Gemini: Book 4 in a Young Adult Paranormal Romance Series (The Zodiac Twin Flame Series) (9 page)

BOOK: Gemini: Book 4 in a Young Adult Paranormal Romance Series (The Zodiac Twin Flame Series)
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‘That was close.’ She sighed as the train moved out of the station.

As the train guard made an announcement over the speaker, we took a seat across from one another. We panted as we tried to get our breath back.

‘Thank you,’ Athena said, getting a little mirror out of her bag.

She cleaned her face silently as the train carried us out of London towards the south.

‘What do I do now?’ I asked her.

Dropping her mirror back in her bag, she lifted her leg and put her ankle on her knee. The bottom of her feet were grubby and red. Massaging her toes, she looked out of the window. ‘I don’t know.’

Her body shook. So did mine. The adrenaline of escape was wearing off.

‘Why did he beat you?’

Her shoulders shrunk. The straps on her dress were dark against her tanned skin. Glancing up to her face, I noticed the tears that hovered on her eyelids.

‘I don’t know.’ The repeated phrase was said quietly. ‘He came in from a game he had won. We were talking. I must have said something he didn’t like because he switched. One minute we were joking, the next I was on the floor with a bloody lip.’

Clenching my hand, I leant forward. ‘Why do you put up with it?’

She blinked away the tears and cleared her throat. Releasing her foot, she leant forward and looked me directly in the eye.

‘I like this lifestyle. The money, the clothes. Don’t tell me you don’t enjoy it either. Why else would you be a professional gambler?’ Her gaze locked on mine as she spoke. The truth of her sentence was cutting and empty.

‘You’re right, goddess, I-’

‘Goddess?’ Her nose screwed up but she didn’t pull back. Our faces were inches apart. Our breath intermingled.

‘You’re named after a goddess, aren’t you?’

Her eyebrows rose as her tongue flicked out. She cringed slightly as it came into contact with the bloody cut. I wanted to reach out to soothe the pain she must be in but I didn’t.

‘You know your Greek mythology, do you?’

‘I know quite a lot about the world. Age is just a number, sweetheart.’

She glared at me. The pet name was insulting to her, I could tell.

‘Do you prefer goddess, then?’

She smirked and sat back in her seat, breaking the heady atmosphere. There was something about her. Even though she was a-

‘Are you a…?’ I couldn’t bring myself to ask outright. Was she an escort? Or even worse?

She looked around us. There was no one else in our carriage. Remembering that we were on a train, I glanced up at the electronic announcement. The train was speeding up.

‘Apparently, we’re going to Gatwick Airport. Shall we fly away?’

When I glanced at her, she was watching me. A small smile lit her face as I spoke. Would she actually consider it?

‘I’m not a prostitute. I like money and I’m not afraid to admit it. Well, I used to, anyway. I’m not so sure anymore.’

Sighing, I shuffled back in my seat and rubbed a hand over my face. ‘What are we going to do now?’

She shrugged and went back to watching out of the window. I gave her some peace as I tried to gather my thoughts. I couldn’t take her home. The others would be far too curious. Not only that, Liam knew where I lived. It would be the first place he would visit. In fact, he might even threaten my siblings.

‘I need to make a call.’ I stood to move away. Athena followed. ‘What are you doing?’

Her gaze searched the carriage as she wrapped a hand around my upper arm.

‘It’s okay. I’m literally going here.’ I pointed to the door area a couple of yards away.

Her fear made me on edge. Why had I come to her rescue? I was now in an even bigger fight with Liam. Before, it was just money. Now, I had taken his woman.

‘Aries, there’s something I need to tell you,’ I said when he picked up his phone.

His silence signalled for me to go on. He would explode when he knew what had happened. I had to tell him, though. He could be in danger.

‘I lost a lot of money in a game last week. That’s why I was given a beating. His name is Liam.’

‘What’s this got to do with me?’ Aries’ voice was cold. He was furious.

I cleared my throat, glancing over my shoulder to see Athena fidgeting in her seat. ‘He has a woman. Well, had. I’ve just rescued her. He beat her a lot. She ran away and phoned me. He was at the station. He saw me. The first place he’ll come…’ My sentence trailed off when a growl rumbled down the phone.

‘You put us in danger?’

The threat of Aries’ rage made me glad that I wasn’t face to face with my fiery brother. Father said something in the background. Aries replied with my name.

‘Yes, a bloody woman!’ Aries said.

‘Listen to me, we’re on a train to Gatwick. I can’t come back with her. I’m not sure what to do.’

The speaker muffled as Aries told the others what was going on. I could feel the tension down the phone.

‘Bring her back to London. Take her to Mother’s. She said you can both stay with her.’

I swallowed, unable to speak. The judgement didn’t come. The torrent of backlash wasn’t spoken. I was grateful. Running a hand over my head, I laughed.

‘It’s not funny, mate. You have some explaining to do. You better not have lost all our money.’

Shaking my head, I smiled as Athena glanced up at me. She frowned, obviously seeing the relief in my expression.

‘I failed you all. What are you going to do if Liam comes to the house?’

Aries’ laugh was exaggerated. ‘Don’t worry about us, brother. Worry about yourself and your-’


My defensive nature wasn’t usually strong but I would protect Athena. She wasn’t in a good place. There was nothing wrong with that.

‘Get her back. Father said you better be on double look out now.’

I frowned. ‘What do you mean?’

‘Nick and his men will be after you. Two dangers. Could be exciting, couldn’t it?’

I tried to smile at Athena when her eyes widened at my expression. ‘Why would Nick be after me? I didn’t do anything to him at the hotel.’

‘Gemini. For a communicator, you’re being a bit slow. Whoever this woman is…she’s been brought in for a reason.’

Aries wasn’t usually so cryptic. I wasn’t usually so slow to catch on. I could talk easily. I could sell anything to anyone but I seriously had no idea what he was talking about. I glanced over to Athena again. Her tongue tentatively touched her cut as she looked out the window. Her dark eyes flicked as they tried to focus on the trees that sped past. She folded her hands in her lap. Her skirt stopped at the knee, leaving her slim legs bare.

Aries sighed on the other end of the phone. He said something to Father in the background but I couldn’t hear. He let out his breath before he said the thing that had popped into my head right at that same moment.

‘She’s probably your twin flame, mate.’


Chapter Eleven


‘My world is more complicated than you might think. This is my mother, Sally. Mum, this is Athena.’

Athena was the same height as my mother with her shoes on. Her long dark hair touched her waist. My mother’s was just below her ears. They stood facing each other in the middle of the living room. The flat was lit by candles dotted around the furniture.

‘Nice to meet you,’ Athena said, offering her hand.

My mother took it. Closing her eyes, she held Athena’s fingers lightly. I frowned when neither of them moved. What was my mother doing?

‘It’s nice to meet you, too,’ she said, letting go.

Something passed between the women. I had no idea how they communicated without a single word.

Mother left us to make a cup of tea. It amazed me that British people so often made tea. Why was that?

‘Let’s get you settled,’ I said. ‘Where is Athena sleeping, Mother?’ I called.

She poked her head around the kitchen doorway. The home was tiny. It was more suited to a student than a fully grown woman.

‘You’ll both have to sleep on the sofa bed. There’s only one bedroom as you know.’ Her tone was tight. She was used to big houses or apartment style homes.

‘It’s okay. I can find somewhere else,’ Athena said.

I shook my head, trying not to let the corner of my lip lift. Was sleeping in the same bed as me such a horrific idea?

‘No. I’ll sleep in the armchair. You’ll have to put up with my snoring.’

She looked at me. Biting her lip, she flinched when her teeth grazed the cut. Her eyes widened as I reached up to soothe the crease in her forehead.

‘I’m actually about to go to dinner with your father and Bev,’ Mother said, coming into the room.

Athena stepped back and accepted the steaming mug of tea from her.

‘Really?’ My attention focused on Mother.

She muttered an agreement as she moved to pick up her bag. A beep outside indicated that a car had come to get her.

‘You can check if you like,’ she said, gesturing towards the window.

Glancing at Athena, I stepped over to the window. Father was standing by his car. He waved at me when he saw me pull back the curtain. Nodding once, I let the curtain drop and saluted my mother as she left. I wasn’t sure if my mother having dinner with Father and his wife was a good idea. It was none of my business, though. I had more important things to worry about.

‘Are you always so protective of your mother?’ Athena asked, lowering herself onto the sofa.

She shouldn’t have met my mother. We shouldn’t be in this position. I had risked my family to gamble. I had risked everything. My life purpose wasn’t to gamble. Making money shouldn’t have been high on my list of life achievements. We were provided for.

Why had I wanted to win? I remembered the reason I had started. It had been a valid reason. Getting money for my brothers and sisters to live a better life. I hadn’t been greedy in the first place.

‘How did you become Liam’s woman?’

My question startled her. She sat on the edge of the sofa, cradling the mug in her hands. Her throat moved as she glanced around. I stayed standing by the window.

‘Why did you come?’ she said. ‘I don’t know you. You don’t know me. I don’t even know why I called you.’

‘Do you have anyone else?’ I moved to sit next to her.

‘Who are you?’

The classic answer a question with a question. She knew what she was doing. Evading me wasn’t going to work.

‘Don’t ignore my questions. Just tell me.’

Her gaze snapped to mine. My tone was sharp. I had asked her questions and she had constantly tried to evade them. I had gone out of my way to help her and now it was time she gave me the answers I needed.

‘I met Liam at a party. My friend dragged me along one night. I had never met a professional gambler. He showered me with compliments and gifts. I’m your average girl. I had a good upbringing. I got addicted to the glamour.’

I nodded, knowing the feeling she described. Addiction could take many forms. It wasn’t just gambling. It was the friends, cars and attention that came with it. The life with money was very attractive.

‘I know what you mean. When I first played a poker game with friends, I found I had a knack. I decided to learn how to play properly before going onto horses. Now I do most things. It’s not easy to stay away from the tables once you’ve tasted a win.’ I rubbed my chin. I needed to shave.

Athena watched me, her eyes narrowing on my fingers.

‘What were you doing at the station…with your hand?’

Smiling, I stretched my jaw before closing my mouth for once. That was one secret I had no choice but to keep.

‘Distraction,’ I muttered, shrugging.

The corner of her lip sunk into her cheek. ‘Really?’

A loud blast of music made me look away from her. She was trying to read me, I could tell. She dug her phone out of her bag. Her eyes closed briefly.

‘Don’t get it,’ I said as she went to press the screen.

Her mouth dropped open. I leant forward and put my finger on her chin. She pulled back automatically. Her body started to shake so I shuffled back. The phone went silent.

‘I’m sorry. It’s…’

‘I would never hurt you, beautiful. You’re-’

Her phone beeped. She sighed as she pressed the touchscreen and the answer machine played on speaker.

‘Athena. Where are you, girl? You better come home to me or I’m going to…just, trust me, it won’t be nice.’ Liam was angry. His voice was deep, threatening. ‘And tell that arsehole Gemini that I’m going to rearrange his face, permanently this time.’

The message cut off. Athena put her phone back in her bag.

‘He’s got to be ten years older than you,’ I mumbled.

Rolling her eyes, she got to her feet. My gaze tracked her as she left me to go to the bathroom. There was definitely an attraction between us. I wasn’t sure she was twin flame material, though.

My phone burst into song. I didn’t recognise the number. Was it Liam?

I couldn’t stop myself from answering. I had to know who it was.

‘Gemini, darling, where did you get to the other night? I missed you. There’s a big game in the city tonight. Come and meet me. I can get you a seat.’ The woman from Brighton casino was quickly cut off as I ended the call.

Not only was I in trouble with Liam for stealing his woman, I still owed him money. I had to pay it. I had to settle the debt.

The tap was running in the bathroom. I cursed as I leant forward and reached into Athena’s bag. Feeling for her phone, I swore again when my hand grasped girly stuff. Picking the bag up, I opened it properly and looked inside.

The small bump that showed in the lining on the bottom of the bag made me pause. I ignored the sound of the bathroom door as Athena came back in the room.

‘What are you doing?’ Her tone was mildly pissed but not completely offended.

She wasn’t panicking about what I would find. Coming back to the sofa, she lowered herself and frowned at me. Waiting for an answer, she raised her hands to invite me to say something.

‘I think there’s a tracker in your bag.’

The widening of her eyes told me that she hadn’t known. My suspicion was crushed as she jumped to her feet and looked around the room. She didn’t know where to go. Her whole body shook.

‘Calm down,’ I said, ripping open the bottom of her bag and pulling out the little chip. ‘We need to get out of here.’

Pushing to my feet, I took her hand. She didn’t say or do anything. She trusted me to lead the way. I thrust her bag at her before leading her to the front door. I would take the chip with us. My mother’s flat was now at risk.

‘Did you know that Liam chipped you?’

We rushed down the steps. I wanted to jump two at a time but Athena’s heels didn’t allow her to move quickly. I cursed myself for not borrowing some of Mother’s flat shoes for her.

‘No, of course not. I saw him do it to someone once but I never thought he would do it to me.’

The screech of car tyres on concrete came from the front of the flats. It was too late. At the bottom of the steps, I led Athena out the back.

‘Kick off your shoes.’

She did as I said, whining when I propelled her forward. There was no time to stop. I would buy her new shoes. Chucking the chip into a bin, I sprinted across the communal grass, dragging Athena with me.

‘Where are we going?’ She panted.

The garden area led to a back street. Glancing each way, I pulled my phone out and started towards central London. The Thames wasn’t far.

‘We need a hotel. And something to eat.’

A hotel seemed the best plan. Or would it be better to go somewhere else?

Athena started to lag behind. She tripped and groaned as her feet slapped against the concrete pavement. I glanced over my shoulder as I called Aries’ number. No one followed. They were probably trashing Mother’s flat. Aries didn’t pick up his phone.

‘I can’t believe you’re thinking about food…ouch!’ Athena gasped, hopping.

Dialling Taurus, I held the phone to my ear. ‘I’ll carry you in a minute.’

The street ahead was busier. Hearing a shout behind us, I ran faster. Fear must have gripped Athena because she sped up without complaining about her feet. I would have to give them a massage later.

‘Taurus! Let Mother know she can’t go back home tonight. Aries knows what’s going on, tell him that Liam found us.’

‘What are you talking about? Who’s Liam?’ Taurus asked.

Ignoring his question, I checked over my shoulder again. I couldn’t see Liam’s men. That was a good thing. The air was thick with humidity and damp. I would have to break out the-

‘Gemini!’ Athena’s shout alerted me to the men that rounded the corner.

Putting my phone back in my pocket, I spun. There was a house beside us. I pulled a sobbing Athena through the gate and into the back garden. I breathed deeply and concentrated on the wind. Using my power in front of Athena twice in one day was stupid. I wasn’t sure I had a choice. My indecision only lasted a moment. The fence at the back of the garden was too high for us to climb.

‘What are we going to do now?’ she cried, yanking on my hand.

The men entered the garden. They smirked when they saw us standing helpless.

‘I’m tired of running. Let them catch me and take me to him. You can get free.’

I smiled at her, raising my hand in the air when the men stepped forward. I swung my whole arm around at the same time as envisioning a whirlwind. The vision I held in my head manifested instantly.

Athena screamed and ducked to the ground as a small tornado swirled around the men, lifting them off their feet. They shouted as they smashed against the wooden fence.

Sweeping Athena into my arms, I started to run through the tornado. Her hair whipped around us, making me almost blind.

‘What the hell just happened?’ Athena cried as we escaped down the side of the house and back out onto the street. I left the whirlwind going as I stumbled towards the main street. A taxi was about to go past when I waved it down.

‘Where to?’ the driver called when I threw Athena in.

‘A hotel about ten minutes away from here in whatever direction you like,’ I said, glancing over my shoulder as I slammed the door.

No one chased us so I dropped the vision of wind from my mind.

The driver put his foot down, sensing that we were in danger. He didn’t ask questions, he just drove. I was relieved.

‘Are you okay?’ I asked Athena.

She huddled in the corner of the cab. Her shoulders shook as she refused to make eye contact with me. Putting a hand on her arm, I cursed when she jumped. ‘I’m s-s...sorry,’ she stuttered.

I gave her space. The last thing she needed was someone touching her. Liam had screwed her up big time. Why had she come to me? She must have friends that she could have gone to instead. I already owed the man thousands of pounds. Now, he was probably going to kill me.

‘Here we are,’ the driver announced, parking outside the hotel.

I paid him and helped Athena out of the car. Swinging her into my arms, I took her inside. The receptionist glanced at us before smiling kindly.

‘That’s so romantic,’ she uttered to her colleague.

Athena glanced at me with raised eyebrows. The last thing on both our minds was romance. Although, if she wanted to share-

‘Can I help?’ the receptionist interrupted my thoughts.

‘No,’ Athena said.

‘Yes,’ I countered.

We glared at each other before looking back at the confused receptionist.

‘I would like a room please.’ I used my poshest voice.

Nodding, the woman typed on her computer and requested my credit card. I cringed when Athena reached into her bag.

‘No, use mine,’ I said under my breath.

She shook her head abruptly, almost head-butting my chin.

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