Genetic Attraction (17 page)

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Authors: Tara Lain

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Menage

BOOK: Genetic Attraction
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Would she?

They circulated through the crowd, but her mind wouldn"t settle. She felt like she walked through a crush of people she didn"t know and cared about less. Why was she here? Her life was somewhere else.

She finally smiled a little when Dr. Winton stopped them to say hello. His friendliness warmed up a few of her more broad-minded colleagues, and they came over to speak to her as well, carefully avoiding the elephant in the room—the story.

She tried to be polite but could barely think of what to say. Isaac, bless him, carried the ball. Then to make it all complete, Kovak decided to give his stamp of approval.

“Ah, Dr. Silvay, how nice to see you!” He gave Isaac the cowboy, a significant look. “And how nice to see you and Dr. Webster getting along so well.”

She gritted her teeth and felt cold anger flash through her. Could she really do this? “Hello, Dr. Kovak. Nice party.”

“Thank you, my dear. Is anything as fun as costumes? The chance to be another person for an evening?” She sincerely wished
were another person.

Dr. Winton smiled. “But it looks like you"ve chosen to be immortal, Emmaline.

Is this Artemis?” He fingered the bow she held in her hand.

She really liked Isaac"s uncle. “Yes, no mere human for me, I…”

As if she"d heard a call or caught a scent on the wind, she looked up. At first, she thought it was just a vision, some kind of mirage in this desert of humanity.

Jake stood just inside the front door of the party room, his body covered in a golden breastplate over a toga, a helmet on top of the golden hair and a shield held before him.
Oh my God—Alexander
. It had to be. Alexander the Great. Beside him, a vision so ethereal, so heart-stoppingly beautiful, it was hard to grasp. Hephaestion, the lover of Alexander—Roan.

Light-headed, she thought she might pass out. Behind her she heard a gasp and then another, and the whispers began. Jake"s tall, powerful body gleamed, Genetic Attraction


radiating energy and challenge. Beside him, Roan"s beautiful, lithe physique was draped in a toga almost as white as his skin. The nearly black hair curled into ringlets, and his lushly lashed eyes glowed through the black eyeliner. A pure, blatant statement of liberty. Jake was dressed as the greatest of the Greek warriors, as famous for being bisexual as he was for being the conqueror of the known world, and Roan was the man he loved and according to legend was willing to give up the known world for. The gauntlet was thrown.
This is who I am. Don’t
like it? Tough.

Would the faculty recognize the statement for what it was? It didn"t matter.

Just bringing Roan here, obviously as his date, was statement enough.
God, he has
! Clearly, he"d made his decision. Roan was more important to him than anything else.

Two of the female faculty members who obviously cared more about the breathtaking and wildly famous man in front of them than they did possible censure, had gone up to say hello to Jake and meet his companion. Other people were looking pointedly at Em as they recognized Roan as the man she had been photographed with.

Kovak was hissing behind her. “I thought I told you to talk with Dr. Martin about his

She turned to him with a tight smile. “I did. Obviously, friendship is more important to Jake than gossip.”

“Easy, girl.” Isaac took hold of her arm.

She turned back and stared at the two beloved faces. Had they seen her? What would they think of her being with Isaac? Did she care? Oh, yes, she cared so much.

She shook off Isaac"s hand and took a few steps forward toward her men. Roan looked up and saw her first. That famous, crooked-tooth smile beamed at her.

People saw that smile and traced it to its target, looking back and forth between her and Roan, some shocked and some delighted by the obvious connection. Kovak grabbed her shoulder and sputtered—the light had obviously dawned.


Tara Lain

“Am I to understand that Dr. Martin has chosen to costume himself as Alexander the Great?”

She giggled, actually giggled, and quoted one of her favorite movies. “Yeah, talk about your gays in the military.”

A tractor beam pulled her toward Roan. “
You’ve always got a choice. That’s
what I taught you. That’s what you know
.” Jake saw her then, frowned for a moment, and then gave her that most beautiful, self-effacing smile. He put his arm around Roan and hugged him close.

Behind her, Kovak hissed, “What exactly is going on here? Have these young men chosen to make a spectacle of themselves…at

And the whole universe cleared. She felt the way she did after she"d just had an orgasm in Jake and Roan"s arms—happy, certain, unshakeable and, above all, free. Kovak started to push past her toward the two men while the whole room looked on in fascination.

No way, you bastard
. She grabbed him by the arm, hard, and looked straight into his face. “Mister, you haven"t seen spectacle yet.”

Pushing Kovak out of the way, she walked straight to Jake and Roan. Her goddess skirts swished around her legs so she gave her hips a little extra sway.
your face, Kovak
. Roan, bless him, held out an arm to her, and she went straight to him, raising her face to his descending lips. Oh God, that mouth. There was nothing like it. He let her set the pace, so she wound both arms around his neck and pressed her tongue deep into his mouth, eating gently at those soft lips. Vaguely aware of the near riot of whispers and exclamations around them, she released Roan, took a deep breath and wrapped her free arm around Jake"s neck. The blue eyes looked a little questioning—and a little amused.
Your turn, my love
. She pulled his head down and caressed his mouth with her tongue before plunging in for a deep kiss.

The white noise level around them escalated. A few people even broke into applause while others hissed their shock. She pulled back from Jake and looked up Genetic Attraction


at the two beautiful men that she loved with all her heart. “Will you take me home?”

Jake cocked his head at her. “To Long Island?”

Roan hugged Jake tighter. “Of course not, my love. To Connecticut. She"s ours.”


Tara Lain

Chapter Twenty-one

Good morning, freedom
. Splashing fountain, chirping birds, beating heart, and champagne bubbles circulating just under her skin. This was what surrender felt like. She"d given everything away—the Nobel Prize, her relationship with the university, even her career. There must be something she could do to contribute to the world besides work for the university. The fact was, she owned the patents to her genetic sequence, so she could damn well do something with it. She just wasn"t sure what. Maybe she"d just march on Washington with her mom. Shakti would love that.

God, she was lucky. Roan was ready and willing to support her—and Jake too, for that matter, since he"d also trashed his position at the university. Regrets? What did the old song say? “She had a few.” She loved helping people, and her research could save lives if doctors used it to test for the correct treatments for cancer. But she had the research, and everything was possible—without giving up her life in return.

Peace filled every cell. If her weird hippie upbringing had taught her anything, it was not to live a lie, and that was what Kovak and his ilk required. Actually, she hadn"t realized how much she hated the restrictions of the university life until they were gone.

They"d left the party last night after Isaac brought her coat and kissed her cheek under the watchful eyes of Jake and Roan. They"d driven back to Connecticut with her curled up on Roan"s lap in the backseat. She vaguely remembered them carrying her upstairs and tucking her into the big bed between the two of them. And Genetic Attraction


now, she gazed at Roan"s alabaster back while Jake"s morning erection poked her in the hip. Ah, bliss. Felt like home.

She wiggled a little to test the wakefulness of her two companions and got an instant response. Roan turned to face her, and Jake wrapped an arm around her and pulled her back tight against that steel-hard cock. He snuggled his lips against her ear. “Welcome home, my darling.”

“Thank you. It"s good to be home.”

Roan leaned in and kissed her gently, then moved farther and captured Jake"s tongue in his mouth.

She wriggled some more. “Hey you two, get a room.” She watched Jake"s tongue slip in and out between Roan"s lush lips.
Yum. Yeah
. They had a room, and she was in it.

They pulled apart and both of them nuzzled her ear this time. “How would you like us both inside you?” That was Roan"s silky voice making the salacious suggestion.

She gulped. “Can we do that?”

“Yeah,” Jake cooed. “With enough lube and patience. Wanna try?”

Roan winked. “Trust me, darling. There"s nothing as good as a cock in your ass.”

“Oh, I don"t know. You haven"t got a pussy.”

“Got me there.” He kissed her nose as Jake moved away from her back, and she heard a drawer open. She always wondered how it must feel to Roan to have Jake inside him like that. She assumed it would be Jake in her ass, since the chances of getting Roan"s gigantic cock in on the first try were nil.

Roan pulled the covers off, leaving her glowingly nude in the early morning light. He moved down the bed and pulled her legs apart, then began kissing his way up from her feet. Oh yeah, that little piggy was a happy camper. Kiss by kiss, it didn"t take him long to get that magic tongue working on her clit. God, he was good 134

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at this, and obviously he loved doing it, because he moaned as loud as she did as he sucked her bud into his mouth and tongued it. Back and forth and back and forth.

Holy goose bumps. Those champagne bubbles were turning to lava.

Her hips were bucking and pussy dripping by the time Roan pulled back and lay down on his back with the giant dick pointing toward the ceiling. He grabbed it with one hand and her with the other. “Get on it and ride, baby.” Oh yeah.

She mounted him and began the one, two, three up and down strokes that it took to get that cock pushed into her tight channel. Stretched to heaven. When she was well-seated and starting to ride, Jake grabbed her hips and held her still. She felt something cold and wet against her hole, and then a finger pushed inside—odd, but not bad.


She nodded, having trouble talking through all the pleasure.

“Want a little more?”

Again she nodded, and that finger got a companion.

“Go ahead and move.”

She pushed forward onto Roan"s heavenly cock and then back onto those two probing fingers in her ass. As they went deeper, they felt better, maybe even good.

Gazing at Roan"s green eyes shining up at her, she managed to gasp, “Now I know how you feel.”

“Oh no, baby. It gets much better. Just wait.”

For several seconds she just rode his cock, giving her clit a deep massage on Roan"s pubic bone and getting used to the feel of Jake"s fingers. But she was getting hotter and hotter, it felt so good.

Suddenly Jake stilled her hips. She struggled a little to keep moving, rushing toward orgasm.

Genetic Attraction


“Hold just a second, sweetheart.” Oh, the cold wetness was back, all around her now empty hole. Then she felt something much smoother and silkier than a finger pushing in.
Also much bigger.

“Take a deep breath, darling,” Roan whispered. “Now, let out your breath and push out.”

She tried, pushing out with all her concentration as she felt a huge invasion of her virgin anus. Oh God, she"d thought Roan"s cock burned in her pussy. This was twice the fire.
Deep breath. Another.

“You"re doing great, darling. I know it burns, but try to relax, and you"ll see why you want to do this.”

She nodded while trying to breath. A little giggle escaped as she thought,
yourself to relax
. And then, wow, Jake"s cock—thank God it was slimmer than Roan"s—slipped deep inside her and—Oh shit, could it be?

Roan cried out, “Jake, I can feel you rubbing against me inside Em. It"s wonderful.”

She nodded wildly. Yes, that"s what she felt, their two cocks rubbing together inside her body. Oh God, the idea of it was so heavenly she almost came on the spot!

Jake pulled out almost to the tip of that long, long cock and then pushed slowly back in.

“Oh yeah!”

Both men began to thrust. Roan in, Jake out, Jake in, Roan out, over and over.

No thought, only feeling. Fullness, pleasure. Ecstasy. Love. Too much. Just enough.

Oh, yes, yes—

The fire consumed. Flash up the spine. Head coming off.
Try not to scream.

Yeah, scream
. Her legs and arms trembled, consumed by fire that filled every cell.

Roan followed, groaning and crying while overflowing her channel with that huge torrent of semen. And then the newest sensation—a warm flood as Jake, her Jake, poured himself into her throbbing ass.


Tara Lain

Oh, home. Home at last.

* * *

It was almost two hours before the three of them managed to get out of the bed, take showers, and pad downstairs.

She only had her Grecian goddess outfit to cover herself, so she"d commandeered Roan"s bathrobe, which was practically dragging on the floor and consuming her hands. The guys threatened to dress her as Artemis, put their own Greek outfits back on, and make a big impact at the mall. It was finally decided, however, that Roan would go buy her something to wear to tide her over until they could go to her townhouse and get her clothes and essentials. Of course she was going to have to restrain her beautiful fashion model from buying out the stores for her.

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