One in particular struck Borman as especially poignant. "To the crew of Apollo 8. Thank you. You saved 1968." 1
President Nixon, who had just taken office, asked Borman to go on a goodwill tour of Europe, and Anders to take over as Executive Secretary of the National Aeronautics and Space Council.
And then came the awards. The three men were given the Distinguished Service Medal from President Johnson, the Hubbard Medal from the National Geographic Society, the Collier Trophy from the National Aeronautic Association, and the Goddard Trophy from the National Space Club, to name just a few. 2
Time magazine named the three astronauts its "Men of the Year." This honor, announced in the magazine's first issue of 1969, had been given each year since 1927, and was awarded to those individuals who had wielded the most influence on human history in the preceding year, "for better or for worse." 3 Prior to launch, the editors at Time thought they would name "The Dissenter" as 1968's "Man of the Year." The demonstrations, the violence, the discord, had dominated almost every day's headlines.
On December 28th, however, they had changed their minds, writing how the flight of Borman, Lovell, and Anders had "overshadowedeven if, in the long view of history, it did not cancel outmany of the most compelling events of the year." Time 's editors noted that while the utopia the dissenters craved would never be found on the moon,
 |  | . . . the moon flight of Apollo 8 shows how that Utopian tomorrow could come about.
 |  | For this is what Westernized man can do. He will not turn into a passive, contemplative being; he will not drop out and turn off; he will not seek stability and inner peace in the quest for nirvana. Western man is Faust, and if he knows anything at all, he knows how to challenge nature, how to dare against dangerous odds and even against reason. He knows how to reach for the moon. 4
Not everyone celebrated the journey of Borman, Lovell, and Anders. Madalyn Murray O'Hair, the woman whose court suit had banned prayer in