Georgie and Her Dragon (7 page)

Read Georgie and Her Dragon Online

Authors: Sahara Kelly

Tags: #humor, #fantasy, #sex, #dragons, #princess

BOOK: Georgie and Her Dragon
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“As you will see, there are many who seek
the privilege of your hands in marriage.” He waved his own hand at
the assembled suitors who blushed and fidgeted or coughed

Sheesh. What a load of overdressed

“The Court has carefully considered each and
every applicant, each and every request, each and every offer for
your hands.”

And each and every bit of property on the
negotiating table too, I’ll bet.
Georgie’s gut curdled. She
wondered if she’d been bartered for a pigsty, or perhaps an acre or
two of beet fields. She

“Will you shut the fuck up? I’m trying to

Georgie jumped as Theo’s voice sounded in
her head. It was comforting, familiar and she felt some of her
tensions relax as she tried to hide the smile his words had

Thinking about Theo made the whole
drawn-out, incredibly boring ceremony a shitload easier, that was
for sure. He would understand why she’d rather be given a sword, a
horse and a sharp lance over a husband any day.

Although - a lick of heat shimmered between
her legs - she’d prefer
to give up the chance to have
some really
sex someday.

And consequent upon the thought of really
good sex, her mind darted back to the moment a few years back when
Theo’s tongue had touched her in just the right spot and blown her
princessly brains out of her left ear.
. She must be a
serious perv herself if she was gonna start thinking about getting
it on with a goddamn

His cock was probably half a mile long and
he’d rip her to bits if he ever tried to -

Will you shut the fuck up
?” Theo’s
mental bellow of outrage nearly knocked her off her chair. She
sucked in a breath and blushed. She’d forgotten he could hear every
frickin’ thought now she was home.

“And now for Princess Georgiana...”

There was a silence until the sister sitting
next to Georgie nudged her sharply. “That’s you.”

Georgie jumped and frowned. “I know

“Then stand up, for God’s sake.”

Georgie sighed and stood, feeling a lot more
like she was about to face a firing squad than an engagement

“Uh...let me see here...” The King consulted
a sheaf of papers on a low table by the throne. “Where’s that one?”
He hissed an aside to his Seneschal.

The man hurried to paw through the papers as
well, while Georgie rolled her eyes, stared at the ceiling and
tried not to whistle.

“What the fuck. That’ll do.” The King waved
his aide aside. “Princess Georgiana. You are hereby affianced to
Prince William of Littlewick.” He looked around, only to have the
Seneschal return and whisper something in his ear.

He sighed and actually deigned to look at
Georgie. “The moron isn’t here yet. Sorry about that.”

The others fidgeted as Georgie sat back down
with a thump. She’d gotten herself engaged to an idiot who couldn’t
even show up on time.

Hah. We’ll see about that.

Theo, who had been carefully monitoring
things via his link with Georgie, grinned. She was pissed off to
the hilt, but he couldn’t quite figure out if it was because she’d
gotten herself an unwanted fiancé, or if it was because he wasn’t
there at the time.

Theo had also squelched down some very
un-dragonly emotions as he’d caught her musings on sex. With

It was utterly and completely impossible.
Theo knew that, Georgie knew that and it was a rather sore spot in
Theo’s existence. His body might be about half a ton of scales and
fire, but his soul was still vaguely human and he could still

Thankfully, although he shared Georgie’s
dreams, she hadn’t shared his.
not the ones in
which he had his own human body back and fucked her every which way
‘til Tuesday - and then some. Or the porn movie ones. Those were
good ones, all things considered.

Of course even if he was human, she probably
wouldn’t be interested in a pimply low-born dweeb, not when there
was some aristocratic twit with a title lurking around just waiting
to pounce on...on...those
breasts she’d flashed

He sighed. Sometimes it was hard being a
dragon. Especially when said dragon got hard and his pouch pinched
him in rather uncomfortable places. Still, all things considered,
he wanted her to be happy more than anything else.

And if this William of Whatever could do the
trick - then Theo would bow out of the picture, do his best to
sever the mind link and let her live the life she was entitled

He might just throw himself off the
battlements to celebrate his joy at the occasion.

Morosely he trundled to the edge of the
ramparts and rested his chin on the stones, staring at nothing in
particular. He could hear the noise from the main hall even at this
distance, which wasn’t really surprising since the sound of about a
gazillion women all talking at once ranked right up there with
earthquakes, violent explosions and Dandelion’s farts on the
decibel scale.

There’d be a party going on right about now,
food and drink would flow freely and be followed by dancing. Most
couples would then pair off for the night, since they were formally
affianced and could fuck their empty brains out without fear of

This day was, in fact, a helluva lot more
fun than the actual weddings that would come not long after. (Close
enough that any accidental royals-in-the-making would have

But Theo, naturally, wasn’t invited. Nobody
invited dragons to parties since they tended to knock things over
with their tails and scorch the curtains when they belched. Plus
they really sucked at charades.

A flurry of noise behind him distracted Theo
from his depressed musings and he raised an ear, recognizing
Georgie’s light step.

He didn’t move. “What’re you doing here?
Shouldn’t you be waiting for your fiancé?”

She groaned and came to stand beside him,
resting an arm on his neck and staring along with him at the
countryside. “He couldn’t even be bothered to show up, Theo. That’s
how unimportant I am in the overall scheme of things.”

Theo huffed sympathetically.

“I’m thinking of becoming a nun.”

This time the huff was more of a chortle.
“You’re kidding, right? You’re gonna hide those fabulous breasts
under a black robe for the rest of your natural days?” He finally
turned and raised an eyebrow. “I soooo don’t think so.”

“Better that than spend my life in bed with
an asshole.”

“Why should you be any different than a good
percentage of the women in the world?”

She pinched a scale. “Shit, Theo. That’s
pretty harsh.”

“I’m feeling harsh. You’re gonna marry
somebody. I’ll be all alone.” He turned back to his former slumping
position and slumped even more.

There was a ping from the chime behind them.

Princess Georgiana - to your room please. Princess Georgiana -
to your room please

Theo turned, hissed out a snort of disgust
and accurately fried the intercom with a quick blast from his left
nostril. “There. Perhaps now I’ll get some peace and quiet for a

“Theo...” Georgie leaned over and dropped a
kiss on his ear. “I’ll never love anybody as much as I love you.
Please believe me.”

Theo wanted to.
how he wanted to.
But she knew him as a dragon, not the bewitched man who yearned for
her. “You’d better go, sweetheart. Your prince has come.”

“Will you - like hover outside or something?
Just don’t go all moody on me and leave me alone with him?” She
sounded worried, genuinely worried, which was unusual for his brave
Georgie, who could gut enemies without a blink.

He sighed, helpless to refuse her anything.
“Okay, if that’s what you want. I’ll keep an eye on your room. But
all you have to do is give me a signal and I’m out of there,

She kissed his ear once more. “Bless you,
babe. I’ll feel a lot better knowing there’s help around if I need
it.” She paused. “If I say ‘light the fire’ then you can consider
your job done. But
that, nothing else. If I scream

fry his ass’
then just
it, okay?”

Theo nodded. It wouldn’t be easy, but he
would - as always - be there for his personal Princess, up to and
including the moment when her Prince came. Or she did, if the guy
was any good at all.



Chapter Four

Some day my Prince will come...but not inside

Georgie heard the knock on the door and
tried to quell her racing heart. This was it, the moment she’d get
her first look at the hopefully-not-
idiot her father
had assigned to her as her future husband.

She crossed the room preparing for the
worst, since she placed little reliance on her father’s skills at

She opened the door - and caught her

Standing in front of her was every maiden’s
dream come true. Stunned, her jaw dropped as she let her gaze
travel over the six-foot-and-then-some of delectable male.

Curly dark hair fell to his shoulders,
brushing them softly. And nice firm shoulders they were, too.
Beneath them was a chest wide enough to make any girl drool,
especially since a good portion of it was revealed by a flowing
white shirt that wasn’t quite laced tight enough to hide his
well-defined pecs.

A trim waist followed, long muscular thighs
in tight black pants whispered of strength and hard riding, and
shiny boots completed the dramatic ensemble.

She whisked her gaze back up to his face,
noting the attractive stubble on his chin and the darkly luminous

He was sex-on-the-hoof, straight off the
cover of a romance novel - and he was all
. She stood
back, licked her lips and waved him in.

He smiled and entered, pushing the door
closed behind him with one firm hand. Then he spoke.


Georgie blinked.

“I’m Wiwwiam of Widdlewick. I beweive you
were expecting me?” He wandered around the room, taking some sort
of inventory.

“Er, yes. Hello. I’m Georgiana.” She
struggled to regain her wits.

He nodded. “Yes. They towd me you were
pwetty.” He glanced at her. “They were wight.”

“Would you care to sit down?” Georgie fought
to remember her manners.

“No, that’s awwight. We might as well get
stwaight to the fucking.” He looked hopeful. “I bwought a

“You did?” She gulped. “What sort of

“A book with pwetty pictures in it. Of
people doing things. Boy people and giwl people.”

“Oh. That’ll be a help, I’m sure.”

Prince William sighed. “Yes. For some weason
the women I’ve swept with seem to wike wooking at it first.”

No shit
. Georgie turned away, biting
her lip hard. “Er - have you swept...sorry...
with many

“Oh yes. Hundweds.”

?” She blushed. “I mean -

He wrinkled his handsome nose in thought.
“At weast ten.”


He tipped his head at the only painting on
her wall, a landscape of some fanciful and nonexistent tropical
island. “I wike awt.”


“Awt. Paintings. I paint, you know.”

“You do?”

“Yes. Would you wike to see one?” He reached
into the pocket of his shirt and pulled out a small miniature.

Curiously, Georgie walked to his side and
examined the little piece of porcelain. There were several daubs of
yellow and orange at the top and a harsh black line across the

“How...charming. And original.” Georgie
racked her brains. “I see you follow the surreal techniques. Or
would that be the Dadaist school?”

He laughed. “Oh no, I’m nothing wike
. Can’t stand my father.” He stroked his chin. “Of
couwse it’s going to be hard to weave Mummy...” He shrugged and put
the miniature away. “But perhaps you’d wike me to undwess?”

Without waiting for an answer, Prince
William began to diswobe. Sorry -
. As more and more
of his body was revealed, Georgie found her belly heating in spite
of her annoyingly prevalent need to laugh hysterically.

“Why don’t you wook at the book and I can
stwip?” He tossed his shirt aside and reached for his boots. “Then
I can take your cwothes off for you. That’s going to be wots of
fun, isn’t it?”

If he’d just shut the fuck up, perhaps
she could manage this.
Willingly, she moved to the bed and sat
down, idly riffling through the pages.

And blushing.

. She barely heard the sound
of the Prince’s boots as they hit the floor. Her eyes were wide,
gaze glued to the most erotically fantastic line drawings she’d
ever seen.
Why the fuck didn’t I get my hands on this when I was
in school?

Positions, techniques, things that had never
entered her mind - they were all there in black and white, tempting
her, luring her into a world of heated sex that turned her thighs
into sweaty and trembling useless appendages.

The Prince cleared his throat, distracting
her. With a frown she turned, only to find him standing in front of
her mirror, thus affording her not only the charms of his full
frontal nudity, but a very nice glimpse of his naked ass too.

His cock was quite presentable, all things
considered, since fortunately it didn’t have to say anything, just
perform as nature intended. She studied it, noting how it grew
under her gaze.

“Well? Do you wike my cock? Would you wike
to suck it for a wittle bit?”

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