Going Nowhere (19 page)

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Authors: K. M. Galvin

BOOK: Going Nowhere
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“Fuck you, Jason. If you’re going to be like this, I’ll just hang up and talk to you tomorrow when you’ve had a chance to calm down.”

We were both quiet for a minute, listening to each other breathe. I closed my eyes and brought my fist to my forehead, beyond annoyed. This is the first time I’ve heard from him all day, first time in a long time I’ve actually heard his voice and we were fighting. My breath hitched as I fought getting really upset.

“Mari?” He said quietly into the phone.


“I’m sorry I panicked. It’s unreasonable for me to expect you to answer every time, let alone for you to answer when I call my sister’s phone. I know I need to get over my fears, I don’t want to stifle you with them.”

“I’m sorry I caused you to panic and yelled at you. I’m sorry I danced with that rando-guy for les
s than a minute.”

“Yeah, about that.” Uh oh, his voice sounded hard again.

“It didn’t mean anything, it was like for a second. I was dancing with Emily and he just came up behind me.” I said quickly silently berating myself for even bringing it up. Genius move, Marisol, for God’s sake.

“I’m not mad at you. I just don’t like other guys even looking at you, let alone touching you when I can’t be there.” He grumbled.

“Jealousy is ridiculous at this point, babe. I’m stupid over you.” I laughed.

“Can’t help it. And I’m stupid for you too. Obviously considering the past hour.”

We both laughed and then settled in to talk about our days. We chatted for about an hour, him telling me about the show tonight and me filling him in on Mikey helping me cook dinner and his first sleepover. I was yawning continuously when we decided to call it a night.

“I wish I was there with you.” He whispered, his voice deepening to sexy gravel.

“I wish you were too. I miss you.” I whispered back. I so badly wanted to tell him I would see him this coming weekend, but I wanted to surprise him more.

“I miss you too. Get some sleep, baby. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”


“Night.” I waited like some lovesick simpleton for him to hang up first. He was turning me soft. I hung up the phone and threw an arm over my eyes, exhaling loudly. What a night.




The next morning I woke up and brewed a pot of coffee. I wanted to chew out Emily about last night. Mainly the parts where she was a brat on the phone to Declan and left me to get my ass handed to me by Jason. Making a cup for her and myself, I walk down the hallway and open her door.

She was still in the same position I left her in last night. Sitting on the bed cross-legged next to her I began to wake her up like Kayla used to do to me. Which was tapping her head and saying her name over and over and over again.

Revenge made me juvenile.

“Ugh, go away!” She moaned, flailing an arm in my general direction. I just snickered and kept up the tapping.

“Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey!” I said in a singsong voice.

“You have eggs and bacon ready?” She mumbled, sitting up. I winced at her appearance. Girl was looking rough.

“Well, no. Are you even able to eat that after how much you drank? But I do have coffee! And we’re going to have us a nice talk and then you are going to shower because you look like a hot mess.” I smiled widely and handed her the coffee. She took it carefully and I let her take a few sips before I lit into her. “You conscious yet?”

“Barely.” She winced, putting a hand on her forehead.

“Awesome! So why don’t you explain to me what’s going on with you and Declan?” She just shrugged and continued sipping her coffee.

“Uh, no. You owe me. You were screaming at him on the phone last night and then I had to listen to him chew me out after you pissed him off. We also scared the crap out of Jason so you better call him this morning and talk to him.” She rolled her eyes.

“There’s nothing going on with Declan and I. And as for Jason, I’ll call him
, but he really needs to stop worrying. A car could hit us with him here. It’s not like he could stop it.”

“Ok, true, but maybe don’t lead with that when you talk to him.
” I reason, trying not to laugh. “Try to be sensitive and stop trying to distract me. Something is going on with you and Declan. You put way too much energy into ignoring him and he watches every single move you make when you’re in the same room.” I said in a knowing voice, but she just shrugged again, avoiding eye contact.

“Emily!” I say exasperated. 

She exploded. “What do you want me to say, Mari? I loved that fucking idiot since I was a child, but he never returned it. He was so supportive during my pregnancy and then I gave birth and ‘poof!’ He disappears! He would avoid me at all costs; treat me like a leper. I have to put on a good face because he’s Jason’s best friend. Has been since I can remember. But I can’t stand him anymore, he made me feel awful about myself and I’m done.” She had tears in her eyes now and it made me feel like a total bitch for bringing it up.

“How is he with Mikey?” I asked, fearing
that he snubs my Little Man. My hackles were already rising at the thought. She snorted and waved her hand dismissively.

“He loves him. Absolutely loves him and Mikey loves his Uncle Declan too. It’s only me that’s repulsive.” She said sadly.

“You’re not repulsive! I don’t know what his problem is, but I’ll have a talk with him if you’d like.” I drew her into a hug.

“No, leave it alone.” She let out a tired sigh. “Will you get me my phone, might as well get this phone call over with.” I leaned over and grabbed her phone out of her purse and handed it to her.

I got up to give them a little privacy and went out into the kitchen to make us some breakfast, something light so we wouldn’t get sick. Sometime later I heard her shuffling towards me. I put the cereal and toast in front of her as she held out the phone to me, still not speaking. It would seem we’ve entered the zombie portion of our hangover, I thought snickering.

Cradling the phone between my shoulder and ear, I pretend to take a picture with my hands of Emily and grin when she flicks me off
. Giggling I say hello to Jason.

“Morning, baby.” He said in a sleep-roughened voice. I felt myself clench at the sound and I bit my lip.
I need his voice recorded.

“Good morning, did we wake you up?” I looked over to make sure Emily was eating and then took my phone call in to the guest room.

“Yeah, but it’s ok, I wanted to hear from her too.” I closed my eyes and shivered. His voice was driving me nuts. I must have let out a little sound because in an even lower voice he asked me, “What are you doing, baby?”

“You’re morning voice is driving me nuts. It ma
kes me think of the times you would wake me up after I slept over.” I whispered, a little embarrassed at how quickly I got turned on. I heard him let out a growl on the other end of the line and I shuddered. “How you made me feel. How you’d make me want you so bad.” I let out a little moan, closing my eyes and imagining his hands on me.

“Go into the guest room and shut the door.” He commanded roughly.

“Already there. The minute I heard your voice I got turned on and didn’t want Emily to notice.” I say, settling back on the bed. I couldn’t believe we were doing this but I missed him.

“Take off your clothes.” He ordered. I was way ahead of him as I slipped naked in between
the covers. “Are you wet, baby?”

I let my hand travel languidly down my body, hissing as it made contact with my nipples until finally I covered myself and ran a finger down the seam, jerking a little at the touch. “So wet.” I whispered to him.

“Fuck.” He gritted out, I heard some rustling on the other line and his heavy breathes. “My cock is so hard for you right now, Mari. What would you do if you were here?” I slipped two fingers inside of me and began pumping them in and out slowly, teasing my clit at the same time with my thumb, imagining that they were his fingers.

“I’d grip your cock in my hand and stroke you until you were about to come and then I’d back off. Leaving you on the brink
, ready to explode all over my stomach. You’d like that wouldn’t you? Marking me like that?” I teased. I didn’t know where this sexy kitten came from, but if his moans were any indication I think we both liked her. “Then I would settle myself over you so my wetness would cover your cock and begin riding you, so slowly. I would drive you insane with how slow, but when I let you come, you would explode from the pleasure. Can you feel how hard I’m gripping you?” I whispered. “What would you do to me?” My fingers started working furiously inside me, my thumb joining the motions by circling my clit. I was already so close and I could hear how close he was, his breath coming in short, heavy spurts.

“I would suck your breasts until your nipples were that beautiful rose color that they become after I kiss them. I love that color, baby. Your whole body turns that shade when you’re about to come. I would kiss my way down your body, wet, biting
kisses all over your stomach and thighs and then I would devour your pussy until you were screaming my name and drenching the sheets with your come.” He growled the last part and I could tell he was coming. “Fuck! Marisol!” He groaned out.

That sent me over the edge and I tried to be quiet, conscious of Emily being just down the hall, but I couldn’t hold back the cry of pleasure as the pull in my belly exploded into a consuming heat.
Grabbing a pillow, I cried into it hoping it muffled my cries of pleasure as they ripped from my throat. For several moments we both were quiet as we recovered. Then Jason huffed out a low laugh.

“I would be embarrassed if I didn’t know you just came too. Why haven’t we been doing that since I left? I walk around all day wit
h a hard on at just the mention of your name. Taking it into my own hands was nothing compared to that.” He chuckled again.

I smiled
, “I know what you mean.”

“You’ve been fucking yourself, Marisol, while you think of me?” He groaned out. “God, I’m already hard again. I can’t wait to see you. I’m locking us in a room for days.” I rolled my eyes, though secretly I agreed.

“It’s not the same, I think my body only responds to you now.” I mused and it was true. Every time I tried, I got aroused, but could never push myself over that edge.

“Fucking right it does.” He said in a guttural voice. “That pussy is mine.”  Hello, caveman!
It’s so backwards and misogynistic, but damn if that doesn’t work on me. I’m sick over this guy.

“Jesus, Jase, do not start this up again. I can’t have a phone sex marathon! Your sister’s in the other room, not to mention I’m using her cell phone.” And just like that, it was like a bucket of cold water dumped on me. Mentioning sisters usually had that effect.

“Sorry, baby. I can’t wait to see you, I miss your face.” He sighed.

“I miss your face too, but I’ve got to go get ready for the day. More wedding stuff with Bridezilla.”

“Kayla still trying to do a wedding in six months?” He said, amused.

“She’s an idiot for trying. I have a fitting to go to today and then we are going to a cake tasting so at least I have that to look forward to.”

“Yeah, Declan is flying home in a couple weeks for a fitting for a tux.”

“That’s right! He’s in the wedding party too. Hell yes, I won’t be alone!” I crowed, excited to have my partner in crime to suffer through pictures with.

“You and him are close, huh?” He asked in a weird voice.

“Yeah, he’s great.” I drawled, knowing where this was going.

“Mmm hmm.”

“You’re not jealous are you?” I asked sarcastically.

“No, in fact I’m pretty happy that my best friend and my girl get along so well. I’m just wondering if I should find a suit to wear.” Then it dawned on me.

“Jase, you were always going to the wedding. That was a forgone conclusion. You would be going even if we weren’t together-together. You’re the Simon to my Garfunkel. We’re a team.”

“Good. Listen, before I let you go, I told Emily about how far you’ve gotten with your writing and she wants to talk to you about it!”

“Dammit Jason! You gossip more than a group of Southern women after church!”

“What? I can’t hear you!” He made static noises. “Got to go! Talk to you soon, baby!”

“Jason! You suck!” I yelled over his static noise and laugh
ter. I hung up on him when he started snorting; I glared at the phone.

Dammit! I didn’t want Emily to read what I’ve written; she was an actual writer.

Resigning myself, I walked back out to the kitchen to find Em on her computer. “Hey, here’s your phone.” She looked up at me with a smirk.

“Do I need to bleach it?” She asked amused, I immediately turned bright red.

I can’t believe she heard.

I couldn’t believe she’d bring it up if she heard.

Wait a second; yes I could believe she’d do that.

“Emily!” I yelled, covering my face in embarrassment. Awful.

“Marisol!” She mimicked, and then cracked up. “I was just teasing you, but considering that reaction maybe I should sanitize this baby.” She said looking at her phone.

I peaked through my fingers, “You suck.” She just grinned triumphantly at me. Rolling my eyes, I sat back and began to eat my now cold toast. Gross. Turning back to Em, I saw she was staring pretty intently at me and I started to squirm. “What are you staring at, weirdo?” 

“Jason tells me you’ve got a good amount written for your book.”

I groaned, “You guys are constantly playing that game telephone, how else do you completely distort this shit? I’ve been keeping a diary of sorts, not writing a book and yes I have written a lot. You guys stress me out so I take it out on my poor computer.”

“How much?” She asked, raising a brow.

“A lot. Why? Still on the whole wanting
-to-read-it thing?”

“Yes, let me read it, Mari! Please!”
She pleaded.

“Nope!” My lips popping on the
‘p’. I took a big spoonful of cereal and glared at her, pointing my spoon. I meant business.

“Come on! I think it’s interesting! Let me read it!” She whined and began repeating herself until I thought the veins in my forehead would explode.

“Ugh fine, ok. Just-just stop making that horrible whiney voice, its God awful.”

“Can I see it now?” She asked excitedly, bouncing in her seat a little like
the freaking child that she was.

“No. I don’t have it with me. I’ll email it to you when I get home. I should leave now actually. I have to get to Kayla’s for more bridal torture. I’ll see ya, Monday, Squirt.” I said, dropping my dish in the sink and ruffling her hair as I walked by her.

“You have an inch on me, bitch!” She yelled from behind me.

“Still counts!” I laughed.


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