Gabriel's Heart [The Men of Treasure Cove 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (21 page)

BOOK: Gabriel's Heart [The Men of Treasure Cove 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“I always considered his patience an admiring trait, but looking at him now, maybe I was wrong. I do believe patience is a virtue that he never had,” Lilly advised as the men behind him began to snicker.

Talk about getting a set down. These women were dissecting him and admonishing him of his traits. What the hell? He felt like he was before his grandfather once again. All that was lacking was one of the women berating him on his inability to commit to anything.

He watched as Janie grinned and an evil look appeared in her eyes. He knew she was about to lower the so-called boom. Standing still, he waited for her to speak. When she did, she didn’t mince her words. “You know, ladies, for a Dominant I find his failure to adhere to the rules he preaches somewhat lacking. I mean look at him. Here he is, standing before us like the lost child that he is, and yet he doesn’t understand the importance of taking responsibility for a loved one, let alone one’s actions.”

“I find his trust lacking, but then again, he never did believe in anything but himself,” Charlotte said, leaning against the wall.

“So what are we going to do with him? Is he redeemable?” Janie asked.

“Depends on how well he can grovel.” Jeff said, walking into the room and patting him on his back, and smiled. “Dude, you fucked up.”

“That’s the understatement of the century,” Charlotte whispered.

“What are you doing in Montana? Who’s with Antoinette?” Gabriel asked quickly, looking at his brother, who just grinned.

“Dude, we have been home for two days,” Jeff replied.

“What! How long was I held without my consent?” Gabriel rounded on the women, who all grinned deviously at him.

“Three days.” Lilly smiled. “How did you enjoy your time in my barn?” she asked.

Gabriel didn’t know what the hell was going on, nor did he care. All he wanted to do was find Antoinette and beg her to take him back.

“I am happy to entertain you all, but I must leave. I have something to attend to,” Gabriel said.

“Oh that’s true. You will attend to it. First, you are going to park your ass down and listen to what we all have to say. For the record Gabriel, we don’t like you right now. Jeff is right. You fucked up big time. What the hell were you thinking? I mean I have met some crazy men in my life, but damn, you take the cake. Annie gave you her heart, and you stomped on it and look what you did to poor Alex. He’s your brother, and you gave no thought to how he would feel about this situation. You never consulted him, only doing what you wanted. To make matters worse, instead of fighting for your family, you ran. Now before, you get all defensive, we all know why you did it, but damn it, you’re an idiot!” Janie began getting to her feet.

Gabriel watched as she paced before him, anger rolling off her in waves,

“I shouldn’t be giving you the benefit of the doubt, because there is crazy, and then there is just sheer stupidity, and your actions last week were just downright unbelievable. How you managed to penetrate her heart then destroy her all within a week’s time, I’ll never figure out, but, Gabriel, hear me when I say this. This town and her family will castrate you if you ever talk without thinking again.” She finished and looked at Emma, who walked forward and leaned against his desk.

Smiling, she spoke softly. “While you were being the biggest jackass that England ever saw, my daughter found something. Now, I won’t try to explain because I am still confused myself, but in essence, what Tabitha found would have saved you the trouble of being the biggest dickhead on the planet. But like any man, you chose to act before thinking.”

“What Emma is trying to say is that your brain took a vacation, your dick retreated north for the winter, and your balls shriveled into peanuts.” Charlotte laughed. “Basically you’re an asshat.”

“Yes, you have all made that clear. Now, since you all have had your fun humiliating me, I want to see Antoinette.”

Laughter erupted all around him. “I don’t see the humor in this. I need to find Antoinette and ask her to forgive me.”

“Oh, you mean our wife?” Alexander spoke firmly, walking forward. Gabriel had totally forgotten about the three people standing near his bar.

When he turned to face his childhood friend, he asked, “What are you talking about? You said the marriage wasn’t legal.”

“It still technically isn’t, but with the latest information little Tabitha found by accident, well, technically it is. After you took off, Matthew received a call from Mrs. Quinn. With the documents she faxed, Matthew and I went over everything. Once I made a few phone calls and verified everything, our wedding in Scotland is technically still valid, only it’s not, hence why I am here in Montana with my wife. I must say, Gabriel, I am inclined to side with these women. How is it you Yanks say it?” Alexander smiled and then snapped his fingers. “That’s right; you, my brother, have fucked yourself.”

Gabriel knew his mouth was gaping open. He didn’t dare hide it. Alexander Ellis, his brother, the pristine barrister of Parliament, known for his eloquent speeches, just handed down the most humiliating verdict Gabriel had ever heard.

“Excuse me?” he whispered in shock.

“Her Grace, Antoinette Catherine Sexton, is still technically our wedded wife. For how much longer, I have no idea. I believe roses and begging would be a lovely start. I don’t expect her to forgive you easily. You were a real bastard, you know,” Alexander said, straight-faced, showing Gabriel he was serious.

“Someone better tell me what the hell is going on, now!” Gabriel had had enough. All this cryptic talking and man-bashing was pissing him off. He wanted answers, and he wanted them now.

For the next hour, he listened as Matthew and Alexander informed him of every detail that was within the jewel-encrusted box.

“I don’t understand. You are telling me that Antoinette is a descendant from French royalty. How is that possible?” Gabriel asked, confused, looking at the people in the room. When Margaret walked over to him, he looked at the woman and waited. He knew she had the answers he required.

He never said a word as she started to speak. “My father was a great man. Loved and respected in Treasure Cove from the moment he arrived. What my father did, he did for the good of the town. He was an honest man and loved his daughters. He only wanted what was best for them.

“Peter Alistair Romanov met my mother in France after he fled Russia during the fall of Stalingrad. Fleeing for his life, he snuck into Paris. There, he met my mother. When Hitler invaded Paris, my grandfather, fearing for his two daughters, paid my father to get them to America. The voyage across the Atlantic was rough. My mother’s sister died, leaving only my mother in the care of my father. Alone and scared, my father vowed to protect my mother with his life, and he did. They were married shortly after their arrival to America.

“They journeyed across the United States and settled her in Treasure Cove, opened a business, and raised five daughters. They were happy and safe from the chaos in Europe, but mother died shortly after giving birth to Isabelle. Right before my father passed, he handed me the box that my grandfather gave him, before they left Paris. He then told me of its contents and what would happen if the town of Treasure Cove ever found it. He made me and my sisters swear to keep the secret, never revealing what was in the box. And we did, faithfully, until Tabitha dug it up.”

“I am sorry about your mother and father, Margaret, but what does that have to do with Antoinette being royalty?” Gabriel asked.

“My mother’s name was Adelaide Isabelle Marie Marbois, daughter of Count Henry Louis Peter Marbois, of the House of Marbois,” Margaret admitted.

Gabriel began gasping for air. He could not breathe. The reality of what he had done, mixed with this new information, was more than he could handle. If he had just waited, as Antoinette asked, then all of this heartache would have been for nothing. They could marry. The crown would have relinquished his family estate, and Gabriel would have been able to present the town to Antoinette.

His head was spinning as Alexander picked up the old parchment, placing them in a secured lock box. He then handed Gabriel his family’s signet ring. Thought lost many years ago he had heard stories and seen drawings of the famous ring, but never imagined having it within his own grasp. The room fell silent as they all watched Gabriel take the ring and place it on his fourth finger of his right hand, solidifying his position within the English society.

When Alex bowed before him, Gabriel knew what he had to do. It wasn’t just Antoinette he hurt, but his brother. The stoic face Alexander showed him was not one of brotherly love, but of duty and indifference. Gone was the carefree smile. He wanted his brother back. He needed him, and before he could even think about fixing the broken relationship with Antoinette, he needed to mend his brother’s heart.

“Your Grace, I will let my wife know and let her decide on how she wants to proceed. Keep me informed. Good day, Your Grace,” Alexander said, bowing once again before he quietly left the room.

Before Gabriel could stop Alexander from leaving, Jeff lowered the biggest surprised of them all, and that was when Gabriel’s legs gave out, and he fell into the chair behind him in shock.


* * * *


Alexander was sitting on the front porch of the Hicks Family ranch, wrapped in a blanket with Annie in his arms. His life was perfect. He had everything he wanted and more, or at least he thought he did. When he saw Gabriel at his club, every thought and feeling came rushing back. If it weren’t for the people in the room, he would have beaten the crap out of him again.

He didn’t know what his brother was thinking when he decided to be a dick back at Avalon Manor. After talking with Annie and getting the whole story, it didn’t surprise him that Gabriel used the BDSM lifestyle he had known against her. It was cruel to do so, and he had effectively severed any chance at Antoinette taking him back.

Certain things were forgivable. Alex knew he would forgive Gabriel for not telling him the truth about his birth. He would forgive him for being a selfish ass, and he would also forgive him for using his dominance against Antoinette, but he could never forgive him for hurting her.

Smiling into the night as she snuggled closer to him, he held her tighter, pulling the blanket closer around her.

“I saw Gabriel today,” Alexander whispered, broaching the taboo subject.

“I don’t want to talk about him. I just want to sit here with you and look at the stars,” she said softly, her breath tickling his chest.

“He looks miserable,” he continued.


“Were you able to go over the documents I showed you?” he asked.

“Yes.” She yawned, covering her mouth.

“And?” he questioned.

“I haven’t decided yet.”

“Okay,” he said, kissing the top of her head. He wasn’t going to push her. She needed to make this decision on her own. He didn’t care how long it took her. He was just happy she was with him now, and whatever she decided, he would stand beside her and give her his undying support.

The stars were shining brightly when he realized she had fallen asleep in his arms. The cool night’s breeze chilled him as he looked out over the countryside. It was beautiful here in Treasure Cove. The Rocky Mountains with their snowcapped tops, the white blanket covering the grounds and the bare trees glistened at night. It was almost surreal in a way. Never in his life had he ever seen anything so majestic, yet the air had an ominous bitterness to it.

Looking closely into the night, he saw movement in the distance.

Slowly sitting up, he watched as a dark figure approached.

“What are you doing here?” Alexander asked in a menacing voice that slithered through the air, stopping the figure in his tracks.

“Treasure Cove is my home. Have I been banished from the town, already?” he said, mocking him.

“You’re not supposed to be here,” Alex seethed.

“We need to talk.”

“Not here. I don’t want her upset,” Alex said, pulling the blanket up over her head. The air was growing colder as clouds started drifting of the tops of the mountains. He could feel a storm brewing.

“We have unfinished business, brother,” he said, crossing his arms across his chest. Alexander noticed Gabriel’s arms rippled as tension rolled off of him.

“Then say what you have to and go.” Alex sighed, not wanting to risk an argument.

“I would like another chance. Can you forgive me for being so stupid?” Gabriel asked quietly. Alexander wasn’t sure he heard him correctly. Could the almighty, all-knowing, selfish Gabriel Sexton be really begging?

Alexander sat there and looked at his brother. The similarities between the two were extraordinary. It shocked him that he never considered it before. Gabriel did live in his own world. Only on occasions would their two worlds intertwine. When faced with the knowledge that the man before him was his true blood brother, Alexander could feel no hatred toward him. Oh yes, he believed that Gabriel needed to atone for what he had done, but to eliminate him from his life…no, he couldn’t see himself being that vengeful. Was he angry, yes, but not angry enough to wash his hands of him.

A lot had changed in his life in the last few weeks. He now had a brother, and a wife he adored. Sighing, he tightened his hold around the woman in his arms and looked at his brother. “No more lies, and no more running. I don’t care how awful it gets. I can handle anything, but not the lies. I am not ready to forgive you yet, but you’re going to need my help to get Annie back. You hurt her badly, Gabriel. It’s going to take both of us to convince her to change her mind. She is still fragile right now. I am asking that you give her time and do not push her. Let her come to you. Can you do that?”

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