Read Get Bunny Love Online

Authors: Kathleen Long

Tags: #Romantic Comedy, #humor, #contemporary romance, #kathleen long

Get Bunny Love (25 page)

BOOK: Get Bunny Love
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Correction. Naked except for her bunny slippers. Her sexy as sin bunny slippers. Nate grinned. As if reading his thoughts, Bunny moved to kick off the fuzzy foot coverings. “Leave them.” Nate’s voice grew thick with need.

He gently lifted her onto the counter, and she trembled as he set her on the cold, smooth surface. She leaned back, bracing herself against the cabinets. Nate palmed her ample breasts, suckling one and then the other until Bunny writhed. He lifted his gaze to hers. Bunny’s vivid eyes blazed with desire, her skin flushed to a warm pink.

He pulled her to the counter edge, taking one firm nipple into his mouth, teasing the tip of her tender flesh between his teeth. She arched toward him, pressing her body to his lips. She wrapped her legs around him, feeding his arousal with white-hot excitement. Nate willed his body to wait, intending to pleasure Bunny as she’d pleasured him last night—fully, with nothing held back.

He trailed kisses down the smooth plane of her belly to the moist heat waiting between her thighs. He slipped one finger inside as he tasted, her body’s slick response ratcheting up his desire. His heart jackhammered against his ribs.

A guttural moan slipped from her lips, kicking his pulse to a frenzy. “Nate. Please.”

He slipped a second finger inside, slowly teasing, stroking, loving her. She white-knuckled the counter, her hips moving in a rhythmic dance to the beat of his touch. Bunny’s need and desire pushed Nate to the edge of his control, his erection pulsing painfully against the constriction of his trousers. He moved his free hand to her taut nipple, caressing the creamy flesh, toying his thumb across the swollen peak.

Bunny’s restraint broke, her body shuddering with orgasm. He stroked until her movements slowed, then trailed gentle kisses slowly up to the soft hollow at the base of her throat.

“Wow.” Her words spilled like thick molasses. “I’ll have to make you instant coffee more often.”

Nate laughed, sweeping her into his arms and giving silent thanks for the day Bunny’s chaotic presence had breezed into his life.


Two hours later, Bunny listened to the front door click shut. She lay tangled in the sheets, limp and spent. She hadn’t felt this much sexual pleasure in...well...forever.
Such sweet pleasure
. She let out a satiated sigh.

If she’d known making love to Nate would feel this great, she’d have jumped him during her interview—not that she hadn’t thought about it. She pulled her quilt to her chin, snuggling into the pillow. Somehow, she was fairly certain the waiting had made their lovemaking that much more...incredible.

A flicker of doubt traced its way through her. As incredible as he made her feel, Nate’s control tendencies ranked right up there with those of her parents. Goodness knew they’d be dancing a jig to know he’d captured her heart, but was Bunny a fool to fall for him?

She glanced at her bedside clock. Nine fifteen. Holy cow. How had that happened? She had one thousand dogs to wine and dine—or rather
and dine. She laughed at her own joke as she dragged her body out of bed, heading for the shower. It was time to put thoughts of Nate’s naked body out of her mind. She had to focus on The Worthington Cup.

. Talk about your day going to the dogs.


The elevator doors slid open. Nate stepped into the lobby of Bunny’s building and glanced at his watch. Nine fifteen. Damn. He’d planned to be out of here earlier than this. He chuckled. His tardiness had been for a very good cause, however.

“Nathan McNulty isn’t it? Martha’s nephew?”

Nate flinched, the deep male voice jarring him into focus. He smoothed a hand over his hair, wondering if he looked as though he’d just rolled out of bed. He turned toward the voice. Damn it all to hell. Thurston Monroe.

“Thurston.” Nate extended a hand. “Good to see you.”

The man raised a bushy white brow. “Early morning visit?”

“Yes.” Nate’s mind raced in a million directions. “I was just leaving. I stopped by. For a moment. To drop something off. To Miss Love.”

A slow grin spread across Thurston’s face. “I get the picture.”

“I’m sure you do,” Nate mumbled. Where was Bunny when he needed her? The woman could talk her way out of anything.

Thurston gave Nate a pat on the shoulder. “Good to run into you. We’ll see you tonight at The Worthington Cup party, I presume.” He shot Nate a condescending smile.

Nate nodded. “Looking forward to it.” He hurried into the cool October morning. Running into Monroe had been bad luck.
bad luck. Lord knew, the second Thurston repeated the conversation to Lovey Monroe, the society gossip lines would ring into action.

. Nate mentally berated himself. His carefully controlled persona had just gone straight to hell. Even worse, he needed to track down Melanie fast. He didn’t want her to hear this from anyone but him.


Nate stepped off the office elevator, doing his best to ignore his anxiety. He’d repeatedly failed to reach Melanie.
Damn it

The door to the conference room sat ajar. Bert had the plans for tonight’s cocktail party spread wide across the table. He looked up as Nate entered then propped his slipper-covered feet on one corner of the table.

Nate paused, narrowed his gaze, but chose to ignore Bert’s footwear.

“Late night?” Bert raised a pale brow.

“Had some things to take care of this morning.”

“Really.” Bert grinned, leaning onto one elbow. “I have a friend in Bunny’s building—on the same floor. I could have sworn I heard your voice in her apartment.” He leveled a grin at Nate. “Walls are like tissue paper in that place.”

Nate held his breath. Had they been heard? Had they been
? Warmth fired in his midsection. Hell, yes, they’d been loud. “Must have been a television set.” He shrugged nonchalantly.

“Amazing,” Bert chuckled. “Some actor has your identical voice.” He rubbed his chin. “You learn something new every day.”

Nate nodded to Bert’s feet. “Thought I told you to get rid of those things.”

“I chose not to listen.” Bert straightened.

Nate scrutinized the slippers, imagining Bunny’s fuzzy-footed legs locked around his hips during their lovemaking. He swallowed, tugging at his shirt collar. “Hot in here?”

“Not in the least.” Bert grinned, gesturing at Nate’s face. “Been drinking tea?”

Nate scowled. “Everything set for tonight?”

Bert tapped the layout for the cocktail party. “Perfect. Bunny’s on her way over there now.”

“Excellent.” Nate headed back toward the door, but stopped short. “The slippers can stay.” Heat flushed through his face, much to his chagrin.

“Thought you might change your mind.” Bert smirked, returning his focus to the table. “See you later on.”

Miss Peabody stopped Nate as he reached his office door. “Miss Brittingham’s been trying to reach you all morning.”

. “Would you ring her for me?”

“Too late. She’s got hair and nail appointments. Said she’d catch up to you at the cocktail party.”

“Fair enough.”

“She did say it was urgent that she speak to you.”

Dread and guilt battled in Nate’s stomach. His behavior during the past twenty-four hours had been totally out of character. Totally out of control. “What time did she call?”

“First thing.”

Nate nodded.

“Then again at eight-thirty, nine, and nine-thirty.” His secretary shot a disapproving glance over the top of her glasses. “I told her you must have been unexpectedly detained.”

“Great,” Nate mumbled as he pushed open his office door. “Just great.”




Cocktail party guests had begun to arrive in earnest. Bunny slapped away the nagging voice at the back of her brain that told her the evening would be a flop. All evidence suggested otherwise.

The work of the decorator she’d hired had been genius. Waist-high tables sat scattered in small groupings throughout the large space, each adorned with dog bone shaped arrangements of white tea roses. Strategically placed candelabra diffused warm light and the sweet aroma of freesia.

Bunny had done her best to encourage positive chi. A large grouping of plants sat tastefully arranged in the southeast corner. Ivory tulle draped the support pillars to counteract any negative energy caused by their sharp edges.

Her favorite decoration had nothing to do with feng shui and everything to do with fun. She pressed her fingers to her lips, attempting to hold back laughter. Pooch-high water stations, shaped like oversized martini glasses, offered a spring water pit stop for the discriminating—and parched—canine.

Kitty Worthington mingled with guests, Chablis and Chardonnay in tow. Bunny couldn’t decide which was more ridiculous, the dogs’ rhinestone-studded purple vests or Kitty’s black, safari-style pantsuit complete with wide-brimmed hat.

Bunny had to hand it to her. What the woman lacked in fashion sense, she made up in energy. From the day Bunny signed on with McNulty Events, Kitty had called daily for updates, doing everything possible to ensure a successful Worthington Cup.

As for Bunny, the balls of her feet screamed in the high-heeled sandals she’d worn to complement her new cocktail dress. She groaned. What she wouldn’t give to slide into her slippers right about now.

In a far corner, a polished couple and their Wheaten Terrier visited with Jeremy. At Bunny’s request, he’d set up an interactive demo of the voting they’d planned for the final show day.
The People’s Choice for Excellence
. Jeremy met her glance, tossing her a dramatic wink. She grinned. Maybe event planning wasn’t so terrible after all.

A laugh slipped from her lips. Who was she kidding? She’d sleep for a week after this was over. If she survived. She was amazed she’d pulled it off. Okay, so she’d sent her boss to the hospital—twice—and been trapped beneath a giant curtain. It could have been worse.

“Bunny?” Melanie’s soft voice captured Bunny’s attention. Instant apprehension surged through her veins. Maybe the worst was yet to come.

She turned, then her jaw fell open.

“What do you think?” Melanie’s pale blue gaze appeared cautious but hopeful.

“Wowza.” Bunny could barely believe her eyes. Melanie’s sequined cobalt sheath left little to the imagination. One thing was sure. Those pink Chanel suits hadn’t done the woman justice.

“How’s my energy?”

“Smoking.” Bunny moved her head in a slow shake then let out a low whistle. “That’s some transformation.”

“I owe you.” Melanie gripped Bunny’s hands. “You gave me the courage to try this. You’re a real friend.”

Bunny swallowed. Her stomach fell to her toes. A real friend. Right. A real friend who slept with your boyfriend. “Uh, Melanie?”

“Have you seen Nate?” Melanie surveyed the room, never letting go of Bunny’s hands. “I’ve been trying to reach him all day. For some reason he wasn’t at work this morning.”

Because he was ravaging me on my kitchen counter
. Bunny blinked. What had she been thinking? She’d slept with this woman’s boyfriend. Chemistry or not, she’d messed up royally.

“I have to find him.” Melanie tugged at the short hem of her dress. “You sure I look okay?”

“Yes.” Bunny nodded reassuringly. “Can I talk to you for a second?”

Melanie flashed a wide smile, her confidence sparkling for a change. “After I find Nate, okay?” She sashayed away.

Bunny grimaced. How could she have slept with Nate? Okay. In all fairness, she had wanted to.
wanted to. And the mind-numbing sex had made her forget Melanie existed.

Melanie and Nate

Had he talked to Melanie? Broken things off? Did he plan to? Why hadn’t she thought to ask?

Because you were otherwise preoccupied

Her heart lurched, dread puddling in her stomach. Surely Nate wouldn’t go through with the engagement.
? She longed to see his face to know she hadn’t made a terrible mistake.

Martha McNulty entered, giving Bunny a polite wave from across the room. Thurston and Lovey Monroe followed close behind. Lovey tapped Martha on the shoulder and the two women exchanged air kisses. Next thing Bunny knew, the trio stood deep in conversation.
. Just what she needed. Something
to worry about.

Thurston’s mouth moved and Martha shot a glare in Bunny’s direction. Talk about negative energy. The gnawing pit in Bunny’s stomach morphed into a black hole.

Suddenly, the perfect Whine and Dine didn’t seem so perfect after all.

“Bunny.” Tilly tapped her shoulder.

“You made it.” Relief dripped from Bunny’s words.

“You look like you could use a drink.” Concern filled Tilly’s eyes. “Everything okay?”

Bunny nodded. “Where’s Bert?”

“Stuck at the office.”

Bunny glanced again at Martha who now stared openly, a frown plastered across her flawless features.

“A drink sounds great.” Bunny grabbed Tilly’s elbow, pulling her toward the bar. Anything to move out of the line of fire.


“She’s a charlatan,” Thurston snarled.

“Well, yes, she does love her feng shui,” Lovey chirped.

“No.” Thurston paused for a beat. “She’s a flake. A fruitcake. A fraud.”

That got Martha’s attention. “What do you mean, she’s a fraud?”

“She’s no event planner.” He shook his perfectly coiffed head. “I often wonder why you hired her. To the best of my knowledge, she’s got zero experience.”

“My nephew tells me she’s well known. Had her own business.”

“Designing logos for entrepreneurial wannabes. You call that event planning?”

Anger simmered in Martha’s chest. Had Bunny Love deceived Nate? Or had Nate lied? “Perhaps you’re mistaken, Thurston.”

“No,” Lovey chimed in. “I believe Thurston’s correct. The girl spent most of her days rearranging the lobby furniture.”

Martha’s impatience grew. She needed to extract herself from this conversation—and quickly.

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