Take Me: The Complete Series (Power Play #1-4) (3 page)

BOOK: Take Me: The Complete Series (Power Play #1-4)
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“That’s quite descriptive. You been thinking that line up for a while?”

He fixes me with a confident grin and shakes his head.

“I read you like a book.”

“Is that so?” I say. I move closer to him until I can feel the heat of his body blocking everything else out. “Well, what am I thinking right now?”

His eyes narrow some more as he studies me intently. I can’t help but feel nervous energy tingling in my fingertips as he weighs and measures me from head to toe. It’s like he’s drinking all of me in and really seeing me as a person and not just some girl he picked up at the bar. I realize that I kind of like his eyes on me. I kind of like him studying me, thinking about me. Even though I already know that nothing can come of it.

I can’t get myself locked into something serious. Not right now.

He taps a finger, thoughtfully, to his pinched lips before he responds.

“You’re wondering if you should invite me up. You’re thinking,
Hey, he can’t be all that bad. He did deliver me to my doorstep safe and sound, after all
. You’re thinking,
What’s the harm in trusting him a bit further? He’s already here. He’s charming. And he’s sexy as hell

I give him a wry look.

what I’m thinking?” I say, sardonically. I hope my voice doesn’t betray just how on-the-mark he is.

“Wait, wait, I wasn’t finished,” he says, quickly. I incline my head for him to go on. “You’re thinking about inviting me up. But you won’t.” I tilt my head as to say,
Oh really?
He nods, more assured of himself. “You’re afraid that you’ll fall desperately in love with me. And that scares you.”

“So you’re saying I’m afraid of commitment?”

“Yes. But not for the usual reasons.” My brow rises, again. “Usually when girls are afraid of putting their hearts out there it’s because they’ve been hurt before. They’ve felt the pain of lost love, and that’s not something they want to feel again. But you’re different. There’s a strength about you. You’re afraid of commitment for some other reason.”

I incline my head again, waiting for him to go on, but he just fixes me with that sexy smile of his. Although now it’s bordering on a smirk, like he knows everything he’s just said is absolutely true.

Unfortunately for me, what he’s said is much closer to the truth than I’m comfortable admitting. I don’t know how he’s sized me up so easily, but he has, better than anyone’s ever done before.

“You’re an interesting man, Mr. Isaac Drake.”

“I’m a lot more than interesting.”

The corner of his lip turns up just a little bit more, making the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. Heat rushes down between my legs and I know I have to leave now if I want any hope of escaping him at all.

I give him a soft smile. “Thanks again for the ride,” I say.

His face is soft as his gray eyes sparkle up at me. He doesn’t say anything in return and I’m left feeling awkward, wondering what to do. My body is telling me all kinds of things I shouldn’t be listening to. It’s a struggle to battle them down.

Still, Isaac was kind enough to see me home safely.

He’s charming.

And he is
sexy as hell.

I give him another soft smile and lean in to give him a hug. His strong arms wrap around me like they did when he caught me at the bar. Every muscle in his chest is hard as it ripples against my body. He squeezes me tight and I sense what I can only describe as a low, animalistic growl rumbling through his chest. It’s raw and carnal and I my heart races in response. I pull away from him. I need to get away. I need to make a clean break before I end up doing something I told myself I wouldn’t do.

But I hesitate.

His arms are still wrapped around my waist when his eyes find mine. Their sparkle has wilted into primal hunger and I feel myself melting into him.

The next few minutes are a blur.

Our lips mash together, hungrily. His tongue dips in and out of my mouth and my tongue greets it, wanting to taste every inch of it. The chocolate stout still lingers on his breath, and its sweetness spurs me on. His hands slide down my back until they’re clutching my ass. My black dress rides up a little as Isaac pulls me tight against his body. I can feel his hands exploring my ass cheeks as his tongue delves in and out of my mouth and it doesn’t bother me one single bit.

When we finally break apart I’m breathless and panting. His gray eyes hold my gaze as I run my fingers through his messy, brown hair.

“Are you sure you don’t need an escort to your door?”

I shrug. And with that shrug, every walled defense inside of me crumbles away.

“It might not be a bad idea,” I say.

“It’s late. I couldn’t live with myself if I came all this way and then something happened to you as you walked up to your apartment.”

My eyes narrow to thin slits as I nod my head in agreement.

“You’re right. It would be a shame if anything happened on the way up to my place.”

The growl that rolls through his chest is enough to let me know exactly what he’s thinking.

Chapter 5

I try and keep my composure as we walk through the halls of my swanky apartment building. It's not the nicest Manhattan has to offer, but there's a reason I'm probably the youngest tenant in the entire place.

Isaac fondles my ass the whole way through the lobby. When we arrive at the elevator, I press the button to go up and he immediately corners me against the wall. His body is heavy and heat rolls off of him as he presses his lips into mine. That sweet tongue of his probes the insides of my mouth.

"You're sure you want to leave your bike on the road? They'll probably tow it.”

"Let them," he breathes into me between kisses.

His lips dip to my neck and start kissing their way down to my collarbone. Shivers run along my spine and tingles prickle their way up my legs.

"You don't care if someone takes your nice bike?" I laugh.

"I'll get another one." He looks up at me, his gray eyes intense. "I won’t wait a second longer than necessary to have you.”

He slides his fingers down along my thigh and when they make contact with my flesh my breath hitches in my chest. A whole new wave of pleasure rifles up my legs and my stomach as his fingers dip under the dress. They glide along the smooth curves of my panties and I let out a little gasp. He's sliding the panties to the side just as the elevator door opens and one of the night attendants steps out, eyeing us suspiciously.

"Night!" I exclaim to the man as Isaac and I fall into the elevator. He gives us a look but doesn't say anything before the elevator door shuts.

I swat at Isaac's chest as he pulls me into him.

"We're going to get caught if you do stuff like that. What are my neighbors going to think about me?"

"Let them do all the thinking they want," he says. As the elevator ascends rapidly he pulls me close and breathes all of me in. "How far is your apartment? I don't think I can wait another minute to have you. I need you right now."

His hands slide down along my hips, again. I grab them, holding them firm to my side.

"We're not that far. You can wait a little longer," I tease.

I feel that growl coming from his chest before I even hear it. There's something very primal about him. His rugged features and his accent remind me of all those cheesy werewolf movies I saw as a child. But there's nothing cheesy about Isaac Drake. His eyes flash and he squeezes me even tighter against his body. I can feel his enormity pressing into my leg. It drives me wild with lust, and I know I need him too.

I need him to take me any way that he wants.

I need him to make me do whatever he wants me to do.

I need him just as much as he needs me.

The elevator door slides open and we spill out into the hallway. We make it all of three steps before Isaac pins me up against the wall with his massive frame.

“I can’t wait any longer. I must have you now.”

His hands are quick and they slip beneath my dress. He presses his mouth into mine again, his tongue delving deeper and deeper. I whimper as his fingers slide my panties to the side and begin rubbing along my thin slit. I’m slicked wet and smooth and he has no problem finding the tiny nub of my clit.

“You’re so wet and ready for me,” he says, his eyes dropping down along my body. His finger is swirling around my clit in tiny little circles.

I nod at him, biting my lip.

He presses the tip of his finger into my tight center and I breathe out a gasp. It’s been a long time since I’ve been touched like this. My legs wobble and almost give way as I try to sink myself further onto the curious little digit that is probing my entrance.

“My apartment is just around the corner.” My voice comes out low and throaty.

His eyes flash again as he shakes his head.

“I can’t wait that long.”

He presses his finger even deeper into my center and I moan in pleasure, arching my back into the wall behind me. I press my hand into the enormous bulge in the front of his jeans and lock my eyes onto his.

“Then what are you waiting for?”

Chapter 6

My fingers wrap around the outline of Isaac’s cock as he gives me a fierce look. I can feel the hunger inside of him. I can feel his need to have me. I know the feeling because I feel it, too.

Isaac growls again and his finger disappears from beneath my dress. It takes him all of a second to undo the button on his jeans and pull the zipper down. He’s not wearing any underwear beneath his jeans and his cock springs out at me, erect and hungry.

“Commando, huh?” I say.

“Boxers are a waste of time.”

The smile on my face widens as I wrap my fingers around his cock. There’s nothing in the way, this time, and he feels like soft silk sheathing hard steel. I begin stroking his full length and my pulse races when his eyes roll into the back of his head.

He’s big. Very big.

“You’re not anything like what I expected to find in the city,” I say. My fingers squeeze him just a little harder and he lets out a little groan. “You’re rugged. Not like all of those Wall Street boys.”

When his eyes reconnect with mine it’s like we’ve been transported to another place. The rest of the world fades away as he pulls up the sides of my dress. I’ve never done anything like this before, out in public for anyone to see. It’s as though the animal in him is awakening the animal within me.

Alarm bells start going off in the back of my head, but I ignore them. I’m always such a safe little girl. What’s wrong with wanting to be treated like a woman?

I yip in delight as Isaac’s strong hands spin me around and press my chest up against the wall. He steps into me and I feel his hands pulling down the back of my soaking panties. When they’re out of the way, he presses his cock between my ass cheeks. The tip of it slides along the bottom of my swollen center until it nestles up against my clit.

“Do you have a condom?” I ask.

“No. I wasn’t planning on taking anyone home.”

But he doesn’t slow down. He doesn’t hesitate. He’s going to fuck me anyways unless I do something to stop him. I know I should. We’ve only just met. I shouldn’t want him to take me right here in the hallway of my apartment building.

But I do…

“I’m on the pill,” I manage to say.

…and he does.

I let out a deep moan of pleasure as his cock enters my folds. My fingers dig into the wall until he reaches his full depth. A few moments of ecstasy pass before I’m able to breathe again.

I know this is wrong. I know I only just met him. I know I should be playing it safe. But none of that matters. With Isaac inside of me, nothing else matters. The last few years of my life have been safe. I need to live.

His hands grope their way around to the front of my chest. His cock slams me repeatedly while his delicate fingers fondle my tits. His hands and his cock seem to work at their own pace, independent of each other.

Very coordinated.

Very natural.


My mind blanks as he rocks into me one more time. His hand clamps over my mouth as I gasp and squeal in pleasure. My orgasm is so big it leaves my legs quivering and shaking. If it isn’t for him holding me in place I would collapse into a dazed heap against the wall.

He plunges himself even harder into me. He fucks me with a wild, reckless abandon. It doesn’t matter that someone could come walking down the hall at any moment. It’s like that thought never even crosses his mind. For that tiny moment in time we’re the only two people that exist in this world.

It isn’t long before I feel the muscles in his legs tense against me. Isaac slams his massive cock home one more time as his hands clench my sides. He lets out a groan and I’m flooded with his warmth as he erupts into me.

He holds me there until he’s emptied every last drop. There’s an aching void when he pulls himself out of me. His breathing comes in ragged gasps and we sink into the wall next to each other.

I curl into him and can feel his heart pounding in his chest nearly as fast as my own heart. An eternity passes before I’m able to form a coherent thought, let alone actually speak.

“That’s one way to break in the new place,” I say, managing a soft smile. I know it’s a lame thing to say, but I still haven’t fully recovered, and it’s all I can come up with.

The fiendish smile he shoots me makes my insides curdle all over again.

“I must say, Ms. Hannah Barnes, you’re quite the ferocious one.”

“Speak for yourself,” I tease. I run my fingers down the white cloth of his shirt, wondering what he looks like when he’s not wearing all of those pesky clothes.

A few minutes pass before I’m recovered enough to make it the rest of the way down the hall. My insides buzz and tingle with every step I take, and there is a lurching sensation in the pit of my stomach when I stop in front of my door. It takes me a moment to realize the reason for it:

I’m nervous.

It’s been a long time since a man has gotten this close to me, since a man has made me feel the way Isaac just did.

I unlock the door and crack it open, then turn slowly to face him. He fixes me with that devilish smirk. The yearning in his eyes hasn’t receded at all. Not even one little bit.

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