Grayslake: More than Mated: Unbearable Love (Kindle Worlds Novella) (11 page)

BOOK: Grayslake: More than Mated: Unbearable Love (Kindle Worlds Novella)
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Chapter Eighteen
Eli - Three weeks later

they really have to come?” Lily stomped around the kitchen, pulling bowls and plates from the cupboard.

“Yes, they do. Your father is an Itan, and that demands our respect.” He loved it when she got all riled up. Lily’s irritation would turn into passion later and Eli was looking forward to that. An afternoon with Donovan Becket and his new wife, Julia, would turn out great for him once they left.

“I’ll give him a little respect, but don’t forget that he wanted to give me to his second-in-command as a broodmare.”

“Now you’re my broodmare.” Eli ducked. The melon she flung at his head missed him completely. What Lily wasn’t aware of yet was she was carrying his cub. Her senses weren’t that refined, but Eli knew the minute he spilled his seed inside her, it was a go. When her beautiful moods were all over the place, it was confirmed.

“I have this urge to shift and rip her neck out.”

“Oh, darlin’, she negotiated a truce by marrying your dad. Giving him a male heir is in her hands now. Plus, if Julia hadn’t placed that open season ad on the wereweb, we wouldn’t have met.” After Lily took off from the den three weeks ago, Julia stepped forward and asked Donavan Becket to impregnate her. She told him she was an Itan’s daughter, but would prefer the power of being an Itan’s wife. Something about her honesty spoke to Donovan. He liked her spirit and gumption, and he also liked her skinny, bag of bones body. So, when she promised to spit out cubs until he was satisfied, he took her into the woods and made it official.

Eli pulled her into his arms. “I love you, Lily.”

“I hate her, Eli.”

“But you love me.”

“I do love you, but I’ll love you less if you invite them here again.”

Lily leaned into his body and scented him. Her bear was showing itself more often. All Eli hoped for was a bloodless afternoon.

“They’re here.” He wrapped his arm around Lily and walked her to the door. He kept her tight against him for the purpose of containment.

Hand in hand, Julia and Donovan walked into their little house. Julia acted like she was seeing it for the first time. “How cute.”

Eli could feel the hairs sprout on Lily’s arms. He leaned down and whispered, “Take it easy, baby. She’s your father’s wife, and she deserves the respect that position affords her.”

“What she deserves is my boot up her skinny ass,” Lily said under her breath.

“Welcome to our home.” Eli offered a handshake to Donavon.

“Yes, welcome.” Lily’s voice was strained, but her bear was contained. They’d been working on her control for weeks. It was his favorite part of the day because when Lily shifted, she became so much more than a bear. She became his everything. There wasn’t a part of their life that wasn’t connected.

Eli knew trouble was coming when he saw the little sparkle in Lily’s eye. She held out her hand to Julia. “Can I take your jacket…Mom?”

Julia’s eyes bugged out. “Call me that again, and I’ll kill you,” she growled.

Eli stepped in. “Now Julia, you stepped into this life, you’ll have to own it.” He looked to Lily and smiled. “What are you going to do in six months or so when you become a grandma?” Eli’s hand came to rest on his wife’s stomach.

Lily’s eyes shot to her stomach and then back to Eli. “How did you know?”

“I just did, I felt it in every cell. Lily, you’re branded into my soul, how could you think I’d not feel the presence of our child?”

Lily lifted up on her tiptoes and kissed him. When they parted, the house was empty. All they saw was a smiling Donovan leading his screaming wife to the car.

More Grayslake

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Unbearable Love
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Discover the series that inspired the World!

AUTHOR: Celia Kyle

TITLES: (listed in series order)

No Ifs, Ands or Bears About It | All Roar and No Bite | Roaring Up the Wrong Tree | Howl My Name | Sunday Bear-beque


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See the Kindle World books HERE.

ere are
a few other books in the Grayslake: More than Mated Kindle World for you to check out:

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: Lyin’ Heart

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: Secrets to Bear

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: Furrever Yours

AUTHOR: Georgette St. Clair

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: Paws and Surrender

AUTHOR: Josie Walker

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: Fated and Furr-ocious

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: Lion to Get Her

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: Creed’s Claim

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sure you check out the newest batch of Grayslake: More than Mated Kindle World books that released on September 20th, 2016!
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of Love by Ally Summers

Make Her Howl by Flora Dare

Bears Do It Better by Jessie Lane

Bear Up by Mina Carter

Un-Bear-able Love by K. Collins

Dirty Lion Bastard by Renee George

Waking the Bear by Ruby Shae

UnBearable Secrets by Terra Wolf


to thank the readers for taking a chance on Unbearable Love. I am a contemporary romance writer that veered out of her lane to write this book.

I wanted to give a shout out to Rebel Edits and Graphics for the awesome cover.

Thank you Jennifer at the Twitching Pen for your thorough edits.

Thanks Tammy for always taking the time to proof my work. This manuscript is better because of your eagle eye.

Most important is a thank you for every reader who opened a book and ventured into a new world.

About the Author

elly Collins or K. Collins
in this case writes with the intention of keeping the love alive. Always a romantic, she is inspired by real-time events mixed with a dose of fiction. She encourages her readers to reach the happily ever after but bask in the afterglow of the perfectly imperfect love.

Kelly lives in Colorado at the base of the Rocky Mountains with her husband of twenty-five years, their two dogs, and a bird that hates her. 

In her spare time, she enjoys walking the trails and visiting the mining towns like Cripple Creek. It could be there is gambling available, but she likes to think it's the ambience that brings her there and not the amazing slot machine in the back of the casino. 

In the winter, you'll find her tucked into her seat at The World Arena cheering her beloved Colorado College Tigers Hockey Team.  After several losing seasons she knows there's a win coming soon.  Kelly is no fair weather fan. Tigers to the death.  

She has three amazing children, and she wonders how they all turned out to be engineers when only the creative side of her brain seems to work. She just chalks it up to the engineering genes her husband contributed to the mix. 

Creative minds need an outlet and writing books is where she focuses her excess energy.

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