Take Me: The Complete Series (Power Play #1-4) (2 page)

BOOK: Take Me: The Complete Series (Power Play #1-4)
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I consider the question for a second and decide to have a little fun with him. I give him a playful look.

“Would it stop you if I did?”

“Absolutely not,” he says, his eyes flashing. “If a man is foolish enough to let you go out drinking by yourself then he doesn’t deserve you.”

My grin widens even more for a second, then I give him a serious look.

“Let’s get one thing straight, here. I just moved to town, and I’m very focused on my career. I’m not looking for anything serious.”

He clutches a hand to his heart, giving me a pained grimace. “It’s like that, is it? Just going to use me and then toss me out with the rubbish when you’re done?”

A tiny laugh escapes me. “You sound like quite the player, I’m sure you could find someone to mend your bruised ego.”

The theatrical smile on his face melts away.

“And what have I done that makes you think I’m some kind of player?”

“I’ve seen guys like you,” I say, taking another drink of my beer. It tastes better with every drink. “You talk fast and move faster. Then you’re out the door, never to be heard from again.”

“Well, that doesn’t sound like me, at all.”

I consider him for a moment.

“How long was your last relationship?”

“That depends. Are we talking about the last girl I dated or the last girl I fucked?”

Normally I would have taken slight offense if a man talked to me that way. But there’s something about his straightforward nature that is different. It’s rare to find a man so comfortable with himself that he speaks his mind plainly.

It’s not only charming, but it makes me wonder what it might feel like to run a finger down his muscular chest.

“See, that’s exactly what I’m talking about,” I say. “I bet you’ve never dated just one girl at a time.”

He gives me an innocent grin that tells me he’s not innocent at all.

“You can’t hold it against me just because I haven’t found
the one
, yet.”

I give him a curious look.

“So you believe in true love?”

He bobs his head as he says, “I believe there’s someone out there for all of us, that one special someone that can see all your bullshit and still put up with you. If that’s not true love then I don’t know what is.”

The answer is unexpected and catches me off guard. Maybe he’s not quite the player that I thought he was? I know it shouldn’t matter, since I’m not looking for anything serious, but I can’t help wanting to know more about him.

“So you’re looking to settle down?” I ask. I take another drink of my beer, finishing it off. The warmth from it has continued to spread throughout my body, and a dull buzzing has settled in my forehead.

He gives me a fiendish smile.

“I try and
settle down
as much as possible.”

I bite my lip, unable to stop the explosion of images running through my head. I’ve been right all along—he
the player I thought he was. But maybe that isn’t a bad thing? It’s not like I’m looking for a serious relationship. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to bring him back to my place for a little fun? It could be a nice little way to blow off some steam before my first day at work.

Ugh, work.

I had almost forgotten that I had to be there bright and early in the morning. Declan will be expecting me, and I have to put my best foot forward if anyone at the company is going to take me seriously.

“Slow down there, Tiger.” My mouth turns into a tiny grin as I raise a hand and fake a little yawn. “It’s getting pretty late and I’ve got a big day. I better get going.” The Sexy Brit is all cool smiles as I slide off of the barstool.

And that is when the unexpected happens.

Chapter 3

My feet hit the ground and my legs wobble. I try to take a step and before I know it I’m tripping over myself, plummeting straight toward the ground. Even as I’m falling I’m already mentally preparing for the embarrassment of making a gigantic fool of myself in front of the sexiest man alive.

But I never reach the ground.

Fast as lightning, he’s off of his stool and wrapping his arms around me. The Sexy Brit pulls me tight against his body, breaking my fall and impending embarrassment. His body is solid as stone and his arms are like steel rods holding me in place. His gray eyes search me, wildly. I can see the concern in them, but for the life of me I can’t figure out why it’s there.

“Are you okay?” he asks. His voice is husky and I feel it vibrate through his chest.

I steady myself against him, regaining my balance so that I won’t fall over if he releases me. My head is buzzing and my vision is foggy as I give him an awkward smile.

“Looks like I had a little more to drink than I thought.” Damn that Scotch. “I’ll be fine.”

His eyes narrow and he studies me for another few, long moments. The longer I’m pressed against his hunky frame, the more my body realizes just how much it wants him. How long has it been since I’ve been with someone?

“I’ll be fine, really,” I say, again. I try to push those kinds of thoughts far away. They’re dangerous. Especially with this guy. “I just need to catch a cab and sleep it off.”

Slowly he lets me go and I settle fully onto my feet. That is when I realize just how much taller he is than me, and just how broad his chest is.

“You don’t need to take a cab, I’m giving you a lift home,” he says. His tone is serious, leaving no room for debate.

I shake my head. “You’re not coming home with me, I don’t even know you.”

“Shit, woman, it’s not like that,” he says, his face darkening. “I won’t be able to sleep tonight unless I know you made it home safely. I feel responsible.”

“It’s not like you got me drunk,” I say, defensively. “I can take care of myself.”

“Are you always this stubborn? Letting someone help you isn’t a sign of weakness. The weak people are the ones that think they have to do everything on their own.”

My face sags in a frown as I consider what he’s saying. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to let him give me a ride? He seems like a nice enough guy. Hell, a few minutes ago I was ready to
him take me home.

Then something occurs to me, and I let out a tiny laugh. He frowns at me, giving me a curious look.

“What is it?” he asks.

I smile up at him. “I just realized something… I don’t even know your name.”

His cheeks turn such a crimson red that I can’t help but let out another laugh.

He lets out a light chuckle from somewhere deep in his chest. I’m so close to him that I can feel it reverberate against me. It’s an honest laugh, one that isn’t afraid if it draws attention.

“And you think I’m such a player. Would a player be so star struck by a beautiful girl that he forgets to ask her name?”

Now it’s my cheeks’ turn to burn red hot. It has absolutely nothing to do with the alcohol still buzzing its way through my head. We both let out a laugh together, and I instantly feel closer to him than I’ve felt to anybody in a long time.

“My name is Isaac Drake,” he says, giving me a warm smile and holding his hand up to me.

“Hannah Barnes,” I say, putting my hand in his.

His hand is as strong as rock, but still gentle as it closes around mine.

“Well, Ms. Barnes, I’d be honored if you’d do me the privilege of letting me ensure you make it home safely, tonight.”

I consider it for a few moments, and then finally nod.

“Okay, Mr. Drake, I’ll let you take me home.” I jab a finger into his rock hard chest—I’m pretty sure it hurts me more than it hurts him. “But it’s
a ride home. There will be no funny business of any kind.” An amused smile spreads on his face and I give him a puzzled look. “What’s that look for? I’m being serious!”

His grin widens, revealing two sexy dimples in his cheeks. Where have those been all night? My heart races so hard in my chest that I almost don’t even hear what he says.

“It’s nothing. It’s just… I hope you’re comfortable riding on the back of a bike. I left the Jag at home.”

A bike?

A Jag?!

Trouble, here I come.

Chapter 4

Isaac leads me outside, and sitting right there on the curb is a sleek, expensive-looking motorcycle. Just like he’d promised. He grabs the helmet off the seat and hands it to me.

“Safety first,” he says, with a wink.

“And what about a helmet for you?” I ask.

He gives me a sexy smile and a shrug.

“Like I said, I’m not good at this whole picking-women-up thing.”

“You’re doing a pretty good job so far,” I say, giving him a fierce little smile before I pull the helmet over my head.

Isaac climbs on the bike and kicks the throttle. He revs the engine a few times, making it roar to life, then he holds his hand out to me. He steadies me as I climb onto the back of it. Instinctively, I wrap my arms around his waist and nestle my head against his back. His abs feel tight and firm as I hold onto him. I can’t help but spread my legs a little wider and press myself up against him as much as possible.

I tell him where we’re going and he gives me a cocky smile.

“Hold on tight,” he says. “It’s going to be a fun ride.”

Now, I don’t know if you’ve ever ridden on the back of a bike while clutching a sexy British guy in your arms, but if you haven’t you really should. There’s just nothing quite like it.

As we pull away from the curb and go jetting through the streets of New York City I can’t help but get excited by the way the bike vibrates between my legs. I squeeze myself even tighter against him, and every once in a while he gives me a grin over his shoulder. All of the jostling and vibrating has me so turned on I don’t know what to do with myself. And by the time we turn onto my street I know I’m headed for trouble.

We pull up to the curb of my building and as we come to a stop Isaac flips the kickstand down and turns the key on the ignition. The deafening sound of the bike’s engine dies away, as do the exhilarating vibrations between my legs.

I throw my leg over the bike, climbing off of it, and pull the helmet off my head. I’m certain that my usually flowing brown hair is a complete mess. It’s an unusually clear night in the city, and Isaac’s eyes twinkle in the moonlight as he takes the helmet from me. He fixes me with that sexy, dimpled smile for what could have been an eternity.

“This is a pretty nice place,” he says, glancing past me at my building. “Now I know why you’re scared to bring a sexy guy home from the pub.”

I cock an eyebrow at him. “What makes you think I’m scared?”

He nods at the building behind me. “I’m guessing you still live with your parents? They’re pretty well off to be living in a swanky building like this.”

The world stills around me at the mention of my parents. They’re a sore subject—not exactly something I’m about to get into with a guy that I just met in a bar.

“Well, you’re wrong,” I say. “I have my own place.” I give him a defiant look, then wince. “Well, I do have a roommate, but the place is mine.”

His face darkens as he studies me. “A bloke?”

I shake my head. “It’s nothing like that. She’s an old friend of mine from high school. She needed a place to stay and I told her she could stay with me when I moved back.”

His face lightens again and he gives me a triumphant look.

“So I was right the first time…”

I frown. “What were you right about?”

He nods at the building again. “I was right that your parents must be well off. How else can a young lass like you afford a place like this?”

I feel my face darkening as I stare down at him on the bike.

“Just because a girl has a nice place doesn’t mean that it’s a gift from someone else. And I’m not all
young. Can’t a girl make it on her own in this world, or are you one of those guys that thinks we should just stay at home in the kitchen, cooking and waiting for you to come home from work?”

My heart is pounding in my chest harder than it had been before. But this time it has nothing to do with being turned on. Anger courses through me because this Isaac guy presumes to know everything about me just because of my address.

I don’t take hand-me-downs. I work hard and earn everything I get.

Isaac holds his hands up, his eyes widening in surprise.

“Easy. I meant no offense,” he says. He gives me another jovial, way-too-British smile. “Your face is so red. You’d think I just spat in your mum’s face or something.”

Finally, a tiny smile tugs at my lips. He doesn’t know it but he’s just suggested the one thing I would probably be okay with.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to turn into a psycho or anything. I’m just sensitive about certain things.”

He gives me another one of his fiendish grins, sending another wave of flitters through my chest. A tense silence passes between us as I return his smile.

“Well, thanks for being such a gentleman. Now you don’t have to toss and turn all night worrying about whether or not I was abducted by some untoward cabbie.”

I give him a wider smile, hoping he’ll appreciate the little joke I made, but the tiny smirk on his face remains serious.

“I’m not afraid of a little tossing and turning tonight,” he says, smoothly.

Ripples of desire go running deep through my center. He gives me a look that would turn any normal girl to putty in his hand. I’m sure he’s used to getting his way with girls when he looks at them like that.

“You’re trouble,” I admit.

His brow rises. “I was thinking the same thing about you.”

I scoff and push him on the shoulder, playfully.

“That’s not a nice thing to tell a girl. What kind of trouble could I possibly be?”

He gives me a sinister grin.

“The best kind.” My pulse races as he holds my gaze. “…and the worst kind.”

I let out a little laugh.

“Well, you almost had me until that last part.”

why you’re the worst kind.” His eyes narrow just a bit as he nods his head and points at me. “You’re the kind of girl that gets a guy all wrapped around her little fingers. You make him think he’s found the secrets of the entire universe bundled in his arms. And then you shatter his heart into a million tiny pieces.”

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