Take Me: The Complete Series (Power Play #1-4) (10 page)

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a little girl…” I say, indignantly. “…Old man.”

Isaac’s eyebrows rise as that huge dimpled smile spreads across his cheeks.

“Sod off, old man!” he guffaws. “Men age like a fine wine, we only get better and better.”

I grin at him.

“I thought you were a beer drinker?”

His eyes narrow as he gives me a fierce, devious smile.

“See? You know me better than you think…”

I give him a considering look. Maybe I do know him better than I think? Or maybe I’m just overthinking everything way too much? I never overthink men, so this is new for me. Maybe I just need to cut back and relax like I usually do?

“We really should cool it off, some.”

His eyes narrow at me, his head cocking slightly to the side.

“You seem to be having a good time. Why stop now?”

“Because, we’re slipping into something. It’s just all so fast.”

“So you want to be wined and dined, is it?”

I let out a soft sigh. “It’s not that, it’s just… I don’t know what I want. It just feels like we’re moving too fast.”

I don’t know if he realizes I’m not talking about the physical stuff. I’m talking about the way he makes me think about things that I shouldn’t be thinking about.

“Fickle,” he says, grinning and shaking his head at me.

“Oh stop it,” I say, swatting his arm.

He leans down and kisses me on the collarbone, sending shivers throughout my body.

“So you want to cool it off?” His soft lips press into my flesh, the tip of his tongue peeking out to tease me between the light kisses. “You’re done with me, ready to toss me out again.”

His tongue slides past my collarbone, all the way down to my hard, little nipple. I let out a gasp.

“Well, when you put it that way…”

He sucks a little harder, his gray eyes watching as my body slithers in response.

“I’m not man enough for you,” he teases. “You’ve decided that I can’t give you what you need.”

I laugh, swatting at him.

“Stop it, you know what I mean.”

“No, kitten. I don’t think even
know what you mean.”

My lips pinch together.


He returns to sucking on my nipple, then slowly begins kissing his way across my chest to the other one. His hand is gentle as he cups it, his tongue flicks over it lightly, with only the barest of touches.

“But this whole cooling off thing…” his lips wrap around the nipple, sucking at it gently before pulling away again. “…It can wait until the morning, right?”

“Yes,” I say, frantically, not wanting the tingling sensations going through me to stop. “It can wait…”

Even more tingles of pleasure roll through me as Isaac begins kissing his way down my chest, his tongue tracing a small line to my center. My legs are still tense from earlier, but they spread wide when he buries his head between them. His magical tongue goes to work, licking and teasing my clit, pleasuring me in ways that I never thought possible.

But unlike before I’m not able to tune everything else out. My mind races as I consider what he said.

He has the Hannah Barnes All Access Pass.

And he knows it.

Chapter 4

“You were at his hotel again last night?” Tawny gives me a surprised look. “I thought you were going to stay away?”

She’s sitting on the couch eating an apple as she watches me try to do a quick yoga workout. She’s wearing scrubs and insists that she doesn’t believe in working out. She says it’s against her religion, or something. She has one of those tiny, slight frames that doesn’t change no matter what she eats.

It’s annoying.

I let out a groan as I collapse onto my yoga mat.

“I want to stay away! It’s just that… I just can’t bring myself to tell him no.”

She gives me a devious little smile.

“Maybe it’s not your fault? Maybe he has some kind of Superhero Sex Power that makes you helpless to his charms?”

I swat at her knee and she lets out a giggle.

“Leave it to you to turn the Sexy Brit into a superhero.” She gives me a noncommittal shrug as she takes another bite of the apple. “Though the sex is

“Go on…”

I grin at her, innocently.

“A lady doesn’t kiss and tell.”

She rolls her eyes.

“A lady also doesn’t bring a guy home from the bar and then start shacking up with him.” My eyes narrow at her, but I can’t argue that. “So when are you seeing him again?”

I shrug. “We didn’t make any plans. Maybe after he finishes reviewing the contract for BMG.”

“Or maybe he’ll call you again tonight…”

She winks at me and I can’t stop the heat from rushing to my face. But my thoughts quickly shift over to BMG and to Declan. It’s been a tense few days at the office since the night I basically assaulted him.

“I shouldn’t…” I say. “I need to keep away from him for a little while. Declan’s been avoiding me for two days, as it is. If he found out I was seeing Isaac every night…”

Her jaw drops open in mock surprise.

“The guy you punched in the face is avoiding you? That’s absurd! You should corner him and tell him to stop being so unreasonable.”

I give her a grin. Tawny’s sarcasm has always been able to put a smile on my face no matter how bad I’m feeling.

“I didn’t
him in the face.” My brow tightens. “Okay, maybe I
kind of
punched him in the face… But it was his fault. What does he think is going to happen when he sneaks up on a girl in the middle of the night? Does he expect me to just roll over and let him do whatever he wants?”

A devious smile spreads across Tawny’s face.

“Well, if he’s as hot as you say he is then that’s probably exactly what I would do.”

I roll my eyes at her again.

“Sometimes he thinks he’s a whole lot hotter than he is. And he deserved what he got.”

“The better question isn’t what he deserves, it’s what he wants from you…”

She waggles her eyebrows at me as she takes another bite of the apple.

“It’s not like that between us. Declan is like my big brother.”

“Sure, a big brother you used to have a crush on.”

“That was a very long time ago, before Daddy even died.”

Her head tilts to the side.

“Are you saying you aren’t the slightest bit curious about what that man could do to you in bed? You said he’s always going out with girls… I bet he could really teach you a thing or two.”

Her eyes get a glossy look to them as she spaces out for a second. I let out a laugh and roll my eyes at her.

“We need to get you laid. We’re still on for this weekend, right?”

“We better be. I’m going out with or without you.”

“Saturday night works?”

“Any night works! Just so long as I’m not cooped up in that hospital.”

A knock at the door interrupts us. We frown, neither of us is expecting anyone. I pad over to the door and open it. There’s a deliveryman with a huge bouquet of assorted flowers standing there expectantly. The flowers are gorgeous and massive, towering high above the tiny man’s head.

“Delivery for Hannah Barnes,” he says.

Tawny’s eyes flash at me.

“That’s me.”

He gives me a tight smile as he hands me the flowers. They’re much heavier than I expect and I nearly lose my balance.

“Give me a second, I’ll get my wallet.” I’m pretty sure it’s customary to tip the delivery guy.

He waves his hands.

“No ma’am, I’ve already been well cared for. Have a good night.”

I awkwardly try to nudge the door closed after he disappears back down the hallway. When I turn to face Tawny her eyes go wide.

“Wow those are gorgeous! “Who are they from?”

I take them to the dining room table and retrieve the card stuck to the elegant glass vase. My name is written on it in red ink, the letters are bubbly, as though a girl wrote them. When I open it, the note inside surprises me.


These should help warm things up. If it gets too cold you know where to find me.


The biggest smile I’ve ever seen spreads on Tawny’s face as she reads it.

“Oh my god, I am so jealous of you right now.” Her eyes are beaming as she inspects the flowers. “This is so fun, my roommate has two hot guys fighting over her.”

I swat her arm.

“They’re not
over me. Declan is my boss, nothing more.”

“Yeah, a boss that wants you to take his dick…tation…” She gives me a wry smile and winks.

I swat at her arm. “Don’t you have to get to the hospital?”

She glances at the time on her phone and her jaw drops open.

“Oh shit!”

I can’t help but laugh as she does her awkward run out of the apartment. Was she right? Do I really have two guys fighting over me? That isn’t possible, is it?

Chapter 5

I stare at the flowers for a long while after Tawny leaves with a stupid grin stretched across my face. I neglected to tell her that no one’s ever given me flowers before. I’m not even sure what I’m supposed to do with them. Does this mean he’s expecting something from me?

It might be one of the sweetest things a guy has ever done for me and all I can think about is the fact that it’s coming from the one man I’m trying my hardest to block out. But he makes it really difficult when he does things like this.

I pull out my phone.

“What are these for?”
I text.

A few minutes pass while I’m staring at my phone, waiting for a response. The phone starts buzzing. It’s Isaac, only he’s calling instead of texting.

My insides freeze for a moment before I click the button to answer.


“Hello, kitten.” His deep, British accent rumbles through the phone.

“Are you too busy to text? We can talk later if you are…”

“Too busy to text? No, I’d just rather hear your beautiful voice in my ear.”

“Oh…” Heat rushes to my cheeks.

“So, you got my gift?”

“They’re sitting in front of me right now.”

“Do you like them?”

“What are they for?” I ask.

“They’re for you to like them.” I can almost feel that little smirk on his face. It frustrates me that I can picture exactly what he looks like from just the tone of his voice. “Did they put a smile on your face?”

“The flowers are beautiful, but that’s not the point…”

“The point was to put a smile on your face. Did it work?”

My nose scrunches in annoyance. Why is he trying to be so sweet to me?

“Maybe,” I answer, finally.

There’s a moment’s pause.

“I’m coming over.”

My insides freeze up again.

“Wait, what?”

“I have to see this
smile on your face.”

I try my best to fight it away, but that comment makes the corners of my mouth pull upward. And the thought of having Isaac in my apartment makes the rest of my body respond in its own special way.

“I have to be at work in the morning.”

“I thought we discussed this last night? There’s nothing you can say that will stop me, kitten. See you soon.”

I rush to tidy up around the apartment and check myself in the mirror. It feels like an eternity before the intercom rings and I buzz Isaac up, but really it was probably only about fifteen minutes. When he knocks at the door my insides are already a jumbled mess, and my body has already fantasized about having him in ten different ways.

It’s ready to go before I even open the door.

Isaac is wearing those tight jeans and that black leather jacket he had on at the bar when I first met him. His hair is disheveled from wearing the helmet that’s tucked under his arm.

Disheveled or not, it’s still sexy as hell.

“Got your bike back?” I say, glancing down at the helmet.

The corners of his lips turn upward into that little smirk.

“Why? You looking for a ride?”

Heat spreads down into the depths of my core. I want to have him right then and there.

“Are you offering?”

He takes a step in and wraps his free arm around my tiny waist. He pulls me into a passionate kiss that gets deeper and deeper the longer it lasts. His excitement is already bulging into my leg. He’s as ready for me as I am for him.

I need to get a hold of myself. How can one man inspire such a carnal desire in me? I’ve never been like this with a man before—never. I’ve never been on the verge of losing myself like this with anyone else before in my entire life. I’m not used to feeling out of control.

When we finally break apart, his sparkling gray eyes fix me with an intent look.

“So where are these pitiful flowers that are unable to put a real smile on your face?”

My eyes narrow and I scrunch my nose at him. I lead him to the dining nook, where I’ve arranged the flowers on the table. He inspects them with judgmental eyes, his head tilting to the side.

“They’re small.”

“They’re fine.”

Fine. Yes, fine is good.

He doesn’t need to know just how much I actually like them.

“Would bigger ones put a bigger smile on your face?”

I give him a look.

“You boys always think it’s all about the size.”

He flashes me a ferocious grin.

“Size matters.”

I roll my eyes.

“That’s not the only thing that matters.”

Isaac wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me tight to him.

“That sounds a lot like something a guy with a small cock would say.”

His bulge is expanding. I can actually feel it getting bigger as he holds me against it.

“And what do guys with big cocks say?”

His eyes sink down to my lips and a low growl rumbles from his chest.

“Whatever the hell we want…”

Chapter 6

The next moments are a blur as he presses into me for another kiss. He casts the riding helmet aside, sending it clattering to the floor. His tongue tastes sweet inside my mouth and I cling to his hard, hunky frame, trying desperately to pull him even deeper inside.

I can’t get enough of him. I can’t hold back any longer. I need to have him. Right here. Right now.

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