Take Me: The Complete Series (Power Play #1-4) (4 page)

BOOK: Take Me: The Complete Series (Power Play #1-4)
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“We’re here. Safe and sound,” I say.

“I’m glad nothing bad happened on the way up.” We share a laugh at the little joke.

“Well… Thanks for the unexpected fun, but it’s late and I should get going.”

Isaac presses his hand into the wall next to me, trapping me between it and the cracked doorway.

“You wouldn’t leave a nice gentleman out in the cold, would you?” he asks.

His voice is deep and throaty and I can sense that low growl purring from the depths of his chest as he runs his tongue along his lips. Butterflies erupt in my stomach as renewed desire crashes between my legs. He’s so sexy. And that tongue!

But I don’t want to make even more decisions I might regret. Aren’t guys supposed to want to get as far away as possible after a drunken, hallway hookup? Why does he look like he’s ready to take me again?

“I should really get some sleep, I’ve got a big day tomorrow.” My voice doesn’t sound nearly as assertive as I would like it to.

He doesn’t say anything. He just runs the tip of his finger down my cheek. It’s the barest of touches, soft and sweet.

But it’s enough.

Enough to make me forget all of my fears. Enough to make me give in to the passion that’s intensifying inside of me. Enough to make me do whatever he wants.

“You’ll sleep like a kitten when I’m done with you,” he says.

I don’t know what comes over me. I know what I should say: I should make him go. But with him pressing me up against the wall like that, I know that isn’t an option.

How long has it been since a man has made me come like that?

How long has it been since a man has been man enough to actually take me at all?

How long has it been since a man has made me feel this sexy?

“How does that sound to you, my kitten?”

He licks his lips again, sending a renewed flood between my legs. The bulge in his jeans is back, already. He moves closer, pressing it up against me.

“It sounds like you’re going to be a lot of trouble,” I manage.

The next thing I know he’s scooping me into his arms and carrying me into my apartment.

When trouble rains, it pours.

Chapter 7

I sit bolt upright in my bed, my heart racing in my chest. My alarm clock blares from the nightstand next to me. I’ve already slept through most of it.

“Shit, I’m late!”

I slam the alarm clock off as something moves in the bed next to me. I let out a startled yelp as I look over to see the hunky shape of Isaac Drake laying there, watching me. He’s shirtless and the muscles in his chest ripple as he folds his bulging arms behind his head. When our eyes meet he gives me that secretive smile I first saw in the bar.

“Morning, kitten.”

I close my eyes, groaning.

“You’re still here,” I say. It’s an observation, not a question, but he doesn’t seem to notice.

“You wore me out last night.” He shimmies a little, settling himself into the Egyptian cotton sheets even more. “Or should I say, this morning?” He gives me a sly wink.

I roll my eyes and jump out of bed, making a dash for my dresser. There’s no way I’m going to be able to shower, get dressed, and still make it to the office by 9AM like Declan told me to.

“You’ve got to go. I’m late for work.” I fix him with a serious look as I shuffle through my underwear drawer.

“Kicking me out, already?” he says, grinning. “Who’s acting like the player now?”

“I don’t know if you just spend your days riding around on your motorcycle, picking up girls, but some of us have careers to think about.”

“You Americans take life too seriously.”

I shoot a glare at him over my shoulder. He hasn’t budged. He is still lying comfortably in the exact same spot on the bed.

My insides ache when they see his hunky, muscular frame stretched out on my absurdly comfortable and expensive sheets. I flashback to the night before, and my body trembles as I relive each mind blowing orgasm he gave me. No one’s ever made me come the way he did, and judging by that secretive grin on his face, he knows it.

I walk over and jostle his foot, annoyed.

“I’m serious, you’ve got to go. I’m already going to be late for my first day.”

In a flash his arms wrap around me and drag me onto the bed with him. My slender frame is helpless to his strength. I squirm a little, but he keeps me pinned to the bed, his intense gray eyes looking playful. Being this close to him I can smell his heavy, manly scent. He smells like the sex we had all night, and I feel a hunger for him begin raging inside of me.

“Call in sick,” he says, his voice heavy. “I want to ravage this delicious body of yours until the sun goes back down. We’ll have to get room service because we won’t be able to walk to get our own food or drink.”

“This isn’t a hotel, there is no room service.” My voice is soft, not nearly as angry as it was moments earlier.

“There’s always room service if you know who to call.” His voice is passionate and certain. “And if you can afford it.”

That isn’t the first time he’s made a comment like that. I’m beginning to realize that there might be a lot more to Isaac Drake than I see on the surface.

But he doesn’t give me time to consider the revelation. He presses his lips into me, kissing me intensely. Only the tiniest of whines escapes me before I succumb to the passionate embrace. I can feel his immense cock thickening against my leg, and the thought of what I want to do with it makes my body ache even more. He lets out a groan as my fingers make their way under the sheets and wrap around his thickness.

Warning bells are going off in the back of my mind, but for some reason I ignore them. It’s not like me. This is not who I am.

Isaac’s fingers sink down between my legs. He grins as they glide over my wet folds.

“I knew there was a reason I liked you.” He withdraws his finger, leaving me aching for more. His fingertips glisten as he places each in his mouth. He gives a little moan as he licks each of them clean. “You’re already throbbing for me.”

“Fuck me, already,” I groan, impatiently.

My need for him is unlike anything I’ve felt before. It’s raw and pure.

Isaac growls as he unfolds my legs and spreads them apart. My nails dig into his tight chest as I claw down to his abs. He grabs his cock and rubs it around my entrance, teasing my clit with it. His lips spread into a fierce grin as he watches me squirm beneath him.

He’s so good at making me wait just a little longer. Normally I’m the one in control, but with Isaac there is no doubt about who is calling the shots. He could probably make me beg for it if he wanted to. And I am more than a little ashamed that I would be happy to do it.

Finally, satisfied that he’s made me whimper and wait long enough, he slides the full enormity of himself into me. Despite him making me come countless times the night before, I’m still impossibly tight. I gasp in delight once he reaches his full depth. His cock is so large, yet it’s a perfect fit. Like he was built to be inside of me.

Isaac presses both of my legs back even further. I’m flexible and he bends them back so far that my knees are nearly beside my head. I moan as he buries himself even deeper inside of me. It doesn’t take long before my entire body explodes in an orgasm so intense it makes my head woozy.

My vision blurs as Isaac pushes my legs farther back, still. He pumps me even harder. Even deeper. He’s rushing now, his face twisting and tightening as his cock throbs inside of me. With one final plunge, his spine goes erect and he throws his head back. His hot seed gushes out of him, filling me the way it did the night before.

Isaac grabs the towel from the bedside and wipes himself off before discarding it back on the floor. That towel has seen a lot of use since he first carried me into my apartment.

He collapses next to me and the refreshed scent of our sex invades my senses. It intoxicates me. Who is this Sexy Brit that has just given me the best sex of my life?

I’m so completely lost in his bright, gray eyes that I forget there is a world outside of my bedroom. But the sudden buzzing of my phone from the nightstand snaps me back into reality.

My eyes dart over and see the clock with its little, red numbers taunting me. It reads 9:00AM, and I no longer have to wonder who’s calling me.


Chapter 8

“You’re already late. Just tell them something’s come up.”

Isaac gives me that collected, confident smile of his as I ignore the ringing phone and scramble to get dressed and make sure I don’t look hideous enough to scare people in public.

“This is exactly why I shouldn’t have let you come up,” I say, frustrated.

I’m speaking more to myself than him. There are many times in life where it should be easy to make the right decision, and last night was one of those times. I should have just taken a cab home from the bar, had a good night’s sleep, and been early to work to make a good first impression. But no, I had to go get all tangled up with the sexy British guy that doesn’t seem to understand that I am about to forcibly remove him from my apartment if he doesn’t stop looking so damned scrumptious laying there in my bed.

“You’re too hard on yourself. I’m sure it’s no big deal,” he says, still grinning his boyish grin.

His brown hair is even more disheveled than it had been the night before, which shouldn’t turn me on as much as it is. I prefer my men to be clean cut and well groomed. But clearly the rules don’t apply to Isaac Drake. And what pisses me off is that he knows it.

“This isn’t just some job to me. It’s my career. I haven’t worked this hard all my life to throw it all away on some fling.”

In fact, it’s more than just a career to me. But he doesn’t need to know any of that. He won’t be in my life much longer, so there’s no point in even bringing it up.

Isaac props himself up on his elbows, his brow drawing down as he watches me.

“After last night… and this morning… you’re still planning on just kicking me to the curb?” His voice is light and curious, not upset.

I give him a look. “I’m sure it’s hard to believe that there are women out there who aren’t interested in something more, but I’m one of them.”

“When was the last time a guy made you come like I do?”

I roll my eyes and hook my new earrings through my lobes. I cringe as I give myself one more look in the mirror.

“It doesn’t matter,” I say. “I’m sure it won’t take you long to find another girl that’s ready and willing to be your play thing.”

His bright gray eyes watch me as I do my best to pull my long, brown hair back and make it presentable without actually spending any real time on it. I grimace as the phone on the nightstand buzzes again.

“What if I don’t want to make another girl come?”

I let out a laugh. “You’re a guy. You’re hard wired to want to fuck every girl you meet. I’m sure you’ll figure something out.”

I catch his look in the dresser mirror and for the first time he actually looks angry with me. His lips are pinched together in a scowl and he’s shaking his head. He rolls out of bed and begins pulling his clothes on, grumbling words beneath his breath the whole time.

I give myself one more hesitant look in the mirror. I’m a complete disaster, but there’s nothing I can do about it. I’ll have to make the best of the situation and then never let it happen again. I glance at Isaac, and nod to myself.

This can never happen again.

By the time I grab my purse and phone, Isaac is already fully dressed and giving me a stern look. He follows me out through the living room and I notice the shut door to Tawny’s room. I wince and let out a sigh. Hopefully we weren’t too loud last night. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a roommate and it’s going to take a while to get adjusted to it.

Isaac is silent as we make our way through the building to the curb outside. I flail my hands and try to hail a cab in the thick of morning traffic. The scowl on his face has disappeared, and he’s giving me another amused look.

“What is it?” I say. I’m leaning half out into the street, trying to find an available cab.

“You were right,” he says.

“I’m right about a lot of things. Care to elaborate?”

His brow tightens a little but his grin spreads wider.

“Has anyone ever told you how incredibly sexy you are when you’re bitchy?”

I give him a disgusted look.

“Is that the big line that’s supposed to win me over?” I say, curtly.

My nose twitches a little as I realize that I really am being a complete bitch to him. But it’s necessary. Obviously I can’t be trusted to let my guard down around him.

“I don’t give up easily,” he says. The amused expression has returned, fully. “You’ll see…”

Finally a cab swerves up to the curbside and I let out a frustrated sigh as the passenger takes their time getting out. Don’t people have places to be? Could this day get off to a worse start?

“I don’t want to see,” I tell him over my shoulder. “It was fun, but it was just a one-night thing.”

“And once, again, in the morning,” he adds.

The reminder was subtle enough to send a wave of imagery through my head, and my insides twist a little tighter. Isaac’s hands are shoved in the pockets of his leather jacket, and despite the fact that he is wearing the same clothes from the night before, he is still the sexiest man I’ve ever laid eyes on.

“Still, it won’t be happening again,” I manage. He gives me a jovial smile that tells me he thinks otherwise.

He steps forward and holds the door for me as I climb into the cab.

“My bike,” he says, grinning down at me. I give him a puzzled look. “You were right about it. It’s gone.” He gives me a confident wink as my insides curdle. “See you around…”

With that, he shuts the door and the driver pulls away from the curb. Our eyes stay locked on each other until the chaos of the traffic hides him from me. I let out a groan and tell the cabbie where to take me.

There are five missed calls from Declan and a single text message. But I can’t bring myself to check the messages just yet. I am impossibly late for my big first day, but yet I can’t bring myself to think about anything besides Isaac. The farther away from him we get, the more awful I feel for treating him like that. He’d been nothing but sweet and charming to me from the moment I met him, and now his bike was stolen, or towed, or God-knows-what, and I can’t help but feel partly responsible.

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