Good Girl (Playroom) (49 page)

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Authors: Erica Chilson

BOOK: Good Girl (Playroom)
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“Argh!” Strike one licks flames up my ass and down my thighs.

“Count them, say, ‘One, Mr. Kline. Thank you, sir, may I please have another?’ Repeat this every swat. If you fuck up, we begin again. Ten,” he declares.

“Ugh! No fair,” I bitch when Auggie
hits me with a second swat. “I didn’t get to reply to the first one.” “Rat-bastard,” I hiss when he hits me again. The next hit is to my thighs. I curse like a deranged pirate. Why did I wear this tiny dress? It offers no protection. I should have worn jeans.

“Four, Mr. Kline. Thank you, s
ir, may I please have another?” I repeat Auggie’s phrase when he swats me again.

“No, Monster,” Auggie
hits me harder and I release a blood curdling scream. My fingernails bite into the armrest, curling into claws. “Start at the beginning with one. Those don’t count because you aren’t following directions. We will do this until you do this right.” Auggie’s voice is filled with anticipation, lust, and a slight edge of guilt.

Yes, sir, Mr. Kline, sir,” I sarcastically say like I’m saluting a drill sergeant. I roll my eyes and Malcolm scowls at me. Shockingly, Lang is leaning forward, his violet eyes glowing with excitement- interesting.

“NO!” I shout, and quickly add, “Mr. Kline?” making it sound like a question to cover up my fuck-up.

Auggie laughs deep in his chest and rubs my now bare ass. “Yes, Monster? What do you need?”

“I need my panties
back, sir,” I complain.

“Too bad,” Auggie
barks out and swats me.

“One, Mr. Kline. Thank you, S
ir, may I please have another?” I close my eyes and quiver. My ass and thighs are already inflamed. I moan when Auggie rubs my behind in his big palms. Every touch stings, but soothes at the same time. By the time we reach hit five or six, I can barely remember the words to repeat the phrase. I fuck up on seven and say six again. The next time we’re back to one. My mind is scrambled and I’m ashamed to admit, my arousal is dripping down to my knees in a steady stream.

“Mmm… Monster, you smell so good. It’s driving me crazy. You better get this next set right or I may get impatient and accidently swing my hit on this pretty cunny of yours. I’ve dreamed of nothing else since the other night. I know you were pissed that Nina sucked my coc
k, but I was testing myself,” Auggie admits and hits me again.

I bellow for what feel
s like minutes. My skin feels tight and hot to the touch. The sting has evolved into a full-fledged burn of hellfire. I’m shaking with tears flowing down my eyes. I whimper as Auggie kisses my ass cheeks and…

“Oh My
God,” I scream bloody-murder as an orgasm tears through me when Auggie’s tongue slides down my slit. Another hit fires off and I immediately reply like a robot, “Eight, Mr. Kline. Thank you, sir, may I please have another?” while I’m still in the throes of my orgasm.

My legs forcefully quiver, making my body vibrate. The throne is rocking under the involuntary movement of my body. Orgasm or not, Auggie doesn’
t stop his assault on my body. His firm, large lips suckle my click and flick the tip with his tongue.

“Jesus, Auggie,” unbiddenly spills from my lips and he chuckles against my body, firing off another wave of mini-orgasms.

The next two hits, I unthinkingly repeat that annoying phrase. I promise myself that I’ll never say it again for the rest of my life. I’ll respect Auggie, even if it’s utter bullshit. I’ll just think the insult.

I’m never going to sit down again. I won’t survive this.
My ass and thighs will forever be a reminder of the Monster that I am. The redness and pain will remind me to always be Mr. Kline’s Good Girl.

In the throes of orgasm and agony, I’d forgotten about the
Every eye is on me. It’s creepy that Malcolm is watching- not really watching, more like staring intently at my face. One saving grace, I can still see my brother’s feet on his rack of torture, so he isn’t witnessing my shame. But Robbie’s sadistic bitch came over to watch. The creepiest is Langdon. He kneels near my head, watching everything with great interest. His breath is sawing in and out of his parted lips, his vibrant eyes glow the color of Irises.

“I think you just e
arned that nickname, Spanky,” Lang breathes in my ear. You’d expect his words to be a tease, but he’s serious.

“Ah-” I breathe to him. “Which arouses you, being the spanker or the spankee?”

“Spanker,” Lang’s breath hitches. “You have a fine ass, Spanky,” he groans. “You have no idea how red it is right now. It’s so fucking gorgeous,” he huskily growls in that rockstar gravelly voice.

“Um- thank you,” I swallow out and look to Malcolm for direction.

“Can I kiss her,” Lang eagerly asks Auggie.

“No,” Auggie clips out
, and instantly Malcolm is dragging Langdon back to the settee. “You can ask her on a date and earn that kiss. But don’t touch Willow like this until I’ve seen your work.”

“Yes, s
ir,” Langdon says with a creepy, anticipatory smile.

“Do I get any say in this?” I mumble in a panic.

“Sure, you can say yes or no to that date. Regardless of your answer, Langdon will be spanking this ass eventually.” Auggie smirks and softly pats me.

I whimper in pain and Auggie
coos at me. The grinding sound of his zipper whips my head around. Auggie’s taking the Beast out. I stare in a state of aroused horror as I look at that creature angling towards my body- it’s purple and swollen beyond comprehension. Every vein strains against the surface of his skin. The flared head is as big as a plum. It’s grotesquely beautiful, and he has to be in pain.

strokes it, his head falling lax as a guttural moan spills from his parted lips. I close my eyes over the sound that ignites every nerve in my body. I need to be the reason he makes that noise. I glorify in the fact that I’ve never heard Auggie moan like that for anyone but me… he did for Robbie that one time, but I’m okay with that.

“Aaaahhhh…” I scream wh
en Auggie spanks me with the Beast- his hard length, scalding hot against my abused flesh, leaves silky wetness behind. “I refuse to say that fucking saying,” I snarl and the Playroom erupts in laughter. “Fuck you,” I hiss at them all like a crazed animal.

“I don’t think you learned your lesson, Monster. You seem awfully domineering for a submissive little good girl. What do you think?”
Auggie asks everyone.

They scream a litany of horrible suggestions for my disres
pect. The worst suggestion is another round of spankings- Isis. My ass hurts so badly that I couldn’t live through it. Nina, the cocksucktress, screamed that I take the Beast up the ass. I go crazy in my binds. No fucking way.

“Easy,” Auggie calmly says and puts a comforting palm to the small of my back. “I won’t hurt you, Willow. Trust me on the spanking. You’ll see why this will feel good in a second. I’d never do that to your tiny ass without months of preparation. Calm,” he soothes.

“You guys are mean,” Auggie snickers. “They’re just fucking with you,” he placates me. 

“Not all of them,” I mumble and glare at Nina. She wasn’t fuckin
g with me. Isis was, though. Isis’ next suggestion was another tongue bath, and I forgave her instantly.

alcolm, Willow disrespected you in your own home in front of your kids and friends, you pick,” Auggie offers as a suggestion.

grandly smiles- lips parting, showing bright white, sharp teeth. His eyes flick to Auggie’s. “Lang gets his kiss,” he seriously says.

“No!” Auggie hisses.

“Yes, Augustus, you gave me the choice. Now it will be a kiss for the duration that you fuck Willow. Hmmm… choices, choices- do you fuck Willow fast so that Landon can’t kiss her for long or do you do it slowly so you get the most pleasure. Think quickly,” Malcolm orders.

“Ugh,” I grunt when the Beast buries half its length in my quivering pussy. Auggie starts fucking me like a madman. He doesn’t go in far, but his thrusts are rapid and sharp, each time pushing more length in than the last pass.
The throne rocks on its feet, the rough sound loud in my ears.

oooohhhhh,” I groan. “I get it. Oh… that’s so good.” Everyone laughs at how ridiculous I sounded when I figured out what Auggie meant. His torso hits my ass cheeks with every thrust. The massage enlivens my tortured nerves. The sweet pain fires off pleasure deep inside my pussy. My eyes slip shut, my mouth falls lax, and every muscle in my body luxuriates in the pleasure Auggie masterfully administers.

Soft lips touch mine, asking for permission. My tongue sneaks out and tastes Langdon’s bottom lip. I groan for a combination of reasons- Lang’s spicy taste eclipse the assault on my crazed pussy and abused ass.

Langdon kisses me at complete odds with Auggie’s vaginal assault. Slow, smooth glides of Lang’s tongue over mine. Sultry brushes over my inflamed nerves. When I try to suck Lang’s tongue into my mouth, he backs off and retreats. His hair tickles my face and I pull on my restraints as a strong craving to run my fingers through Lang’s hair screams through me.

“Ugh!” I grunt into Lang’s mouth. Auggie
, refusing to be ignored, slaps my ass and pushes the Beast into me to the hilt. “Fuck,” I groan as my orgasm hits me without a buildup. My body seizes and writhes, guttural moans emanate from my chest and throat. Within seconds Auggie is joining me- firing scalding liquid as deep as he can go into my womb. My body eagerly milks at Auggie’s cock as he brands me as his- owns me in front of the guy I was curious to date. Auggie loudly declares his intentions- as loud as his bellow.

“Willow,” Auggie screams, echoing the haunting tone around the

“If you fuck anyone el
se, you will use protection,” Auggie growls his warning into my ear, his chest arching over my back. “I will always shoot deep into you, Willow. One time you may be a day late getting that fucking shot… and then you are mine… forever,” he menacingly warns.

I speechlessly lay there
with Langdon sprawled in front of me in a weird state of bliss. Malcolm stares into my eyes. Malcolm heard every word Auggie whispered. I echo the thoughts written across his face.
You better be hyper-vigilant with those shots until you’re ready. Auggie’s not fucking around.

“I failed my test, or maybe you’d see it as passing
… Yes, I can get turned on by someone else. I can even enjoy the play and orgasm. But now that I know what it feels like to have you in my bed, in my life, the play was fucking empty, Monster- empty pleasure. Watching you flirt, taunting me, acting out like my monster should, amped me up. Punishing you is the most fulfilling thing I do. Fucking you is pure bliss...” Auggie’s breath shudders against my ear. “I know you know the difference. Shut your emotions off from me for as long as you can, because the moment you allow yourself to feel for me what you already feel, we’ll both be caught...”


~Chapter Fifty~

“Chocolate cake,” I arch a brow at my sister. “Out of all the recipes in the world, y
ou thought I’d need this,” I incredulously say, “Over say… mac ‘n cheese?”

“Who the hell is this secret admirer?” Clover bursts out in a panic
, her hands gripping the edge of the countertop, fingers forming claws. “It’s every day now. At first it was once a week, then every few days. Once I didn’t give them what they wanted and it became a daily occurrence, with threats of several times a day.”

I laugh, I can’t freakin’ help it. I get a stich in my side from giggling. Lesson one, don’t disobey a man like Malcolm, you’ll regret the punishme
nt he uses to make you submit. “Making a lot of donuts, aren’t ya?” I snicker.

“Yeah… why?” Clover’s
blue eyes are so spooked that I want to tell her the truth. “That’s the daily thing now. I have to give them donuts by five a.m. Now there are singular deserts, too, like pie and shit.”

“Just food demands?” I prompt.

“No! Look,” Clover yanks me to the pantry and opens the door.

“Whoa…” I whisper in awe. “Why do you have
professional bakery supplies?” The huge pantry is stocked with mixing bowls, pans,
, and utensils. It’s impressive. I bite my lip against the smirk that threatens to erupt. I fall in love with Malcolm in an instant- he’s the perfect dad to the perfect mom. Malcolm wants Clover to be happy, and the community would benefit from it, too. The message is clear- Malcolm wants Clover to cook for her profession.

“I get something new every time
. This morning it was a cake pan inside a sturdy box with a note attached. Here,” Clover shoves the note in my hands. Her poor fingers tremble.

Lucky Clover,

The lemon meringue pie was delicious. Everyone says your donuts are the best they’ve ever eaten. I agree, and I’ve had a lot of donuts in my time. My newest request: This evening by six p.m. I need your famous chocolate cake. I’ve heard a lot about this cake. In fact, someone very dear to my heart said it was pure heaven. You must teach Willow to make the cake. She is to make it all on her own. Her love is to infuse the sweet treat. Thank you, Clover!

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