Gemini: Book 4 in a Young Adult Paranormal Romance Series (The Zodiac Twin Flame Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Gemini: Book 4 in a Young Adult Paranormal Romance Series (The Zodiac Twin Flame Series)
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They let her in as soon as they saw her waiting. Not one of them addressed her with a name. The suspense was killing me. What would Liam do? I had a feeling I had picked the right person to come with.

‘Ah! How are you, gorgeous?’ Liam shouted as we entered a small front room. It was almost empty, with a bar and a table in the middle. A few wooden chairs littered the corners of the room but otherwise it was bare.

‘And who do we have here, then?’

Glancing, I nodded at Gary who was already at the table. Athena was seated in the far corner of the room, tucked away. Liam kissed my date on both cheeks. He turned to me, took my hand and shook it, squeezing my fingers tight.

‘Good to see you again.’

The clench of his jaw told me otherwise. It seemed the woman I was with held some influence. Liam’s throat moved when I smiled at him cheerfully.

‘Good to see you again, too!’ I pulled him in for a hug and patted his rigid back.

‘I didn’t know you were friends! How lovely.’ My date took my hand and pointed to a chair by the door. I ignored her. As Liam escorted her to the table, I went to sit by Athena. She cleared her throat as I crossed my legs and leant back in my seat.

‘What are you doing here?’ she hissed when Liam’s attention was taken by a newcomer.

I brought my hand to my mouth and chewed on my thumbnail. It was going to be a long night. Why had I agreed to come? Poker was boring to watch.

‘I wanted to please my date.’

Her scoff made me glance at her. Her legs were crossed tightly at the knees. She sat completely straight, her face clear of any expression.

‘Gemini, don’t slouch!’ My date called. ‘It doesn’t show off your incredible physique.’

It dawned on me that Athena and I were the same. We allowed others with power to use us for their pleasure. It didn’t occur to me that I was also using my date. I was the one that was the pretty escort.

I ignored her request at first but slowly scooted up in my chair. Athena giggled beside me. I fought the urge to turn to her and see the smile on her face. I had never seen anything but misery in her expression.

‘Are we ready to begin?’ Liam spoke to the others at the table.

‘Er, Liam…we have a problem,’ a man said, coming in from the hallway.

The tall thug glanced at Athena before he gestured for the man to go on.

‘That order of drinks didn’t arrive. We have-’

Liam put his hand in the air. Turning to Athena, he clicked his finger. ‘Take him.’ He snarled at me. ‘And get some drink. You know what I like.’

She shot to her feet and went to him. I glanced at my date, who waved me away. Why was I allowing them to order me around? It wasn’t something I ever did.

Liam handed Athena a roll of money. She tucked it into her bra before walking away from him. Grabbing her arm, he tugged her to him and kissed her hard.

‘Gemini, get me some vodka, please,’ Gary asked, handing me a twenty.

Liam released Athena and scowled at Gary. ‘No need, my friend. I provide the drinks at this game.’

I handed the money back to Gary and followed Athena out of the house.

‘If I were you, I would run back home to mummy,’ she said as we crossed the road.

The night was busy. Clubbers were on their way to dance. Others were on their way to watch live music.

‘I’m sorry to disappoint but I don’t live at home with my mother. What’s your problem, anyway?’ I took hold of her hand and pulled gently. She shrugged me off before glancing over her shoulder. Her high heels clipped against the pavement as she tried to walk faster.

‘You think you’re brave enough to play with the big boys but this isn’t just about a game of poker. These people are-’

I placed my hand on her shoulder and spun her towards me. Her words were rushed. She panted as we stopped in the middle of the street. Grabbing my hand, she pulled me into an alley.

‘Trust me. I don’t know you but you’re already in deep. Owing ten grand to Liam is a debt you’ll wish you’d never got into. He will have you under his thumb-’

‘No, he won’t. I’ll get his money, I-’

She punched my shoulder. I stopped talking. She was still breathing heavy. The shadows engulfed us. I could only just make out her eyes. I reached up and cupped her face. My suspicions were confirmed. Her cheek was wet.

‘What does he do to you?’ I uttered.

‘He owns me.’

I closed my eyes briefly. It was as I had imagined. How did such a woman become a slave? ‘Does he own your body or your heart?’ I held my breath, willing her to answer me. I didn’t want to scare her away. She needed help. I could rescue her.

‘It used to be both but not anymore.’ She leant her cheek into my hand.

I wanted to pull away. Not because of her confession but because I didn’t want to jeopardise her trust in me. The urge to hold her was overwhelming. ‘You do know that I can’t leave you with him?’

She slapped my hand away and rushed from the alley. I ran to catch up to her.

‘You don’t even know me! Why are you being so weird?’

It was a good question. I had no idea why I wanted to save her. She was standoffish and unwelcoming. Maybe she was as bad as Liam. Maybe they were good together.

‘Forget I said anything.’

We went into the shop to buy the alcohol. I followed her around like a puppy dog, holding the drinks she handed me.

‘Is Athena your real name?’

She glanced sideways at me. ‘Yes.’

I put the bottles on the counter and helped her bag them up. When she handed over the money, she cringed when the cashier’s fingers brushed her own. I glanced at him. He was a normal young man, nothing too cringe worthy about him.

‘Does he beat you?’

Her step faltered as we exited the shop and started back to the house. She ignored me, marching ahead as fast as her heels could carry her.

‘Hey, gorgeous!’ a man shouted from across the street.

Athena shrunk into herself. What had Liam done to her? Why was she so jumpy?

‘Wait!’ I fell into step beside her.

She spun to me, went on her tiptoes and gripped my shoulders. I held the bags in my hands so I couldn’t retaliate. ‘You need to forget you ever saw me. I don’t know who you are but you’re playing with fire. I don’t owe you anything. I’m not even attracted to you. You’re a little boy, trying to play the big boy’s game. It doesn’t work. I suggest you go back to where you came from and get that money. Once you’ve paid off Liam, go and get a proper job.’

The air rushed out of my lungs. She released me and carried on, leaving me standing in the street. She was right. I didn’t know her. I had put myself and my siblings in danger by trying to win more money.

‘Come on!’ she shouted when she was by the door of the house.

When I drew level with her, I shoved the bags in her arms. She grunted as I turned and left her there. There were more important things in life than hankering after a woman that was clearly happy being unhappy. She didn’t owe me anything. I didn’t owe her anything. I would walk away from Athena, Liam and the cougar. I had decent people waiting for me at home.


Chapter Seven


The pounding on the front door woke me. My room was quite far back from the kitchen. Whoever was knocking would break down the door if I didn’t answer.

‘All right, I’m coming!’ I shouted.

Stumbling as I rubbed my eyes, I made my way through the kitchen and to the front door. I had always wondered why the designer of the building would put the front door in the kitchen.

‘What?’ I barked, yanking the door open.

‘Gemini. Thought I would check up on you.’

Liam stood on the top step. Sunglasses covered his eyes. His blue suit was pristine in the midday sun. I stepped onto the top step, pulling the door behind me. I didn’t want him in my home. How did he even know where I lived?

‘I’ve still got three days,’ I said, running my hand down my stomach.

I hadn’t had a chance to put on a top. My suit trousers hung on my hips.

‘Well…I got bored of waiting.’ Liam clicked his fingers and two men came around the bottom of the steps. They rushed up them, pushing me into the door. It fell open where I hadn’t closed it properly. They dragged me into the kitchen and over to the table. Pulling out a chair, one of them placed me in it.

‘I have some of the money,’ I said.

‘How much?’

He gestured for someone to follow him into the house. When Athena came through the door, he closed it behind her.

‘Four thousand.’

Liam walked over to me, undoing the buttons on his cuffs as he did. His henchmen stood either side of me with their arms folded across their chest.

‘I hear you made a move on my woman. Is that true?’

My gaze shot to Athena. She watched Liam’s back, refusing to glance past him.

‘No I didn’t,’ I replied, trying to remember if I had.

All I did was put my hand on her cheek. If that was making a move, I was in trouble with a lot of women’s partners.

‘Why would she lie to me?’ He gestured behind him.

Athena’s heels wobbled as she crossed her legs at the ankle. She lifted her arms to fold them across her chest. The sleeve on her dress moved and I caught sight of a dark bruise that ringed her wrist.

‘Okay…I did-’

His fist connected with my jaw. My head thrust to the side. The force sent a bolt of pain through my brain.

‘I know she’s beautiful but she’s mine. Now, why would you try it on with her?’ Liam rubbed his knuckles.

My gaze managed to capture hers as she glanced at me. The regret that flashed through her eyes was wiped away when Liam looked over his shoulder at her. If I denied what she had told him, he would hurt her even more. I didn’t know how I had become involved with their love affair but I couldn’t be the reason she had bruises.

‘I couldn’t help myself.’

Liam shook his head. I had never taken the time to study him in the daylight. He was big but not as tall as me. His shoulders were broad. His henchmen were twice his size. He was a gangster. A man that intimidated others with power and money.

‘You never mess with my stuff!’

He came in close and put his fist in my face. I didn’t say anything. I kept completely still, not wanting to provoke an attack. I was weak. The rage burnt hot in my stomach, making me feel sick. The injustice was a lot to swallow but I would do it for her. Athena.

‘Is that what she is?’ I couldn’t help myself. ‘Stuff?’

Maybe she would see him for what he was and get away somehow. No woman should ever be treated the way she was by him. No matter who they were.

His other fist flew into my cheek. I spat blood as my lip split open. The taste of metallic covered my tongue as I tried to swallow it.

‘You’re lucky that I’m in a good mood today. You’d be dead by now if I wasn’t. I like your guts, young man. You remind me of me when I was your age. One word of warning, though. Don’t try to beat the old boys at their own game.’

Liam did up the buttons on his cuffs and turned to leave. Athena blinked up at him when he looked down at her. He put his arm around her waist and pulled her to him. She slid her hands up his chest and around his neck. He bent his head and kissed her cheek. Her eyes connected with mine over his shoulder. She mouthed thank you as the two bullies walked past them.

‘You still have three days to get the rest of my money. Come to my home when you have it.’

He chucked a business card on the floor before dragging Athena out of the front door.

‘Who the hell was that?’ Scorpio asked, coming into the house.

He must have passed them on the steps. Taking one look at me, he spun and headed back out the door. Jumping to my feet, I followed him, calling for him to stop.

Scorpio had long legs. He chased a black car down the road. Running to catch up to him, I wiped my lip on my hand.

‘What’s going on?’ Leo called from the van as it pulled up in front of me.

Great. Just what I needed. My brothers would cause a stir and make things worse with Liam.

Leo got out of the van and chased after Scorpio. The two blond men were too slow to catch up to the speeding car. I was bloody glad, too. I couldn’t match their stamina. They hit the gym every day. I didn’t have time to work out as much as they did.

‘Why do you have blood on your face?’

Cancer and Matt stood by the steps to our home. Why did everyone have to come back now? They should have been at work. It was typical that I was beaten only a few minutes before they’d turned up.

‘Who was that?’ Leo demanded, puffing as he and Scorpio joined us.

I ignored them and went inside. Getting myself a stiff drink and some tissue, I downed the liquid and dabbed my lip.

‘What’s he doing here?’ Scorpio asked Cancer nudging his chin in Matt’s direction.

Closing my eyes, I sat on a breakfast bar stool. Cancer put the kettle on. What would I say to the others? How would I explain that I had lost a lot of money in a game of poker? A lot of money that I didn’t have.

Scorpio looked between us. I swore when I touched my jaw.

‘Let’s start with Cancer first. What are you doing here?’ Scorpio stepped towards Matt.

Cancer moved between them, pushing Scorpio back. The usual cool demeanour of my brother was disturbed by his red cheeks and rigid back. When he was ruffled, he wasn’t the easiest to be around. It was a rare occurrence, but when he flew, he flew off the handle.

‘Aries invited us for dinner. He wants to talk to Matt about Nick.’

‘Why did Aries not tell us to expect the enemy’s arse licker?’

Matt sighed as he rolled his eyes. It was not a good idea. Scorpio lunged forward. Leo managed to grab him from behind before he got to Matt.

‘What’s wrong with you?’ Cancer snapped at him.

Turning to me, Scorpio glared. He raised his eyebrows as he shook Leo off. It would be best that I told them the truth. If I didn’t, they could find out from someone else and kill me themselves.

‘Gemini?’ Leo muttered when I didn’t open my mouth. ‘What’s the situation with you?’

Running my hand over my hair, I cringed. It was out of shape and must have looked awful.

‘It was a misunderstanding.’ It was technically true. How could I own up to what I’d actually done? I didn’t know why I couldn’t tell them the truth.

‘Who was the man?’ Scorpio missed nothing, which didn’t help.

Should I tell them? If they knew that I owed that amount of money, they might help me. Then again, they might tell me to get on with it. They might judge me for losing. I didn’t want my siblings to think I was no good.

‘He’s from work,’ I started, ‘he seems to think I have a thing for his girl.’

‘I wouldn’t blame you if you did,’ Scorpio commented, winking.

Brushing my knuckles over my lip, I winced when the sting shot straight through me. I stretched my mouth and moved my jaw. The ache was too much so I stopped.

‘You need some ice,’ Cancer said, getting a bag of peas out of the freezer and wrapping it in a tea towel. When she handed it to me, I pressed the cooling device onto my jaw.

‘Thanks.’ I was grateful that she had given me space to think. ‘He was just letting me know that I should keep my hands to myself.’ Not that I had touched her but I didn’t need to elaborate.

‘You’re terrible. I thought we were bad,’ Leo said, pointing at Scorpio.

‘Speak for yourself,’ our brother replied as he ran a hand through his hair.

Cancer ignored Matt as he went and sat at the table. It was odd having him in our house. We had captured him once and held him in the attic. To have him roaming free was weird. And a little stupid. What had Aries been thinking?

‘Hola, mi familia.’ As if my thoughts conjured him from somewhere, Aries came through the front door with Natalie trailing behind.

It was your everyday afternoon. My brothers and sisters would walk through the door in dribs and drabs. I would already be home after sleeping through the day. I worked night shifts. That’s what I told myself. The others accepted my profession but they weren’t interested in it. We wanted to live our own lives but it was only the mission that bound us together.

‘What happened to you?’ Aries asked when he dumped his trainers on the kitchen side. Cancer huffed, swiping them onto the floor.


‘Don’t be messy. I cleaned up this morning.’

Aries tutted as he bent to pick up his shoes. ‘Only because lover boy is here.’

Cancer hit his shoulder but his muscle blunted the impact. She hissed and stuck her knuckles in her mouth, trying to suck the pain away.

‘See, made of steel,’ Aries said, flexing his arm.

‘Made of wood, more like,’ Cancer muttered, going back to making tea.

My siblings joked amongst themselves all the time. Anyone from the outside world would wonder if we had an ounce of love for each other. Deep down, we had a bond unlike any I had ever seen in a normal human being.

‘Are you going to tell me why you’re sporting a fat lip, pretty boy?’

Aries was on form. The others laughed as Natalie came over and touched my jaw lightly. I grinned at her when she shook her head.

‘You’re already getting a bruise.’

I relaxed when Aries went to the cupboard and took out a bottle of pills. He threw it to me. I caught it as Natalie stepped away.

‘Those will bring out the bruising. I hope the other man’s worse.’

I didn’t say anything, glaring at Scorpio when he opened his mouth to speak. Closing it quickly, he raised his hands and backed away.

‘Matt!’ Aries called, pointing at the only stranger in the house. ‘I’m glad you’re here. Let’s talk business.’

He went over to the table and gestured for us to join them. At least it took the attention away from me, although Scorpio had his eyes narrowed on me, so I hadn’t heard the last of it.

‘Tell us how Nick’s system works.’

‘We should know, Taurus did-’

‘I’m talking!’ Aries interrupted Leo before he could let our secret slip.

Taurus had implanted Nick with a tracking chip. Aquarius was keeping an eye on his whereabouts, but so far, we hadn’t taken any action. He was leaving us alone for once.

I chewed on my fingernail as everyone took a seat around our extra-long table. It had to seat twelve young people so it filled up a massive space in the kitchen area.

‘Matt has worked with Nick, he knows how everything is done,’ Aries said to Leo before he addressed Matt. ‘You said that if we protected you, you would tell us.’

Aries turned to me. I still sat at the breakfast bar. He gestured with his head for me to sit. I could have believed he wanted my input but he just wanted me to obey him. Getting up, I dragged my feet to join them. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to know. I had bigger worries. How was I going to come up with the money to pay Liam? And why did Athena lie about me coming onto her?

And why did I care about the bruises on her wrists? I didn’t care. Well, I did care, but I couldn’t care. Shouldn’t was more like it. She allowed me to get beaten up, after all.

‘Matt, talk to…’ Aries’ sentence trailed off when his phone started to ring. He answered it, frowning in Leo’s direction when he burst out singing. ‘Really…? He’s going where…? Okay.’ Aries hung up the phone and looked at me. ‘Can I talk to you?’

I followed him into the hallway that led to the main bedrooms. He glanced over his shoulder before speaking. ‘That was Aquarius, Nick is heading to the hotel already. I need you to go over there and meet Taurus. I want full surveillance all night. I want you to find out who he’s with, if anyone.’

I rubbed my jaw and nodded. ‘If you’re here, who’s with Mother?’

Aries screwed his forehead before swearing and running out of the hallway. ‘I forgot about Mother. She might be tempted to go and meet him,’ he called.

I followed him, keeping to his heels. Once in the kitchen, he eyed Matt. ‘Do you know Nick’s intentions for speaking to our mother?’

Matt shook his head and shrugged at the same time. Cancer sat opposite him, keeping her gaze on her folded hands.

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