Good Together (3 page)

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Authors: Valentina Heart

Tags: #Gay, Contemporary, Romance

BOOK: Good Together
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"Troy still hasn't heard about it. He might be interested," I defended myself halfheartedly. I wasn't really planning to talk about hockey the whole night, but it was a matter of principles.

Zach moaned and buried his head against Archer's neck, making him squeal.

"I know. I should have kept quiet," Michael told Zach and I almost felt offended.

"I wouldn't mind. I don't have a clue about the sport," Troy said, but he glanced my way too, and he did it with a smile.

Just the one show of support made him even more likeable, and I
wanted to ask him on a date. What came out instead was gratitude. "Thanks, man. I appreciate it. You could never tell these assholes are my friends."

Troy chuckled, but Zach raised his voice, all indignation and scorn, "Hey! Watch your language."

Only then I remembered Archer and sheepishly I said, "Sorry."

"Yeah. If we have to cut the curse words out of our vocabulary, you should fall victim of that rule, too," G added, making me roll my eyes.

"Just in front of Archer," Zach said. "He picks them up faster than anything I repeat a thousand times. It's frustrating."

"Must be a joy to hang around Noah and his band." I grinned at him.

Zach groaned. "You have no idea. Makes me want to wash their mouths with soap each time before I let them see my son."

"Is he famous?" Troy suddenly asked and all of us looked at him in surprise.

"You've never heard of Guessing Game?" Zach asked, and I suddenly felt the need to defend Troy.

"It's not like you were any better. You had no idea who Noah was," I put in.

Zach blushed. "Well, I was busy. I had no time to listen to music."

"I've heard of them. I even know a couple of songs. I just never saw a video or anything. He has that familiar face but I still couldn't place him. I must have seen him on TV or something." Troy explained.

Before anyone could answer him, the waiter appeared with our food and the words slowly petered off as we ate.

After the meal, I tried to catch Troy's gaze again to start another conversation, but the others seemed to be working against me, and each time I asked a question, I got three answers I didn't want while Troy went back to his two word sentences. By the time we were heading out, I was slightly pissed off, and Troy must have sensed it because no matter how many times I tried to get close to him, he kept moving away until he was headed home, and I was stuck with the twins.

With nothing else to do and little patience for more chatter, I said my goodbyes and walked home. I was still climbing into the building when I took out my phone and called my sister.

"Hey, Adam. Long night?" I could hear her messing about with the dishes and I felt that little pang again. I loved her kids although I rarely saw them and I ached for the same rush and mess in my own home. I craved company.

"You could say that. It's like the world is working against me," I complained as I got into the apartment and dropped down on the couch. I pushed off my shoes and stared at the ceiling while she talked.

"Is it that guy again?" She chuckled before I heard more glasses clinking.

"Troy. Yes. I saw him again tonight. And it was going much better than last time. He actually talked to me. But once we were interrupted it was like he got cold feet again. It's so damn frustrating." I kicked out at my shoe, sending it under the coffee table.

"Maybe you just need to get him alone. He might be shy or something," Hayley said then yelled at her youngest to stop screaming.

"It's not even that. I've dated shy guys before. He just shuts down and moves away. It's as if I frighten him. Once we actually talk he's really open and curious." I lay down on the couch, lifting one of my legs up to the coffee table.

"What do you want me to tell you? You need to be patient if you really want him. Wait him out and see where it takes you. You won't get anywhere by forcing it."

"Do you think it's worth it? He might just turn out to be an asshole," I complained, missing our drinking dates where we both poured our hearts out then pretended we hadn't shared any of the embarrassing secrets.

"Adam, you won't know if you don't try it. In the end there's nothing to lose. You can either pout there alone or give it your best effort. At least this way you won't have any regrets in a couple of years and wonder what could have happened with that cute little guy," Hayley said in her strict, mother voice, expecting me to obey.

"Yeah, you're right. I guess I just needed a kick in the ass." I sighed deeply, thinking of ways I could get closer to Troy without pushing him.

"That's what I'm here for, big brother. Listen, I gotta go. Lor is pinching Dennis again. He's just begging for a spanking." She yelled the last part for Lor's benefit.

"Sure, sis. Show them who's boss." I laughed.

"You better believe it." She laughed, too, before hanging up.

I threw my cell phone on the table and spun the whole night again in my head. I had to figure out what I did wrong and try my best not to do it again. Troy was worth the effort, and, like Hayley said, it wasn't like I had anything better to do.

Chapter Three


It was already dark outside by the time I finally left work and my mood matched the cloudy sky overhead. We were working on a two-man project and nothing was going right. I probably would have stayed there for another couple of hours, but Kay decisively dismissed all my tries to keep working on the code and shooed me home.

But home wasn't a place where I wanted to be. It would be quiet and depressing and I just knew I would keep spinning the numbers and solutions in my head for the rest of the night. So I took a cab, suit and all, and headed to Gabriel's bar. Maybe some company would cheer me up, even if I ended up talking to Logan. If nothing else, Logan could always make me a cocktail to loosen me up.

I was barely out of the cab when Michael appeared with Archer in his arms. "Hold the cab."

I told the driver to wait a minute and turned toward Michael. "You're in a hurry?"

"I have to drop off Archer at the shop. Zach won't be done for another hour and I have to go meet G in half that. Adam said to bring him; that it's no trouble." He gave me Archer's bag.

"So there's no one I know in the bar?" I asked as I opened the door for him.

"No. Do you want to come with me?" He was obviously preoccupied with Archer and barely spared me any attention. But I also didn't want to go home yet and Adam wasn't really horrible last time. If nothing else, Zach would be there and I could kill an hour.

"I might as well." I sighed and sat next to him while he told the driver the address and to drive slowly.

Archer was looking sleepy and had pushed his little head against Michael's neck while gripping his shirt in his small fist. I was so focused on him Michael's question startled me. "What's up with the suit?"

I looked at myself. "Oh. I got off work late and didn't feel like going home."

"Tough day?" He smoothed Archer's black hair while still looking at me.

"It really was. I would have stayed if Kay wasn't so opposed." I smiled thinking about it now.

"I'm sorry I couldn't take your mind off it. I already promised G." Michael looked somewhat sheepish, as if I would blame him for already having plans.

"It's all right. But while we're at it, I was wondering how long has that been going on?" I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

Michael honest to God blushed like I'd never seen him do before and hid as much of his face as he could against Archer's little head. "I don't know what you're talking about." The words came out as more of a mumble.

Grinning I went all out. "I'm talking about the obvious romance between M and G."

"Oh, God." Michael moaned. "How did you find out?" His eyes were pleading and panicked which wiped my grin off real quick.

"At the dinner last week. You didn't want to share with Adam, but I kept looking at you and the dots connected. Hey, man. I'm not gonna tell anyone, and I doubt people who don't know you would notice." I put my hand on his knee and squeezed in comfort.

"You think?" He was almost fearful, and it brought the seriousness of the situation to the fore. I was curious and was likely to be aroused when it came to two gorgeous twins getting it on, but most people would never think like that. M and G would face judgment quicker than they could finish a sentence. Not to mention that it probably wasn't legal in most states.

"I'm more than sure. I notice details, always have. But I wouldn't have connected it without knowing you guys first." I offered a reassuring look. "So, is the s-e-x any good?" I pinched just above his knee as I spelled the word.

"More than," he whispered with a deep sigh. "It all came to light that night you broke up with him. He couldn't handle it."

"Jesus, I'm so sorry…" I started only to be interrupted.

"No, it wasn't your fault. You were never right for each other, and both of you knew it. The trouble was between G and me. We were keeping secrets, and it was killing us. Now we're handling our issues before they accumulate."

"So you're happy?" I tried, still feeling the guilt.

"Oh yeah. I've always lived for him, but now I can show it, and he mirrors my feelings. It's the best a person could hope for."

"I'm glad. You're both great guys." And I would have hugged him if not for Archer and the cab driver suddenly telling us we were there and how much we owed him.

I handled the payment while Michael got out of the car, and soon I joined him in front of a colorful tattoo shop.

"Come on. I'm sure Adam will be happy to see you," Michael said as he pushed the door open while I carried Archer's bag.

Blushing like crazy, I followed him inside.

"Baby!" yelled a woman in skimpy clothes at the front, startling all three of us. But Archer screamed right back as soon as he saw her and almost jumped out of Michael's arms to get to her.

She came closer and took him, swinging the little guy above her head before hugging him closer.

"This crazy woman is Jill. Jill, this is Troy." Michael introduced us and we shook hands.

"Can you take them to Zach and Adam? I'm in a rush today," Michael said with a sheepish smile before saying goodbye and heading out.

"That kid." Jill shook her head. "Always running. Come on, I'll show you where Adam is. I think I better hold on to the little guy without him seeing his dad for now. He won't let him work otherwise." She walked deeper into the studio and I followed.

Tattoo stations were completely separated from the front part of the studio, and even inside each station had a privacy option via tall curtains that could be pulled around them. I saw a couple of doors in the back leading elsewhere and a lot of art and décor all around. From tattoo photos to guitars, knives and sculls. There was even a terrarium against one empty station but I honestly didn't even care to find out what could be inside.

"Adam, can we peek in? Troy and Archer are here," Jill said in front of a partially hidden station in the back.

I could hear voices from the inside, but with buzzing coming from two other stations I couldn't make out what they were saying until Adam called, "Sure. Troy, pick up a chair and join us. Mick here doesn't mind."

Blushing, I rolled over a chair from where Jill pointed at it before leaving, and peeked inside. Adam was bent over a man lying on a cushioned table on his stomach. He pulled away a fraction to look at me and smile before focusing on the tattoo. "Just pull up a chair and sit. We won't be more than half an hour. What brings you here?"

I nodded at the guy who was watching me curiously and taking the needle as if it didn't even sting, before answering. "I went to the bar and bumped into Michael. Since there was no one in the bar I followed. Didn't really feel like going home today."

The huge Viking on Mick's back looked mean and incredibly detailed even if somewhat swollen around the edges. It was one of those images that you had to admire because they really were very well done, but not something most people would imagine placing over their whole backs.

"Had a rough day?" Adam asked absentmindedly.

Chuckling, I couldn't help but share, "That's what Michael asked. But yeah. Not a good one. Hence the suit."

"I was wondering about that. It looks good on you." He paused long enough to look at me under his thick eyebrows before going back to sticking needles in Mick.

Mick, on the other hand, took the opportunity to take his fill of me, as if judging for himself if the suit really did fit nicely. Heat rushed to my face but I did my best to subdue the embarrassment. He was allowed to look.

"Thanks. It's not what I usually wear, but there was a meeting this morning," I babbled.

"Maybe you should reconsider then, because I'm happily involved and I, too, appreciate the view." Mick chimed in and I ducked my head while he chuckled.

With no smart comeback to throw out there I just moaned, amusing them some more.

"This might sting a little more," Adam suddenly said and while Mick barely acknowledged him, I could see him gritting his teeth under the pain.

Adam looked even more focused. His T-shirt stretched over his wide back allowing the muscles to stand out. I could see that the tip of the tattoo on his neck was in fact some sort of flame hugging the tendons and corded muscles and even his beard looked good from this angle. Arousal was slowly pooling down in all the undesirable places and I crossed my legs, hoping to hide whatever bulge might pop up when I least might want it. However, that didn't mean I could stop looking.

He had some really long eyelashes that made him look mild whenever I allowed myself to see him as something other than a guy who could really mess me up. But it was his arm that sealed the deal, and had me rearranging my weight in my seat. Muscles flexed as he worked, the full sleeve tattoo giving it shadows I never could have imagined on my own. And I found I really liked the tattooed body, the way a simple picture made it hard to look away, where color accentuated a person's strength. I even found I liked his fingers, the way he gripped the gun, firmly but with skill. I wondered if he would grip something else just the same.

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