Gemini: Book 4 in a Young Adult Paranormal Romance Series (The Zodiac Twin Flame Series) (8 page)

BOOK: Gemini: Book 4 in a Young Adult Paranormal Romance Series (The Zodiac Twin Flame Series)
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Chapter Ten


‘I’m not sure this is a good idea,’ Mother said as she wrung her hands together.

Father was due to walk through the door any minute. I had contemplated asking them for the money to pay off my debt but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. We had fought for freedom, I needed to sort out my own mess. The temptation as we sat waiting was almost too much, though.

‘You’ll be fine,’ Aries said, patting her arm.

We sat at the kitchen table. Natalie was nearby, fidgeting with her bag. It would be the first time she officially met our father.

‘How’s work going?’ Mother asked me.

I froze. She had never enquired about my work. She had called me young and foolish when I told her that I wanted to be a professional gambler. She tried to warn me of the risks of addiction. Obviously, she had been right.

I could tell her. I could let them all know. But then, they would hate me. Maybe I should keep my mouth shut.

‘It’s a little slow right now.’ I couldn’t bring myself to be honest.

Aries watched me, his eyes narrowing at my confession. It was true. I had lost the money in my online accounts. Nothing worked in my favour.

‘He’s coming,’ Mother announced.

I glanced at her. Her hair had started to grow out. She always had it short before. It suited her slim figure. It was currently dyed blonde instead of her natural red.

‘Yeah, he’ll be here-’

Someone knocked on the door. When Natalie answered it, I shook my head as Father came into the room. Our parents really were soulmates. My mother had felt his energy before he’d even made his presence known.

‘Hello,’ he greeted.

Their gaze locked. He froze in the middle of the kitchen. Mother hovered on the edge of her seat. Natalie glanced at Aries, a small smile on her lips. Anyone with a pair of eyes could see that the two people before us were deeply connected.

‘Where have you been?’ my father asked her.

She crumpled to her knees. He was there in two steps, bending down to lift her to her feet. Her whole body shook as he wrapped his arms around her. I swallowed as I watched them. I had never seen anything quite so profound. The love they shared was unconditional. There was no judgement as Father pulled back and looked into her eyes. She smiled sadly as he rubbed her arms.

‘I got lost,’ Mother mumbled as tears fell from her eyes.

Standing from my seat, I took a few steps back. The energy radiating from the couple was too strong for me to sit near. It pulsated through the room. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced. Natalie took hold of Aries’ hand when he did the same.

Going over to the kettle, I flicked it on. Anything to distract me from the private moment our parents shared. Would I ever experience that? Athena flashed into my mind. She was not in any state to adore me. That’s what I needed. I liked the idea of having a permanent girlfriend. Someone that would always be there for me. Although, I would seriously miss the excitement of chatting up women.

‘Do you think they’ll get back together?’ I heard Natalie ask.

I looked at them, waiting for Aries’ answer. He had his arm casually slung over her shoulder as he watched our parents who murmured between themselves. Totally engrossed in each other.

‘I’m not sure. Father seems happily married to Bev.’

I listened as I poured the hot water into mugs. The liquid turned brown as the tea bags danced. I watched it, wondering if I had to give up my current lifestyle when it was time to start my mission. Did I want to do something else? I enjoyed gambling. It was a rush.

‘I just want to thank you boys,’ Father announced, breaking my staring competition with the tea.

Finishing the process, I took the mugs over to the table where we settled.

‘What for?’ Aries asked.

‘You rescued both of us. When we needed our children, you were there. We’ve not given you the best of our attention.’

‘I can’t believe I fell for Nick’s promises. He persuaded me that I was protecting you by being with him,’ Mother said, clenching the edge of the table. Her whole being was lighter as she watched Father.

‘He’s a very clever man. You were ready to run…’ Father cleared his throat when Mother dropped her head forward. ‘But only because I had already run. I’m sorry.’

The conversation felt too personal. I sat back in my chair, trying to get away from the intense energy.

‘Right, let’s talk about what happened when you were both with Nick.’ Aries interrupted them before they could get too deep. I was grateful. It was awkward seeing your parents all emotional.

I held my finger over my tea and whirled some wind into it to cool it down.

‘You use your power a lot,’ Natalie said.

I glanced up to look at her. They stared at my hand. I clenched it, shutting off the small burst of wind.

‘When I was with Nick, he hardly spoke to me. He came in sometimes. I could feel the resentment he still feels towards me.’ Father sipped his tea. His short hair was almost white. I studied his profile as he carried on talking. ‘As you now know, I stopped him from being with his soulmate many many lifetimes ago. It was the trigger of his vengeful hatred. We have danced this circle over and over. We tend to swap killing roles. One lifetime, he kills me. The next, I kill him. This time, he didn’t take that opportunity. I have no idea why.’

Father’s thin lips pursed as he thought. His bushy eyebrows were turning the same shade as his hair. His long face had started to wrinkle. He was older than Nick by at least ten years.

Mother cleared her throat. ‘Nick persuaded me that I was protecting the children. He also wooed me. Made me feel…loved. I know it wasn’t real. In fact, I knew then too, but I couldn’t stop myself. I was…’ A choke stopped her words as she looked away from her ex-husband. ‘Upset about…’

Father took her hand. The small squeeze made her stronger.

‘Anyway. He seduced me. I fell for it. I got so wrapped up in my own love affair, I forgot about my mission. I thought I was carrying out my mission of protecting you. When Nick said that the whole time I stayed with him, he wouldn’t harm you, I believed him.’ Mother glanced between Aries and me as she spoke.

‘He kidnapped Pisces.’ Aries spat. His palms burnt the table where they lay. Smoke started to rise.

‘I didn’t know about that until she was rescued. I would never have stayed had I known he was going to do that. In fact, when I found out, I tried to leave. He wouldn’t let me.’

I tapped Aries’ arm. He lifted his hands from the table, leaving two burn marks where they had just been.

‘You have a habit of ruining perfectly good wood,’ I muttered.

Mother watched Aries, her face a picture of fear. Her skin was even paler than before. Her gaze darted between us.

‘It’s going to take time to gain your trust, I know that.’ The sob that erupted from her made us look to where she clenched her hands on the table. ‘Lately, I’ve been feeling…’ Her timid nature was unusual. Her time with Nick had really affected her.

‘We need to know everything. Right from the start,’ Aries said.

I downed the last drop of my tea and stood up to put my cup in the sink. Staying still made me restless. Somehow, I had to come up with that money. Having a chat with my parents wasn’t going to help.

‘We can’t tell you everything from the start. We agreed to keep you on a need to know basis. You’ve already learnt a lot on your own. You need to know that your main job right now is to help the others find their soulmate. Keep them safe from Nick and any other threat.’ Father patted Mother’s hand when it wouldn’t stop shaking.

‘Yes, your father is right. Nick seems weaker somehow. He’s not as sharp this time round. I think it may be because you’ve managed to build your power. Also, there are more normal twin flame couples waking up. Humans finally know about the relationship,’ Mother said, her back straightening when I knocked a stool as I retreated.

Pisces had spoken about the normal twin flame couples. People that incarnated but had completely forgotten they’re mission to unite with their soulmate. She was communicating with people on social media about the connection. One hundred and forty four thousand true couples lived on earth at the same time we did. It was the first time in history when people were publicly talking about twin flame relationships. Pisces told us that most people thought it was spiritual airy fairy. Maybe it was better they believed that. The people that were true twin flames would find their way to Pisces and her teachings.

My phone burst into music. It was Athena. Smirking, I excused myself.


The sound of heavy breath filtered to my ear. It was light and erratic.


I went into my bedroom and sat on the bed.

‘Gemini. Help me. He’s coming after me. I tried to leave him after he beat me last night. I can’t…I…’

‘Where are you?’ I got off the bed and listened to the sound of running through the phone. My heart thumped against my chest. I needed to save her.

‘I’ve just got off the train at Clapham. I remember you saying that’s where you lived.’ She panted.

‘I’m coming to get you. Hide somewhere. I’ll call you when I get to the station,’ I said, slipping my shoes on and grabbing my wallet.

‘Please hurry,’ she cried before the phone went dead.

I stared at the floor for a second. Would it be wise to get involved with rescuing Liam’s woman? I shook myself as I thought about my cowardice. Of course I should help. Sprinting from the room, I rushed through the kitchen and to the front door.

‘Where are you going?’ Father shouted.

I froze with my fingers on the handle. One foot was outside, the other in. ‘I’ve got an emergency. I’ll tell you about it when I get back. I won’t be long.’

The others shouted after me as I slammed the door shut behind me.

I ran to the station. It was only a few streets away. The brush of wind on my face alerted me to a coming storm. I shrugged it off as I stood in front of the station and pulled out my phone.

‘Where are you?’ I asked Athena when she answered.

Her words were hushed. ‘I’m in the ladies toilets.’

‘Okay, I’ll be there in a minute.’

I switched off the call and went in search of the ladies. There wasn’t the crowd of people I expected. It was the middle of the day. Many people travelled through the station. It was one of the busiest in Europe. I didn’t know whether it would have been better being busy or whether less people helped us.

‘Oi! Gemini!’

The shout made me spin. It was angry and not friendly at all. Liam and a couple of his men stood by the entrance to the station. I had somehow got past without him seeing me. I hadn’t spotted him either. They gave chase as I started to run. I plunged into a small group of tourists. They squealed as I pushed my way through them and went towards the toilets. I hoped they would block the view of me from the chasing men.

‘Athena?’ I shouted as I burst through the women’s toilet door.

She shrieked from inside one of the cubicles.

‘Get out here, he’s seen me.’

She stumbled out, throwing her arms around me. Her hair was perfect but makeup ran down her cheeks. The dress she wore was tight, black and left nothing to the imagination. Her high heels would hinder our escape.

‘Take them off.’ I huffed, bending down to help her out of them.

She was in no fit state to do anything productive. A bruise lined her eye and a cut split her bottom lip.

‘We need to get out of here now.’

She nodded, giving me her hand. I passed her the shoes and poked my head out of the toilet door. Liam’s men were on the other side of the small tourist group. Luckily for us, they blocked the whole corridor. His men searched wildly with their eyes. It seemed they were not as bright as I had thought.

‘Let’s go,’ I announced, tugging on Athena’s hand.

She followed me down the tunnel and up a flight of steps. A shout behind alerted me. Liam had caught sight of us. Athena slowed when her feet hit the concrete of the platform.

‘Come on!’ I shouted.

She whimpered as we sped up. The shouting was coming closer. A train was coming towards the platform but it was still further down the track. I threw my hand in the air and looked up at the thunderous clouds. Throwing my hand open and closed several times, I caused lightening to stream out of the sky.

‘Gemini!’ Athena shouted.

I still dragged her along with me. The thunder that resonated around us was followed by hale. Glancing behind, I swirled my hand, aiming my arm at the men chasing us. The hale hit their heads and the wind pushed against them. They struggled against it as they tried to reach us.

‘Let’s go!’ Athena shouted when the train came to a stop next to us.

We jumped on. I hung out the door, keeping my hand moving. Other people on the platform moved onto the train easily. The men that I focused on found it difficult to get past the wind. Luckily for us, Londoners shied away from big burly threatening men. They ignored them as the doors beeped. Athena pulled me inside the carriage before I was trapped.

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