Good Together (7 page)

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Authors: Valentina Heart

Tags: #Gay, Contemporary, Romance

BOOK: Good Together
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I was out of my element as they herded me toward the club and said little, but since I was surrounded by mainly women, it didn't look like I even needed to participate much. They asked and answered for me, and when I did manage to reply, it usually went against the general opinion and the women won either way.

It was still rather early when we got to the club and only a few of the patrons were dancing. But I knew from past experience a birthday party was something that tended to last long into the night. So I cradled my first drink and did my best to stretch it out, hoping that the shots would pass me by and I would actually remember going home this time.

While I might not spend much of my off time with my colleagues, I knew them to be sly individuals, and true to their colors, I was three drinks in, watching the moving bodies on the dance floor when the questions started.

"So, Troy, do you have a squeeze these days?" Mia, from the second floor advertising department, asked.

"I'm sorry, a what?" I squinted at them, trying to decipher her words.

"Are you fucking anybody?" She deadpanned and if I'd been drinking it would have probably been coming out my nose. Instead I went my usual lobster red and ducked my head as I mumbled, "No."

"Speak up!" Linda jumped in, leaning over two other women with a tilted drink in her hand.

"No," I said louder, annoyed.

"Well, why not?" April added. She was probably the most sober of us.

"I just don't. Can we drop it?" I tried, this time draining my glass.

"Ohhhh. Was it a bad break up?" Kay drawled and I just shot her a look.

"So that's why you've been moping around and working your ass off." Mia nodded to herself as if I'd just spilled the whole story.

"Quickly, give him another drink, something strong before you ask another question," Kay whispered to April loud enough for all of us to hear. But April didn't even hesitate. She just pushed two of the four cups we still had unclaimed between us, and I thought,
Why the hell not?

Quickly, before I could change my mind, I downed both of them and took measure of my inquisition. All the girls had their attention on me, so there was no way I was getting out of it. The three other guys who came were in their little world, talking about a sport of some kind and slowly drinking their beers. I deeply envied them.

"Drunk enough?" Mia asked.

"If he isn't yet, he will be soon," Linda told them through a hiccup.

"Was he cute?" Mia mock whispered at me after frowning Linda's way, something the drunk birthday girl completely missed.

I sighed before barely nodding my head. Then I covered my ears as all of them unattractively squealed.

"Why did you break up?"

"Who broke up with whom?"

"Was he good in bed?"

"Do you have a picture?" They all jumped in quickly enough that I had trouble following who was asking which question.

"We just went on one date; Jesus. It was a disaster, and I stopped answering his calls. Happy now?" I snipped angrily.

They were quiet enough that I felt bad for yelling at them, but that quickly changed as they braved it again, and carried on without mercy for the next few hours.

I was drunk off my ass and completely frazzled by the time Kay dropped her arm around my shoulders and leaned in. "I think it's time for us to go dancing. Y'know, move our ass and show our tits."

"I don't have those," I mumbled and tried to right the world around me while she pulled her way and kept on tilting it.

"Sure you do." She leaned her head on my shoulder. "Smaller tits and, what's that word… Stronger ass. No. That's not it. Maybe tight. Yes, you're a tight ass."

I was still processing but the rest of the girls burst in laughter.

"Come on. Leave the crazies. Let's go daaancing!" Kay pouted only to start pulling at my hand in the next second.

I stood up and was about to move toward the dance floor when Mia shouted at me, "No! You can't go like that." Her words caught the attention of the rest of the women, and soon I was out of my jacket and tie, with my shirt unbuttoned all the way and the undershirt showing together with my pale skin.

"I'm naked," I mumbled.

April heard me and grinned maliciously before saying, "No, you're not. But you could be."

My expression must have been one of horror because all of them were suddenly cackling at me, and Kay managed to pull me away, deeper into the crowd.

Everything swayed around me and the flashing lights did little to help, but quickly enough I had Kay hanging off me while I leaned on her as much as I could. We moved together, barely keeping our balance, and while she casually rubbed against me, I couldn't help it but want someone a bit firmer, stronger. Someone taller and absolutely more male. I would definitely rub against that. I thought to myself then promptly moaned as my hips encountered nothing but air. Kay was just too short. And the wrong things were pressing against me.

Then she chuckled, joined by someone behind me. "You don't like my tits?" Kay was having trouble breathing she was laughing so hard and she moved away, while someone's strong chest pressed against my back, and I definitely wasn't feeling any tits there. I trembled in delight.

"Is that better?" Kay grinned evilly before she grazed her knuckles against the bulge in my pants making me hitch forward, only to be caught and pulled back by the person behind me.

Kay moved away for whatever reason, quickly catching another guy to dance with, but to be honest, I paid little attention to her. My senses were filled with a somewhat familiar scent, the large arms cradling me against a rock hard chest and the huge thigh that had found its way between my legs. I looked down and squeezed with my own thighs. "So strong," I mumbled.

"Is this what you wanted?" the voice whispered and I shivered in anticipation.

"Yes. It's perfect," I hissed as I pushed my chest forward but rubbed my ass against the hard cock behind me. I reached up as I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the man's shoulder, pressed my face against his smooth cheek.

"You're perfect. So hot." I felt the burning tongue against my jaw and finally connected my hand to the man's smooth head. I pulled him harder against me, wanting more of him.

"You're gonna be the death of me." He wrapped his hands around my waist, making me feel almost tiny.

"That's all right. Lil' death is always welcome," I told him, thinking how I was already halfway there.

His chest almost vibrated against me as he laughed, and I whined, shivering when he touched my overheated skin with the tips of his fingers. "It would be so good, too. Your taste on my lips, the moans under me as I broke you apart." The voice almost had me coming I was so hard.

"Get on with it!" I shouted, frustrated and turned in his arms to look at him. Only I wasn't quite prepared for the familiar sight.

My throat dried up, and I gaped like a fish. Adam, half lidded, watching me as if I'd brought him the moon had my heart skipping a beat. He was even more beautiful under the colorful light, and I had no idea he actually hid such a strong body under his clothes. I shivered beneath his gaze but was hardly willing to move away.

"What do you need?" Adam leaned down, sliding his smooth cheek against mine.

Without even picking my words, I blurted out my desire. "You."

Adam's smile had my alcohol addled mind melting and I leaned into him again, my erection all but forgotten.

Chapter Eight


I was supposed to meet with a couple of my friends but ended up coming to the club early just to pass the time. The music was good, a few guys even worth checking out so I took a seat at the bar, drank and crowd gazed until Alex and Ray stumbled their way inside. They were already tipsy and caught the attention of their fans if the couple of people stopping them were anything to go by.

I shook my head and downed my drink, ordering another just to keep up. They were younger than me and still played hockey and while I did my best not to watch every game, I did know they'd won a couple of nights ago. It's been a few years since the last time I saw them, and I was happy for the opportunity.

"Herty! Isn't there an age limit to this club?" Ray punched me in the shoulder as he dropped down in the seat next to me.

"Piss off," I told him with a grin.

"That's the man we remember." Alex wrapped his arm around my head and pulled me to his side.

"I'm not as tough as I used to be, go easy on me." I pushed two fingers under his ribs, making him let go.

"So what have you been up to? None of the boys had any work done lately and that seems to be the only way we can get any news about you." Ray complained just before ordering a drink.

"You know, marking people for life, ignoring hockey as much as I can and trying to score."

"That's living, man." Alex sighed next to me and before you know it, it was like we saw each other yesterday and just needed to catch up.

People came up to us, some recognizing even me when next to the two still active hockey players, and after a while, when my mind was already faintly swimming, and Alex and Ray were busy signing away, I turned back toward the crowd.

Even with the low lighting it didn't take me long to notice Troy in the middle of the dance floor, barely standing and hugging a woman. Shock slammed into me at first. But as I watched him move, relaxed and completely different than any other version of him I couldn't help myself. I squashed the sliver of jealousy and just watched, yearning, until I told myself what the hell. I might as well enjoy one night when I can't have him otherwise. And I pushed away from the bar until I found myself right behind him, listening to his drunken thoughts and remembering exactly why I felt such a connection to him. I just knew we could be great together.

Pulling him closer seemed natural, feeling him all over just divine, and in minutes it was as if we'd just taken off from where we'd left behind months ago. I couldn't find it in myself to mind, and I only hugged him closer, trying to catch his jumbled words and only wanting him more with each one.

"I need a drink." He suddenly pushed away from me and took hold of my hand. "Come with me."

So without much choice I was dragged all the way to a table filled with women and neatly deposited in a free chair. The last thing I expected was for Troy to simply drop in my lap and lean against me as if we were still on the dance floor. Not willing to make a fuss about something that actually suited me, I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer, burying my nose against his neck.

"Way to go, Troy. He'll make you forget any ex, all right." A redhead piped in and I peeked from behind Troy's hair to look at her.

"Shut up," Troy told her and then demanded, "Someone get me some water."

"Here you go you drunk little tight ass," another one said handing him a bottle and suddenly all of them started laughing.

"Hey! You're Adam Herter," a guy at the table next to ours said, and suddenly the other two who were with him looked over, their eyes wide and surprised. I had no idea how they managed to even recognize me. But it happened often when I was without a beard and hair.

"Keep your hands to yourselves," Troy told them as they moved to get closer to me.

"Relax, Troy. You can have him. We would just appreciate an autograph," the first guy said with a half-smile and one hand lifted as if to calm Troy down.

"Oh," Troy said, then bit his lip, looking absolutely adorable and gazed straight into my eyes. "Is that all right with you?"

Even with all the booze in my system I could have laughed at him. He was too good for words. "Yes. That's all right with me," I confirmed for him.

"All righty," he told them even as he patted my cheek with his palm.

I was so consumed with Troy that I barely registered the pieces of paper and a pen thrust in front of me. I was willing to do a lot to make him see just how good we were together.

"Can you be just mine now?" Troy wrapped his arms around my shoulders and leaned his head against the closer one so that I had to move my head back enough to be able to see him.

"Whose else could I be?" I asked, distracted by his slightly parted lips.

"They knew you." He thrust his chin in the direction of the three guys who'd gotten their autograph and were now chatting, heads close to one another.

"A lot of people know me. It doesn't mean I want to spend time with them," I whispered, lifting my hand to brush his hair out of his eyes.

Troy hummed quietly, as if appreciating the touch before he focused his gaze on me once again. "Are you angry with me?" he whispered softly.

I took my time to sort my own feelings, unsure where this whole situation would leave me in general. Coming to the conclusion that honesty should always be the best policy, I tilted my head and really looked at Troy while I spoke.

"A little bit. You just blew me off, without an explanation or even a chance to make things right. When just days before we'd decided, together I might add, that we would give us a chance. I'm not gonna lie. It hurt."

Troy looked down, biting his lip. "I'm sorry. I'm a jackass."

I smiled. "Are you telling me, or apologizing for it?"

"What?" His eyes were so big as he lifted his head and focused on my face.

"Are you just telling me you're a jackass, or apologizing for being a jackass to me?" Smirking, I tugged lightly at the hair on the back of his neck.

"Ow. That hurt!" He complained even though I knew I didn't pull hard enough to cause him pain. The little devious creature wanted to change the subject.

"Shots!" someone yelled, startling both of us from the somewhat intimate moment.

 "Noooo!" Troy wailed and almost fell out of my lap.

"Yes, yes." A brunette grinned almost maniacally as she pushed four cups our way.

"I can't. I'm too drunk already!" Troy complained again, but the brunette was relentless, "That's why three of those are for the hunk. You can handle the one."

This time I looked at her in surprise, not sure if I could manage three on top of everything else I'd already had.

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