Gabriel's Heart [The Men of Treasure Cove 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (18 page)

BOOK: Gabriel's Heart [The Men of Treasure Cove 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“After his son refused to marry anyone his father chose and walked out, the royal guard arrived the next day to arrest the current duke, only to find that he taken his own life. Since then, the Duchy of Avalon passed from father to son, never knowing of the document that sealed their fate. It was only recently made known to the crown that such a document existed,” Alexander explained, and though Gabriel received word that the Crown would take everything under advisement, Gabriel knew that meant they were not going to change anything.

“Even when a letter was found within the documents, it only stated that the only thing a successor was allowed to inherit was the title. The only way the family would get all that was given away was if the rightful duke married a true descendant of the Marbois family. Then and only then was the crown required to release the families’ holdings.

“Since Antoinette is not a descendant of the House of Marbois that we know of, technically the crown still owns everything. Here is the problem. The Treasure Cove Charter states that when a member of the original founding family marries, all holdings are to be transferred to the rightful wife. Now, the charter of Treasure Cove is an American document created about twenty years after the original British charter. The question is now, which document was valid?”

Gabriel needed to talk to Matthew. There was no way he understood any of this, let alone what American laws entailed. After calling his friend, they waited for more than an hour for him to arrive, and when he did, they explained what they found, allowing Matthew to go over every document.

“So which document is legal, Matthew?” Gabriel asked, needing an answer quickly.

“Well, here’s the thing, according to American laws, the charter created by the town is valid, due to squatter’s rights, thus voiding your family’s document.”

“What do you mean?” Alexander asked, curious.

“It’s quite simple.
The legal principle underlying the vesting of title by adverse possession is that title to land must be confirmed. In this case, it is. So, the owner, your ancestor, Gabriel, has by his own fault or neglect failed to protect the property against the hostile actions of the town’s residents. Now, since the town’s residents have treated the property as their own for a significant period of time, the laws in America will recognize them as the owners.”

“So where does that leave us?” Gabriel asked, looking at Alexander, more confused than ever.

“What it means is that your document is void. Our charter stands as the legal document. What I have also been trying to tell you is that there is a provision within our charter. Apparently one of the founding residents knew of your ancestral document, and to make everything legal and fair, our charter has a clause. It states that if a descendant of one of the founding families of Treasure Cove ever marries a true descendant of the original charter, then all property, water, and mineral rights within the charter will revert to its true owner. That’s you, Gabriel. Since you married Annie, you own the town of Treasure Cove,” Matthew advised.

“But I don’t want it. I just want Antoinette!” Gabriel shouted.

“I’m sorry, Gabriel. When the underwriter finds out you two married, he or she will transfer everything back to the Duke of Avalon, you. Unless…” Matthew said, his voice trailing off as he thought.

“Unless what?” Alexander asked.

“Unless Gabriel annuls the marriage,” Matthew whispered, looking at Gabriel.

Gabriel heart plummeted. To give the town back what rightly belonged to them, he would have to give up the one woman he wanted most in the world.

“Annul my marriage?” he whispered

“He doesn’t need to annul anything. We are not technically married.” Alexander sighed, sitting into one of the chairs in his office.

“What are you blabbering about?” Gabriel shouted.

“You never listen. I tried to explain before we left for Scotland, but all you could think about was marrying Antoinette. I figured it was best to keep my mouth shut, and when we all got back to Montana, we could have another ceremony.”

“We don’t need another ceremony. We’re married!”

“No, we’re not. We are only handfasted. If you would have stopped and listened instead of only thinking of yourself and your needs, I would have explained everything, but as always, the duke gets what he wants.”

“You bastard!” Gabriel yelled, lunging for Alexander.

The fury emanating off Gabriel was intense. All he could see was Alexander’s smug look as he said their marriage was a lie. Without thought or consideration to his brother, Gabriel punched him over and over again, venting his frustrations. Rolling together on the floor, Gabriel moved just in time before Alexander’s fist connected with his face. Quickly getting to his feet, Gabriel charged him once again, pushing his brother back into the wall. A loud crack sounded, just as Alexander finally made contact with his lip. The piercing pain wracked his jaw as he stumbled back. The burning sensation felt good, and as Gabriel brought his hand to his mouth, he tasted blood.

Panting for air, he watched as Alex righted himself and looked him in the eye. “That’s right, asshole. I am a bastard, a true honest-to-god bastard! I hope you’re happy. Was it all worth all the pain and suffering you have caused?”

!” Gabriel yelled furiously.

Gabriel could see the pain in his brother’s eyes. Even Matthew looked away. They were all worried about the whole situation, but unless someone suggested something practical, Gabriel’s back was against the wall.

If he stayed with Antoinette, the town and all its assets would be handed over to the crown and the town would be bankrupt. If he walked away, he could save the town and its residents, but he would lose Antoinette and his brother.

“I’ll make this easy for you, brother. We’re done! I don’t ever want to see you again. I am taking Antoinette, and we are leaving,” Alexander said, gathering his things.

Gabriel grabbed his arm. “You’re not taking her from me,” he seethed.

“What choice do you have? You can’t marry her legally and save the town. You have made it clear how you truly feel about me. Just go back to your club, Gabriel. I will take care of Annie.”

“She is my wife, too.”

“Do you not hear? She isn’t married to either of us! Our wedding wasn’t legal!”

“I need to talk with Antoinette,” Gabriel murmured.

“Gabriel, leave her out of this. I will tell her. She has been through enough grief where you’re concerned,” Alexander said.

“She is my wife!” Gabriel shouted.

“That’s just it, brother. She isn’t your wife.” Alexander whispered the truth.


* * * *


Looking at the woman before him, Gabriel’s heart filled with dread. How could he clearly explain what needed to be done? He couldn’t even think clearly himself, let alone try and justify his actions to her.

Gabriel knew if he was going to find the courage to do what he needed, he had to give her this one final aspect of himself. It wasn’t going to be easy, but he refused to walk away without her seeing the real him. The information was hers to do with as she chose, but he needed to let her see him for what he truly was. As much as he wanted to save her this pain, he knew she wouldn’t leave him if he didn’t.

Resolved, he proceeded on his present path and asked God to forgive him for what he was about to do. His soul was already dark, but now he could feel the flames of hell firing up to engulf him. He never deserved her love. She was the angel that soared above everything. She needed to be set free.

Looking at her, he let the mask fall. Letting her inside his head wasn’t going to be easy, but she needed to be aware of the man before her. Nothing he could do would prepare her for what she was about to see.

Walking toward her, he removed his shirt and reached for the handcuffs that he kept hidden in the top drawer of his desk. Placing them upon his wrist, the only sound in the room was the click as the cuffs locked in place.

Once he had the cuffs on his wrists, he looked at them and played with them for a moment. Walking over to where he had fastened eyebolts in the ceiling, he held up his arms.

“Secure me,” he said.

Antoinette looked at him in bewilderment.

“Do it now!” he shouted, making her jump, demanding immediate compliance. He said nothing as she reached up and locked the cuffs to the bolts, first one and then the other. She stepped back and looked at him, wondering what to do next.

“O-okay,” she stammered. Gabriel closed his eyes as her hands touched his skin. Lost within the feel of her, he allowed himself this one last time. Her purity was that of an angel, and he wanted nothing more than to fall at her feet and weep. He did not deserve her. He never would. He wondered if she actually knew that she was his salvation, his only reason for living. He never believed in love until she gave herself so freely to him.

Regardless if he was right or wrong, her innocence soothed his pain. Looking at her, he felt blessed for the short time she wrapped him within her love.

Crumbling inside, he opened his eyes. “Do your worst. This is your time.”


* * * *


Annie didn’t know what was wrong. Something in her gut told her that no matter what she did, the finality of this interlude was an outcome she wasn’t ever going to be prepared for. Stepping back, she just looked at the man before her. Stripped bare, she saw him for what he actually was—a broken man.

Her heart went out to him. He was so closed off and distant that she wanted nothing more than to take his pain upon her shoulders.

While he was gone, something in him changed. The happy man who left was not coming back. Only the remnants of the man before remained. Everything in her cried out to help him, protect him, to love him.

Thinking of what she could do to help, she realized that the dominant man she loved had just become the submissive. This was a trait she never saw in him before. She didn’t know what to do. The ball was now in her court. What did he want her to do? What could she do to help him? She stood there thinking about that for a moment, then stepped forward and gently stroked his chest.

“What do you want?” she whispered.

“I’m yours to do with as you please,” he responded without inflection. Looking about the room, she eyed a candle. Gazing into the flame as it flickered, she walked over to it and picked it up, with a shaky hand. Unsure of this course, she waited for her hand to steady.

Staring into his eyes, she saw the reflection of the flame, and behind that fire a depth so forbidden that all she wanted was to understand that wall she saw there and guide him back to her.

He said nothing as she approached, but met her gaze as she tilted the candle and let the first drops of the hot wax fall onto his chest. His gaze remained fixed, with only the faintest hint of a flicker in his eyelids.

Continuing to drip the hot wax on his chest and shoulders, she felt a tear escape as it slowly rolled down her face. She knew this must be hurting him as the hot wax contacted his perfect skin, jolting his nerves all the way to his brain. Though he never cried out, he didn’t need to for she saw the pain in his eyes. Wanting so much to stop, it was his steady voice saying, “More,” that kept her going.

She could see the burn that started on the flesh as it echoed somewhere in the deep recesses of his eyes. Each drop was new and different, hitting a different area of flesh and echoing to a new corner of his eyes as the sensations pushed back all the carefully constructed boundaries of his defenses, and yet he still said nothing, allowing her to torture him.

After several moments, she had made his chest and shoulders a beautiful pattern of bloodred trails. His breathing and his body remained steady, and his eyes were half-closed, lost in the intensity of the moment, but never left her gaze. She knew that behind those half-hidden eyes was the dividing line, and it was blurring brightly as he fought some inner turmoil. Emotions and memories were fighting against themselves as the searing drops of hot wax splattered on his skin.

She stroked her hand across his chest, feeling the mixture of wax and flesh beneath her fingers. Annie slowly walked around him as she again tilted the candle and let a stream of the red wax fall on his shoulder blade. She saw him flex and heard him take a deep breath to steady himself in both body and mind. Continuing to drip the wax on his back and shoulders, she wondered what thoughts were going through his mind and what images were flashing in front of his fluttering eyelids.

Moving back around in front of him, she placed the candle down to rest for a moment. He opened his eyes as she began to stroke his shoulders and chest with both hands, and their eyes met. His eyes were clear, like a long hallway winding through his mind. They were intense, with a slightly faraway look in them.

She fell into those silver depths, falling into the deep recesses of his mind. She saw things long-hidden, parts of him that he fought so hard to keep away from the world. Anguish and pain surrounded his soul, and it was then she saw the man that was Gabriel. What had been locked away inside of him, now loosened. Thought and passion were now flesh and blood. He wrapped his gaze around her, guiding her through the journey of his soul, showing her the very depth of himself, and she shivered in fear.

“Do you know why I had you do this?”

She stood before him shaking her head in silence, too scared to answer.

“I needed you to know the truth.”

He stood in front of her, his wrists still tied to the ceiling. Yet all she saw was that it was his hand that had guided the crimson wax, not her own. It was his own hand that had restrained him. It was his own hands that now held the two of them together, merged as one in the depths of his mind that his hand had opened up and guided her into.

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