Gabriel's Heart [The Men of Treasure Cove 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (25 page)

BOOK: Gabriel's Heart [The Men of Treasure Cove 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Tell the ladies it would be my pleasure to be of service tonight,” Gabriel said, getting to his feet.


* * * *


Annie walked into the dungeon not knowing what to expect. Along with Janie, Charlotte, Emma, Hazel, Macie, and Lilly, they were all given a short tour of the dungeon. Though Macie, Emma, Janie, and Charlotte had already been here, they never said a word as Matthias informed the others what happened within this room. Annie noticed the room was frightfully dark and sinister-looking. In the middle of the room was a platform that Matthias said was the viewing stage. Contraptions she had never seen filled spaces along the back wall. The eerie medieval sconces lit by flickering candles gave off a more ominous feel. A shiver of unease rippled through Annie as she slowly turned and viewed the room for the first time.

She knew this was what Gabriel did for a living. What she couldn’t figure out was how any of this could relate to extreme sexual gratification. Oh, she didn’t mind being tied up, handcuffed, or even spanked on occasion, but this room was pure torture. How could someone willingly allow themselves to do this?

“Trust,” Janie whispered in her ear, answering her question.

Annie turned, questioning her with her eyes.

“When a submissive walks onto that stage, he or she gives the gift of trust. It’s not an easy gift, nor is it to be taken lightly. Not only does the submissive trust the Dominant to bring pleasure by the means agreed upon, but the Dominant trusts the submissive to guide him or her in administering pleasure to the submissive.”

“What happens if the Dominant doesn’t trust the submissive or vice versa?” Annie asked.

“One cannot simply get on that stage and do a scene. A lot of preparation goes into this. For a submissive to offer themselves willingly into the care of a Dominant is a precious gift. It’s not to be taken lightly. The greatest reward is the gift the Dominant receives. Prized with the knowledge that the submissive willingly bends to the power of the Dominant as the Dominant must trust the submissive to tell him or her when he or she has had enough. Anything can go wrong, and both parties know this, but the Dominant trusts the submissive to see them both safely through the scene.”

“I don’t understand any of this,” Annie said.

“Think of it this way. You trust your brothers, and they trust you, right?”

“Yes, I would like to think so.”

“Okay, but would you trust your brothers with every aspect of your life? Would you let them make decisions from what you wear to what you eat, how you wear your hair to how you make your living? And more importantly, would they trust you to make those same decisions for them?”


“Exactly. There is a form of trust there, but it’s not a complete trust. In a Dominant/submissive relationship, trust is everything. Every aspect of the relationship is based on the single premise of trust. If there isn’t complete trust, then there is no relationship.”

“Do you have that with my brothers?” Annie asked.

“Yes. It’s easy to tell someone that you trust them with your life, but it’s entirely different to believe wholly in that trust, and then follow through with it. Not a lot of people can give themselves wholly in that way, but those who can receive the greatest gift of all.”

Annie was more confused than ever. She never trusted anyone in the way Janie described. She couldn’t imagine giving herself willingly into the care of one person, let alone accepting that same care for another. It was a heady thought and a tremendous responsibility.

Slowly shaking her head, she ran her fingers down the bloodred leather corset, which lifted her breasts high, having them almost spill out of their confines. Her long hair was pulled back tightly into a sleek knot at the base of her neck. Her black jeans became a second skin as she slightly turned, looking around the room once again. Her feet were ensconced in a nice pair of black leather boots with a four-inch heel.

In all reality, she dressed tonight for him. She thought to make him jealous and regret what he had done. But being here in the dungeon about to see him submit to her on the stage, she wasn’t so sure. She watched as the girls quietly talked amongst themselves, whispering words to each other. Why she agreed to do this, she would never know, but deep in the recesses of her mind, she admitted to herself that the idea of whipping Gabriel made her smile.

After her conversation with Janie, she wasn’t so sure about that anymore. Yes, she was still hurt and angry with him, and she would guess he was doing this with some nefarious goal to win her back, but what she couldn’t wrap her head around was why he was willing to let her to do this scene with him. He was the Dominant, not her.

“Annie, there are some rules we need to go over before Gabriel comes out here,” Alex said, coming up behind her.

Jumping at the sound of his voice, Annie turned, looking at the last man she thought would be here. Dressed in black leather pants, black boots and nothing else, he looked like sex on a stick. Her pussy instantly creamed. God he was handsome. The look on his face made her wonder what he needed to say. There was darkness to him tonight. He seemed more controlled, more everything. Nodding, she waited for him to continue.

“Gabriel has agreed to do this on one condition that it’s you and only you doing the scene. He knows you’ve never done anything like this before, and has picked out some items that he believes might be easier for you to start with. I have laid them on the table near the stage.”

Annie quickly turned and saw three items laid out, ready for her to wield. Dumbstruck, she whispered, “What are they?”

“The first is a warm-up tool. It’s a steel comb. The one-inch spikes are used to gently comb the body for the purpose of warming it up. Some of the female subs get nervous when a scene is done publicly, so their Dominant eases them into the scene by petting them with the comb. It soothes them. The second is a basic leather paddle with a six-inch diameter and a steel handle. The paddle is what it is. It’s to be used on the ass. It’s another warm-up tool. It can be used to either soothe nerves or administer discipline.”

“And the third?”

“The third is a six-inch calf-leather bullwhip with a tongued tip.”

“And is that a warm-up device?” she asked but already knew the answer.

“No. The bullwhip’s tip stings as it touches the submissive. When the leather tip touches the skin, a burn begins, eventually engulfing the submissive. Some subs prefer this because eventually, the pain recedes sending them into a state of nirvana.”

“And which one would he like me to use?”

“He is letting you pick,” Alex said flatly. It was then she felt him enter the room. Turning slowly, she saw him.

Dressed in the same black leathers and boots as Alex, his face was blank she watched him walk in to the dungeon, quietly making his way to the stage. His broad, muscular back glistened under the dim lights as Alex went to secure him to the large cross.

She noticed that he rested comfortably, breathing normally.

There was something off about the feel of the room. There was a strange calmness to it, something she had never experienced before. The room became sensual as she made her way toward the stage.

She looked at Alex, questioning him with her eyes. “He is ready,” he advised.

Nodding to him, Annie walked over to the table and looked at the three items. Not thinking, she picked up one of the devices and walked over to him.

The room was eerily quiet. Looking over her shoulder, she saw her friends, each of their faces void of expressions, as they quietly stood against the wall.

What was fun had now turned serious. One wrong move and she’d seriously hurt Gabriel.

Just like he hurt you?

“Antoinette, I trust you,” Gabriel whispered, bringing her back to the scene at hand. “Just focus on me, little bird, forget about everyone in the room, and look at me. You can do this,” he advised soothingly.

Taking a deep breath, Annie closed her eyes and focused on the man before her, the one who she loved more than life herself, and the man who broke her heart and walked away from her.

The whole scene based on trust. Trust she once had for him, but was now gone. Yet, there he stood, strapped to leather cross, bared from the waist up, ready for her to use whatever medium she chose. Gabriel trusted her, and yet she could not trust herself not to hurt him as he hurt her.

She didn’t like this. She hated the way he lay there, strapped and unable to move. She didn’t like that he couldn’t fight his way free if it became too much. She didn’t want this. It felt too much like the roles were reversed. She was the aggressor, and he the helpless victim. In that moment, she realized why he agreed to do this. This wasn’t about punishment or acceptance. This was about how he felt. With the roles reversed, he gifted her the knowledge of his soul. She now knew how much he regretted hurting her. He hated what he had done to her as she loathed the thought of whipping him.

Throwing the whip against the wall, Annie screamed, “Say something!”

When Gabriel just stood there, motionless, Annie ran over to him and lifted his face. Annie watched as her friends quietly left the room, leaving only herself, Gabriel, and Alexander. Turing back to Gabriel, she looked into his eyes, and she saw it.

It was there all this time, in Gabriel’s eyes. The pain, regret, and sorrow.

She saw it all, shining reverently through his silver eyes. He knew he made a terrible mistake, and he wanted to atone for all of his wrongdoings. So he willingly stood there, trusting her to do the right thing.

“Why did you do it?” she cried as tears fell in waves down her face.

“I thought I was doing the right thing,” he cried.

“For who, Gabe?”

“I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to you. When Matthew told me that the town would be bankrupt, I knew that would hurt you. I looked at you, praying you would give me some hint as to what to do, but all I saw was pity and regret. I couldn’t bear that,” he whispered as tears rolled down his handsome face. Annie felt as if her heart was breaking in two. She could handle many things, but not seeing her strong, determined Gabriel crumble before her.

“Gabriel, I never pitied you, and I never regretted anything. I was scared. I still am. However, what you did was wrong. You hurt me as no other ever had. Why didn’t you just talk to me? I could have helped.”

“I’ve never trusted anyone that much before. I have always done what I thought was best, never considering who might get hurt in the process. I am so sorry for that, Antoinette.”

“You can’t continue to live like that, Gabe. You have to learn to trust someone. We all love you, and we all want to help, but you have to let us.”

“I trust you,” he whispered softly, caressing her cheek. It was then that she realized that Alex had never secured him to the cross. Gabriel had willing stood there of his own free will and gave himself up into her care.

It was humbling.

Shaking her head, she whispered, “I don’t understand any of this.”

“I hurt you, Antoinette. I hurt the woman I love above all others. I did this so you would know how sorry I am and learn to trust me again as I have always trusted you. I knew you would never hurt me. It’s not in your nature, but you needed to realize that. I love you.”

“You’re wrong. You never trusted me enough to help you.”

She watched as Alexander walked over and sat down beside the cross, and asked, “Why did you do this, brother?”

There comes a time when all is lost that a man must endure the greatest pain imaginable to secure the woman he loves the most. And for that alone, I will kneel before her until she weeps no more,” she heard him answer as he looked directly at her.

“What if she went through with it?” Alex angrily asked.

“But she didn’t.” Gabriel smiled at her.

Annie wasn’t sure of what to do now that the scene was over. Her mind was spinning with his words. She was more confused than ever. She needed to think. She couldn’t breathe.

Walking toward the door, she felt his hand touch her shoulder. Annie didn’t bother turning around. She couldn’t. If she did, she would give into him, and she wasn’t ready to forgive him just yet.

She needed her space.

“Please, don’t go.” She heard his soft plea.

“I can’t stay.”

“Just stay with me. We can go somewhere quiet, where we won’t be disturbed. Let me show you what trust truly feels like. Please allow me that.”

Because she didn’t trust her own voice, Annie simply nodded.

“I’ll give you two some time. If you need me, I’ll be at the ranch,” Alex said, kissing her cheek. She didn’t want him to leave, but she couldn’t open her mouth to stop him.


* * * *


Gabriel was watched her closely as she walked quietly into his private residence. Though she said nothing, he knew the night’s events had seriously rattled her. He wished she would talk, but he did not force the issue, knowing his little bird would speak when ready.

“These are my private quarters. You are the first person I have brought here.”

“Why?” she asked, looking around the vast space.

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