Georgie and Her Dragon (4 page)

Read Georgie and Her Dragon Online

Authors: Sahara Kelly

Tags: #humor, #fantasy, #sex, #dragons, #princess

BOOK: Georgie and Her Dragon
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It worked. Tom perked up and grinned. “Sure
thing, Georgie.”

The conversation served to reinforce the A
plus Georgie had received in
How to Stroke the Male Ego
. Of
course, the subject matter had referred to visiting dignitaries,
not cocks, but the fundamental concepts were easy to apply.

That evening, Georgie figured the day hadn’t
been a total waste of time, gown classes notwithstanding. She’d
gotten a nice edge on her sword, seen a male cock for the first
time and watched it - what was the word she’d heard -

Fascinating stuff. Why the hell there
weren’t classes in
Sex Education for Princesses Curious About
Stuff Like That
, she had no idea. Her schoolmates had pictures
of their favorite fairy movie stars pinned up over their beds and
spent long hours discussing how they would marry them in the
distant future. Even though most of the chatter revolved around the
wedding gown not the wedding night.

Sighs and swoons were quite normal, giggles
and whispers broke the evening silence on a regular basis, and much
time was spent in wondering about kissing.

Georgie wondered about that too, but after
today she figured she was probably ready to get to the advanced

She turned on her pillow and readied herself
for sleep. Perhaps
would come to visit her dreams
tonight. And perhaps - if she tried really hard - she could talk to
about this whole sex thing.

She knew he’d answer her questions. She
trusted him. He’d protected her for as long as she could remember.
He’d scared away the monsters in her closet, helped her pick out
dresses for her dolls and held her when her tummy got upset after
eating all the frosting off her eighth birthday cake.

Yep. When it came to sex, who better to ask
than someone who’d always been there for her when she needed

Georgie closed her eyes and mentally
summoned her subconscious friend to come and play in her

And sure enough, her dragon appeared.


Dragons don’t get sexually aroused - and other

Theo snorted and fidgeted as his dreams

“Hello, Theo.” She was there, cuddled in
between his coils, comfortable as a bug in the proverbial rug. He
hoped he wouldn’t squash her so he shifted a little to make room
for her.

“You’ve grown.” He stared at the long golden
hair that flowed down her spine.

“You too.” She stroked a nearby scale. “I
like this blue.”

He grinned. “Thank you. How’s school

A gusty sigh answered him. “I hate it,
dragon o’mine. It sucks ass. All that fussing around with gowns and
stupid stuff I’ll never need.”

He frowned. “You’re a
. Of
you’re gonna need that stuff.”

She snorted. “Theo, I have twelve sisters
ahead of me. You really think anybody’s gonna make a huge stink
about yet
one?” She shook her head. “Nope. I’m gonna
lead an army.”

Theo suppressed a chuckle. “Of course you
are, honey.”

“No, really. I’ve decided that’s all I’m
good for. I like sword fighting, I shall have several dozen trusty
knights heading my forces...I think it’ll work.”

“Hmm. And these knights will follow you

She surprised him by standing and removing
her nightgown. “Because I shall stand before them like
...and they will flock to my side.”

Theo gaped. If he’d been a knight he’d be
with bells on.

She was tall and shapely, with breasts like
ripening peaches and a golden tuft of curls atop her mound. Her
shoulders were firm, her muscles flexing, her body lean from the
exercise and swordplay she regularly engaged in.

When she threw her arms back and thrust
those breasts forwards, Theo nearly choked and smoke seeped from
his ears. “Holy

With a smug grin, she curled back against
him, naked as a jaybird. “See what I mean?”

...” His tongue was
lead, his thoughts confused and his scales were cooking where she
leaned against him. She ran her hands down over her body and Theo
swore he could hear his guts boiling.

“There’s so much I don’t know yet...” Idly
she touched herself, heedless of the fact that she was turning him
on -
-time. “Like why I get wet...
...when I
think about
.” Her hand slipped between her legs and
she sighed.


“Tell me Theo. Tell me about what it’s

“Ummm...” He was at a loss for words. It
shouldn’t be up to a dragon to educate a princess about things
sexual. Besides, his brains were off on vacation someplace, his
cock was about three feet long by now and he was having a
time hiding it from her. No pun

“I’m dreaming, I know. But you’ve always
been in my dreams. Now I’m dreaming about grown-up things. I need
grown up-help. I need to

Theo swallowed down a lump of lust the size
of the neighboring shire. “Look, shouldn’t...I
mean...what you’re doing...”

She was swaying slowly against him, her ass
grazing his scales in just the right spot to drive him frickin’
nuts. Her hand moved. “It feels sooooo good when I do this.”

“Does it?” His voice croaked and he cleared
his throat. “Uh, well, that’s good then. Just keep doing it.”
And please wake up or shoot me and put me out of my

“Oooh, yeah. Good idea.” She kept doing

With his finely tuned sense of dragon-smell,
he could scent the flowering of her arousal, pungent and fresh and
tangy as it burgeoned from her cunt.

Theo ached. Ached for a release he could not
have, ached for the girl who was not his to claim and basically
just fucking
. This was torture of the worst kind, an
unfair punishment for all the years he’d shared her dreams of dolls
and birthday parties.

In spite of his physical turmoil, he
couldn’t look away. Perhaps - perhaps if she kept it up he could
poof out of her dreams and back into his own - human - self. He
crossed one set of claws, bit down on his arousal and curled
himself around her, hiding her from prying eyes.

He didn’t want to shock the owls, after

She sighed and shivered. “God, I like this.
But I need - something.”

“Yeah.” It was a growl, and Theo’s tongue
drooped from the side of his mouth accidentally catching her on the
thigh. She jumped.

“Do that again. Higher.”

Oh fucking
. “I can’t.”

“Yes you can. You’re my dream dragon. You do
anything I say.” She opened her eyes and frowned at him. “It’s the
rules and you know it.”

“God, you can be a bitch when you want to,
can’t you?” Theo frowned back.

, Theo. Quit fucking around.
Obey me.”

Theo was torn. None of this was real - it
was all some sort of magical dream manifestation. He knew damn well
that he was sleeping in his roost and she was miles away in her
school bed.

She moaned.

Okay - correction. She was miles away
in her school bed. With one hand between her legs
and the other now tugging on her hard nipples.

Fucking hell
. What had he ever done
to deserve this except
over a fairy?

He watched, gaze glued to her pussy, as she
found the right spot and the right pressure. It was a beautiful

“Give me your tongue, dammit.
For once, she was every inch the royal Princess issuing a

Her eyes were closed and she panted, working
herself faster each second. Lost, Theo succumbed and obeyed. One
fork of his tongue gingerly reached out, smoothed up her thigh and
delicately flicked her clit.

She screamed and disappeared, leaving Theo
with the most wonderful flavor of hot, wet Georgie on his taste

He licked his lips, savoring her. “Hmm. Not
in the least bit like tuna.”

It was sweet, the sweetest taste he could
ever remember. And it did awfully painful things to his loins. Or
the place where loins were supposed to be.

Dragons, of course, didn’t have such mundane
things as
. Possessed of scales that varied in
thickness from a thumb to half a sequoia, dragons had a “pouch” -
also heavily armored - where their “loins”, for want of a better
word, were protected from things like spears, rocks and the
occasional poorly judged landing amongst sharp and spiky trees.

Theo’s pouch was bulging uncomfortably,
about a yard of aroused dragon cock coiled within. It was even
worse than the hard-on he’d acquired after peeking in on a bachelor
party in the castle basement a couple of years before.

The host had swiped a porn movie from
someplace and Theo had gotten an eyeful of some really well-endowed
human females doing some pretty hot things to their mates. The
dragon side of him was merely curious. It was the human side that
screamed “
” and developed a rather intense case of lust
that took about thirty-six hours to recede.

He shifted and vainly attempted to adjust
his coiled cock. The coils were necessary because female dragons -
at least the ones Theo had read about - apparently possessed a
D-spot, rather than a G-spot. And it was located around a rather
awkward S-bend in their reproductive system. To obtain maximum
stimulation, the dragon male had to penetrate the female in a move
somewhat resembling a plumber clearing a clog from an ancient set
of pipes. It worked, more often than not, but just to be on the
safe side, nature had also equipped female dragons with a clit that
protruded at least a foot from their pussies, thus ensuring that
there was absolutely no way it would escape the attention of the
male during mating. Most female dragons were most appreciative of
nature’s gesture.

With a mutter and a mumble, Theo curled
himself up awkwardly and decided to sleep off his arousal. If
baseball had been invented, he could have spent some time
considering the stats of the latest pinch hitter, but unfortunately
the game was one of those things that hadn’t quite come to pass at
this point in time. Aroused and unsatisfied males of pretty much
all species had to make do with thoughts of jousting, sharp lances,
clashing swords, sweaty bodies colliding and tumbling to the was easy to see why baseball was invented. Jousting just
didn’t do it as well as a whole series of pop flies over the

It certainly didn’t work for Theo. Oh, he
- dragons can fall asleep at the drop of a helmet
but it wasn’t restful nor relaxing.

Instead, he dreamed. A personal, private,
very Theo-type dream. And one which, of course, will be shared with
you, dear reader, since you’re probably on tenterhooks waiting to
hear all about the sordid things that go on in a
human-slash-dragon’s brain when he’s fast developing a serious case
of absolutely and completely unrequited sexual desire for his
beautiful princess. Let’s face it, you don’t get to read about
things like that in an ordinary fairy tale, do you?




Chapter Three

The drawbacks of lusty dragon dreams

As Theo slid uncomfortably into his dream,
we can probably smooth out a couple of rough plot points if we try
to remember that inside he was still thinking the thoughts and
feeling the emotions of a human male. He’d been a dragon long
enough that such notions didn’t occupy his mind while he was

Far from it - he was Dragon-to-the-Max when
conscious, complete with curling nostrils, gleaming horns and
nicely aligned fiery breathing techniques.

But in his dreams he slipped, his control
weakening, his brain darting from one place to another - confused
by the images that flickered through it like a poorly synchronized

One moment he was frying an evil threat to
the Kingdom - or a flock of geese that accidentally got in the way
- and the next he was adjusting his pants over a very masculine
hard-on and staring at several rather well endowed women as they
happily gathered up the pre-cooked dinner which had suddenly
dropped from the skies in front of them.

He couldn’t make the mental connection
between the nicely roasted geese and the women grinning at

All he could do was stare at their breasts -
great undulating mounds of soft white flesh that threatened to pop
out from the poorly laced blouses in the best pornographic movie

He licked his dream lips and heaved a
shuddering breath, waiting for the inevitable peek at a dusky

“Ahem.” A voice sounded behind him.

He spun around and there she was.

“I’d rather you looked at
way.” She raised an eyebrow and put her hands on her hips. Her

Theo felt his lips curve into a smile. “I’ll
look at you any way you want. Just stay naked, okay?”

“For you, my dearest Theo, I’m always naked.
Always ready, always willing - there’s a slight problem with the
bit, but we can work around that, can’t we?”

Theo nodded. “Oh yes.” He cleared his throat
and tried again. “Yeah. Definitely.” Her pussy was softly shadowed
with light blonde curls, a mystery he wanted to probe with his cock
and his fingers and his tongue.

“So let’s lie down.”

In the magically delightful way of dreams,
Theo found himself standing next to a large bed and on the large
bed was the object of his desire. Georgie’s naked pussy. Between
Georgie’s naked thighs and attached to the naked rest of her, of

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