Georgie and Her Dragon (9 page)

Read Georgie and Her Dragon Online

Authors: Sahara Kelly

Tags: #humor, #fantasy, #sex, #dragons, #princess

BOOK: Georgie and Her Dragon
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“For you...” She teased herself, gasping as
a nail abraded the hard peak.

Fuck yeah, oh - yeah
...” He caught
himself drooling heavily and swallowed. It wasn’t easy since his
throat rested heavily on the windowsill, but he managed it. He was
damned if he’d drown in his own spit at this point in the

Georgie’s hips swayed. “I like this, Theo. I
like it when you watch me. It’s...
, you know?”

He wanted to nod but couldn’t. He didn’t
have room. Knocking out the ceiling would have totally spoiled the

She didn’t seem to mind. “I can see myself
in your eyes. My reflection...” She moved a little closer and slid
one hand over her belly, delicately smoothing the skin, ringing her
cute little belly button with one finger and then closing her eyes
languorously. “God, this is good...”

Theo made some sort of strangled sound in
agreement. It was so good that if it got better his eyes might blow

It got better. Georgie’s hand slithered
south, inevitably finding her pussy and the pinkly wonderful magic
of her cunt. Or so Theo liked to think of it. Or - in all honesty -
how he
have thought of it if he’d been writing a
purplish-prose type romance novel. She smoothed the liquids around
making slippery slick noises that drove Theo’s wits clean out of
his skull.

His pouch was coldly sopping with the oozing
droplets of his own arousal. It would probably take a month of
flying around with his flap open to dry the fucking thing. He
didn’t care.

His tongue flopped down onto the floor.

Georgie, lost in her own erotic exercise,
ignored it. She’d found a place that made her pulse throb visibly
at the base of her throat and was now swaying in time to some
private music that only she could hear.

“Oh lord...” She strummed her clit, parting
the folds with two fingers, letting it come out and peep at Theo,
who peeped back.

It was - beautiful. Hard and pearlescent,
Georgie’s clit was a work of art no jeweler could have ever
duplicated. And clearly it was sensitive since she rubbed around
it, beneath it, beside it - but never quite on top of it.

“I’m feeling so good, Theo. So good.” She
whispered the words.

He was silent. There was nothing he could
say that would satisfactorily cover the emotions roiling through

Her muscles tensed and released, her hands
moved over her body and she let it all go, finding delight in her
own touch and the sharing of this moment with him.

“I’m imagining that this is
touching me, Theo. Your mouth - here - ”

Yeah. I want my mouth there. So

“Your arms around me, your fingers playing
with my nipples...”

I don’t have arms or fingers. Fuck it.
I’ll improvise

“Theo, I’m getting hot...”

No fucking shit, babe. I’m about to
create a thermal fusion reaction here

“I’m gonna
, Theo. Watch me come.
Tell me if you like what you see, Theo...”

Her hands moved faster now, with greater
intent, and as her fingers squeezed one breast Theo choked on his
own desire.

He held his breath, not willing to risk
interrupting this moment. He’d forgotten about the fairy, the spell
and that he was a dragon. All his years as a fire-breathing entity
went out the window.

Right now, he was just a simple male
watching his female pleasure herself.

She opened her eyes and stared at him. He
could feel her desires, sense her arousal, experience her peak as
it built slowly from her ass and crept over her like hot lava on a

“Now, with me...” Her face
crumpled as she teetered on the very brink...

And there was a loud

And the sudden light that erupted into the
room focused down onto one
irate fairy.



Chapter Five

You want that fairy regular or extra crispy?

” The word screamed out at
exactly the same moment from three different sources.

One was Georgie, caught with her fingers up
her cunt and trembling on the brink of orgasm.

Another was Theo’s brain, crying out with
desolation at the glimpse of paradise he was apparently to be

And the third was the fairy who stood - arms
akimbo - glaring at the two of them in fury. “You sneaky piece of
. You think you’re gonna work your way around
spell?” She narrowed her eyes at Theo.

“Who the fuck are you?” Georgie’s face grew
stern. “And where the fuck do you get off insulting

“Your dragon?” The fairy glanced at her.

fucking dragon? Who the fuck do you think made him a
dragon in the first fucking place?

Oh oh
. Theo blinked. Pissing off
Georgie like that was really
a good idea. He knew his
woman. Knew her temper and knew the signs. They were all there.

“Look here
twinkle toes
...” Georgie
crossed the room and loomed over the fairy, arms on her own hips,
sparks of anger in her eyes. “I dunno what all this is about, but
one of the stupid princesses. If what I
, and you’re the one behind it, you got a
lot to answer for. And calling
bitch is getting seriously
into pot-and-kettle territory.” She leaned in. “
wanna watch that foul mouth of yours.”

“Yeah. You tell her.” Theo would have
clapped if he’d had hands, or even a free claw at that particular

The fairy looked at him. “You make a shitty

He stared back at her. “And you ain’t
exactly aged well, toots. Got a few wrinkles and a couple grey
hairs going there...”

“Why you...” She opened her mouth only to
shut it when Georgie grabbed a wing.

“Look here, asshole. Just because you’re
some fancy fairy with a butt full of magic doesn’t mean this ain’t
gonna hurt when I rip it off and shove it where the moonlight never

Theo, unable to hold it back, snickered.

The fairy shuddered with seething fury, her
aura flashing brilliant red sparks as her temper exploded. “Take
your filthy hands off me, you human bitch.”

She yanked her wing out of Georgie’s grasp,
sucking in a breath as she left behind a sizeable quantity of fairy
dust. “He’s
dragon. I
him out of a horny
little jerk I met long before you were even a tickle in your idiot
father’s balls.”

She stalked to Theo. “And you,
...what the hell have you ever done to increase my
reputation? Did you go around moaning about how you were bewitched?
Ever complain about the incredible power of the fairy who cast the
spell? Did you try to find a wizard to un-bewitch you? Tell a
minstrel so he could make up a song about me?
She smacked him on the nose. “Nooooo. You had to go off and
a fucking dragon. You didn’t do a damn thing to make
look good, did you?”

“Holy fucking shit. It’s all about
, isn’t it? How come the fairy stories never make that
clear?” Georgie leaned back against the wall and crossed her arms.
“We’re supposed to go ‘
Oooh look, a fairy. Make magic, please,
oh powerful fairy
grant my wishes...’.”
She curled her
lip. “And now I realize the rest of the stories are about the
problems the frickin’ spells cause. And the fairies who caused

“Of course it’s about us.” The fairy glared
at them both. “What - you think it’s supposed to be about
? You out of your fucking
? Who the hell
would want to read stories about ordinary humans doing ordinary
things - like fucking each other’s brains out? What a goddamned

Theo watched the exchange with interest.
Temper was doing rather nice things to Georgie’s breasts as they
rose and fell with each indrawn breath, and her nipples stood out
like rosebuds. It was a lyrical thought and he lost himself in it
for a moment or two. Then a screech from the fairy brought him back
down to earth.

“You are
pissing me off.” She
planted her little fairy stiletto-heeled booties on the stone floor
and tossed her hair back over her shoulder.

Georgie lifted her chin. “Good. Because
you’re pissing me off too. And the way I figure it, if you turned
Theo into this dragon, then you gotta be a helluva lot older than
you look.” She glanced at Theo. “Whaddya think, babe...shall I cut
her leg off and count the rings? Find out how old she

“Er...” Theo wisely left it at that. He
hadn’t lived all these years without learning one or two things
about women.

The fairy had obviously had enough and a
nasty gleam entered her gaze as she stared at the naked beauty
before her. “Urgh.
I hate all of you, especially
the smart-mouthed ones.” She lifted her arms and pointed her hands
toward Georgie. “
Bitch thou art

Theo sighed. “Oh I don’t think so. Not

There was a fizzle, a snap, a crackle and a
. Followed by the faint smell of fried

Theo licked his lips. “
. Not
enough meat on her to make a decent in-between-meal snack.”

“Uh...Theo?” Georgie stared at him. “You ate
the fairy.”


“You’ve got fairy dust on your mouth.”

He grinned. “How about you wipe it off for
me? With your breasts?”

An odd look came into her eyes and then she
smiled. “I can do that.” She walked to him, heat radiating off her
in waves, cranked up by temper and arousal.

His heart thudded at twice its normal rate
(although being a dragon, there really were few statistics on
acceptable heart rates for his species). It got even faster when
two firm breasts pressed into his snout and moved, rubbing tiny
beaded nipples over the soft scales around his mouth and

“Shit, Georgie...”

She shuddered. “Double shit, Theo.” She
rubbed some more. “That feels...spectacular...”

He breathed carefully, letting gentle puffs
of warm air stroke her skin. “I wish this was my hand.” A breath
caressed her belly. “I wish this was my tongue, my mouth...”

Georgie parted her legs wide to feel his
whispers. “I wish that too.” She leaned against him, her hand
slicking downwards once more. “I wish your tongue could lick with me wild right here...” Her fingers dove
around her clit into her cunt and she slicked her honey around, the
scent coiling up into Theo’s nostrils and making him dizzy.

“I love you, Theo, dragon or not.” She
closed her eyes and stayed right up against his snout. She was
nearing her crest again, fingers moving slowly but inexorably over
her clit. “You’ve always been my friend, shared my life, never let
me down. You understand me, who I am, what I want. You’ve listened.
And now...taste me, Theo...”

A small hand smeared the sweetest moisture
around his mouth and Theo sucked it between his non-lips. “I love
you too, Georgie. I did from the first moment I saw you wrapped up
in a blanket. I couldn’t help it. You were my destiny.”

“I wish...oh lord...I wish...” Georgie’s
hand found her most erotic places. “I wish I could fuck you, Theo.
I’m thinking this should be your cock inside me. I want you so

He nudged one breast, carefully raking it
with the edge of a scale, loving the shiver that went through

“Oh...oh...Theo - I’m - I’m

Georgie’s cry rang loud in his ears and he
held his breath, awed by the sight of her bowed body arching toward
him, barely touching him but dominating his universe as she tensed
and closed her eyes.

He awaited her scream and closed his own
eyes, wanting to be in her mind, sharing everything with her as she
dropped off the highest cliff in the universe into an abyss of

There was a moment’s brilliance behind his
eyelids, some rather odd sensations in his body, a scream from
Georgie and then Theo felt the air whoosh past him as he fell with

And landed with a painful thud on her


The Ultimate Orgasm and Other Fantasies...

! There was a
lying facedown on her floor and moaning.

And what a man he was, too. Muscles writhed
just beneath his skin, shoulders broader than any knight’s shifted
as he tried to push himself up and a really nice ass bunched with
strength when he finally managed to shove himself to his knees.

His hair was darker than night, tumbling
past his shoulders in silken disarray. His eyes were green, shot
through with golden flecks and set between long black lashes. Dark
hair furred his chest, circling his flat nipples with little licks
of curls.

Georgie blinked. “

He breathed in, stood up and staggered a
little. Then smiled at her, a smile that was - in the flowery
phrases of fairy tales - a vision of sunlight drifting warmly over
her body.



He chuckled. “Just kidding, babe. Honest.”
He reached out one hand for her, keeping the other firmly on the
windowsill. “Hello.”

“Theo? Is it really

He nodded. “Yep. In the flesh.” His face
sobered. “Look, if you’re not interested in a kind of pimply-faced
dweeb, I’ll understand...”

. This was an “
I gotta
pinch myself
” kind of moment. Georgie flapped her mouth for a
second or two, trying to form words. She slapped herself upside the
head. He was still thinking of himself as the person he’d been so
long ago.

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