Fury From Hell (41 page)

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Authors: Rochelle Campbell

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Suspense, #Paranormal

BOOK: Fury From Hell
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of excellence,
    Jane Falla – without whom I would not have finished writing this book,
    Michael Davis – who made the writing process both fun and much clearer,
    Chris Patton – for making me believe my book was good enough for a great cover and,
    Book Beaver – for creating an awesome atmospheric book cover [http://bookbeaver.co.uk/].


While this is a work of fiction, the details are based in fact.  Karen and I both fact-checked people, places and things to ensure the realism of the settings was accurate.  As for the Wiccan aspects, my editor has an expertise in that area that impressed me beyond belief.  I also consulted several books on Wiccan rituals and practices.

I hope you enjoyed reading
Fury from Hell
as much as I enjoyed writing it.  Please let me know if you would be interested in reading the next book in the
From Hell


About the Author

I could start at the beginning in the fifth grade when I wrote my very first short story.  I could also start in college when I began writing short stories with characters as flat as cardboard but with fascinating subjects and/or environments.  But then again, I could conceivably start in the middle years, after college, when I studied for two years with the Sime~Gen Writers Community and met my mentors Jacqueline Lichtenberg and Jean Lorrah [

Or, maybe I should start with my first published short story
Chambray Curtains Blowing in the Wind
published by
Bartleby-Snopes Literary Magazine
].  And, follow it up by sharing my second published story
How Charlie Ray Saved My Life
published by
Liphar Literary Magazine
].  Because if I start with the short stories, I’ll eventually get to the novellas which will bring me straight to the novels I write today.

What topics interest me most?  Questions about who we are and where we fit in the grand scheme of things make my writer’s heart sing.  I love the question of how our background and culture shape our viewpoint in life and how we see things in and around ourselves.  The question of ‘otherness’ is tremendously fascinating to me.

No matter what genre my stories lead me to, I will always remain true to my roots and write about the inner world and workings of my characters and
this, that or the other is so all-firing important to them.

Oh yeah – I’m a mother of three two-legged children, and one four-legged feline.  I’ve owned tanks and tanks of goldfish, three frogs, a toy poodle, rescued cats, and baked delicious vegan sweets that were to die for.  I can knit (but choose not to) and hate doing laundry with a passion second only to lancing boils.

And that’s enough about me.


Where You Can Find

Rochelle Campbell

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Twitter: @NoteBkBlogairy





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Other Books by Rochelle Campbell

Leaping Out on Faith (short stories) -


The Magic Seeds (children’s book) – Teraab Feaster & Rochelle Campbell -

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