Generational Sins (13 page)

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Authors: Samantha Blair

BOOK: Generational Sins
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He nodded is head agreeing with me at least temporarily. I had a feeling that this discussion was not really over. My father always got his way, eventually.

"I think your mother and I will be leaving now."

I breathed a silent sigh of relief. We had survived one more day.

My father and I went back into the house. Kat's posture visibly relaxed when my father announced that they were leaving. They said their goodbyes and got in the car. As soon as they were out of sight Kat buried her face in my chest. I wrapped my arms around her, trying to bring her comfort.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said. "I was prepared for a lot worse."

Her strength never ceased to amaze me. "Yeah," I agreed.

"How are you? What did he want to talk about?"

I filled Kat in on the conversation, and like me, she was relieved that the matter was settled for now, but we were both sure that the upcoming months would prove more difficult. I would shield her as best I could, but it would not be easy.

We left shortly thereafter. The mountain house had lost its appeal for the day, and we were both suddenly homesick. The ride back was pretty quiet. Both of us seemed to be lost in our own worlds. I wondered when it would finally become too much for her. I knew that she loved me, but even true love had limits. I was asking an incredible amount from her, and she was responding to me in the most beautiful, selfless way, but even Kat would eventually crack under this kind of pressure. It was my responsibility to protect her from this, and so far I was doing a pretty shitty job.

Was I even doing the right thing? There were times when I wanted to leave her. I knew I was not good for her. I loved her with ever fiber of my being, but I would always be a danger to her. Sometimes I felt like I couldn't live with that. When I would think about leaving though, it felt like suicide. I could not live without her, and my very being rejected the notion.

We pulled into the drive and wordlessly gathered our things from the car to take into the house.

"I think I'll watch a movie," Kat finally spoke. "Want to join me?"

"Sure," I said, "I am going to have a beer. Want one?"

I got the beer while she picked the movie. I was a comedy that I had seen before but didn't really remember. I could care less what it was. I just wanted to hold her in my arms for a while.

She sighed contentedly as she snuggled into my arms. I nuzzled her hair and breathed her in. Her scent drove me wild.

Kat watched the movie. I watched Kat. I wished that the movie had been funnier. I wanted to see her laugh again. She looked over her shoulder and caught me staring more than once. A concerned wrinkle creased her forehead.

"You gonna be okay?" she asked, pulling me tighter.

"Yeah," I said, "I just can't take my eyes off of you. Kat, if anything ever happened to you, I don't know..."

She silenced me with her lips. She was sweet and gentle. I could feel the curve of her breast pressing against my chest through her thin cotton dress.

"Don't finish that thought," she whispered. "I'm right here. I'm okay."

I kissed her back and tried to pour every emotion that I was feeling into that kiss. I know I failed, but she responded to me anyway. We shifted on the couch so that I was sitting up straighter, and she was straddling me, facing me. Her dress rode up her thighs, and my hands sought out the smooth expanse of skin.

She rocked against me and kissed me harder. I let her lead, enjoying her attentions. We dry humped on the couch like a pair of horny teenagers. I could feel how wet she was through her panties. She moaned into my mouth and used her hips to find the friction that she wanted.

I broke our fevered kissing long enough to lift her dress over her head. She stood and dropped her panties to the floor as well. She was so fucking beautiful standing before me with her wild hair and flushed skin. Her breathing was labored and the hunger in her eyes was unmistakable.

I lowered my hands to my belt and pushed my shorts and underwear off over my hips. She practically pounced on me, laughing and smiling and she claimed my mouth and connected her body with mine.

She rode me hard, with her perky tits bouncing in my face. It was fucking heaven. I touched and kissed every inch of her that I could reach. Her pace and her cries gradually increased as she impaled herself over and over on my hard cock. It was like an out of body experience watching her use my body that way.

I thrust up into her, meeting her motions half way. She threw her head back in ecstasy and gave me the most amazing view of her body. My balls tightened and my cock ached.

I used my thumb to rub gentle circles on her clit giving her the extra friction she needed, and she contracted around me. I watched her beautiful face as she came, her eyes closed, her lips swollen from my kiss. I grabbed her hips in my hands and pulled her down hard on my cock. I could feel every contraction of her sweet pussy as I exploded inside her.

She sat in my lap a few minutes later, with her head resting on my sweaty chest and our sticky legs twisted together. I held her and rocked her in my arms and told her how much she meant to me. She was everything good and perfect in this world. I would give anything to be able to hold her like this for the rest of my life.

Chapter 18

I sat in class next to David and attempted to focus on my notes. We hadn't spoken since he returned me to my dorm on Sunday afternoon, and already, I was craving his attention. We had a lot of things that we still needed to discuss. I was unsure in many ways of where we stood. It was clear that he was willing to act as my Dom, at least for now, but he hadn't promised me exclusivity, and he'd made no declarations regarding the length or structure of our new relationship.

I wasn't sure that I could handle knowing that he would continue to fuck other women. It was also possible that he would simply go back to being my lab partner, now that he'd gotten what he wanted from me. I hoped that was not the case, but I was in a very unsure position, and it was making me extremely anxious.

I tried to focus on the professor's words, but it was mostly going in one ear and out the other. We had some kind of an oral presentation coming up. I would have to stand in front of the class, be the center of attention. I hated that.

I was relieved when we were finally dismissed, and David put his hand on my arm.

"Can I buy you lunch?" he asked. "There are a few things that I would like to discuss with you."

"Sure," I said. I didn't have any intention of letting him pay, but I was glad that he wanted to talk.

We decided on the little cafe three blocks from campus. They had a really good soup and salad special on weekdays. When we were settled in a private corner booth, David asked me how I was. I knew it wasn't your average "How are you?" He really wanted to know what I thought of everything now that the weekend was over.

"I'm great," I started. "I had a really incredible time with you this weekend, but I'm glad that you wanted to talk to me. I think that there are some things we need to discuss. Did you want me to start, or did you want to go first?"

"Well," he said, "let me get through a couple of things and then we'll see if I missed anything." I nodded and waited for him to continue. "First off, if I am going to act as your Dom we need to establish some rules."

I agreed wholeheartedly with that.

"Like the safewords, I agree with you that a two word system is good for us: yellow for slowing down or changing tactics, and red for stopping all together. I accept those words, and I will work within that system. Any time that I hear one of those colors from you during a session I will act accordingly. Is that clear?"

I breathed a sigh of relief. Perfect. "Yes, it's clear."

"Good. Secondly, you have a right to know what I want from you, and what I am expecting. You know that I am, in some ways, new to this, so I will do my best to communicate as much as possible to you ahead of time. If you are unclear about something, I would like for you to ask. I may not answer you, but I need to know if I've been unclear."

He looked to me for confirmation. I nodded my agreement.

"If you are to be my submissive, I will expect you to belong to me only. I am a very jealous man, Kat, and I will not share you."

I was glad he said it out loud, but I already belonged to him. I had since the day I met him. He had to know that by now.

"I want for no other," I replied.

He paused for a moment considering me. "You have ruined me for other women, Kat. I want only you. From this day forward we will be exclusive."

My heart jumped for joy at the thought. He was promising me his exclusivity. Mine. He was mine.

He frowned down at his napkin for a moment. "Kat," he said in a softer tone. "There are some things I think you should know..."

I waited for him to continue.

"I want to be both your Dominant and your... boyfriend, for lack of a better word. I want to have a relationship with you, and if I'm not mistaken, you want that as well."

I nodded my agreement. I didn't want to interrupt him.

"And I also need to be your lab partner, and I need to not be distracted from my studies. I am hoping that because we have worked well in the past together, on a professional level, that we will still be able to do so." He looked to me again for confirmation, and I agreed.

"Kat, this is going to get complicated. I want to have a relationship with you on many levels, but I can't tell my family about you. Not now, maybe not ever. I want to announce to the world that you belong to me, but outside of this school, our immediate circle of contacts here, I cannot speak of this. I know that sounds odd, and you have to believe me when I say it's not by my choice."

He looked me in the eye, asking me to believe him, to listen to him.

"My father is a dangerous man and associating with me could be incredibly dangerous for you. To keep you safe, I need to keep this secret."

I didn't understand, not really. He told me that he learned his sexual habits from his father, but I didn't see how that could prove dangerous to me. This wasn't going to be easy for either of us, but I had a feeling that I was going to need to know more.

"I think you're going to need to tell me more about him, David."

"I will," he replied, "but not here, not right now. For now, I need you to trust me and to know that if I lie to someone about our relationship, it may not be what it appears. I will do what I need to do to protect you. I am proud of our relationship, and I want this with you, but I may not always be able to act like it. Can you understand that?"

I took a deep breath. There was just so much I didn't know.

"I understand, and I am willing to trust you, but I am going to need for you to explain this further sometime soon."

"This weekend I want to go back out to my parent's place. I want to leave Friday after your last class and I'll bring you back Sunday evening. We can spend some time on Saturday studying, but I would like to spend most of the weekend without our books, if you can manage to take the time off. I will explain things further to you then. I want you to be able to make an intelligent decision about what kind of a relationship you want with me."

"Yes," I agreed. "I will try to finish up as much work as possible during the week. I would love to spend the weekend with you."

"Good," he said, closing the subject. "Now I need for you to tell me about Cody."

I blinked in surprise. That had come out of left field.

"What would you like to know?" I asked.

"How did you meet?"

"I worked in a tack and feed store my last two years of high school. It was just a part-time thing to help keep gas in my truck and give me some extra college money. After graduation, I continued to work there for the summer. One day, it was only about a week after graduation, I was joking around with Mike and Jamie. Mike's parent's owned the store and Jamie was his girlfriend," I explained.

"We somehow got on the subject of sex, oral sex actually, and the two of them basically called me a prude. Well in an effort to prove how un-prudish I was, I made a rather blatant sexual comment. I was not a virgin, but I'd only had one previous boyfriend, Jake. Jake was a sweet kid, but that was a lot of the problem, he was too sweet. I needed someone far more dominant than Jake. I just didn't know it."

I looked at David, making sure he was still following me. He motioned for me to continue.

"The comment I made was something along the lines of 'I wish he would have just fucked my mouth instead of making me do all the work.' It shocked the hell out of Jamie and she went from calling me a prude to calling me a pervert. Her comments stung; I was still uncomfortable with my sexuality in a lot of ways, and I thought I was some kind of a freak because a small minded, small town girl told me that I was."

David took my hand across the table and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Cody," I continued, "was a regular customer at the store. He's a rancher with a horse farm that borders the town. I had seen him around a lot, because he was always picking up new things for the ranch. I had always been attracted to him, but I was too shy to have ever approached him. He happened to be one aisle away in the store, and he heard the whole conversation. He waited until Mike and Jamie left and then he approached me at the counter to check out. He saw the tears in my eyes and knew immediately what I was feeling. He recognized me for what I was before I even knew such a thing existed."

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