand under Evan’s shirt, touching skin that she had always considered to be a dream. A fantasy. Undeserved and unattainable. And yet here it was, flowing beneath her fingertips like satin-covered steel.

Her fingers had just found his nipples when she sensed the end of their kiss and felt a telltale tug on the skirt of her dress. Jake bunched up the material and sneaked his hands underneath. His fingers caressed her thighs just above the knees—and slowly glided upward. She was already shivering with anticipation from that when she became aware of the added sensation of Evan’s hand slipping inside the bodice of her dress to touch her breast. His mouth found her throat and she arched her neck in overwhelming pleasure.

Jake’s hands reached her ass, cupping her cheeks and testing their shape briefly before moving across her hip bone toward her pussy. His lips brushed her other ear. “You’re not wearing anything under this dress.”

She smiled, secretly astonished it had taken him this long to figure it out. “I ran out of clean underwear,” she lied.

She sensed the sudden halt to Evan’s movements. Slowly he lifted his head from her throat and gazed into her eyes. “Do you mean to tell me…” He removed his hand from her breast and followed Jake’s hand beneath the bunched up material of her skirt. “That you were walking around my apartment all this time…with a bare pussy?”

Suddenly she had two hot male hands parting her feminine lips. Rubbing her clit. Sinking inside her. She parted her thighs and managed to whisper, “Uh…apparently so.” She opened her eyes. “Does it matter?”

“Well fuck, yeah.”

In a heartbeat her dress was whisked over her head. It fluttered through the air, settling gently on the floor and leaving her completely naked and vulnerable before these two men.

“I think that’s just about the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard.” Evan just stood there, staring at her, raking his eyes over every inch of her, and she swore she could feel every sweep of his gaze like a blow torch on her skin. Her nipples puckered in response, and impossibly she felt herself grow more wet.

She experienced a sudden and inexplicable wash of selfconsciousness, but curbed the urge to cover herself. “What are you doing?” she asked.

“I’m looking at you.” His gaze touched her newly shaved pussy. “Savoring you. Drinking you in.”

“Well stop it.” She shifted her feet as if to turn away, but Jake’s hands on her hips stopped her. “You’re making me uncomfortable.”

“No,” whispered Jake. “Be still.”

Evan’s gaze grew hotter. “It’s just that I’ve waited so long for this. I dreamt of this moment for so many years, fantasized about it. Never thought it would—or could—happen.” He stepped a little closer. “And now that it’s here I don’t want to miss a thing.”

She was torn. At once mesmerized by his fascination with her and yet confused by it. Plagued by it. It didn’t feel right.

He traced a line down the center of her chest and then over the curve of each breast.

Her breasts were uneven. The left one was slightly larger and higher than the right. He was going to notice. Of course Jake hadn’t noticed when they’d made love, but for some reason she hadn’t been nearly as conscious of it. Perhaps it was because she had waited so long for this with Evan. Envisioned it so many times. She had fantasized about it while she was in prison, but in her fantasies she was perfect. In fact, in her fantasies she’d borne a striking resemblance to Angelina Jolie. But here there was no makeup artist and no air brushing. This time it was just her and Evan. The real—and scandalously un-Angelina-like—her.

She flinched, the only thing keeping her from moving away the insistent pressure of Jake’s hands on her hips and his chest against her back.

Evan stopped. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

“I’m not used to this. I think I’d prefer the bedroom. Where it’s a bit darker.” Darkness would help. The darkness would hide her imperfections and allow her to retreat a little bit into the camouflage of her fantasy.

“Don’t you think you’re beautiful?” asked Jake

“Don’t you
it?” added Evan.

“Maybe I was once. And this new makeover has helped, but now…” She shrugged, decided to be honest. “I’m too skinny, and my boobs are uneven and—”

Evan gripped her chin. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever—and probably will ever—know. And I refuse to hide you away in a dark room where I can barely make out your silhouette.” He moved in close again, close enough that she could feel his erection against her crease. And then she became aware of Jake’s against the crease of her ass. “You’re perfect.”

“Do you hear him?” added Jake. “Perfect.”

“But maybe this will help.” Evan stepped away and abruptly peeled off his shirt. He turned around, showing her his back. She sucked in a breath in shock and surprise.

Several long, deep scars etched the otherwise pristine flesh. The muscles of his back twitched slightly as her fingers traced the ridges, and no doubt touched painful memories. “Evan,” she breathed. “How did…” She had no idea how to even frame the question.

“Those scars are my legacy,” he replied. “A souvenir left to me by the man whose company I eventually seized and whose life I left in a shambles.” Slowly he turned around, and in a gesture that resonated with love and comfort, Jake moved in behind Evan and laid his hands on his shoulders. His shirt had been removed as well.

Evan smiled, clearly enjoying his lover’s touch. “He stole my innocence—along with the innocence of Rachel’s mother. I figured it was the least he owed me.”

Jake’s chin rested on Evan’s shoulder. “It’s not easy for him to show them to people. It speaks volumes of how much he trusts you.”

Sadie flushed with pleasure—and shame. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I’m such an idiot. My insecurities are nothing compared to what you’ve faced.”

Evan cupped her chin. “Nonsense. We all have our hurdles and our demons. But finding people who can accept us and love us in spite of—or better yet
of them—that’s what makes it all worthwhile.”

And then he was kissing her again, his hands running up and down her back and the bare flesh of his chest pressed to her breasts. His mouth was hot and earnest, and her tongue met his eagerly. But it was his arms encircling her waist and holding her so tightly—it was the sense of possession and absolute safety that eradicated all that vulnerability and discomfort. He really did love her for who she was. He really didn’t see her imperfections—or at least didn’t see them as imperfections.

His scars made him unique, and showed her a glimpse of his true self. And so did hers.

The kiss turned more fervent, more hungry, and although her eyes were closed she was keenly aware of Jake’s gaze fixed on them—and his hands on Evan’s body.

Evan embedded his hands in her hair, holding her firm and taking more complete possession of her body even as his cock nudged her center. Her nails dug into his flesh and she arched her hips toward him.

“The couch,” said Jake, his voice a whisper yet strangely commanding.

Still kissing her, Evan gently nudged her backward toward the living area and a moment later she plopped down, her ass cushioned by the soft leather of the couch.

Smiling, Evan settled on his knees before her, pulling her slightly forward and pushing apart her thighs to expose her creamy pussy. He sank two fingers inside her and sought out her G-spot. She groaned, her head falling back and her eyes drifting closed. “Oh God. This will ruin the couch.”

“I’ll buy a new one,” replied Evan, his fingers doing sinful things to her center and sending rivers of moisture over the leather. His thumb caressed her clit.

“Don’t you think she wants your mouth?” asked Jake, his voice as silky and persuasive as Evan’s fingers.

“Do you?” asked Evan. “Do you want me to eat you?”

Blinded and silenced by sensations, she nodded.

There was a moment of emptiness between the withdrawal of his hand and the discovery of his tongue, but it was merely a moment. And it was so worth the wait.

His tongue was firm and quick, laving her pussy from vagina to clit and back again. Teasing and tickling her one moment, palpating and sucking her the next. When he added a finger to renew his attack on her G-spot, her eyes flew open in combined shock and overwhelmed pleasure.

Only then did she realize that Jake had not exactly been a bystander throughout all this. Evan was on all fours, with Jake slowly and deliberately and with obvious rapture, fucking him in the ass.

Sadie watched in fascination as Jake’s hands gripped Evan’s hips and his movements accelerated. Evan’s attentions to her G-spot and clit built in response, becoming more fervent and rapid, and soon—too soon—the climax began to build and she had no choice but to close her eyes and allow the sensations to wash over her.

Evan moaned, increasing his attention in obvious response to her pleasure. The added stimulation was more than she could take and it sent her over the top. The pleasure came in waves, pulsating through her core and echoing right down to her toes.

She must have screamed, but she couldn’t be sure over the echo of Evan’s own climax. She opened her eyes to see a sweat-drenched Jake, frozen in place, his cock embedded to the hilt inside his lover as the contractions shook them both.

It took several moments for all three to regain their breath, and finally Jake withdrew, only to flop back onto the armchair beside him.

“Christ,” lamented Evan, his head now resting on her thigh. He whisked a finger over her clit and the electricity that it sent coursing through her almost sent her skyward and him sprawling.

He laughed, not relenting. “What’s wrong? Sensitive?”

“Maybe.” She tried to breathe. “Just a little.”

His fingers were inside her again, his eyes looking up at her felt like lasers on her skin. “Do you need a little recovery time?”

“Wh-what do you mean? Recovery for what?”

Jake moved over to sit beside her, his lips brushed her ear. “You don’t think we’re finished…do you?”

“Not by a long shot,” added Evan.

She was surprised and yet knew she shouldn’t be. “I just don’t know. This is all so new and strange.” She sat up, arching her back to stretch the muscles then, suddenly selfconscious because she noticed them watching her, she crossed her arms over her chest.

“Don’t do that,” said Evan, gently grasping her wrists and dragging them away from her chest. “That was beautiful.”

“And very sensual,” added Jake, the hunger evident in his gaze.

Still, it was hard to get used to this kind of attention. The blush that had risen to her cheeks remained. “Well, could we at least move to the bed? This couch is murder on my back.”

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