Gabriel's Heart [The Men of Treasure Cove 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (24 page)

BOOK: Gabriel's Heart [The Men of Treasure Cove 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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His cock was as hard as a rock laying flat against his belly as she slid the palm of her hand up the length of his shaft. It jerked, and she pulled her hand away. She smiled and grasped his cock lightly as she began to stroke it up and down. Alex knew he was on borrowed time, and with her warm hands around him, he needed to come before they went any further. He wouldn’t last five seconds inside her, his need growing fast. He moaned and encouraged her to keep stroking him. What he didn’t expect was to see her lips lowering toward the head, but that was exactly where they were heading.

“You don’t have to do that, love.” He moaned, beginning to squirm as her soft hand kept stroking him.

“I want to taste you.”

With that, he watched as she kissed the top of his cock, coating her lips with pre-cum. She then opened those wicked lips and slid his cock into her mouth. That long, velvety soft tongue of hers began moving against the sensitive underside of his head as she continued to stroke.

“Oh fuck, please never stop.” He groaned, pumping his hips as she licked and sucked his cock into her hot, cavernous mouth.

“Annie, I’m going to come. Get off,” he shouted as her grip tightened.

She didn’t listen. Instead, she picked up the pace a little and took his dick back to her throat and swallowed.

Alex hovered on the precipice of orgasm. When at last he erupted in a fiery display and began filling her mouth, three, four, five hard contractions hit him as she emptied him.

Antoinette kept sucking and stroking, and then she did the unthinkable. She started swallowing. He was shocked as she slowed her movements and his cock stopped jerking, but she kept him between her lips. He was shocked to see his cum leaking out of her mouth around his ultrasensitive dick. It took everything in him to fight the urge to pull away. She held still for a few seconds then began to suckle, pulling what little remained out of him. Her lips slid off his cock as she began to use her fingers to collect the stray seed and slide it into her mouth and swallow. Using her lips and tongue to clean up his semihard dick, she left no traces of his seed behind.

Alex was in awe. This beautiful woman, so full of life and vigor, was his.

“Annie, we need to talk,” he said, looking into her vivid green eyes.

Sighing, she plopped down beside him without a care in the world and said, “Sure, Alex.”

Naked and uncaring, she laid beside him, willing to talk about anything as if nothing in the world mattered but him. Never had he had such rapt attention.

It unmanned him. “You have to decide. What are you going to do?”

Sighing, she rolled away from him and said, “I’m divorcing Gabriel.”

Chapter Twelve


Gabriel leaned against the wall and listened as Alexander pleasured their wife. It was pure torture not being able to join in. He knew he was not welcome in that room. Antoinette was not ready to forgive him. He knew he would wait forever for her, hoping someday she would, but he was not going to hold his breath. He hurt her badly.

He could hear the strain in her voice, the pain and anguish. It was breaking his heart, knowing he caused all her grief. Nevertheless, when he heard her utter those three little words, his heart plummeted and evaporated into nothing. Pushing off the wall, he let the tears flow freely down his face as he walked out of the house and out of her life.


* * * *


“Annie, no!” Alex shouted, getting to his feet. He could not believe after everything they both had to overcome to be together, she was still willing to walk away without even looking back. He knew she was angry, and she had every right to be, but to give up, he would not allow that.

Stubborn woman!

He absolutely refused to allow her to walk away without him having his say.

“It’s not your decision, Alex. You did not see his face back in England. I am just finishing what he couldn’t. Trust me. I’ll see that the deed gets done,” Annie said without emotion.

Alex could not get a read on her. She was void of any expression. She was someone different, harder, and he didn’t like what he was seeing. He had to think, because if she went through with the divorce, she was going to end up just like Gabriel, cold and vacant.

God, he wished Gabriel was here so he could beat the shit out of him. He did this to her. He fucked up, and now, he was going to destroy this lovely woman.

Alex refused to allow that to happen. Thinking quickly, he said, “What Gabriel did was wrong, but what you’re doing is wrong, too. You cannot just give up. You’re a fighter. Fight for what you want, Annie. Don’t be like him and run when things don’t go your way.”

“There isn’t anything more to say. I am going to see Matthew and file for a divorce.”

“What! Did you not hear anything I said?”

“Yep, I heard everything.”

“And you’re still going to go through with it?”

“Yep!” she shouted furiously at him.

God, what was it going to take to get a straight answer from this woman? Running his hands through his hair, he rounded on her, grabbing her shoulders, pulling her into his chest. Her face mere inches from his, he seethed “No more running! I want the truth. Do you still love Gabriel?”

!” she screamed.

Alex slowly let go of her and backed away, letting her leave the room.


* * * *


With her head held high, Annie walked out the front door of her family ranch and didn’t look back, her heart heavy. She knew she was doing the right thing, but that little nagging bug in the back of her brain was screaming at her to turn around.

Praying for God to give her the strength, she kept moving forward as she wiped the flow of tears that ran down her face. Her whole life, all she ever wanted was one man, the one man who had captured her soul with his quiet smile and tender heart. She knew who Gabriel Sexton was, and what he did for a living, but none of that ever mattered to her. It was his quietness which drew him to her.

Alike in so many ways, they were just two lost souls living in a world trying to survive. She knew he had his demons, as did she, but none of that mattered. She knew she could count on Gabriel to be there for her for anything, and at times dropping what he was doing to come to her aid. He always made time for her, even when he was so tired she could see the strain in his eyes. He never held anything back from her, always honest and forthright, but yet, what she couldn’t believe was that when he had everything she thought he wanted, he gave it all away. It was the way he did it, so viciously that there was no way for him to redeem himself.

“Annie, wait!” she heard Alex yell as he ran to catch up with her. She didn’t want to talk to him anymore. He was in trouble, too. She could not believe he was sticking up for him when she needed his support.

What an idiot!

“Annie, come on, slow down,” Alex huffed, finally catching her. Reeling around, she stopped him dead in his tracks.

“What! I am so mad at you right now, Alex. How could you say that stuff to me? You knew how I felt.”

“No, I didn’t, Annie. You refused to talk about him. I knew he hurt you, and you were angry with him, but you don’t talk. You are as bad as him. I can’t figure either of you out. You shut yourselves off, and refuse to let anyone in.”

“That’s bullshit, and you know it!” she screamed at him.

“No, it’s not. Can you honestly tell me that during that whole time you were with me that his face didn’t enter your mind, that you didn’t wish for him? Not even once?”

Annie stammered, opening and closing her mouth a few times before looking away. She couldn’t answer that. If she did, she might as well admit everything.

“You can’t say it, can you? Damn it! You are just like him, and you don’t even realize it. Just forgive him, and let’s move on. This is crazy. He fucked up. I get it. Trust me, I will mess up, too, eventually, probably not as severe as Gabriel, but damn it, I will fuck up. Are you going to push me away when I do, too?” Alex yelled back at her, getting right in her face.

She knew he was right. He was right about everything. He would mess up. To what extent she didn’t know. She couldn’t predict the future. She was just an ordinary human being. She wasn’t infallible. She made mistakes herself.

She didn’t know what to say. She needed to think.

“Look, I need to go to the club and take care of some business. In the meantime, I suggest you think long and hard about what you seriously want. Because whatever decision you make, you are going to have to live with for the rest of your life.” He finished and turned, walking back to the house.

Left alone in the cold morning air, she felt like screaming in frustration, but more than anything, right at this very moment, she needed coffee.


* * * *


“Fuck a
!” Charlotte shouted as she slammed the sheriff’s office door. Annie smiled as she stepped out of Sweet Treasures with a hot coffee and a sticky bun in hand. Smiling, she watched as the feisty woman cursed up a storm walking toward her.

“Hey, Charlotte, what up?” she asked, needing anything to get her mind off Gabriel and Alex. For the last four hours, everywhere she went they were there with flowers, candy, food, stuffed animals, or just a lazy smile.

Irritating bastards!

“Fuckwad just informed me that I can’t have a bachelorette party! Just because they’re spineless pussies for not wanting some hot chick rubbing all over them doesn’t mean I don’t want my last hurrah of fun before I shackle myself to them, right?”

“Right!” Annie grinned.

“And besides, isn’t it tradition or something to get drunk and have one last wild night before you marry?”


“That’s what I thought!”

“So whatcha gonna do?” Annie asked.

“I’m gonna fuckin’ party like its 1979, and you’re gonna help me! Let’s go,” she demanded.

“Uh, Charlotte, isn’t that supposed to be 1999?” Annie laughed as Charlotte grabbed her arm, jerking her back toward Sweet Treasures Bakery.

! You’ve heard “Livin’ La Vida Loca” by Ricky Martin, right? Enough said! Now 1979 had some good music!” She laughed as she opened the door and a wave of sweet serenity surrounded them.

Over the next couple of hours, Annie, along with Hazel and Charlotte, rounded up all the girls and prepared for the bachelorette party to end all parties.

God help them all!


* * * *


Gabriel and Alex were in his office going over the latest billings for the Pleasure Cove when Matthias barged in on him. Gabriel didn’t bother looking up. He knew why his dungeon master was in his office. He had seen the security cameras, and though it aggravated every nerve in his body, he did nothing and just watched on the screens as the women of Treasure Cove partied.

Amongst the group was his Antoinette, and though she refused to see him, let alone talk to him, he was content to watch her smile and have fun. She deserved it, in more ways than one, and he was not going to intrude on her happiness.

“Gabe, either you do something about those women or I will!” Matthias yelled.

“What shall you have me do?”

“Stop them!”

“I have no desire to stop their fun. Charlotte is getting married in two days. Let her have her fun.”

“That’s just it Gabe, Charlotte asked to take the party into the dungeon. She wants to whip a sub!”

“Then provide her a willing sub.”

“They requested you.”

“Can you repeat that?” Alex asked, looking up from a stack of papers.

Now, it took a lot for Gabriel to get flustered, but when his dungeon master said that, Gabriel looked up and replied, “Excuse me?”

“Thought that would get your attention. Apparently they got it in their pretty little heads that you need to be punished for breaking Annie’s heart. Though they called you some colorful names that I won’t relay, they believe you deserve to be punished for your insolence. Their words, not mine.”

“And what did Annie say to this?” Alex asked curiously.

“Oh, she was the one who volunteered his body.” Matthias grinned.

“Really?” Gabriel smiled deviously, leaning back in his chair.

“This isn’t funny, Gabriel. Those women have been drinking! You can’t be seriously thinking about letting any one of them near you?” Alex shouted, looking at him.

“Not just anyone, brother, Antoinette.” Gabriel knew this could go either way, and though he’d rather not let her near him when she had been drinking, she did request him. It wouldn’t be the first time he played the submissive. He could do this if the rules were strictly followed. Of course if Matthias also oversaw the whole scene. The idea of submitting to her, and only her, was appealing.

The gift of submission was one of trust. If he could submit to her and show her that not only did he love her, he also trusted her, just maybe she could learn to trust him again. It was a long shot, , but he knew deep down in his soul, he had to try.

What could go wrong?

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