Take Me: The Complete Series (Power Play #1-4) (8 page)

BOOK: Take Me: The Complete Series (Power Play #1-4)
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“Who said anything about flirting?” He gives me an innocent look that sends illicit thoughts pouring through my head.

“We’re not here to do any of
, either!”

He reaches his hand across the table and places it on mine. I try to move my hand away but it doesn’t seem to want to move. His fingers gently caress their way around my own fingertips, sending a chill running up my arm.

“You’re so tense. I would have thought after the last day you’ve had that you would be a little more relaxed.”

“You mean after you practically announced to an entire office full of my coworkers that you want to fuck me? I have no idea how that could make anyone tense.”

He cooed at me. “They only care about results. Close the deal and all is forgotten.”

Finally I jerk my hand away from his. I’m annoyed when the tingling sensation still remains, even if it’s only a faint echo of what it used to be.

“And closing the deal is exactly what I’ve come here to do.”

I pull an iPad out of the oversized purse I brought with me. Declan gave me the tablet before I left the office. He also gave me a crash course on the pertinent details of the deal we were supposed to be discussing.

I turn on the screen and place the contract in front of Isaac. He doesn’t even glance down at it.

“What are you prepared to offer me in exchange for me signing the papers?” he asks, smoothly.

Is he for real? Does he really think that I’m going to sleep with him just to close the deal? I mean, sure, I’d already slept with him a number of times, but those had been different.

This is business, not personal, and my sex isn’t for sale.

“You’ve got to be joking.”

He gives me a reproachful look, his lips pulling together into a tiny oval.

“When it comes to business I never joke.”

“So let’s talk about whatever it is you wanted to discuss over dinner.”

He gives me a wolfish grin and leans forward. His eyes sparkle as they hold my gaze.

“I want to fuck you.”

I scowl indignantly at his words.

“You’re joking, right? Or is sex the only thing you can think about?”

“It’s not the sex.” His brow draws down as he gives me a serious look. He reaches for my hand, gently taking it in his. I can’t muster the willpower to pull it away, this time. “Do you remember the bar, when you stumbled as you stood up and I caught you?”

I nod my head, slowly. I’d been way more drunk than I’d realized at the time. If Isaac hadn’t been there I would have fallen flat on my face, for sure.

But he’d caught me. He’d made it seem so effortless, like he was my guardian angel.

“Since the moment I held you close to me I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. With every breath I take I smell the soft lavender scent of your hair, and every time I lick my lips I can still taste your essence. I haven’t eaten a thing today for fear that I’ll never have you on my lips again.” His eyes are a smoldering haze of sparkling gray. He leans even closer, his voice lowering. “So when I tell you that I want to fuck you, it’s because that is the only thing that makes any bit of sense to me right now. It might be the only thing that’s ever made sense in my entire life.”

I swallow. Hard. My lips are dry, but I don’t trust myself to wet them.

“Do you have some place we can go?”

The words are out of my mouth before I even realize what I’m saying. But the thought of taking them back never even crosses my mind.

Chapter 18

“I thought you were joking about the Jag,” I say.

I’m still in shock after having seen the valet pull the car around. It’s one of the nicest cars I’ve ever been in.

Isaac gives me a wolfish grin as he pulls up to a red light.

“One of these days you will learn that I will never lie to you.”

“Yeah, like I haven’t heard that one before.” I give a slight roll of my eyes as I smile over at him. His face is stony and blank.

“Not from me you haven’t.”

The nervous butterflies erupt in my stomach again. The light turns green and we jet through the intersection. We don’t stop again until we pull up to the St. Regis Hotel. I gasp at the luxurious entryway. It’s a landmark hotel that I’ve always marveled at but never had the chance to visit.

“You’re staying here?” I say, shocked.

He gives me a snide grin.

“I’ve seen your place. I hope you don’t think the St. Regis is the slums or anything.”

I shake my head, my jaw still hanging open in surprise.

“It’s beautiful.”

“Wait until you see the room.”

I grin and follow Isaac as he leads me through the magnificent foyer. We take the elevator to the top floor where he leads me to a penthouse suite. My jaw drops open when he swipes his key on the magnetic lock and pushes his way into the room.

“You really travel in luxury, don’t you?” I say, marveling at how nice everything is. Even if we could have afforded it, my dad had always been too frugal to spend more money than was absolutely necessary.

Isaac comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my hips, pulling me tight against his hard body. I can already feel the familiar bulge of his cock pressing into my hip. How many times have we had sex in the last twenty-four hours? I’ve lost count. But my body responds to the feeling. Heat rushes between my legs as I grind myself up against him.

“It’s not where, but who you’re with that’s important,” he whispers into my ear.

I feel a rumbling growl beginning in his chest as his lips nip at the side of my neck. My head tilts back against his shoulder, inviting him to take more of me.

He doesn’t hesitate.

His hands slide up my side, cupping both of my breasts in their gentle caress. I grind on him even harder, feeling the full extent of his cock as it rubs against my ass cheeks. He groans in delight, which only incites me, forcing me to grind even harder against him.

“You’re such a little cock tease,” he growls in my ear.

My hand slides behind my back until it finds the length of his enormity. I squeeze it and begin stroking it through his pants.

“Then why don’t you do something about it?”

Before I realize what’s happening, he scoops me into his arms and hauls me off to the bedroom. He sets me gently on the feather-soft mattress as he mashes his lips into mine.

My fingers lace through the back of his scruffy hair, pulling his kiss even deeper into my mouth. I lap up the taste of him, only just realizing that it’s the exact thing I’ve been craving all day.

His fingers slide down between my legs. They waste no time before they delve beneath the side of my panties. I moan into his mouth as he begins rubbing tiny circles around my already-aching clit.

“Who’s being the tease now?” I whimper.

He pulls back and gives me a sinister grin.

“Then why don’t you do something about it?” he says, mocking my earlier taunt.

Without hesitation I flip myself around in the bed and tug his belt free. My mouth is eager and waiting when I finally free his cock from within his pants. He lets out a moan and his legs quiver when I wrap my lips around the tip of his throbbing dick.

“That wasn’t what I had expected,” he says. His fingers slide through my brown hair, pulling it behind my head.

“Should I stop?” I ask, giving him my biggest dough-eyed look.

“Only if you want a spanking.”

A grin spreads across my lips.

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

My tongue flicks along the entirety of his shaft, and he groans his delight. I squeeze the base of his shaft with one hand while cradling his balls in the other, gently milking him until the first drops of pre-cum ooze out of his tip. I lap them up greedily, getting my first taste of the Sexy Brit.

“I’ve never seen something so beautiful as you with your lips wrapped around me.”

I don’t respond.

Instead, I take him even deeper into my mouth as my hand works the base of his enormity. I can feel the muscles in his body tensing as his hand squeezes my hair. His cock pulses and trembles as little tremors ripple through him.

Isaac’s head falls back as he groans even louder. It won’t be long now.

I work his shaft even harder, bobbing and spinning my head. My tongue dances on his tip, lapping up every drop that finds its way there.

“Oh, fuck.” His hands clutch at the back of my head even tighter. “Oh fuck, I’m going to explode.”

No sooner are the words out of his mouth than his cock erupts down the back of my throat. I choke a little, surprised by the immense spurts of his seed. But I swallow greedily, determined to handle everything he has to give me.

When he’s fully spent, Isaac collapses on the bed next to me. I wipe at my chin and give him a leering smile.

“You taste good.”

He’s gasping for breath as he returns my smile.

“That was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

I curl myself into him on the bed and slowly begin unbuttoning his white shirt.

“I hope there’s more where that came from,” I say.

Another low growl rumbles through his chest as I release the last button and push his shirt to the side, revealing the chiseled muscles of his chest.

“You know there is,” he growls. “For you there’s always more.”

Take Me: Part 2

Take Me

Part 2

Power Play


Kelly Harper



Chapter 1

We lay in bed for what could have been hours after Isaac finished fucking me for the second time that night. The world around me is a haze-filled bliss. I can’t tell up from down or right from left any more than I can tell where my tangled limbs end and his tangled limbs begin.

I am done.

Not just in the sleepy way that you get after an all-night marathon fuck fest, but in the way your soul gets when it realizes it’s not going to find anything better in life. But still, a distant part of me is wary. It tells me to be careful, that I still barely know this guy, and that I need to be cautious.

Optimistic, perhaps.

Cautious, definitely.

“I need to get back home,” I say, finally.

Both of our eyes have drooped closed so many times that I’m surprised either of us is even half awake. His fingers dawdle through the mess of my brown hair.

“Stay the night.”

“I can’t.”

“Can’t or won’t?”

I let out a slow breath.

“It’s not a good idea. There needs to be boundaries. We’ve only just met.”

Isaac sits up against the headboard and peers down at me. His brow is knitted close together.

“I stayed with you last night. Why won’t you stay here tonight?”

There’s a tight buzzing sensation in my chest.

“This is different.”

He gives me a long, hard look, and I’m thankful when he doesn’t ask me to explain myself. Finally he nods.

“If that is what you want, then that is what you’ll get.”

I draw in a slow breath, then nod once.

I’m surprised when Isaac doesn’t call me a cab. He hitches up his pants and pulls a shirt over his head and leads me downstairs. Minutes later we’re back in his Jag and driving through the romantic streets of New York City at night.

“You didn’t have to drive me.”

“I didn’t let you go home alone last night, and I definitely will not let you go home alone right now.”

“Thanks,” I say.

I know driving me home shouldn’t be a big deal, but it is. It’s significant. It makes me feel funny things that I don’t know whether or not I’m ready to handle. It’s been a long time since I’ve ever even considered getting into something romantic, but things with Isaac don’t feel like they will remain just sexual for long.

“I’m sorry again about your bike.”

“Forget it. I’d give up ten of them for a night with you. No, a hundred!”

A tiny giggle escapes me as I beam a smile at him. He returns it while still flicking glances at the road in front of us.

“We do have one more issue that needs resolving,” I say, glancing at him from the corner of my eye.

A tiny smirk tugs at the corner of his lips.

“I suppose you’d like me to sign those papers and make everything official?”

I lean in closer to him.

“If there’s anything I can do to convince you that it’s a good idea, I’ll do it.”

His eyes narrow as he studies me for a moment.

“It really means that much to you?”

I nod, quickly. “More than you know.”

He doesn’t hesitate before he gives me a tight nod of his head.

“I’ll have my lawyers look it over first thing in the morning.”

My heart pounds with excitement so hard in my chest that I forget we’re driving down the street. I throw my arms around his neck and pull him into a tight hug. I kiss him on the cheek repeatedly before I realize that I’m acting like a little schoolgirl who’s just been told she’s going to see her favorite boy band in concert.

“You’re not going to regret this. I promise.”

He grins at me.

“I haven’t regretted a single thing with you.”

* * * * *

When we pull up to the curb in front of my building, Isaac puts the car in park and switches off the engine.

“Where do you think you’re going, Mister?” I say, giving him a suspicious look.

“You don’t think I’m going to drop you at the curb, do you? What kind of barbarian do you take me for?”

I lean over the console and press my lips into his. He pulls me into a deep kiss that lasts longer than I expect it to. When we finally break apart, I give his nose a quick nuzzle with my own.

“You’re sweet, but if you set one foot outside of this car I will never speak to you again.” His brow draws close together as his eyes widen in a dumb, confused stare. I tap the end of his nose with my finger, giving him an amused grin. “I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself. Don’t insult me by treating me like a child.”

His frown deepens, but finally he nods.

“When can I see you again?” he asks.

I shrug.

“You already know where I live
work. I’m sure you’ll see me around.”

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