Take Me: The Complete Series (Power Play #1-4)

BOOK: Take Me: The Complete Series (Power Play #1-4)
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Take Me

The Complete Series

Power Play


Kelly Harper



TAKE ME: THE COMPLETE SERIES copyright 2014 by Kelly Harper

TAKE ME: THE COMPLETE SERIES is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental. All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author.

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Table of Contents




Take Me: Part 1

Take Me: Part 2

Take Me: Part 3

Take Me: Part 4

Black: Part 1 Teaser

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Take Me: Part 1

Take Me

Part 1

Power Play


Kelly Harper



Chapter 1

“9 am. Don’t be late.”

I grin at my phone when I see the text message appear.

“What’s going to happen if I am? Are you going to punish me?”

“I just might.”

“Can’t you get in trouble for texting your new employee that way?”

“I’m the boss, no one gets me in trouble.”

“You better watch out, boss man, cuz there’s a new sheriff in town.”

“LOL. Bring it… at 9am tomorrow.”
The grin on my face spreads even wider.

“I’ll be there.”

I can feel my smile stretching from ear to ear as I set the phone on the bar. I take another sip of the Scotch sitting in front of me. Immediately I’m cringing as the amber liquid burns its way down my throat. I sputter a little, but at least this time I’m able to hold back my cough. I’m not sure what Daddy ever saw in the stuff, but it was his favorite.

My phone buzzes again.

“And wear something nice. I have a surprise.”

My brow furrows as I text,
“What kind of surprise?”

“It’s something you’re going to enjoy.”

“I enjoy a lot of things.”

“This is something you’ve never done before.”

“You’re going to be my first?”
I can’t help but tease him.

“We both know I won’t be your first. ;)”

“What is it?!”

“You’ll see. Don’t be late.”

I bite my lip as I respond,
“I can’t wait.”

Declan Cross.

My father’s protégé and my soon-to-be new boss. He likes to think of himself as some kind of corporate hotshot Sex God who spends his days making deals in the boardroom and his nights with whatever strumpet is the flavor of the week. But really he’s more like the big brother I never had.

Though I don’t think big brothers are supposed to be that sexy and flirty.

We’d always had a very playful relationship, even if he was nearly ten years older than me. Ten years had seemed like a lifetime when I was in high school, but now that I had finished college it isn’t all that bad. He’s always been the kind of guy who put his career first, who never wanted to settle down because there was always something bigger and better on the horizon. I had lost count of the number of girls I’d seen draped on his arm a long time ago. But I never judged him for the way he acted. That’s just who he is.

He is fun to flirt with, probably because he is good at it. Really good at it. But we never let things go too far between us. Especially not after my dad got sick and passed away just before I graduated high school. His death had been unexpected, and I had been a complete wreck. Declan hadn’t hesitated to jump in and assume the role of the big brother I never had. I didn’t know it at the time, but he had been the knight in shining armor that every little girl dreams will come rescue her.

Despite the fact that I had already accepted a full ride scholarship to Harvard, I know I never would have made it to Cambridge if Declan hadn’t been there to get me through. He’d really been there for me when I needed anything, even if it was a kick in the ass to jumpstart my life again. I’d done my four years in Harvard’s business school, determined to make something of my life, determined to do something that would have made my father proud.

And now, here I am. Back home in New York City. Ready to pick up right where Daddy left off. Ready to really start my life. Ready to take on the world.

I stare at the glass tumbler sitting in front of me. It’s my own little celebration before starting my new job at the Barnes Media Group, the very same company my father started when I was just a baby.

I raise the glass and give it a long look, the melting ice shifts around inside as I do.

“Here’s to you, Daddy,” I say. And I drink the rest of what’s left. This time I cough a little as I set the glass back on the bar.

I don’t make a habit of going out to bars and drinking alone. But tonight is special because it’s the last night before starting my new job. Unfortunately I only know a grand total of two people in New York City, and both of them are busy tonight. Declan is stuck at work, and my roommate Tawny is pulling one of her night shifts at the hospital. I wasn’t about to let that get me down, though, so I decided to treat myself to a few drinks.

I’m still sitting there, tracing my finger around the rim of the glass and thinking about how my new life in the city is going to be when a guy slides onto the stool next to me. I let out a soft groan and force myself not to make eye contact with him. He could have sat anywhere in the whole bar, but he decided to sit right next to me. I already know there’s only one thing on his mind, and it’s not what I’m looking for.

“Looks like I’m in time for the show.” His voice is thick and deep, and he has a British accent that catches me completely off guard.

“What show might that be?” I ask, levelly. My eyes are still fixed on the empty glass in front of me, not wanting to give him any reason to stick around.

“A pretty girl like you sitting here alone, of course. I bet there’s going to be a line of guys trying to get your number.” He pauses for a second, then adds, “I’m going to enjoy watching you turn them all down.”

My brow furrows. A line of guys? I’ve never had a
of guys
asking for my number. Ever. I’m just wearing a simple black dress and my makeup is half-assed. I’m here to have a pleasant little evening, not to find someone to take home with me.

But that accent… There’s no harm in having a little fun. I’ll play along.

I finally look up at him, and my breath hitches in my chest. He’s one of the hottest guys I’ve ever seen. No. He
the hottest guy I’ve ever seen. I mean, he’s no Gerard Butler, but I haven’t had the chance to meet Gerard Butler… yet. But this guy will do for now.

His hair is brown, but tinged to a near blond at the tips, somehow matching his deeply tanned skin. It’s tousled and disheveled in such a way that lets me know it’s on purpose. The thin shadow of a beard wrapping its way around his tight jawline might make him look scruffy if it isn’t for that little smirk on his lips, and those sharp gray eyes that are locked onto me. They’re like two bright orbs glowing out from his dark features. His soft, white collared shirt is unbuttoned at the top, and he has a thin, black leather jacket outlining his hunky, rugged frame.

And as if his delicious British accent isn’t enough to get me in trouble by itself, the corners of his lips are just barely turned up. Like he’s got a secret he wants to share with me. Like there’s something special he knows that nobody else does. It’s deviously mysterious. And it instantly drives me wild.

Hello, Trouble.

Chapter 2

I swallow. I need to get a hold of myself.

“And what makes you so sure I’m going to turn them down?” I manage, trying to play it cool.

Those shining gray eyes of his size me up.

“You don’t look like the kind of girl that settles for second best.” He lets the words linger for a moment. Then adds, “And I haven’t asked you out yet.”


“You’re awfully sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

He keeps giving me that brooding look for a few more beats. That thin, little upward turn to the corner of his lips has my heart racing a million miles a second.

“What are you drinking?” He tilts his head toward the glass in front of me.

“Scotch,” I say. “But I don’t really think it’s my thing.”

His brow rises in surprise. “Impressive. Scotch isn’t for the faint of heart. Perhaps you’ll be more of a challenge than I was expecting.”

I give him a secretive smile. “I’m full of surprises.”

“Not too full, I hope.” He leans in just a bit closer. His presence seems to grow until everything else around us fades away. “I hope there’s room to fill you up just a little bit more.”

I nibble at the edge of my lip as heat that has absolutely nothing to do with the Scotch spreads across my forehead.

“I guess that depends on what you have in mind,” I manage, my voice coming out lower than I intend.

The corners of his lips curl up just a bit further as he holds my attention. I can only imagine the devious thoughts running through his head. If they’re anything like the thoughts running through mine then I’m in for a world of trouble. And possibly a little fun, too.

“I have in mind what every guy has in mind…” he says, slowly. His eyes dip down to my lips before looking back up. I can already feel warmth and wetness spreading into the deeper, darker parts of me. “…beer.”

I give him a puzzled look. “Beer?”

His confident smirk spreads into an amused smile as he signals the bartender.

“I love beer,” he says to me, after the bartender takes his order. “Every man should love beer. But not that weak shit from those cheeky commercials—you need a beer with strength and character.”

The bartender returns with two pilsner glasses and fills them from two bottles with a label I’ve never seen before. When he sets one in front of me I’m amazed at how dark the beer is.

“I’ve never been much of a beer drinker,” I admit, giving him a dubious look.

“That’s probably because you’ve never had good beer.” He leans a little closer again, his voice lowering. “You can have all the cheap shit you want in the world and never be satisfied. It takes something
to really hit the spot.”

I lose myself in his eyes. It’s as though I can actually feel them pulling me into him, like a tractor beam.

He hands me the glass of beer and then raises his own.

“To the start of something special.”

I can’t help but smile when we clink our glasses together. The beer doesn’t taste like anything I’m used to. Not that I drank a lot when I was in Cambridge, I was mostly focused on getting good grades, but I still went to my fair share of parties. Compared to the Scotch, the beer goes down smooth and has a sweet aftertaste.

“It tastes like chocolate,” I say.

His grin widens. “It’s a double chocolate stout. A delicious treat for a delicious girl.”

I can feel myself blushing as I take another drink. The beer is heavier than I’m used to, and it doesn’t take long before I begin feeling its thickness spread throughout my body.

“I’ve never seen you around here,” he says.

“Do you know everyone that comes here?”

“I’d never forget a face as beautiful as yours.”

“Does that line work on all the ladies?”

“This is the first time I’ve tried it. I’ll have to let you know tomorrow.”

My grin spreads even wider, despite my efforts to keep it in check. I’m not looking to get into anything, but he’s very charming, and he’s sexy as hell.

“I just moved back to the city a few days ago.”

“With your boyfriend, I presume?” he asks, taking another drink of his beer.

“You’re quite a smooth talker, aren’t you?”

He gives me a look. “Why? Is it working?”

I give him a playful shrug of my shoulders. “You could be doing a lot worse.”

“I’ll take it!” he announces, raising his glass before taking another pull from it. “But you still didn’t answer my question…”

“And which question was that?”

“Is there some poor bloke pining away for you back home?”

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