Gabriel's Heart [The Men of Treasure Cove 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (22 page)

BOOK: Gabriel's Heart [The Men of Treasure Cove 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Good. If you can do that, then I will help you.”

“I know I don’t deserve either of you, but thank you anyway.”

“You’re wrong about that, Gabriel. You deserve so much more, but you never stop and think before you act. For so long you have had to be the leader in everything. You need to realize that it’s just not you anymore. You have me and hopefully Annie. We are a team. As such, we have to work together, for what is best for us. There is no more yours or mine. It is all ours now.”

Sighing, Alexander slowly got to his feet, gently cradling his wife in his arms. “I better get her inside. It’s getting colder.”

“May I kiss her good night?” Gabriel quietly asked.

Taking a step toward his brother, Alex nodded. He watched as Gabriel slowly moved closer until he was standing before him. Slowly removing the blanket, he looked as Gabriel lowered his head and gently kissed Antoinette on her forehead. She whimpered, snuggling deeper into him, whispering, “Gabriel.”

Alex looked at the grief written all over his brother’s face. “She calls for you at night.”

“I am so sorry, little bird,” Gabriel said, touching her face gently. “Good night, my love, sleep well.” Alexander watched him walk into the night.

Once back in the house, he lowered Antoinette to the bed. After gently removing her clothes, he covered her with blankets and slipped into bed beside her.

Sighing, Alexander let the quietness of the country surround him. The soft wind blew, rustling the trees. A sparrow squawked off in the distance, and the low murmur of her warm breath soothed him. He couldn’t stop seeing his brother’s face. His pain and sorrow for what he had done haunted him. Rolling over, he knew what he had to do. He only prayed it was the right thing. Opening his phone, he sent a quick text and shut his phone off.

Sending up one last prayer, he closed his eyes and soon drifted off to sleep, letting the exhaustion of the last few days take him away.


* * * *


Softly, like a whisper, she heard him. His warm, soothing lips caressed her skin, melting her heart from the cube of ice she had let it become. Wanting so much to open her eyes, the lingering pain of what Gabriel had done consumed her mind.

She had heard everything. She heard the pain, the anguish, the regret, but yet she didn’t open her eyes. She kept them closed as Alex pulled her closer and when he carried her to bed. She felt Alex slide in next to her, and after a few minutes, she felt him relax as slumber over took him. It was then she opened her eyes.

The darkness of the room was welcoming. She wasn’t ready for the sun, the warmth, the love. So many questions raced through her mind, but the main question was, why?

Quietly leaving the bed, she walked to the window and looked out into the night. So dark and mysterious, she saw him. He was there. He was the shadow in the darkness.

She knew that. She accepted that. Could she live with that?

She had known Gabriel since she was a little girl. She still remembered the day her brothers came home with him years ago. He was quiet then as he was now. There was something about him which drew her to him every time he was around. Thanks to her buttinski brothers, they had made sure Gabriel never spent any significant time with her.

So she watched him from afar. Even as she grew older, he held this air of mystery around him, and when he built the Pleasure Cave, she rarely ever saw him. When he was about, her brothers made sure she was nowhere in sight. Even on the rare occasions their paths crossed, he was nothing but a perfect gentleman, showing no indifference toward her.

There was a silent lingering between them. Where she was the sun, he was the moon. Lost and alone, the two never together except at dusk or dawn, when their lives interceded. Different but the same. She looked out into the night, and her heart wept.

The quietness of him pulled her, speaking to her soul.

Turning, she looked at the handsome man who had given up everything, flying across the ocean to be with her. A love she never expected but cherished deeply. His carefree acceptance and devotion was differed from his brothers. They were alike in so many ways, but not.

Where Alex was happy and fun, Gabriel was reserved and preferred solitude to company.

Night and day and she loved them both. Could she live with both?

Her whole life, she prayed for the opportunity to be with one man. Then in a blink of an eye, she had two. Accepting what fate had presented her with, she cherished them and gave herself freely, only to have one destroy her happiness while the other gave up his life for her.

She knew better than to believe in happily ever after. That shit was for the fairy tales. They had no business in real life.

Something changed that night in England. She couldn’t rightly say who changed, Gabriel or her, but after the McDaniel party, she knew that she was forevermore his, only he chose to push her away.

Then one night in England, he lowered his defenses and allowed her to see the real Gabriel Sexton. Boy, did she see him, in full Technicolor fashion. He was hauntingly beautiful, a lost soul in the night, seeking a soft light to grab onto. Did he take her in his arms? No, he chose to walk away, abandoning her, grasping for life. He left her and Alex. He didn’t look back. He could have stayed and fought for what he wanted, but he chose the coward’s way out.

Looking at Alex, she couldn’t put him through that agony again. Though he wouldn’t admit it, what his brother did hurt him badly. He trusted Gabriel, as did she. Once broken, trust was hard to get back.

Returning to bed, she curled into Alex. Closing her eyes, she smiled when his arms came around her, holding her tight. Still confused more than ever, she knew in her mind what she was going to do. The problem was getting her heart to accept it.


* * * *


Saturday mornings were made for sleep. That was Annie’s mantra and a ritual since she was young enough to remember. It was easy with two older brothers who gave in and allowed her this one particular pleasure. She was happy to be finally home so she could get on with her life. Eager to move on with Alex, she had made her decision the previous night, and nothing was going to change her mind.

No one could fault her with ever being indecisive—stubborn, yes, but wishy-washy, nope. As she stretched, she realized something was off. Her body was held by the strong hands of a man pinning her hands above her head. Her wrists ached as she felt a knee forcing her thighs widely apart as she lay there in her bed.

Her nipples hardened quickly as he moved his mouth over one of them, gnawing on it roughly. She arched her back, letting out a shriek of pain... Or was it pleasure?

“Alex!” she screamed as his teeth latched on and pulled.

“Very good, love, you got the name right. Now let me show you how good of a morning it really is,” he said, grinning as she felt him rub his hard cock against her pelvis.

She whimpered softly as his mouth sucked once again on her breast.

“You’re such a beautiful woman, Annie. Who do you belong to?”

“You, I belong to you.” She panted as he continued to tease her with his hard cock. God, she wanted him inside her. She needed his cock, hard and fast.

“Just me?” he asked, looking up with questioning eyes.

Annie grinned. “Yes, yours.”

“No other?”

“Why, do you want another?” she questioned back, unsure where he was going with this.

She felt his growl deep within her as his eyes hardened. “There will be no other except for my brother. Is that understood, madam?”

Laughing, Annie smiled as Alex smoothed her hair back as his finger trailed across her cheek. She moved her head to follow his touch. On impulse, she nipped his fingertip with her teeth.

“Now that wasn’t very nice,” he admonished.

Annie reached up and took his hand, drawing it to her mouth. Her tongue flicked out at his finger, tasting. Slowly, she sucked his finger easily into her mouth.

She watched as he stayed still. She opened slightly, taking another finger into her mouth, wishing it was another part of his anatomy. Sighing, she closed her eyes, imagining that perfect appendage as he slowly moved his fingers in and out of her mouth.

She moaned at the loss as his fingers slid from her mouth.

Watching him, she traced small circles around his nipples with her fingertip, and then her tongue flicked out over first one nipple then the other. She grazed her teeth gently over a nipple then nipped down further to his chest. Her hands had moved over to reveal the part of him she most wanted to taste.

Annie grinned as she pushed Alex onto his back as her lips kissed their way down his body, before sliding over his hard cock, taking him all the way to the back of her throat.

She practically purred at the taste of him. He was smooth and hard in her mouth, and she eagerly began licking him with her tongue. One hand gently played with his balls. She left his shaft to lap at his balls and stroked the small area just below them with her tongue.

His hands were in her hair as he urged her back up. Her mouth once again set to work on him. Her head was bobbing up and down as she worked him closer to orgasm. He suddenly stopped her, pulling her up on top of him.

Cupping her face, he kissed her deeply. His tongue delved deep into her mouth, and she kissed him back, fire in her lips.

“Eyes on me, love. I want to watch it all,” Alex ordered as he forcefully rolled her onto her back, pinning her against the bed.

She shivered and nodded. Yes, this was what she wanted, needed. She needed his forcefulness, his dominance. She craved it.

Annie never took her eyes from his as he straddled her chest, his hard shaft waving in front of her face. Oh, but she wanted his cock in her mouth again. Reaching over into her nightstand, he grabbed a piece of rope, and quickly tied her hands to the bedposts and looked down at her.

Her gaze was fixed on his hardness. He leaned forward slightly and let it touch her lips.

She sighed and opened her mouth as her tongue licked, wanting desperately to eat him. Chuckling, he pulled away from her, ignoring her groan of protest, and sat back on his heels admiring the scene before him. “So impatient, love, I am going to have my hands full with you, aren’t I?”

She was wet and ready for him. She couldn’t take her eyes off him, unsure of what he would do next. Her body shivered beneath the intensity of his gaze, and she waited. He no longer wore a smile, but more of a concentrated look.

Positioning himself further down on the bed, he lay between her legs and opened her pussy with his fingers. He pulled both sides gently so he could see her. His tongue began to slowly lap at her wetness. Unable to hold back any longer, she arched up, inviting him to taste her sweetness. His growl was the last thing Annie heard as Alex ground his mouth against her.

Slowly easing away, he took another lick and then grinned wickedly at her, just before she felt the sting of the slap.

Her clit throbbed a ferociously as he slapped her wet clit again and again.

She screamed as each slap sent a stinging fire through her body. She had never had her pussy whipped before, but the immense heat of it was beginning to be more than she could handle.

Whipping her head from side to side, she couldn’t control her body. It only responded to him. Every stinging slap only heightened her arousal, and before she could say anything, her body screamed out an explosive orgasm.

“You naughty girl. You looked away.” She heard him say as a finger slid inside her and she squirmed against it.

“You seem to like my fingers this morning, don’t you, love?” he asked, his face hidden between her legs.

Nodding quickly, she cried out as he slid a second finger inside her.

“Can you handle one more?” he asked, wiggling his fingers deep in her cunt.

“Yes!” she cried out. “Please, Alex!”

“Please what, love? What do you truly want?”

Her body stilled. She knew what he was doing. She had made up her mind already. She wasn’t going to let him to change it. Unable to form a coherent thought, his assault on her body was too much. He played her beautifully. She sang out when he wanted. She hummed when he desired, and she creamed when he demanded. In such a short time, he had learned every secret her body held, and there was nothing she could do about it.

She felt him slide another finger inside her. Now there were three. His thumb began to caress her clit, drawing whimpers from her as her arousal grew once again.

“Do you want me to keep going?”

“Oh please,” she begged as he pushed his fingers deeper into her pussy.

“Please what, love? Ask for what you really want. I want to hear you say the word.”

When she didn’t answer, she heard him sigh. Looking at him helplessly, she desperately didn’t want him to stop, yet he couldn’t make her say the word she knew he was trying to get her to say.

“So stubborn, love. What shall I do with you?” he said, taking his fingers from her.

She whimpered as much from the lack of contact as the cold air that touched her. Such a sense of loss she felt as he retreated.

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