Good Together (11 page)

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Authors: Valentina Heart

Tags: #Gay, Contemporary, Romance

BOOK: Good Together
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"Archer is asleep and Zach just went to the store like ten minutes ago. I'm away tomorrow and he figured he wouldn't have time to buy shit for the house." Noah sat down, too.

"I really picked the right moment." I rubbed against the short hairs on my head. I was going back to the full beard and hair how things were going.

"He'll be back soon enough. You know Zach hates wasting time." Noah smiled.

"I've been meaning to ask you, but honestly didn't even remember to call you again. Did you get in contact with Troy?" I looked at him and just by his expression I knew he didn't.

"Shit, man, I completely forgot." And I must have blanched because his next words were, "Are you all right?"

"I haven't spoken to him in over two weeks. We'd just gotten together and solved our differences and fucking misunderstandings. I might as well be at the beginning again. That is, if he'll even give me another chance." I stood up, lost as to what I should even do.

"I'm sure it'll be all right. Two weeks is not forever." Noah tried, but I wouldn't let him continue. "You can't know that. I haven't told him I would be gone, he has no idea why I just stopped calling or why my phone was disconnected. I'll be lucky if he ever speaks to me again. Shit." I swung my arm through the air in frustration.

"Maybe you could call the twins for his number?"

"Their numbers were on my phone which died, besides I doubt a simple phone call could fix this. I have to see him," I mumbled as I pressed my knuckles against my stubble.

"I'll send you their number right now. Give me a second." Noah started tapping on his phone and in moments I got it on my phone. I should have just called Noah again once I bought my new phone and asked for their number then. But there was no use crying now.

"Adam?" Gabriel answered after two rings sounding surprised.

"Yeah, sorry for calling at this hour, but with all the stuff with my mom and my phone I don't have Troy's number anymore and I need to let him know I'm still here."

"No problem. I'll give it to you right away. Michael said he'd spoken to him. Troy called while M was on a seminar so he had no idea what was up with you. I figured you'd spoken since then." Gabriel rattled out the number while I absentmindedly got a hold of a pen and a piece of paper. I felt even worse knowing that Troy had tried to reach me, but ended up calling the one person who wasn't in the loop. It was just our luck. I had to ask Gabriel to repeat the number when it occurred to me that I should just go there and handle this in person.

"Do you by any chance know his address?" I asked hopeful again. I was sure I could fix things with Troy when face to face.

"Give me a second." Gabriel ruffled through some papers before saying, "Here it is." He had me write it down.

"Thanks man. You're saving me here." I sighed with relief.

"No problem, any time. Go get him, Adam." Gabriel laughed at me before hanging up.

"I'll just go there now," I told Noah while getting up.

"It's kind of late." Noah pushed his hands in his pockets as he stood.

"I don't really care. I have to handle work tomorrow, and if I do see him it will most likely be at the same hour."

Noah just nodded while I rushed toward the door. "I'm catching a cab, and I'll just leave my things with you. Can you ask Zach to bring them to work? Looks like we'll just have to handle the business tomorrow anyway." I sighed, but my mind was already rushing through all the things I could say to Troy to make him forgive me.

"It's all right. Just go. And I'm sorry again for screwing up." Noah gripped my shoulder and leaned into me before pushing me toward the door.

"Fingers crossed, man," I said before dialing a cab company. That fucking number had stayed on my card, of course it had.


My knee was hopping in place during the whole ride there and by the time the cab dropped me off, my heart was going insane, and I could barely swallow, my throat was so dry.

Troy lived in a small three-story building and I couldn't see a light in any of the windows but it was already 10:30 p.m. I hoped he would answer his door despite the hour. So I gathered some of my courage and climbed to the second floor where I rang the doorbell and waited, holding my breath with every second passed.

When Troy finally opened the door, his dark hair was mussed, sticking out on one side and he was yawning. Until he realized who stood at his door. His eyes widened and he started smoothing out his hair. I couldn't resist a smile and just took the rest of him in. His robe was just thrown on, barely tied and slipping off one shoulder, showing off the wife beater underneath. He had wide striped cotton sleeping pants on that covered his bare feet so only his toes were showing. I loved the sight of him.

"Adam?" Troy eventually uttered, after God knows how long I'd just stood there, looking at him.

I took a step forward, still staying at the open doorway before I flooded him with apologetic words. "I'm so sorry for not calling you for so long. I dropped my phone in the toilet just as I was calling you to tell you my mom had broken her leg and I had to leave. I didn't have time to fix it, and when I finally did go to the shop I had to buy a new phone and they had to reactive my card and by then it was the middle of this past week. I still would have called, but my sister said something about numbers being on my phone instead of the card and I only had Zach and Noah's number. I'm so sorry for not getting in touch. I'd asked Noah to tell the twins, but he had interviews and concerts and forgot. I just found out when I went to their place. Can you please forgive me?" I took a deep breath, somewhat panting and waiting expectantly.

Troy just smiled, surprising me, and crossed the distance between us so that he could cup my hairy cheek. "I called the shop, Adam; talked to Zach. It's okay."

My relief was visible as I dropped my shoulders and head, still looking at him. "So we're okay?" I asked.

Troy smiled. "We're better than okay."

By that point I just couldn't control myself anymore. I reached for him, pulling at his robe until he was flush against me, and until his lips were a mere breath away. I waited for that one second of uncertainty which never came, then I leaned down and kissed him.

Soft lips, hot breath, and scratchy stubble, the wetness of his tongue and the playfulness of mine. I tugged at his upper lip before diving back in again, taking him, breathing him in, feeling the heat and want. I slid my hands up his neck, holding it as I rubbed against his scalp with my fingers, holding him in place. As first kisses went it was all I could have wanted and more, and when I finally moved away, just slightly, enough so that I could see his swollen, red lips and his glazed eyes, I only wanted him more.

Troy grinned and whispered as he panted slightly, "Why don't you come in." Then he wrapped his arms around my waist and walked backwards, pulling me all the way inside.



Walking through the park on our way home, I held Adam's hand with and ease that came from experience. Months had flown by with me barely sensing the passage of time, and I figured it was one of those things that just happened when you were overworked or simply happy.

A woman standing next to a bench surrounded by three children caught my attention, and I couldn't have said what was it about her in that moment, but I couldn't have turned away. Maybe it was the children, all of them preschoolers, one of them was screaming at the top of her lungs, the taller one flying his car repeatedly into the woman's thigh, or even the smallest one who'd climbed the bench and was yelling at his mother, persistently pulling at her sleeve.

It could have been her complete indifference, as she just stood there, a cigarette in one hand and a cell phone pressed against her ear as she chatted, laughed even, despite the overwhelming noise. But the more I looked at her, the more familiar she seemed and then she laughed particularly hard and I knew that laugh.

Judy looked at least ten if not fifteen years older than she was, with dry, old looking skin and chipped nails. She'd held onto the pregnancy weight in all the wrong places and despite her fancy clothes, she was far from the beauty who used to make my life hell.

I kept looking until we passed her and couldn't help myself as I viciously thought
Who's ugly and unhappy now?

As we reached our apartment I barely waited until the door closed before I was pushing Adam against it, kissing him while his thick beard insistently tickled.

"Horny?" Adam asked between kisses while he grabbed my ass and pulled me against him.

"You have no idea. Off," I said before biting his neck and ripping at his belt.

Adam pushed me away with controlled strength, something he knew turned me on, then in one move had my shirt and undershirt over my head. "Gorgeous," he mumbled while I got rid of my pants and was on him probably before he'd taken in his fill.

"Take them off," I growled between breaths as I ravaged his mouth and Adam unzipped his pants one handed, keeping the other on my back, holding me close.

I helped, tugging them down persistently even as they kept getting stuck over his sharp hips. He was fully hard by the time they were down to his knees and I barely took the time to ask "Ready?" Before I was jumping on him, wrapping my legs around his waist.

"Lube." Adam grunted and I twisted away, trusting he would hold me up even if I bent in half, and reached for the lube in a bowl by the door where we unashamedly kept one bottle with the keys.

"Put it in me." I thrust the little bottle in his hand, licking and sucking on his neck as I listened to his bitten off curses and sounds of his slicked fingers while he lubed himself up.

"Always so impatient," he teased as he pushed a finger up my ass, then added a second.

"More," I moaned, riding the digits.

Adam took hold of my cheek, opening me up, before he positioned his cock against my hole, testing with his fingertips until just one thrust of his hips was enough to slide him halfway in.

My moan sounded as if it came straight out of porn as he breached me, hot, hard and ready. And while it stung, so deliciously, I still pushed back against him, taking more but wanting him whole.

It was a discovery of sorts, when we'd first made love. Where I was insecure and hesitant at first, not sure if I would even like it, I had turned into a wanton and demanding sexual creature, wanting Adam in me all the time, in any way he could imagine.

"So tight," Adam hissed between his teeth, gripping both my cheeks now and pulling me all the way down.

I yelled, my eyes widening at the sheer length of him before I dug my nails in his shoulders, trying to hold on.

Then Adam turned us around, pressed me against the door and started slamming in. He rarely fucked slowly, liking the sound of our smacking hips and the feel of me around him. But me, I liked hanging on for the ride, to give him everything until I was too exhausted to even care if my cock was hard or not.

Adam spread me wider, and pushed his cock deeper and faster as he leaned his face against the door, his breath tickling my neck. He seemed larger than life sometimes, all hard muscles and colorful ink. But the move had pressed my cock between our bodies while his had found that magic spot that had me half-screaming with each thrust.

"Coming," he breathed and somehow quickened his pace until he was grunting and filling me up.

Barely a minute later I was all but flying through the air as he swung me away from the door and carried me to our bedroom. I was used to the surprising drop as my back hit the mattress and Adam caught himself on his hands just above me. His softening cock slipped out and even as I moaned at the feeling I spread my legs wider, opening myself for him.

"You want to come?" Adam asked grinning as he licked and then took my nipple in his mouth.

And he only asked because while Adam could go on multiple times with barely any rest, I tended to fall asleep as soon as I came.

All he needed was a nod and he was down, swallowing my cock and thrusting two of his fingers up my ass. With the burning mouth and skilled fingers, it took him mere seconds to bring me off. Disregarding my yells of pleasure and eventual sensitivity, he still sucked off the last drop and kept on gently licking while I twitched like a broken toy.

"Good?" he asked eventually, grinning from between my thighs.

I mumbled something I considered as good as a ringing endorsement.

"Love me enough to go again?" I could hear him laugh as I closed my eyes, but I couldn't do anything other than jerk my knee against him as a sign that he should shut up now.

"Troy." Adam moaned the word, deliberately teasing me.

"Oh my God, Adam! Do you really want me to speak right now?" I half-groaned half-yelled out the words while I pulled my knees together above his face and curled on my side.

"You know what I want." He was still grinning at me, I saw when I opened one of my eyes so I sighed, pretending to be put out and patted the space in front of me with the least amount of energy I could use.

Adam crawled up to me, pushing my legs down and worming his way as close to me as he could. I patted his cheek and kissed him, keeping my eyes closed I as mumbled, "I love you. You're amazing and we're great together."

"That's all I wanted to hear, baby. You can sleep now," he said back sweetly, kissing my nose.

"Oh, thank you, Jesus," I whined before I was out for the count.

About the Author

Valentina tended to carry heavy romance books from the library even when just a child, but when combined with the constant need to create becoming and author wasn’t really a stretch. From experimenting with new recipes to making jewelry and painting shelves, it’s become a constant battle to find some free time even if it’s to spend it with her two Maine Coon cats.

Be it reading, writing or working, all of it happens at the coast of Adriatic where she seems to be constantly waiting for summer and thinking of new happy endings.

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